GOT A QUESTION but don't know where to ask it? Post it here!

  For those who are not aware, Nancy has indicated that she is not going to be available anymore to answer all of your questions that you email her as her health and resources are being stretched and has deleted all of those in her friends list except those on her mirror sites team.
  Additionally, the Zetatalk Chat sessions are ONLY for people asking the Zetas a question and all non-question related posts will be deleted by the mods.

  This is also being done as in the near future, due to the anticipated increase in interest in the Ning when the 7/10 events really kick in, even MORE policing of the site will be required of the mods and when that happens, any content to be deleted or members to be suspended will occur without warning or explanation.

   So, where you would have messaged Nancy before or posted on the ZetaTalk chat and now can't as it's not a direct question for the Zetas, post your questions here!  All questions welcome.

  Since the start of this Ning, you have a wealth of individuals who know the ZetaTalk message almost as well as Nancy does - there's no need to ask her, just ask here. Nancy is one person, but the Ning is a big group who can answer your questions (and want to answer your questions) in the same way!

 (and please don't PM me with your questions - post them here instead)

ADDENDUM by Nancy. This was a Zeta response on December 4, 2010 during the chats, and I think it applies. I have warned the chats that the time would come when I would only say 'accepted' for those accepted, and not respond at all to other questions. That time has come, as of this week. Here's the prior ZetaTalk:

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 70 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek.

To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

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this is what you're looking for I believe:


Have the percentages changed much since first announced in 2002? At that time, we declared of the approximately 1 billion terran born reincarnting souls that 25% were Service-to-Other, 7% were Service-to-Self and 68% were undecided. We also stated, in 2002, that approximately 1 billion incarnated Star Children were present, with the remaining 4 billion humans having unsparked souls. By 2010 this had not changed, except that the 25% terran born Service-to-Other soul percentage had move up to 30%. Why this change? This 5% uptick does not reflect decisions made, but Service-to-Other souls between lives being allowed to incarnating quickly on Earth, as they were clamoring for the opportunity to make a difference during the Transformation.

We have detailed the complexity of the Star Child population, where these souls come from a varied backgrounds, having evolved from many different life forms, and choose their own missions. They do not operate as one, with any kind of coordination among the billion incarnated Star Children present. Given that 1 out of 6 humans is a Star Child, it would seem that most humans have encountered one, or may even have a family member that is a Star Child. However, there is no rule that Star Children must spread themselves evenly, and in fact an uneven spread is more likely to be the case. They chose incarnations where they can make a difference, in war torn areas, or in the halls of power. Obama is a Star Child, as was Ghandi, but most often a Star Child will not be in the spotlight but play a supporting role. 

Those trying to identify a Star Child from the population will be disappointed, as their most distinguishing characteristics is that others cannot quite understand their agendas. This is not a public issue, with hand-wringing and loud wailing, but rather a matter the human incarnated suffers silently. The Star Child might be quiet and well behaved, independent minded, while taking a support role that does not draw attention to the self. We have mentioned that Star Children are likely to have a well developed sense of outrage over the actions and in particular the intent of the Service-to-Self, whom they are adept at recognizing. But for the human population at large, this is often interpreted as a fault, not insight, with the Star Child blamed for having an erratic temper. Since erratic tempers exist, and certainly will exist during the tense times ahead, and since the Service-to-Self often mask themselves with good intentions, it will be impossible to establish a rule whereby Star Children can be identified.




Lana said:

Can someone clarify me this: I have read somewhere that there is around a million of star children ("Their number ranges, depending upon walk-in status, between several hundred thousand upwards toward a million.") and somewhere is said there is a billion. Which one is true? If there is a billion of star children on Earth, I think that the Earth would be much better place to live. 

Thanks Mark

This is obviously a fake something with 4 foot long feet would be huge and the ZetaTalk below explains how intelligent life forms are fairly consistent in size.

Anyone can carve out a foot shape in the rock. It was most likely a naturally occurring shape in the rock that reminded someone of a foot and they carved it out more to make it look even more like a human foot.


ZetaTalk about how intelligent life forms are fairly consistent in size

ZetaTalk about how the Annunaki are only about 8 feet tall and they are considered giants

The giant statues of Easter Islands appear to me to be sculpted in the image of the Annunaki owing to their body sizes and head shape. This is in view of the Zeta's revelation that (unlike us humans) the Annunaki (whom the Zetas say do not sleep), have one brain hemisphere as opposed to our two; and therefore have elongated heads. My question is why have remains of this giant race never been found on the islands or did they practise cremation? Or are they an entirely different race we don't know about as no record of them like those found in Sumerian texts exist? All the attempted explanations I have read are not satisfactory.

