ZetaTalk Newsletter for February 23, 2025

Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday February 23, 2025. Newsletters can always be found in the Archives by Friday, too. (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)

Prediction Accuracy

Within the span of a week three predictions made by the Zetas in 2010 manifested as true. First, that during the S America Roll and the Waggle S America must do to allow the toe of the SE Portion of N America to slide over the Caribbean hump, the bay at Buenos Aires will split open. What emerged on February 7 was blood red canals and rivers flowing into the bay there, due to trapped Red Dust deposited during the last Passage of NIbiru being released by the ripping of the bay. This was reminiscent of the Red Sea parting during Nibiru’s last passage.

ZetaTalk Prediction 2010: In that the S American Plate reaches to the center of the Atlantic, the rolling of the S American Plate will seem to have scant impact on those coastlines facing the Atlantic. There will be irregular tides, and certainly earthquakes, but beyond a slight spreading of the Rio Parana river mouth at Buenos Aires, which is ripping apart where the river empties into the Atlantic, there will be little impact.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 7/11/2023: As we have repeatedly emphasized, a S American waggle will allow the SE Portion to free its attachment at the Isthmus, allowing the New Madrid Rupture to proceed without impedance. The sequence started on July 4 is occurring in iterative runs, such that the Pacific compresses during a China blowout, which then puts pressure on the bulbous top of S America. The bulbous top is then pushed East into the Atlantic which tilts the S America foot into the Pacific – the waggle. Each run will be stronger than the last.

Video Shows River Turn Deep Red Color in Argentina. Residents say it's Not the First Time
February 7, 2025

Videos from a suburb of Argentina’s capital of Buenos Aires showing a bright red river has drawn international attention and reignited local fears of chemical dumping. This is not the first time an odd color has been seen in the Sarandi? River, located in the municipality of Avellaneda. The area has multiple tanneries, which use chemicals to turn animal skins into leather. Officials from the Avellaneda municipality suspect the presence of aniline in water samples. Aniline is a toxic substance that is used in dyes and medicines. Officials said they had lodged a complaint to the Buenos Aires province water authority. Images show the Sarandi River's water with an intense color red flowing into an estuary, the Rio de la Plata.
Revelations and Exodus
In the Bible, rivers turning red is described in Revelation 16:1 and Exodus 7. Revelation 16:1: The third angel pours out a bowl of judgment on the world's water sources, turning them to blood. The water turning to blood affects all of the world's water, including fresh and salt water. Exodus 7: Moses strikes the water of the Nile with his staff, turning it to blood. The water smelled so bad that the Egyptians couldn't drink it, and the fish died.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 2/7/2025: Early in the ZetaTalk Saga in 2010 we predicted that the bay at Buenos Aires would split open during the Plate Movements. S America rolls its bulbous top part to the West during the S American Roll and when S America waggles to allow the SE Portion of N America to pull to the SE during the New Madrid Adjustment, the bay at Buenos Aires pulls apart.  Red Dust deposited during prior passages of Nibiru are open to the waters and turn the water blood red and bitter.

Second, that as the Africa Roll progresses the NE corner of Africa will drop, opening the floor of the Mediterranean. This happened when the beaches at Tel Aviv and the canals in Venice lost water simultaneously, as documented two years ago in March, 2023. Now hand in hand with the Buenos Aires red canals, the earthquake swarms at Santorini seemed unstoppable. This likewise was reported during the last Passage, when the Jewish Exodus occurred. Thera, the volcano there, was considered one of the strongest ever recorded.

ZetaTalk Prediction 2010: The fact that the African Plate, during previous rolls, created mountain building can be seen on a relief map. Morocco and Algeria have mountains due to the rolling in the past. One can see in the mountains of Spain and Italy and the Balkans and Turkey that this was the case there, too, in the past. The Alps themselves were built during previous African rolls. But this time the African Plate will drop away significantly, slipping to the south during the roll. This movement is possible because as the South Atlantic Rift tears open, there is room for the tip of Africa to slid into that void, thus dropping the entire African Plate as it rolls.

