Looking at the coming events in regards to Planet X and a shift in Poles and what I consider to be the, end of this age time in prophesy, I would like to share some thoughts.
Some prophesy, some science then some observations.
Mother Shipton talks of Gabriel blowing his horn and a fiery dragon crossing the sky 6 times to destroy mans world, followed by earthquakes and tidal waves and new lands being formed. If you read Mother Shipton you would hold out little hope for survival. https://www.alamongordo.com/the-prophecies-of-mother-shipton/
Ezekiel Chapter 37 reveals that Gog, the land of Magog (modern Russia) will sweep away the current evil of Babylonian system controlling the West.
Joel 2, 1 – 10 details the Russian advance over the West, Communism is atheist and so a tool by which to remove the religious backed evil in the west. Vs 11 is considered to be about Russia going up over the North Pole to attack Canada and the USA.
The close of this war, undertaken by Gods breath, destroying the armies of the world (can’t find the verse, but breath implies wind and moisture). There is a massive clean up, of bodies and weapons of war. Also, a new heaven and a new earth are made.
All biblical epochs, from the Garden of Eden through to now, have tied in with planetary change (and a resultant, pressure induced development of the people of earth; if you are into that sort of thing, large scale beneficial genetic development).
Can we find references in Science; by default I will use Immanuel Velikovsky https://www.varchive.org/itb/index.htm
Velikovsky has, through geology and history, put together a very interesting picture of this planet changing very quickly in the past.
I always start with saying why is there 360 degree in a circle, because prior to Venus (then a comet type planet) having a near miss with earth (the time of Exodus of the Israelites) there were only 360 days in a year and the sun rose in the west. This is quite well detailed in Velikovsky’s works including copies of ancient text discussing the changes and even updating the circle to 364.25 degrees (in China). So this was a new heaven, the earth flipped so it all changed, and a new earth as continents sank and rose.
This suggests planetary change on an order similar to what we are about to experience. We can look at a war with Russia (probably Mother Shiptons 6 fiery dragons being nuclear missiles) followed by invasion of Europe, the USA and Palestine.
People think why Palestine and Israel, the Russians teach religion is the opiate of the people and that there is no god (spirit, love?). Palestine is the homeland of three great faiths, Judaism, Christianity and Mohammedism. Destroy Jerusalem and you prove God does not exist as God can’t defend his own capital. Moscow is then the capital of the world. Interesting thoughts those.
I believe these are signs of the impending changes, the current Ukraine crisis heightens this concern of mine.
Some observations from New Zealand (NZ) which is a very young country geologically and where you can see plate tectonics and geothermal power in action. Consequently Velikovsky’s ideas are quite acceptable to some researchers in New Zealand.
If you look at the map of NZ, https://www.zetatalk.com/info/tinfo24q.htm showing the Australian and Pacific plates you can see an orange section around the islands. This is about 500 ft deep, is part of the NZ continent (uniquely NZ has the bulk of its continental mass underwater). Local history says that in the time of Kupa, the first man to inhabit NZ, this was the size of the country above water. There is a rock, called Kupa’s anchor stone that has this as a relieve a map of this contour. The stone is considered to be more than 4000 years old. Somewhere about 4000 years ago this part of NZ disappeared below the waves.
This time period ties in nicely with Velikovsky discussion of Venus affecting the earth at the time of the Exodus.
In the North Island of NZ there is a range of mountains called the Kaimai Ranges. These travel up gently from the east coast , in the Bay of Plenty, and at the top drop down quickly to the Hauraki plains. Mount Te Aroha, highest in the range is 3,123 ft, the Hauraki planes along the base are from sea level to 100 feet.
This range is a block fault event (Horst and Graven), happened in one earthquake also circa 4000 years ago.
Read Velikovsky’s discussion on the Andes Mountains, including what the local wrote of what they saw and what happened.
This could be a portent of what to expect, so chose your safe spots well, get a 101 Geology book for your region and swat up.
All this is for discussion, personally I don’t think we ever get the meaning of prophesy right until after the event, almost a little play by God.
But as we prepare for Planet X and the changes we are to expect any extra knowledge can be of help.
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