Please place your SOHO , STEREO and Magnetosphere images here!

Related Information:

NASA Cover-Up

NASA's Movies

Winged Globe

String of Pearls

Planet X Personas

Planet X Moon Swirls [2]

Additional Information from the F.A.Q:

Q: What is the "Earth Wobble"?

Q: How can I understand the Magnetosphere-simulator?

Q: Is there a relationship between disturbances shown on the Magnetosphere-simulator and seismic activity?
A: Magnetic twist and the effects

Kojima's analysis

Q: What are the SOHO images showing?

Planet X Captures on SOHO & STEREO (2010 - 2013)

Latest images:






Particle-Wind Density

Particle-Wind Speed

Particle-Wind Pressure

ZetaTalk from Dec, 26. 2011:

Comment by Nancy Lieder

@Howard, here's the new ZT promised:


We have explained the twisting and deforming Earth magnetosphere as either
1. an end-to-end alignment
so that the Earth’s S Pole seems to be missing altogether, only the blue outbound lines apparent in a compressed magnetosphere, or
2. the Earth’s magnetosphere subsumed
into the magnetosphere of Planet X so that the outbound magnetons from Earth go directly to Planet X, and those returning to the Earth’s S Pole come directly from Planet X.

The image in question, dated Christmas day December 25, 2011, is a version of the compressed magnetosphere, but under pressure from a Planet X that is coming ever closer. This is the reason for the increased violence of the wobble, as the PUSH away of the Earth’s N Pole is stronger. This is the reason for the Sun appearing so far to the south at this time, as the Earth is leaning its N Pole away from the N Pole of Planet X. A quick and violent lean into opposition could also occur, due to this increased pressure.

Prior ZT:
What would explain the magnetic twist, where Earth's field appears to be heading in the wrong direction entirely? Some magnetons from the N Pole of Planet X, which has a wide field, drift to the S Pole of Earth rather than travel on to the S Pole of Planet X.


Prior ZT:
What would cause the Earth's magnetosphere to temporarily show only an outbound stream (blue lines), bypassing the Earth's S Pole? It is as though the magnetons are diverted away from returning to the Earth's S Pole, and this is what is occurring. When the N Pole of Planet X temporarily pointed its N Pole at Earth, forcing an end-to-end alignment of their magnetospheres.


Please post Planet X related captures here:


The original posting is missing because the former author left this Ning and chose to delete all content. 

All comments since Jan 2012 until April, 06 2012 have been restored.


Views: 517823


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Comment by Poli on December 15, 2016 at 8:16pm
Comment by Poli on December 14, 2016 at 4:32pm
Comment by Poli on December 10, 2016 at 8:19am
Comment by Poli on December 8, 2016 at 4:14pm
Comment by Poli on December 5, 2016 at 4:00pm
Comment by Poli on December 1, 2016 at 5:49pm
Comment by Mark on November 21, 2016 at 12:44pm

Mysterious sphere zooms past the sun on NASA camera – and UFO fans think it’s a rogue planet

A huge sphere has been spotted in front of the sun on NASA camera footage – and UFO fans fear it might be a ‘rogue planet’ on the loose in our solar system.

Others fear it might be a huge Death Star-style UFO.
The pictures were taken by Nasa’s sun-orbiting STEREO satellites – and picked up by Facebook users after they were published online.
‘It certainly does look exceptional and I’m stumped,’ wrote YouTube user mrfaithandphysics.
‘I’d say rogue planet, but we don’t see it moving and then it’s gone.’

Another user added: ‘I have downloaded the images from SECCHI HI1 and this is strange.’
The images were posted on Facebook by Pamela Jonhson, who claimed the sphere had caused a reaction in the Sun before it disappeared.
But not everyone was buying that it was an unexplained flying object.
‘Ok if you ask me, Nasa would never be so careless to allow something like this to reach the public,’ Mike Sovereign added.

Comment by Poli on November 17, 2016 at 4:23pm
Comment by Poli on November 16, 2016 at 4:01pm
Comment by Poli on November 14, 2016 at 6:42pm

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