GOT A QUESTION but don't know where to ask it? Post it here!

  For those who are not aware, Nancy has indicated that she is not going to be available anymore to answer all of your questions that you email her as her health and resources are being stretched and has deleted all of those in her friends list except those on her mirror sites team.
  Additionally, the Zetatalk Chat sessions are ONLY for people asking the Zetas a question and all non-question related posts will be deleted by the mods.

  This is also being done as in the near future, due to the anticipated increase in interest in the Ning when the 7/10 events really kick in, even MORE policing of the site will be required of the mods and when that happens, any content to be deleted or members to be suspended will occur without warning or explanation.

   So, where you would have messaged Nancy before or posted on the ZetaTalk chat and now can't as it's not a direct question for the Zetas, post your questions here!  All questions welcome.

  Since the start of this Ning, you have a wealth of individuals who know the ZetaTalk message almost as well as Nancy does - there's no need to ask her, just ask here. Nancy is one person, but the Ning is a big group who can answer your questions (and want to answer your questions) in the same way!

 (and please don't PM me with your questions - post them here instead)

ADDENDUM by Nancy. This was a Zeta response on December 4, 2010 during the chats, and I think it applies. I have warned the chats that the time would come when I would only say 'accepted' for those accepted, and not respond at all to other questions. That time has come, as of this week. Here's the prior ZetaTalk:

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 70 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek.

To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

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Hi Ryan,


The problem is that no conscious contact is possible at this time although this has happened in the past and the only people in possession of any concrete evidence are the governments of the world (primarily the US) and they have imposed a very successful cover up for over 50 years.

The result of this is that you can come forward with the truth but not convince people of it with proof and anyone can also say what they like essentially no matter how far from the truth as no-one can prove they are wrong.  Add to this the fact that those who are telling the truth on the alien presence will only be able to talk to a small piece of the whole truth and these people are always countered by disinformation from the establishment as part of the cover-up; and often this disinformation is dressed up as the truth or is part truth, part lies.

It's a minefield to say the least as you rightly point out!

This is where your intuition should serve you best.  When listening to all the competing messages out there - who among them is trying to help you and who is just putting forward what 'they think' is going to happen without any explanation as to where they get there information. At best they might claim they 'know someone in the government' who told them this or that and they say get prepared but don't give specifics.  Or they might blab on and on about cosmic this and cosmic that or 2012 this and 2012 that or HAARP this and HAARP that.

Line them all up against Zetatalk if you think they can hold a candle to a) the amount of specific information provided on so many diverse subjects b) the prediction accuracy c) the desire to inform people so they can save themselves d) the no-nonsense way of providing that information e) the access to themselves personally to ask your own questions every week if you need more information on a relevant topic not covered already e) the degree of attack that the Zetatalk message gets from orchestrated disinformation campaigns, etc, etc that are some of the main characteristics of Zetatalk which sets it apart from the rest of the 'noise'




Hi Laurie

Zeta Talk about safe Structures

Trouble Times info about domes

Laurie Brandt said:

What styles of archetucture are approperate for a combination wind and firestorm shelter?  I am seriously looking at a shell keep design with a center cylindrical or octigonal shaped central tower.  Also circular stone barns. 

You're asking for clarifications to be made about what someone else has said - how are we supposed to know what Ann Eller meant when she said this or that?

Try asking her, or alternatively, why not by-pass her altogether as she is just someone who is promoting the Zetatalk information anyway, and read the site for yourself which you have obviously started to do.

Search for 'dark twin', 'repulsion force', 'sea level rise' and you will start to find the answers you seek.


scott owsley said:


Newbie Orientation

I believe I heard from a recently recorded Ann Eller talk that PX is approx 4 times the diameter of earth (making it around 45 times the mass of earth and about 3600 times the moons mass). If this is correct, then at 14 million miles away, the angular displacement of PX's disc will be about 1/4 of that of the sun or moon. She claimed it will equal the moons size. Does her estimate this include the surrounding dust cloud? How hot does PX become from its time in perihelon?

