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The need to stay healthy and energetic  will really be hard unless you have knowledge about what could be found to help.

  Pine needles tea has some great benefits  in that area.



Hi Robert

Here is ZetaTalk that is related to your question

ZetaTalk about how EM pulse and surge caused by Planet X will affect the earth leading up to the pole shift.

ZetaTalk about how the puppet master does not start wars or protect Israel or rule the way you think he does.

You should not assume that the financial Puppet Master rules the world like a firm father figure over a family of young children he can utterly control. Nothing is further from the truth. His attempts to control the activities of tens of thousands of contacts around the world is much more like herding cats, as the saying goes. Each of his contacts is an individual with a personal agenda. Intimidation and bribery does not work in this setting, as the individual agendas have a way of expressing themselves regardless of oversight. Highly intelligent, the Puppet Master thus attempts to align his own agenda with the agendas of those with whom he is negotiating. This works best, avoids messy battles, avoids the necessity of using extensive spying and snooping which in any case tends to build resistance in those he hopes to work with, and because the paths he and those he negotiates with are heading in the same direction, often expedites his plans with amazing alacrity.

This financial Puppet Master does not start wars, as some assume, but does seek to protect his assets and even gain financially if others start them. Wars are viewed by him as destructive, and he has never, ever, recommended them. The chemtrail operation is not his, nor does he advocate it. His personal resources are not threatened by what is viewed by the elite as the mob. It is the middle man, the wealthy class and politicians of the world, who are threatened by the mob. It is from these ranks that the desire to poison migrating survivors springs. The Puppet Master would no more try to stamp out every effort of those among the threatened establishment to protect themselves than he would try to locate every stray dog in the world so as to find them good homes. He is busy managing his financial empire, and simply not interested in being a cop. 

There are many democracies in the world, among them the US, which until recently had fairly clean elections. Rove changed that in 2000 and 2004, but was countered in 2006 to match the will of the people. Stuffing ballot boxes is not the issue, in the main, nor the question asked here, as it is who is placed on the ballot that is in question. We have frequently mentioned the Puppet Master, who controls the Western world by his great wealth, beyond what most even imagine. Fronts are arranged, so his wealth cannot be gauged. We have described his interest in controlling elections to be akin to herding cats. He does not choose, but approves or disapproves of various candidates based on his perception of how well they will protect his interests. It would astonish many that though of Jewish heritage, he is not interested in protecting Israel! We have stated that the push for this is from banking interests, which are in the main headed by those of Jewish heritage and fond of Israel. To the extent that the candidates are presented on the ballot, the vote has power. Where a candidate would be a concern to the Puppet Master, he would never reach the ballot, as money would be behind a campaign to discourage and discredit him or her.


ZetaTalk about interference with nuclear war

Will the Zetas allow a nuclear war to take place, or will they intervene if such an event were to take place?

The Earth at the present time is in the hands of man, but interference is increasingly being allowed as the Transformation progresses. The Earth vote, at the time of Roswell, as to the orientation of her future was, as expected, to be Service-to-Other, and thus visiting aliens in this orientation are inceasingly allowed to interfer with the progress of plans make by humans with their hands on the red button. It is, after all, our future home as well. To understand how this interference works, the rule is that the human should be allowed to proceed as though there were no fail-safe to prevent an atomic nightmare. The human, thus, is allowed to struggle with his good vs evil, Service-to-Self vs Service-to-Other decision making. To the human, it appears as though an accident had happened, so his plans did not proceed as expected.



Robert Blake said:

The news has reported Israel may use High altitude electromagnetic pulse weapons on Iran . Could this be a rouse for the eventual dispersal of such weaponry on the entire world?  I believe there might be such a plan to disable communications in the time of pole shift or the appearance of Nibiru .

" Analysts say because Israel now believes diplomacy has failed to halt Iran’s nuclear program and the Jewish state’s very survival is at stake, Israelis have not ruled out a Jericho III missile launch to detonate a single electromagnetic pulse warhead at high altitude over central Iran. "

Question is will the Zetas permit the use of Nuclear weaponry for the purpose of extending the rule of the puppet master and his minions?

This is a wonderful video of natural farming in Greece, that also shows restoration using seed clay pellets where the land and soil was destroyed by fire.


