ZetaTalk Newsletter for February 16, 2025

Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday February 16, 2025. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)

Learjet Explosion

It has been years since AF447 went down on the plate border between the Africa Plate and S America Plate in 2009, following “A succession of a dozen technical messages showed that several electrical systems had broken down.” One by one the electrical systems winked out as the plane plunged toward the waters of the Atlantic. Airliners had long been lightning proofed, allowing the lightning to roll off the body of the plane, so was not suspect but what else could have caused this total failure? The Zetas said it was an EMP assault, caused by the approach of Nibiru. Many more similar instances began to occur.

What Happened to Flight 447?
June 2, 2009

Four hours into the flight the plane encountered heavy turbulence. Fifteen minutes later, now a long way out to sea, it transmitted an automated signal indicating the plane was in serious trouble. A succession of a dozen technical messages showed that several electrical systems had broken down, most ominously the pressurization system - a totally unprecedented situation in the plane.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 6/3/2009: The airliner did not fly into a hurricane, as none was reported, though wind shear can happen unexpectedly. Wind shear on a plane at high altitudes would not likely drive it to the ground or into the water, nor does wind shear tear off a wing or engine. Airliners anticipate lightning strikes and are guarded against them, such that for several decades no disaster has been caused by lightning strikes alone. What then caused the loss of the Air France airliner over the Atlantic? The sequence of events is clear. The pilot announced air turbulence. Then 15 minutes later an automatic message from the plane's computer announced that several electrical systems had failed. Thereafter, no more messages were received, so the pilots were either too busy or unable to transmit. On the face of it, a massive failure in the electrical systems caused the plane to go down and prevented a last minute transmission from the pilot as to their likely location. What would cause such a failure?

We have repeatedly warned that electromagnetic disturbances could be anticipated as the charged tail of Planet X turned toward the Earth. There is increasing evidence of this, the latest unmistakable piece of evidence a blast to the Earth's magnetosphere. The number of subatomic particles in the electromagnetic spectrum, as we have noted, is beyond what mankind imagines. When failure happens on the ground, there is an outage. The lights go out, but nothing crashes to the ground. When a massive failure, however temporary, occurs in an airliner time catches up with those affected as the airliner is temporarily out of control, and in turbulent weather this can prove disastrous. Will such failure happen again? We have stressed, repeatedly, that man can expect problems with their satellites and electrical grids due to the charged tail of Planet X wafting increasingly in the direction of Earth. Air France 447 hit a tripple whammy, however, in that it was in a storm and over the Atlantic Rift, which as we have stated is a surface magnet, responsible for the twice-a-day global shudders that appear on the live seismographs.

The sudden plunge of the Learjet Medevac into Philadelphia and the Schuylkill river nearby in 2025 was reminiscent of the AF447 failure. Where not on a plate border the Ramapo Fault Line ends there, and water was a factor in both accidents. Both planes lost communication, yet the contrails on the Learjet were seen as the Learjet plunged into the Schuylkill, indicating they were operating full bore during an electrical pulse.

Small Medevac Jet Carrying Pediatric Patient Crashes near Philadelphia Mall, Unleashing Fireball with Multiple Casualties Reported
January 31, 2024

A small medevac jet carrying six people, including a pediatric patient and her mother, crashed into a Philadelphia neighborhood, resulting in multiple casualties and causing a massive explosion that lit up the night sky. A Learjet 55 out of Northeast Philadelphia Airport was headed to Springfield-Branson National Airport in Missouri when it plunged to the ground shortly after taking off, according to the Federal Aviation Administration.
Philadelphia Plane Crash Latest: NTSB Finishes On-Site Work, Forensics Investigation Ongoing
February 5, 2025

Federal investigators will examine the black box, along with other evidence, to determine what may have caused the crash. Audio recorded by LiveATC captured an air traffic controller at Northeast Philadelphia Airport telling "Medevac Medservice 056" to turn right when departing. About 30 seconds later, the controller repeats the request before asking, "You on frequency?" Minutes later the controller says, "We have a lost aircraft. We're not exactly sure what happened, so we're trying to figure it out. For now, the field is going to be closed."
Philadelphia Plane Tragedy: Medical Ambulance Transporting Pediatric Patient Crashes, Explodes Near Homes
January 31, 2025

Chilling audio from an air traffic control tower at Northeast Philadelphia Airport revealed the final moments before the crash. The audio, obtained by Fox News Digital, reveals operators were desperately trying to make contact with the Learjet 55 before it crashed, but received no response. "What’s going on down there?" one air traffic controller can be heard saying. "We have a lost aircraft. We’re not exactly sure what happened. So, we’re trying to figure it out," replies another air traffic controller. "The field is going to be closed so no inbounds-outbounds."