Santorini Earthquakes Create Panic in Greece as Locals Fear Volcano Could Erupt
February 7, 2025

Greece’s government declared a state of emergency on Santorini this week, and residents and hotel owners were required to drain all swimming pools, as water movement could destabilize the buildings. People were also instructed to avoid old buildings. Small rockslides happened along the cliffs, prompting Greek authorities to restrict access to areas identified as high risk. Discussions about evacuation plans have begun among Greek authorities as residents are becoming increasingly afraid.
Thera and the Exodus—When Was the Island Destroyed?
The volcano that destroyed Thera erupted roughly 3,500 years ago. Some scholars believe that this massive volcanic blast, one of the strongest in recorded history, was responsible for wiping out Minoan culture, on the island of Crete, directly to the south. And Professor Hans Goedicke, of Johns Hopkins University, goes so far as to argue that the eruption caused a massive tidal-like wave that traversed the Mediterranean, drowned the Egyptian army that was in hot pursuit of the fleeing Israelites during the Exodus and was forever preserved in the Bible as the parting of the Red Sea.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 2/7/2025: As the Africa Roll progresses, the Mediterranean pulls apart and deepens. This has been predicted from the start of the ZetaTalk Saga, and can be seen in recent years as water in the Mediterranean would suddenly disappear. What does this mean for the great slumbering volcano at Santorini, also known as Thera. Thera exploded during the last Passage of Nibiru, and will explode again. Meanwhile, as the Africa Roll progresses, pulling this part of the Mediterranean floor open, the truth about the approach of Nibiru is withheld from the public.

Third, a 2010 prediction on what will happen to the Caribbean Plate and Central America during the S American Roll. The Caribbean Plate is attached to the S America Plate such that it is dragged along toward the West while being pushed down by the hump near Venezuela. Magnitude 8 quakes were predicted during these times. The Honduras quake was originally stated to be Magnitude 8 but was subsequently reduced by the USGS in their usual fashion.

ZetaTalk Prediction 10/16/2010: Those living along the border of S America and the hapless Caribbean Plate will experience a great moaning and grinding while the S American Plate glides over the Caribbean Plate, pushing it down with its weight as it does so. Such a gliding action does have catch points where the plates are not smooth, and hesitation and jerking with a sudden release occurs, a type of earthquake that seems to last for most of an hour. Caracas as all of Venezuela will experience this seemingly continuous quake, which will approach a magnitude 8 in strength at times. As we have mentioned, the east coast of S America just goes along for the ride. There will be sympathetic jolts from the great quakes elsewhere on the plate, but these will be relatively minor, at most a magnitude 7. When the seaway at Buenos Aires rips open, this is a silent adjustment, as most stretch zone adjustments are. The residents will recover from any earthquakes to see the far shore of the seaway at a greater distance, and the mouth of the Rio Parana widened.

Tsunami Warning Canceled after Powerful Quake Strikes Caribbean Sea
February 8, 2025

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reported the quake's magnitude as 7.6, while the German Research Center for Geosciences reported a 7.5 magnitude, both at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles). The U.S. Tsunami Warning System had initially forecast waves of up to 3 meters for Cuba and between 0.3 and 1 meter for Honduras and the Cayman Islands but later said the threat had passed.
Major Mag. 7.6 Earthquake - Honduras: 209 km SSW of George Town, Cayman Islands, on Saturday, Feb 8, 2025, at 05:23 pm (GMT -6)
Felt earthquake: 8.0 quake Honduras: 202 km SW of George Town, Cayman Islands, 1 hour and 23 minutes ago - 318 shake reports so far.

Sky Clues

There are clues that Nibiru is a real and present danger, despite the continual Nibiru Coverup assertions. Beyond Sky Fire and the presence of Nibiru itself, beyond an occasional String of Pearls formed by minor moons of Nibiru, beyond the colorful Petrol displays in the skies – there are other clues. For instance, a zig-zag magnetic field line in the sky. The fact that clouds coalesce around the Earth’s Magnetic Field lines, which emerged in 2019 in images from the ISS, we now have a plethora of zig-zag lines. The Zetas explain.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 2/10/2025: In 2019 we described how the magnetic field lines of Earth are forming long cloud lines running between the Magnetic North and South Poles of Earth. At that time there were few such lines, though from the ISS they were distinctive and obvious, and had been visible for a few years. Now a member of the ZetaTalk Followers group has captured a dramatic increase in these field lines coalescing around the Earth’s Magnetic Field Lines. They are parallel to each other and have increased in number by a thousand fold. Why?