I'd like some input on this, although it is not a question. Since most of us know the character of the people in our lives, does it make sense to just one day come up to the ones we know will reject the idea of the coming troubles, or does it make more sense to drop hints and clues. Planet X doesn't necessarily have to figure into the equation. There are plenty of news stories which can be brought up in conversation which would lead people to understand that troubled times are here already. Perhaps the better approach would be to get people thinking about what they would do in case of an emergency. Wait for assistance? Well then what if it doesn't come, for whatever reason. Perhaps that kind of conversation would lead to an emergency plan amongst friends, as opposed to losing them. "Preppers" have been labeld as nuts by the media. I believe their idea is right, but their language makes them seem like it. Instead of clamoring about the government coming to get us, how about "Hey, I'm just being pragmatic. Droughts are here, I believe and food supply instability has led me to stock up." That statement would not be a lie, but a pragmatic response, lacking in "fear mongering."

You already know whether the people in your life are open to discussing ACTION wrt the increasing Earth Changes.  If they ARE open, they will fall into one of 4 categories: 1) they buy into main establishment lies such as global warming; 2) they buy into far-fetched disinformation campaigns such as Comet Elenin; 3) they buy into obscure channeled material that suggests although Earth Changes are real, there is really nothing to worry about; 4) they have the diligence to thoroughly read ZetaTalk and the willingness to do their own critical thinking on the Zetas' unrivaled consistency and prediction track record. 

Until a formal announcement is made regarding the presence of a rogue planet in our solar system between Earth and the Sun, very few will fall into the latter category.  After the announcement, you will no longer need to soft sell the idea to those with ears to hear.

Getting loved ones to prepare is a choice they must make for themselves and is governed as much by their spiritual orientation as their life circumstances.  The Zetas advised against spending too much time trying to convince others.

"Distraught and frustrated at trying to convince family and friends that preparations for what seems to be surely upon mankind must be made, many wonder how they can join with others to enhance their survival possibilities when no one will listen. Denial hardens the more a threat makes those in denial uncomfortable."  ZetaTalk

Tom Czubernat said:

I'd like some input on this, although it is not a question. Since most of us know the character of the people in our lives, does it make sense to just one day come up to the ones we know will reject the idea of the coming troubles, or does it make more sense to drop hints and clues. Planet X doesn't necessarily have to figure into the equation. There are plenty of news stories which can be brought up in conversation which would lead people to understand that troubled times are here already. Perhaps the better approach would be to get people thinking about what they would do in case of an emergency. Wait for assistance? Well then what if it doesn't come, for whatever reason. Perhaps that kind of conversation would lead to an emergency plan amongst friends, as opposed to losing them. "Preppers" have been labeld as nuts by the media. I believe their idea is right, but their language makes them seem like it. Instead of clamoring about the government coming to get us, how about "Hey, I'm just being pragmatic. Droughts are here, I believe and food supply instability has led me to stock up." That statement would not be a lie, but a pragmatic response, lacking in "fear mongering."

Wasn't quite sure where to post this but Just an FYI regarding Quebec and their only nuclear facility shutting its doors.  Good call by Quebec

MONTREAL, Sept. 12 (UPI) -- Quebec's newly elected separatist government will close the province's only nuclear power plant after 30 years of service, a Parti Quebecois spokesman said.

The Gentilly-2 plant went online in 1983 in Trois-Rivieres along the St. Lawrence Seaway midway between Montreal and Quebec City.

Four years ago, the previous Liberal provincial government said it would allocate $2 billion to refurbish the plant.

However, PQ spokesman Eric Gamache told the Gazette his party decided in 2009 it would close the facility once elected. Because the Parti Quebecois has a slim political majority the matter won't require a vote in the National Assembly, the report said.

The plant produces only about 3 percent of Quebec's electricity, with the balance coming from hydro power.

The news emerged as an anti-nuclear documentary film by filmmakers Guylaine Maroist and Eric Ruel debuted in Montreal. In "Gentilly or Not To Be," allegations are made of higher incidents of leukemia in children and birth defects in the region around the facility, the newspaper said.

Hello, I have a question.  What is a good perspective for a person trying to be intensely STO, while also trying to stay alive, put in a situation were they have to choose between stealing to stay alive (while all other options are exhausted) or simply ceasing to exist.  For example, a grocery store is stock-full of food, and the owner is beyond rich, would it necessarily be strictly a STS personality of a person to take something that is not there's from that store? Especially in a survival situation? Often a starving man still has to buy his own bread, and a dehydrated man still has to buy his own drinks.  There's no free living these days, which IMO is against natural rights, so is stealing wrong when your doing it from the same rich tyrants killing your country and your rights?