ZetaTalk Confirmation 2/3/2025: When major airlines started going down from EMP we pointed out the nexus – they were most often going over a fault line or plate border under duress and under water. This was true of AF447 which was on the Africa Plate border and MH370 likewise in Indonesia, but the airline industry, intent on continuing their profits, denies this. Note this Learjet in Philadelphia went down near a river and smack on the Ramapo Fault Line, and within the SE Portion which has been under an intense stretch as it is pulled SE toward Africa during the New Madrid Adjustment as the Methane Maps show.  

Images taken of the plunging Learjet show the jets still in operation, full on throttle, but the jet steering controls are missing in action. This is symptomatic of an EMP, where some electronics are reacting to a pulse but others have suffered a burnout and are inoperable. To explain this accident the establishment would have to admit to the presence of Nibiru and the Plate Movements and charged tail wafting Earth that have resulted. Since the establishment is terrified of the panic that a Nibiru admission will cause, the truth once again will also be a victim.   

The Airline Industry is loath to admit the presence of EMP in the skies as this would affect profits. But as Nibiru is now in its first 270 roll, turning its Magnetic N Pole to face the Earth, this will only get worse. For the Philadelphia Learjet explosion, anything but EMP will be blamed. Mass denial is preferable.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 5/23/2015: This is a key determinant between a failed electrical system, a simple outage, and electro-magnetic pulse. Pulse is a surge, and the sudden increase in the amount of magnetons and their associated electrons, such that equipment controlled by a steady pace of either particle flow goes into a runaway state. When equipment is guarded by surge protection, to guard against lightning strikes, it will shut down, as a brownout situation can damage equipment. But unless a lightning strike was present, there can be no excuse for a pulse or surge other than the presence of the charged tail of Planet X, aka Nibiru.  

What can the public expect? As cell phone service and cable TV via satellite continues to degrade, as airplanes increasingly crash during complete electronics failure or are forced to land with smoke in their cockpits, as electric trains surge off the tracks and brakes fail, as transformers explode at dams and on the grid, and as residential lights flicker and erratic and unexplained and spotty blackouts descend, the public can expect endless inane excuses from the establishment. The truth will be withheld because mankind is so dependent upon his electrical systems and equipment that the thought of being without is unthinkable. It is mass denial.

Yes the skies are becoming charged from the wafting tail of Nibiru. This has confused the compass and caused mankind’s electrical systems to malfunction. The Red Dust in Nibiru’s tail is iron oxide, which can carry a charge. The extent of this charge in the dust has recently been documented in a TikTok video made last December. Drag a magnet across the sands of the desert and see what happens! Skyfire from the Petrol in Nibiru’s tail is very visible, but the charge in the tail is invisible though much more worrisome.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 2/4/2025: Dramatic proof of Nibiru’s wafting tail causing Toxic Fog and monstrous Petrol Blobs so heavy they leak the dripping Petrol on those below have appeared in LA. All this is of course ignored by the Legacy Media who can offer no excuses. Since the Red Dust in the tail is also charged, it charges what it falls upon too, as this video made in the desert shows. Beyond EMP assaults on airplanes and on the infrastructure below, what can mankind expect? Magnetics is heavily used in mankind’s devices, from door locks to the brakes on walkers for the disabled to on/off toggle switches. Imagine all this malfunctioning.

1 Acre Farm

How difficult might it be to be truly self-sustaining, able to feed the family from your own back yard? The good news is that it does not require a farm, and not that much land either. If you have a big back yard, or can join with a few neighbors to create that big back yard, you are already there. An acre equates to a football field. Or in terms of feet, is a 209 by 209 foot square.  For those who have been trying their hand at gardening and have been thinking about ordering a box of newly hatched chicks, this is the next step.  
Lets say you have inherited a parking lot, lots of blacktop and concrete. No soil! Not to despair, there is container gardening or raised beds to the rescue. This would require trucking in some soil at the start, and good composting with earthworms to convert your compost to nitrogen rich soil, and of course the ability to water the beds with a hose. Lest you dread the thought of having to construct containers or raised beds from lumber and concrete, your solution is right at hand in the recycling bin. Plastic containers of all types can be filled with soil, given a drainage hole at the bottom, and voila, you have your garden row. Container gardening is also ideal for those in the city who only have a porch and some stairs.
Fruit trees and berry bushes take up an inordinate amount of space for their produce. Standard fruit trees grow at maturity up to 18-25 feet tall and wide. Semi-dwarf sized fruit trees reach 12-15 feet in height and width. Dwarf fruit trees grow to about 8-10 feet tall and wide. Consider growing fruit trees in the tree bank along the street, or along the roadway which might otherwise be cluttered with weeds or tall grass that requires mowing. The trees will grab the sunlight and water, crowding out the weeds. Fruit trees must be planted some years before they will be productive.  
If berry bushes are a space hog, the strawberry is a boon. It can be grown in a vertical cascade of pots, saving garden space. You can even take a portable cascade indoors for the winter, as strawberries will grow and produce 24 hours a day and year round. Pole Beans are by nature climbers and giving them a fence or trellis makes it easy to pick the long beans. Tomatoes love the sun when tied onto a fence or trellis and are easier to test for ripeness and pick when high off the ground. Tomato vines need to be tied up, but a soft strip of cloth works well for this and is reusable.