Also, I'm assuming the role that gravity and electro-magnetism play -that are forcing the escalation of various rotational anomalies (wobble, orbit stalling, rotation stalling, reversing, etc.) culminating in the pole shift- is heavily weighted towards the electro-magnetic (as a disc 1/4 the size of the moon is gravitationally weaker). If so, then the moons orbit should be relatively unaffected by this event due to its weak magnetic field.

Where can I find info on what is available on modeling/ depicting the present increasing wobble/ speed changes (ie: actual obsevations of celestial objects vs. their predicted positions)?

Ms Eller said the oceans will rise about 600 ft. Is this permanent (until the next PX return), world wide or just the subsidence of N. America. I'm at exactly 600 ft elev and I'm dying to know.

Is it true that PX slows down during its close pass with the Sun (perihelion)? If so how? What is the flaw with Keplers Law (is it the “repulsive force”? Please elaborate)?

Finally, what exactly is the role of our "dark twin" (The Dark Twin escapes the cup, Why has it been denied by MSS (Main Stream Science)?

My best wishes for the continuance of Nancy's health.



1) I find it sad that as the Zetas said today 6/10/2011 Messages on New Zeta Talk, that the Indonesian Island's governments are "BRUTAL" . Those islands are so gorgeous -- it is like God's country and what a shame humans have contaminated it with their lowly consciousness - governments like that. There, is the midst of heavenly beauty, there is such dirty human ways / consciousness. This is very, very sad. Humans have ruined this planet.


Maybe it is a blessing in disguise / God's - Mother Earth's way of" "shaking off the vermin / errors of human ways"

like a dog shakes off fleas. Maybe it is God's way of letting the planet do this and hitting the "RESET BUTTON" on poor Mother Earth...


It is human's fault this is happening. By their negative low-life selfish conciousness vibrations they are attracting Planet X to them, unawares. For as even the Zeta's said -- IF mankind had lived right, the Golden Rule (God is NOT difficult or complicated) they would have long ago raised the vibrations of the planet into 4th dimension and Planet X would have bypassed us completely. Sigh................


2) They also said that the Powers in charge would attempt to cover up the 7/10 event of South America shifting 250 miles to the West by claiming that the GPS systems of the planet are awry. Is this POSSIBLE? 250 MILES FOR A CONTINENT TO MOVE is no small thing, especially when it is going to virtually obliterate Costa Rica & Panama in the process too......Is this possible to cover up?


Thank you. 

Re : "  Is this possible to cover up? "  :   Until pilots and mechanics let the word out that planes on transatlantic flights suddenly need one third more fuel  to cross over from Europe to S America, they´ll be able to cover it up... it should see a rise in the prize of a ticket though... maybe not many shall care then, as air traffic shall then likely again be for the few - for as "long" as that shall last... 

Only recently have pilots complained about their working hours, f.i. although it´s well known that many simply fall asleep en route... certainly, we shall see even more of that in the future... 

Dr. Evelyn Madison said:

1) I find it sad that as the Zetas said today 6/10/2011 Messages on New Zeta Talk, that the Indonesian Island's governments are "BRUTAL" . Those islands are so gorgeous -- it is like God's country and what a shame humans have contaminated it with their lowly consciousness - governments like that. There, is the midst of heavenly beauty, there is such dirty human ways / consciousness. This is very, very sad. Humans have ruined this planet.


Maybe it is a blessing in disguise / God's - Mother Earth's way of" "shaking off the vermin / errors of human ways"

like a dog shakes off fleas. Maybe it is God's way of letting the planet do this and hitting the "RESET BUTTON" on poor Mother Earth...


It is human's fault this is happening. By their negative low-life selfish conciousness vibrations they are attracting Planet X to them, unawares. For as even the Zeta's said -- IF mankind had lived right, the Golden Rule (God is NOT difficult or complicated) they would have long ago raised the vibrations of the planet into 4th dimension and Planet X would have bypassed us completely. Sigh................


2) They also said that the Powers in charge would attempt to cover up the 7/10 event of South America shifting 250 miles to the West by claiming that the GPS systems of the planet are awry. Is this POSSIBLE? 250 MILES FOR A CONTINENT TO MOVE is no small thing, especially when it is going to virtually obliterate Costa Rica & Panama in the process too......Is this possible to cover up?


Thank you. 