Where is this line drawn? What is more worth keeping, a clean soul, or your life, in which you want to help others clean there soul during?

Hi Dan

ZetaTalk about how STO means thinking of others 50% of the time. It doesn’t mean you are perfect or a saint

Do Service-to-Other individuals ever do bad things like steal or hurt another person? Is it possible for someone who has done bad things like this that they regret to become Service-to-Other in the same lifetime?

We have explained that Service-to-Other individuals are not universally pure of heart and flawless. They all have self concerns and eccentricities. To be Service-to-Other one must think of others 50% of the time or more. Not be pure. There are situations also where a Service-to-Other individual must kill or hurt another person, for instance to protect the group from harm. Is stealing bread from the wealthy and well situated to feed the starving wrong? It depends!

In order to be considered Service-to-Others an entity must think of others 50% of the time, the self 50% of the time. Service-to-Others does not mean being a pushover or a slave to the demands of others. Those who are highly Service-to-Others spend more time thinking about the welfare of others, and take action, often a great sacrifice to themselves.

Those aliens who meet with contactees are not fools, and know the difference between rage or ranting and actions taken. We, the Service-to-Other Zetas, meet with those who are undecided and leaning in the direction of being Service-to-Other. Even those who are highly Service-to-Other on occasion give in to despair or vent their anguish and frustration. Service-to-Other does not mean being a saint! It means thinking of others 50% of the time.

We have mentioned that those who are Service-to-Other often have lessons that they have struggled with, often for thousands and even millions of years. This does not mean they are not Service-to-Other, as no entity is perfect, and all are learning, continuously. An entity may have suffered starvation in the past, so have a tendency to hoard, even when inappropriate and actually counter to what is required of one concerned with the wellbeing of others. They may choose to blame others for the shortage, pointing fingers elsewhere, rather than admit that they themselves have a fault in this area. A common failed lesson is the lesson that courage, when facing Service-to-Self assault, is the more effective route. Cowardice abounds among the Service-to-Other, who will often try to placate the demanding Service-to-Self or move to avoid them entirely, rather than confront them. Of course, this emboldens them. The Service-to-Self must eventually learn that they can only live among each other, on prison planets, and cannot prey on others. Placating them only misleads them, giving them false hope. But courage brings its risks, as Service-to-Self rage may ensue with death or injury the result. Nevertheless, old and wise Service-to-Other have learned that an unbending confrontation is the fastest and ultimately the most effective approach, and use this almost without fail.

We have endlessly iterated that orientation should be judged by action, not words or a superficial veneer. Those in the Service-to-Self clothe their actions in lofty ideals, such as the invasion of Iraq by the Bush family supposedly to bring the Iraqi people to democracy when the goal was greed and control over the oil fields. All those lofty words, pure lies. Those in the Service-to-Other have little use for lies and seldom employ them. Thus one often finds the veneer of these two orientations on opposite ends, with the Service-to-Other individual perhaps emitting biting words while the Service-to-Self individual drips syrup from their mouth.

For example, if rescuing drowning passengers from a ferry that capsized, the Service-to-Other individual might be barking orders and demands while in the water, grabbing at as many hands as possible before the passengers go under for the last time. My, my, such language! But what is their intent? They are looking for others to be teammates in the rescue, and not being polite when those others stand around stunned instead of helping. Meanwhile, the Service-to-Self person is avoiding the water, skirting around the edges tucking blankets around those who have been rescued, all the while trying to look busy! Polite words, head down so they don't get drawn into the dangerous rescue work in the water.

Why are those pointing fingers and insisting that Nancy and others be polite above all else suspect? This is a ploy, used by those leaning to the Service-to-Self, to manipulate service from others. If their motives are called out, they point the finger and throw out the accusation that anyone questioning their motives is not being Service-to-Other, as blunt talk could surely not come from one who is Service-to-Other. Oh? Why so? Those in the Service-to-Other are in fact most likely to utilize blunt talk! They have no use for a polite veneer, where those in the Service-to-Self use this ploy often.

Dan the Man said:

Hello, I have a question.  What is a good perspective for a person trying to be intensely STO, while also trying to stay alive, put in a situation were they have to choose between stealing to stay alive (while all other options are exhausted) or simply ceasing to exist.  For example, a grocery store is stock-full of food, and the owner is beyond rich, would it necessarily be strictly a STS personality of a person to take something that is not there's from that store? Especially in a survival situation? Often a starving man still has to buy his own bread, and a dehydrated man still has to buy his own drinks.  There's no free living these days, which IMO is against natural rights, so is stealing wrong when your doing it from the same rich tyrants killing your country and your rights?

