I have a question about a picture from NASA 's BATSRUS Magnetosphere simulator from 07 January 2017! Can ZETA give more explanation what we look at? From what pictures and videos  I see in the last years from BATSRUS I did not remember to see the blue Field in that position. .It seems that is a strong flow that is coming from south of the elliptic some warping the earth magnetic field, earth axis is also is leaning, black flow Lines behind the earth are definitely tangled! Second question related: also the magnetic turbulence behind earth field it seems that are few per week is constant almost every 2 -3 days!  This type of magnetic turbulence interference-assault, will be an linear increase for now-on or will be in stages? 

BATSRUS modeling shows the Earth’s magnetosphere from the side, with the bowshock absorbing the Sun’s blast on the right and the magnetosphere streaming out behind the Earth to the left. When Nibiru was approaching the Earth from the direction of the Sun, pointing its N Pole directly at the Earth, the Earth either tried to remain aligned with the Sun, or tilt its N Pole away, or tilt into opposition as it did in September of 2012. Opposition was modeled on BATSRUS with the dipole showing the N Pole of Earth tilting toward the Sun at that time. 

As Nibiru moved to the right of the Earth, the extreme blast from the N Pole of Nibiru seemed to come from the side, as it did in February, 2014. Here the dipole showed the N Pole of Earth tilted somewhat away from the Sun and Nibiru also, which is also due to the tilt of the Earth during Winter in the Northern Hemisphere. For a period of time in October, 2016 it was noted that the Earth’s magnetosphere seemed to be hugging close to the Earth, a defensive maneuver. 

And now in January, 2017 yet another bizarre phenomena has been noted showing the dipole lean of the N Pole of Earth such that it is tilting its N Pole away from the Sun and the approaching Nibiru. Though it is Winter, and the dipole lean should reflect this in a slight lean, the magnetic poles are still trying to be aligned with the Sun. This dipole lean is extreme, and the confused magnetic field behind the Earth indicates a lean away from the Sun, pushing the N Pole of Earth away in a posture that would be expected during the 3 Days of Darkness. This is temporary, notably recorded by BATSRUS at midnight in Geneva, when the Polar Push is occurring over the Pacific.

Source: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for January 14, 2017

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Comment by M. Difato on July 26, 2020 at 4:01pm

July 25, 2020

 Y-Cut T19:41 - T23:41 UTC


 Y-Cut T17:25 - 18:49 UTC

3 day Ace Magnetic Field readings July 23-26, 2020

AMF readings July 25, 14:00 UTC thru July 26, 2020 08:00 UTC. With the Field Components seperated.

Comment by M. Difato on April 26, 2020 at 7:59pm

Extending over a week now a continued skewed magnetosphere of the Earth (just ahead of midnight in Geneva).

The ISWA BATSRUS Y-Cut and other magnetosphere cygnets went ofline for ~ 24 hrs,

April 24, 2020 @ 00:47:48 UTC and returned to service April 25, 2020 @ 00:00:56 UTC. 

As of this return a few key BATSRUS cygnets have returned to periods of omissions.

2 day ACE Magnetic Field readings 

Comment by M. Difato on April 23, 2020 at 4:16pm

A pair of skewed magnetosphere events in the same night April 22, 2020, ahead of midnight in Geneva. 


ACE Magnetic Field (nT) readings 

With a number eddy flow of magnetons showing up daily, the few shown are from (April 22) ahead of the pair of the skewed events.

Comment by M. Difato on April 21, 2020 at 9:13am

A skewed magnetosphere of the Earth April 19-20, 2020.

ACE Magnetic Field Readings showing continual compression of field components By and Bz (nT) for over 4 hours.

Comment by M. Difato on April 19, 2020 at 4:57am

A skewed magnetosphere seen in the Y-Cut cygnet tonight (Apr 18), just ahead of ole midnight in Geneva,

ISWA ACE MFR charts offline at time of post.

 Image source: https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/real-time-solar-wind

Comment by M. Difato on April 9, 2020 at 11:16am

BATSRUS Y-Cut cygnet showing a skewed magnetosphere April 7, 2020, just ahead of midnight in Geneva.

Corresponding Ace Magnetic Field readings.


I've added lines in red and blue (Bz) and yellow (Bx) directional components.

Comment by M. Difato on February 11, 2020 at 2:47pm

BATSRUS Y-Cut cygnet showing a skewed magnetosphere of the the Earth just ahead of midnight in Geneva 

February 10, 2020  T18:45  -  T23:29 UTC.


Comment by M. Difato on December 3, 2019 at 5:06pm

BATSRUS showing a confused magnetic field behind the Earth just ahead of midnight in Geneva November 30, and December 1, 2019. 

Ace Magnetic Field reading with all 3 components separated.

Comment by M. Difato on November 6, 2019 at 7:38pm

ISWA Magnetosphere cygnet showing a confused magnetic field behind the Earth around midnight in Geneva.

Comment by M. Difato on October 31, 2019 at 3:25pm

BATSRUS Y-Cut showing a skewed Magnetosphere last evening (Oct 30), and a momentarily

mangled magnetosphere.

Consecutive images approximately a half hour apart of Y-Cut images over 9 hours, with the black Bx line added.

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