Nibiru is a massive planet, 23 times the mass of Earth and 4-5 times the diameter of Earth. Needless to say its Magnetic field dominates when both the Earth and Nibiru are close to each other. The dominant field forces allegiance via magnetic resonance so the Earth attempts to align with Nibiru rather than align with the Sun – the dominant Magnet in the Solar System. This struggle between Magnetic Field Masters results in the zig-zag pattern in the clouds in this 2025 capture.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 3/31/2019: Long cloud lines stretching from pole to pole have appeared in recent years, most dramatically captured on film by the ISS. This recent photo so perfectly traces a line from the magnetic N Pole of Earth to the magnetic S Pole of Earth that there can be no doubt that the Earth’s magnetic field is the cause. Magnetic fields form a ball around a magnet, but as can be shown by tapping a glass holding iron shavings above a magnet, field lines form. This is where magnetons flow from North to South, a heavy traffic lane in the magnetic field.

How does a magnetic field cause the clouds to form? Clouds will not form unless there is water in the atmosphere, and as is known electricity loves water or water vapor. It is an electrical conduit. And as is also known, electrons and magnetons run together, thus alternators generating an electrical current via a spinning magnet. Attractants move toward each other, so where lightning or electrons in the atmosphere can move toward water, water laden clouds can likewise move toward a strong magnetic flow line.

Another Sky Clue that has just emerged as a result of President Trump’s USAid shutdown is a sudden and dramatic lack of Chemtrails in the skies over much of the US. Oh, the funding for the Chemtrail Operation has been halted! Chemtrails were initially planned as a means of poisoning migrants who might be approaching the enclaves of the elite, to a means of fogging up the skies so evidence of Nibiru remains hidden.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 12/15/2001: Contrails are an experiment of the wealthy and powerful, to see how much deliberate infection of the wandering masses might slow them down. This has been allowed, where practiced, because the experiment was couched in terms of crowd control. Those allowing this to continue, the military and national security groups, were assured that only temporary illness would occur. However, the intent of the elite was scarcely temporary illness. Imagine elite groups settling into North Carolina estates, or in valleys in Utah, or in Wyoming. Why would they want masses of the lower class, starving and angry, invading their communities? There would certainly not be food or supplies enough to go around, and these elite do not think of the populace as anything on an equal basis to themselves. Their logic is that if these starving hordes are to die anyway, the sooner the better!

ZetaTalk Confirmation 12/22/2007: We have mentioned that chemtrails originally had the purpose of testing how well humans in the flight path could resist various microbes and chemicals that would sicken them. The point was to delay them as they attempted to migrate toward enclaves of the wealthy, for instance, to sicken those leaving LA and trying to reach Utah. Behind these tests was a more sinister purpose, to poison and kill the migrants. When the US military discovered the plan, being openly discussed at times in the back rooms of the White House, they rebelled and refused to have any part of chemtrail activity in the future. Where the campaign was being conducted by the wealthy, their plan was to use the US military when the time came, and without the cooperation of the US military, this plan could not succeed. Thereafter, chemtrails were used to fog up the view of Planet X. In some cases, tests were done to determine where the drift would go, where the chemtrails were pushed by the prevailing westerlies. Since sunrise and sunset are the danger times when Planet X might be sighted, these are the main fogging target times.

Now, in the midst of a USAid shutdown, the skies are suddenly clear. This will likely only be a temporary shutdown while the wealthy dip into their deep pockets for the funds the taxpayer formerly provided. In the meantime, keep watching the skies!
ZetaTalk Confirmation 2/10/2025: Defunding the USAid projects will reveal many illegal projects that have been formerly funded by the taxpayer via being laundered through USAid. The Chemtrail project, seeking to fog up the skies so the Nibiru Complex is not visible, of course is funded by the wealthy, who stand to lose the most by public awareness, but in some locales was funded by USAid funds. The small private jets that spread Chemtrails do not run on fumes, and repurposing them and suppling them with fogging chemicals is expensive. Thus there is a lull in Chemtrail activity.

Indoor Farms

For those living near volcano ash clouds or even those being bombarded by debris in the tail of Nibiru, it is possible to have gardens and livestock and full spectrum sunlight indoors. Thanks to a Troubled Times Nonprofit project we discovered in 2000 that there is no need to seek store bought hydroponic solution if you have earthworm beds, as the tea from watering these beds works as well. Leaf for leaf, blossom for blossom -  this earthworm tea is equivalent.