Where is this line drawn? What is more worth keeping, a clean soul, or your life, in which you want to help others clean there soul during?

HI Dan

ZetaTalk about the purpose of life

What is the purpose of life?

If one looks at the physical life, it would appear to propagate the species and allow the organism to live, or vice versa as life comes before propagation. But since it is the soul that lives on while the physical body dies, hundreds and thousands and even millions of times for a given soul, it is clear that the question should be answered from a spiritual perspective. We, the Service-to-Other Zetas, are only in 4th Density and cannot speak with authority about higher densities. We can tell you that the purpose of your 3rd Density lives is to establish with certainty what your spiritual orientation is - Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self. Our lives in 4th Density finds us consolidating this orientation, as well as learning about the vast Universe around us.

The answer is simple. Because the purpose of your life on Earth is not to preserve your life. It is for spiritual lessons, which often occur fastest under stressful conditions. These are environments where the soul leaps to high ends, to help others even at risk of putting the self in danger. These are environments where the selfish clarify their aims, realizing they are out only for themselves, despite their words, when push comes to shove. If you are wishing to ditch out and move on to hybrid bodies, you will not be doing so, as you are not a Service-to-Other soul! Your next incarnation is as an amphibious octopusoctopi, at best, as if you are Service-to-Self, then your next incarnation may be any type of lifeform, on a very unpleasant


Dan the Man said:

Hello, I have a question.  What is a good perspective for a person trying to be intensely STO, while also trying to stay alive, put in a situation were they have to choose between stealing to stay alive (while all other options are exhausted) or simply ceasing to exist.  For example, a grocery store is stock-full of food, and the owner is beyond rich, would it necessarily be strictly a STS personality of a person to take something that is not there's from that store? Especially in a survival situation? Often a starving man still has to buy his own bread, and a dehydrated man still has to buy his own drinks.  There's no free living these days, which IMO is against natural rights, so is stealing wrong when your doing it from the same rich tyrants killing your country and your rights?

Where is this line drawn? What is more worth keeping, a clean soul, or your life, in which you want to help others clean there soul during?

Question from Phillip Yeager


On Tuesday, September 18 about 8:30PM (CDST) I happened to go outside with my son and we noticed the moon was in the S.E. sky at about 5 degrees above the horizon... completely normal. However, I looked up,directly overhead, slightly to the east and there was Orion. Orion is a winter constellation in the northern hemisphere, so I was confused about the location. Yesterday I printed a "skymap" ( for this month and Orion was nowhere to be found on the map. I was very anxious to see if Orion was really there, so last night at 8:15 PM (CDST) we went outside to check the location, but it was nowhere to be found. My son used Google Sky on his phone and found that Orion was supposedly North and below the horizon at that time. This morning at 4:45AM (32 hours later from the first viewing) I looked up, slightly to the East and there was Orion in all it's glory. I can understand the wobble in one direction as PX pulls the north pole to the opposite side at sunrise, but the variation is strange to me in that it took 32 hours return to that position. Any ideas? I wish to thank everyone, especially the Zetas, Nancy,and Albert for all their efforts."

There is something about the sky I would like to ask. From western Canada the constellations can be seen as Aquarius pouring water on the moon with the ram coming toward from the east. The serpent is west of the moon above the scorpion and Orion ( I think but could be the archer) is pointing towards it from the north (though to Alberta Orion cannot be seen right now). I know the moon in Aquarius is said to coincide with the Nile river flooding the land and there is much mythology relating to scorpio and the archer and Orion.  I am wondering if this could possibly tell a "story" pertaining to what is going on or is it just coincidence?

Love from the North

Hi Candice

Here is some ZetaTalk related to your question

This ZetaTalk News Letter talks about timing with Zodiac Sign Ophiuchus

ZetaTalk about Horoscopes

ZetaTalk News Letter about the constellations out of place

Candice Jessica Gagnon said:

There is something about the sky I would like to ask. From western Canada the constellations can be seen as Aquarius pouring water on the moon with the ram coming toward from the east. The serpent is west of the moon above the scorpion and Orion ( I think but could be the archer) is pointing towards it from the north (though to Alberta Orion cannot be seen right now). I know the moon in Aquarius is said to coincide with the Nile river flooding the land and there is much mythology relating to scorpio and the archer and Orion.  I am wondering if this could possibly tell a "story" pertaining to what is going on or is it just coincidence?

Love from the North

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