Many vegies are climbers, and if tied to a fence or a trellis will go up into the sunshine, making their fruits easier to pick and taking less space on the ground. This also keeps the slugs and bugs off the fruit. Cucurbits that will happily go up instead of spreading around on the ground include Butternut Squash, Cucumbers, and Zucchini or Summer Squash.
Pumpkins have huge leaves and spread out, as do other winter squash such as Acorn squash. But the leaves and skins are edible and can be fed to the goats or even as a treat to the chickens. Given some garden space, the pumpkin patch will deliver. Store pumpkins in a cool place and enjoy pumpkin pie or roasted pumpkin all Winter.
Chickens can live in the edges of a garden. If they are free ranging, they will go along your rows of vegies and among the berry bushes and find the bugs. They scratch the surface, so aerate the soil. Roosters are very chivalrous and if they find an ant hill or grubs they will cluck to the hens, who come running to gobble them up. Chickens are not picky eaters, and can be fed melon rinds for a treat and will consume the whole thing. If there is a sickly chicken in the flock, the others may cannibalize it. They are, after all, little dinosaurs. Chicken poop is very rich fertilizer, so must be aged before it is used in the garden or it will burn the plants.
Chickens need a coop or hut for the night, preferably where they can roost on a rack. In nature, they roost high above the ground, because their claws lock around a branch when they sleep. When you first get the chickens, you should keep them in their coop for two days so they think of this as home and will return at dusk automatically.  Chickens need some sunlight daily, else their bones go soft from lack of Vitamin D. A coop should have enough space that if you need to keep the chickens in the coop, they can get sunlight and stretch their legs. Ideally the coop should allow their keeper to go in or reach in for the eggs, laid daily in the nests.
If you have a rooster you will get fertilized eggs and come Spring, will have one or more of your hens wanting to be a brooder. Often there will be one very maternal hen doing the brooding for all the others. They will lay over a dozen eggs in the same nest for the brooder to keep warm. The brooder will pluck out her belly feathers so the eggs can get maximum warmth. She will turn the eggs so all sides can get warm, and rotate them within the pile. A brooder should be provided with food and water during this time. A brooder will teach the hatchlings to drink water and peck at seed. If you lack a brooder or if you decide to hatch chicks yourself, you will need a hatching box, usually warmed by a lamp. Turn and rotate the eggs yourself. Fertilized eggs can be identified by what is called candling – holding the egg up to a light to see if the cloudy fertilized embryo can be seen.
Goats are recommended because they give milk and thus cheese and can also be eaten for meat the same way dairy cows can be eaten for meat. Goats are not picky about what they eat, and browse everything. Thus one could give them the green compost from the garden as well as hay. Like sheep, they will keep the yard mowed. I have never kept goats but have talked to herdsmen who tell me that goats bond with their herder, and will follow the herdsperson rather than having to be chased and corralled. They also poop in pellets so their manure is easy to collect and distribute in the garden. The one problem with goats is that they are jumpers, and thus escape artists.
An alternative to keeping a goat is keeping sheep for milk and cheese and of course lambchops. They also provide wool for felt production or to be spun into yarn for knitting or weaving. How much space will a goat or ewe take from your 1 acre plot? About 1/3 acre for a pigmy goat.

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Comment by James of Idaho on Thursday

I thought I might add a shelter possibility for the 1-acre farm where it is using the Earth for insulation and having it elevated for drainage using a septic system and leach field.   Building it now in the northern hemisphere one could point it facing south and after the 90-degree crustal displacement the Sun would rise with it facing east so as to gather the warming rays to illuminate the home once the skies clear enough to do so....

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