Hi Evelyn

Here is some Zeta Talk that will give you an idea of how long it would take for the earth to move to 4th density if it had not been administratively scheduled for the Transformation.

How many years it could take to progress humans from 3rd to 4th density in context of morale, ethics counting from present point and if we ignore coming PS ? Or that progress is not possible at all due to humans selfish nature which leads to periodic conflicts?

If the Earth had not been administratively scheduled for her Transformation at this time, but allowed to progress with her current trends, it would be tens of millions of years before the percentage of Service-to-Other souls would be sufficient for a leap to 4th density. We have mentioned that if left unchecked by something like the pending pole shift, the Earth would be destroyed by those who pollute and overpopulate, and this within 100 years. Such destruction does not necessarily entail all human life ending, or all species becoming extinct, but greater hardship for life in general. Overpopulation of humans would cease, but since the ratio of humans with reincarnating souls to those where a young soul might potentially spark is close to 1 to 6, this would only mean that all humans would have a reincarnating soul. The proportion of Service-to-Self to Service-to-Other would not change.


Zeta Talk about how we cannot wish our circumstances away and how we don’t chose our own reality.


Zeta Talk about the purpose of life, (this is school for all the “fleas” as you put it and the souls growing up here will be around long after the earth is gone and the sun has died)  

What is the purpose of life?

If one looks at the physical life, it would appear to propagate the species and allow the organism to live, or vice versa as life comes before propagation. But since it is the soul that lives on while the physical body dies, hundreds and thousands and even millions of times for a given soul, it is clear that the question should be answered from a spiritual perspective. We, the Service-to-Other Zetas, are only in 4th Density and cannot speak with authority about higher densities. We can tell you that the purpose of your 3rd Density lives is to establish with certainty what your spiritual orientation is - Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self. Our lives in 4th Density finds us consolidating this orientation, as well as learning about the vast Universe around us.

Are all transformations as difficult as the Earth's seems to be? There are so many significant, intractable problems facing us now it at times seems hopeless. Why are people incarnating now when humans in the main will die off going forward? Why not just wait for hybrid bodies?

The answer is simple. Because the purpose of your life on Earth is not to preserve your life. It is for spiritual lessons, which often occur fastest under stressful conditions. These are environments where the soul leaps to high ends, to help others even at risk of putting the self in danger. These are environments where the selfish clarify their aims, realizing they are out only for themselves, despite their words, when push comes to shove. If you are wishing to ditch out and move on to hybrid bodies, you will not be doing so, as you are not a Service-to-Other soul! Your next incarnation is as an amphibious octopusoctopi, at best, as if you are Service-to-Self, then your next incarnation may be any type of lifeform, on a very unpleasant planet.

Dr. Evelyn Madison said:

1) I find it sad that as the Zetas said today 6/10/2011 Messages on New Zeta Talk, that the Indonesian Island's governments are "BRUTAL" . Those islands are so gorgeous -- it is like God's country and what a shame humans have contaminated it with their lowly consciousness - governments like that. There, is the midst of heavenly beauty, there is such dirty human ways / consciousness. This is very, very sad. Humans have ruined this planet.


Maybe it is a blessing in disguise / God's - Mother Earth's way of" "shaking off the vermin / errors of human ways"

like a dog shakes off fleas. Maybe it is God's way of letting the planet do this and hitting the "RESET BUTTON" on poor Mother Earth...


It is human's fault this is happening. By their negative low-life selfish conciousness vibrations they are attracting Planet X to them, unawares. For as even the Zeta's said -- IF mankind had lived right, the Golden Rule (God is NOT difficult or complicated) they would have long ago raised the vibrations of the planet into 4th dimension and Planet X would have bypassed us completely. Sigh................


2) They also said that the Powers in charge would attempt to cover up the 7/10 event of South America shifting 250 miles to the West by claiming that the GPS systems of the planet are awry. Is this POSSIBLE? 250 MILES FOR A CONTINENT TO MOVE is no small thing, especially when it is going to virtually obliterate Costa Rica & Panama in the process too......Is this possible to cover up?


Thank you. 

