Check the latest media appearances:

The American Heroes Channel (AHC) featured Planet X as one of the How the World Ends series. Nancy and ZetaTalk were featured, as well as the biodome designs done by Nancy's son, Kurt. This can be streamed from their website.

ZetaTalk will be featured on Coast-to-Coast am for two hours on Wednesday October 19, 2016. The invite came the same day that Obama signed his new Executive Order on "space weather" threats, and this cannot be a coincidence. ZetaTalk and Nancy were last on Coast-to-Coast in 2011.  Talking Points have been prepared, to include the increased Visibility of Nibiru, the increased Daily Earth Wobble, EMP Events such as Hoboken, the Aftertime Land Grabs by the elite and the Facebook smack down, the unfolding Prongs Announcing Nibiru, and increasing Conscious Contact. The last hour is as usual Open Lines for callers.

Starting on August 3, 2015 the Zeta Report has been made a partner with USA Emergency Broadcast Network. First Monday of each month, Nancy and the Zetas are now on LIVE at 4:00 CT. These shows are then made available on the Zeta Report archives as streaming archives and for Mobile aps and wrapped into YouTube videos and listed on the Interviews page. Past shows included Off-Grid Power Solutions and Survival Mindset and Plate Movements, the 3,600 Year Signature, Evidence Nibiru has Returned and for August 3 Pending Disasters in N America. Tune in at 5:00 pm ET each month!

Delo X in Moscow

Nancy was on the Delo X show on Russian TV on June 26, 2013 at 12:50 Moscow Time discussing visitations and hybrid babies. Archive is available. In Russian except for Nancy's portion (most of which was not played to allow the Russian translator to explain what Nancy said.).  Nancy was also featured on Ren TV on January 3, 2013. In Russian.

Our tiny family just witnessed a milestone event. We saw your appearance on one of the main Russian channels. Being old fans of your work, we were very excited to see you and Mikhael Kashin, the Russian ZetaTalk mirror supervisor, on a TV screen.

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Comment by Moderating Staff on May 27, 2012 at 1:00pm

Nancy and the Zetas appeared in the monthly newsletter Misteriji ( in Slovenia.


Points that were covered: a short history of Planet X, 1 to 10 scale progression, the 7 of 10 sequence was pretty well laid out as were some of the current 7 of 10 events, mainly in SE Asia, with some satellite coverage. Economic and social turmoil, as predicted by the Zetas, also got a mention as did the floppy red filter.


The article did not cover ZetaTalk exclusively as it was mixed with other theories. Due to the posting rules on the Ning, we will not list everything else that was discussed in the article and will not publish it here. Since magazine editors make their own policies as to what gets published and what does not, it is not a surprise that a lot of disinfo was featured as well.


However we feel the general outlook of the coverage was positive and has the potential of waking many people up. The strong points will sink into the minds of many readers, especially the current events unfolding as predicted by the Zetas will prompt many to go to the ZetaTalk site and check things out for themselves.

Comment by Moderating Staff on October 12, 2011 at 6:46pm

The Coast to Coast AM - Zetas Special from a third-party:



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