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Diju's Friends

  • Sevan Makaracı
  • bill
  • larisa
  • Starr DiGiacomo
  • S.K.
  • Kojima
  • Waveguide
  • Dee Nguyen
  • Shuichi Inoue
  • Derrick Johnson
  • Khan
  • Amoriko Savarias
  • Gerard Zwaan

Gifts Received (16)

Red Ribbon From Starr DiGiacomo Gold Dipped Rose From Byron Wilkins New Year's Tiara From Diana Page Red Ribbon From heartsong

diju's Page

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Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 1:45pm on October 31, 2011, Kojima said…

Hi, Diju. I'm fine, thank you. I'm very glad to hear from you. I hope you are safe. I have no problem about water. A nuclear plant accident of Fukushima is a difficult problem, but there is little influence in Kyoto where I live in luckily for the moment.


At 8:07pm on February 23, 2011, larisa said…

Dear Diju.

How are you,my friend ?i hoop everyhting go good with you and yours family !Take care!!!

At 5:52pm on January 21, 2011, Starr DiGiacomo gave diju a gift
At 10:18pm on December 30, 2010, Selim KARABIYIK said…

Dear Diju, nice to meet you. Hope to share ideas and comments for a long time.

I believe you have plans to leave where you are now.


PS: I didn't check my e-mails for a while, sorry for the delay.



At 6:37pm on December 04, 2010, S.K. gave diju a gift
At 5:10pm on October 22, 2010, larisa gave diju a gift
thank you to add me als a friend.take care!
At 5:38am on October 19, 2010, Derrick Johnson said…
Your welcome, I enjoy helping out where I can
At 3:17pm on October 11, 2010, Andrew Veresay gave diju a gift
very courageous of you!
At 1:51am on December 2, 2009, Amoriko Savarias said…
Sdr. Diju, saya sudah membaca hampir seluruh page Zetatalk. Seperti Sdr. Diju, saya juga mengalami pergeseran spiritual. Namun pergeseran itu sudah saya alami sejak saya membaca artikel2 di Alienshift dan wawancara Lacerta. Bukan meragukan adanya Tuhan, tapi sebaliknya. Saya semakin mengagunkan Sang pencipta. Bahwa KeagunganNYA lebih besar dari apa yang ada di pikiran saya. Saya akhirnya menyadari bahwa selama ini dalam pikiran saya seperti membatasi KebesaranNYA. Semakin saya membaca hal2 tentang Human Creation, Elohim Race, Annunaki, Nibiru, Reptilian dll. Semakin saya membenarkan keyakinan saya.


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