When Annunaki bones are discovered they are mistaken for human bones, as they are that similar. Although called giants, in the past mankind was shorter in stature than today. In almost all human races today males over 6 foot tall are routine, some even approaching 7 foot. In the past, as shown by the armor worn by knights in the Middle Ages in Europe, a height closer to 5 foot was normal. The Annunaki stand about 8 foot tall, and are very heavy boned and well muscled. Any Annunaki not cremated by his fellows would be a skeleton not intact, but strewn about by wild animals or eroded, laying on the surface. The statues on Easter Island are exagerated to look like the alien gods familiar to those in the South Pacific and S America. These are the visitors who did have elongated heads. Many human faces are elongated in a manner similar to the Annunaki. .

Steve said:

I was wondering, if mankind can expect in general ufo sightings in areas, where events will be upcoming sort of warning sign?

In the 7-10 scenarios North Island of Japan experiences strong quakes  with tsunami that would slosh areas near Victoria, where is this Victoria located?

Here is ZetaTalk about Victoria

 Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Roger Sahlin said:

In the 7-10 scenarios North Island of Japan experiences strong quakes  with tsunami that would slosh areas near Victoria, where is this Victoria located?

Hi Jeremy

Here is a link with ZetaTalk explaining the different reasons for sightings and the telepathic messages

Also the  Awakening section of ZetaTalk has more info

Jeremy Daniel said:

I was wondering, if mankind can expect in general ufo sightings in areas, where events will be upcoming sort of warning sign?

I hope I have this question in the right place.I was wondering what the Zetas and Nancy think about a recent blog by David Wilcock on his site In it he states that a man named Ben Fulord has information about a trillion dollar law suit filed in a group of asian nations.He claims that there is much more gold than thought on earth and it is hidden.Anyway it is a fairly long story but I am curious if anyone else here has heard this.And what anyones thoughts are on this matter.Thanks.Gary.

"Nancy makes clear in her chat introduction that she will not address questions about what others say unless these others can predict with accuracy. Does David Wilcock do this? ... No" 

Please read ZetaTalk

Thankyou Howard for your quick response.I am honored.Yours are some  of the most concise/precise statements I find on here.I am of the opinion that Wilcock and the like are sincere for the most part but are also after the money.Icke is another.Anyway thanks again.Perhaps I should go re-read Nancy's introduction.I will say that I have only become aware of earths reality in the last 3 years or so.I have spent all that time trying to catch up.From what I have encountered so far the Zetas are the standard I go by.How can one not when it makes the most sense!!Have a great day.Gary.

Hi gary

Here is previous ZetaTalk regarding David Wilcock

I am worried much. I can not understand why it happens so. There are channelings that say almost the same as ZT but some of the points just bewilder me. Some say (e.g. David Wilcock) almost the same about Earth changes but deny PX existence. Another say almost the same about everything as Zetas do except the possibility of disasters and PS (Adrian Dvir] I can not understand - these channelings seem to be so true as even a mad one could not make up - but they are not coincide with ZT completely and so "do not predict with accuracy". What should I do?

When we require a degree of accuracy in predictions before we are bothered to explain why another is incorrect or correct and to what degree, we are not talking about accuracy being statements that "coincide with ZetaTalk". We are talking about prediction accuracy. Anyone can make up a story, or make claims, but if you are going to consider these words as having any worth, then these other sources should prove their worth. Else, consider them just so much hot air. If you want the truth, read ZetaTalk, that is our answer. ZetaTalk predicted the current weather in 1995, and predicted the Earth wobble which is palpable. Why should you listen to these others at all?

Nancy makes clear in her chat introduction that she will not address questions about what others say unless these others can predict with accuracy. Does David Wilcock do this? Do the Irinas do this? No? They why have you posted these questions?

Is David Wilcock  a reincarnated Edgar Cayce as he states?

No. Nor would such a soul do something as crass as to make such an announcement. This alone disproves the claim.

“Will disclosure occur as predicted by various suedo-scientific personalities such as David Wilcock or Richard Hoagland? Since these individuals earn their living by claiming special insights into the alien presence, they wish to be on the media bandwagon should disclosure actually become a media event. We are here to inform them that such an event, predicted to include a White House announcement with an introduction of actual live aliens, will never occur, and certainly including Wilcock or Hoagland as parties has never been contemplated by the establishment. We have predicted that it is increasing mass sightings, increasing sightings of alien bodies, that will drive public awareness of the alien presence. Official disclosure by the US government is highly unlikely to occur, though they may back off some of their debunking campaigns. ZetaTalk accuracy has only begun to be demonstrated, and this trend will drive our words into increasing media attention. This is a prediction we have made from the start.”

gary blaine collett said:

Thankyou Howard for your quick response.I am honored.Yours are some  of the most concise/precise statements I find on here.I am of the opinion that Wilcock and the like are sincere for the most part but are also after the money.Icke is another.Anyway thanks again.Perhaps I should go re-read Nancy's introduction.I will say that I have only become aware of earths reality in the last 3 years or so.I have spent all that time trying to catch up.From what I have encountered so far the Zetas are the standard I go by.How can one not when it makes the most sense!!Have a great day.Gary.


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