Worm Bed Drainage
Worm beds were started in early summer of 2000, seeded with 50 nightcrawlers and 250 red wrigglers (mostly tiny) each, fed shredded compost from the seed gardens as fast as they would consume it, and watered lightly when new compost was added. The beds stayed moist, covered with shredded compost continuously, so watering to the point of draining did not seem necessary. On October 11th, the beds were each watered to the point of flooding and draining out the bottom drain. 25 gallons of dark brown fluid was collected in total. The TDS of the worm drainage when it first came out was over 1100, but after the final drainage was added rested at a TDS of 983. The small hydroponics unit, with two flow tubes, was setup for worm bed drainage. The reservoir, with the two flow tubes, takes 23 gallons.
Fish Water
Fish tanks, actually 2 cow watering tanks each holding 293 gallons, were setup in early September, 2000 and seeded with 25 catfishlings each by mid-September, 2000. The bio-filter had scarsely started, and Amonia promptly started showing up in the water. A non-profit member donated Cycle (a bio-filter bacteria mix) and a gallon chemical solution designed to remove Clorine from tap water and slim the fish coats and another gallon of chemical solution designed to block Amonia. In the pH of 7.0 of the lab tap water, Amonia in and of itself is not dangerour, but Amonia breaks down into Nitrite, without an operational bio-filter, which is harmful to fish. A couple weeks later watercress was added, floating on the surface of both tanks, to pull Amonia from the water. Second growth Chinese Cabbage pulled from the gardens in September, were tied over the fish tanks with their roots handing partially in the water, and lived and grew, forming new leaves to replace those dying off.
Micro Solution
Standard commercial hydroponics solutions - MicroFlora (starting seedlings) MicroGrow (for rapid growth) and MicroBoom (for fruiting). The standard amoung of MicroFlora was added, 3C for the 80 gallons. The TDS registered at 1297, within the range of 1250-1300 recommended. Compared to the worm bed drainage water, which was dark brown and somewhat viscous, the Micro solution was medium brown.

High tech hydroponics assumes you have electricity for a pump and lights. But a simple manual system using gravity, lifting a pail a couple times a day, works also. Full spectrum lights are required if no sunlight is available, but what happens when all the light bulbs have burned out? Carbon arc lamps, used today for film production in Hollywood, is a full spectrum light that turned the streets of London into day a century ago. Direct current is required, and for the carbon tips, old Battery Cores or even pencil leads can be used. Setup a windmill and have an earthworm compost pile and you are in the hydroponics business!
ZetaTalk Confirmation 2015: Desperate communities, running out of supplies of almost everything and turning to some of the skills of the past such as black smithing, will within years of the pole shift start to mine land fills. Where this seems a disgusting concept, landfills are filled with various metal parts, and this will be at hand and far more efficient than mining, which requires minerals in the ground locally. A local land fill will have a wide spectrum of metals, and will also have an abundance of battery cores. Where have all those used batteries gone over the past few decades? They do not rot, the casings rust and the chemicals wash way, and there they are! Thus, any community putting up a wind or water wheel to generate electricity, and wanting the daylight equivalent that carbon arc supplies, will already be stocking up on carbon cores. Windmills, almost invariably, will not be from store purchased sources, but cobbled together from parts. Electrical parts from garages and workshops will supply some of the permanent magnets, but this will also be something sought after in land fills. What do you suppose people have done for years, with worn out drills and the like? They toss them!

Chickens can be kept indoors as long as they have some full spectrum lights to provide Vitamin D so their bones don’t go soft. Chickens are omnivores and will eat vegetative scraps but thrive on insects. Thus the Black Soldier Fly solution is ideal, converting manure or any trash into high protein grubs for the chickens. The Japanese have invented another solution by having chicken dropping fall into fish tanks where the fish consume this, producing fishlings!

Black Soldier Flies Turn Waste into Resource
February 13, 2024

The process involves deploying specialized containers filled with organic waste, which attracts black soldier flies to lay their eggs. Once the eggs hatch, the larvae feed on the waste, rapidly digesting it and transforming it into a protein-rich biomass. The biomass produced by black soldier fly larvae serves as a solution for the animal feed industry. Rich in essential nutrients and proteins, this biomass presents a viable alternative to conventional feed sources, such as soy or fishmeal.
Black Soldier Flies: The Most Sustainable Thing I Do on My Urban Homestead
This insect just can’t be beat in terms of value on the homestead. It eats garbage, produces rapidly even in HOT weather and is full of protein, calcium, and phosphorous for your chickens. Well-fed chickens means nutritious eggs.  As you can see, the black soldier fly looks less like a fly than a wasp, but doesn’t sting or bother humans or animals the way flies typically do. In fact, this harmless black insect even drives away your regular house fly by exuding a hormone that they don’t like.
Black Soldier Fly Larvae
Black soldier fly larvae are an exceptional choice for chicken feed, offering high protein, essential fatty acids, and calcium that boost egg production and overall health. Environmentally friendly and free from antibiotics, these larvae support sustainable farming practices.

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