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Hello, I found this picture on stereo. Is this PX? These objets have been on for several days on stereo. Here is the link 

Is there any human in the Council of Worlds?

These are still images from videos taken using a red filter (floppy disk) on my iPhone.  Something I've noticed in capturing images over the past few months is that there are always 2 lens flares.  Is this of any interest?  In other words, are they a result of 2 light sources?

Hi there, I found this section of ZT to be the closest answer to your question, I hope it helps

The Earth is already in the Council of Worlds

Th Jed said:

Is there any human in the Council of Worlds?

When the sinking of Sunda plate began? In early 2010, or earlier?

Hi Stanislav, I believe the Sunda sinking began December 2010. Prior to that, the Indo-Australia Plate tipped, sinking Pakistan by 10 feet, and that was July of 2010, I believe. If you search the Zeta chat page on Nancy's site around those times, you will find it. Also, I think they have been mentioned in multiple Newsletters from Nancy.

Stanislav said:

When the sinking of Sunda plate began? In early 2010, or earlier?

Thanks Kris H


Does anyone know what is the executive order number that Obama has reversed recently as per question below?

Reply by Nancy Lieder yesterday

Declined as you answered your own question. The announcement IS getting closer, and Obama already reversed that Executive Order of Reagan's so it is no longer illegal to put this into the press. The Examiner has been leading the charge for some time now. I can't clap hard enough in approval. 

bill said:

Hi Nancy,

I thought the word "Wobble" is banned in the main stream media but the situation has definitely changed based on the news below written by  I

Hi Bill, I don't know if the EO was made public. If they had an EO that said "nobody can talk about Nibiru", everyone would have asked about it, if it was made public. But I think Nancy said earlier it was under Reagan in 1984.

Hi Bill

The Zetas said it was a National Security directive so I’m sure there would be no public record of it’s existence.

“The  announcement - composed of a brief overview by Obama explaining the now overturned National Security directive by Reagan followed by scientific explanations by NASA – had been pre-taped and  ready to go by Friday night September 14, 2012 right after the US markets closed.  But the escalating violence, a dozen attacks on US embassies in a swath from the Netherlands to Australia, forced a decision to delay until the next weekend.  Up until this time the crew planning the announcement informed the US military, in case riots broke out, and had alerted US banks to have extra cash on hand, stating only that Obama would be making an announcement”

bill said:


Does anyone know what is the executive order number that Obama has reversed recently as per question below?

Reply by Nancy Lieder yesterday

Declined as you answered your own question. The announcement IS getting closer, and Obama already reversed that Executive Order of Reagan's so it is no longer illegal to put this into the press. The Examiner has been leading the charge for some time now. I can't clap hard enough in approval. 

bill said:

Hi Nancy,

I thought the word "Wobble" is banned in the main stream media but the situation has definitely changed based on the news below written by  I

Thanks Robyn Appleton.

Robyn Appleton said:

Hi there, I found this section of ZT to be the closest answer to your question, I hope it helps

The Earth is already in the Council of Worlds

Th Jed said:

Is there any human in the Council of Worlds?

I am looking for an entire pdf download for all the hub info in troubled times. Is there a download link to that. All I found is the basic troubled times booklet.

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