Hi Annie

Here is some Zeta Talk that will help with your question

“During the pole shift, there will be a strong movement of the magnetic poles of the Earth, but this will not affect humans on Earth anymore than a human standing on the magnetic North and South poles today is affected. It is the giant magnet that is the core that cares, not humans on the crust. To the extend that a magnet inside human technology, or data, or sensitive instruments, receives a pulse, it will of course affect that technology just as data or magnetic components can be ruined when inspected before boarding a plane. Here again, we point out the difference between humans and magnetic technology! Do humans die when passing in front of inspection devices at the airport? No! Thus, protect your equipment, your data, if obsessed, but worry not about yourselves.”

Annie McG said:
Hi and thanks so much for all your time and all the info! I was wondering about the effects of a magnetic pole shift on brain function. I read somewhere that extreme magnetism can erase memories. Is this true, and if so, would that explain previous survivors basically starting over from scratch as "primitive man?" If we were to lose memories, would that include language? We have been storing up tons of written info on how to survive post-PS (on creating energy, gardening, herbal medicines, etc.), but without the ability to read and follow instructions, it would all be so much fuel for the fire. My intuition tells me that this would have been addressed already if it were a threat, but just the same I'd feel a lot better getting some input.  Thanks again and cheers to all the others out there trying to figure out how best to be in a position to help themselves and others in the coming times!

Hi Northerner

This Zeta Talk about the great lakes gives guide lines in determining how high and how far they will need to be from the lakes to be safe from the waves during the shift.

Lake Huron has an elevation of 577 feet so if you add another 50 feet and use the Google map link in Step 3 of this blog it should help you determine what areas will be safe. (make sure your on rock and far enough away

northener said:

Hi everyone,

I have searched all the places I can think of and cannot find anything about Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron, Ontario. I have gone through the steps to figure out the safe places, but I thought I saw a question somewhere already about the Island but now can't find it. If someone could point me in the right direction for info on Manitoulin Island I'd really appreciate it. And while I'm at it, I want to send out a big thanks to everyone who takes the time to respond to the many many questions here (some of them asked more than once). It takes effort and I want to acknowledge that. So thanks again.


I should add that this information is not for myself as I don't live there but am asking for those who do live there.


Derrick Johnson said:

Hi Northerner

This Zeta Talk about the great lakes gives guide lines in determining how high and how far they will need to be from the lakes to be safe from the waves during the shift.

Lake Huron has an elevation of 577 feet so if you add another 50 feet and use the Google map link in Step 3 of this blog it should help you determine what areas will be safe. (make sure your on rock and far enough away

northener said:

Hi everyone,

I have searched all the places I can think of and cannot find anything about Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron, Ontario. I have gone through the steps to figure out the safe places, but I thought I saw a question somewhere already about the Island but now can't find it. If someone could point me in the right direction for info on Manitoulin Island I'd really appreciate it. And while I'm at it, I want to send out a big thanks to everyone who takes the time to respond to the many many questions here (some of them asked more than once). It takes effort and I want to acknowledge that. So thanks again.


I should add that this information is not for myself as I don't live there but am asking for those who do live there.


...quite interesting....the great lakes do cover a wide region and some info can be confusing....i'm looking closely at the pinch in the st-lawrence seaway at the juction with the ottawa river[more precisely grenville/hawkesbury] the zeta safe loc pages it states montreal will still be an island and ottawa [the city will be split in two] with the surrounding land [...what is surrounding i wonder....60-100 miles.....north and south of ottawa....?]  still dry and the  ottawa river will become more like a sea..!!   i'd think then, everything on either side will automatically be flooded....or will it...?  also am trying to find a site that does give info on what 's underground as in where is the  closest bedrock region.....

Hi notherner

The Island also has a lot of lakes on it that will slosh during the shift, so use this information to determine how far away you will need to be from them also, it appears if your friends or family stay on that island they will need to choose their location wisely

“Inland lakes seldom flood their banks, or drain. Inland lakes may slosh, but are unlikely to rise to the level that rivers will, in that rivers are a temporary store for water, and inland lakes by their nature, a permanent store. But as a rule of thumb one can take their depth, divide by 5, and assume that level of water to be sloshing inland. In every case, then the surrounding land must be analyzed, as to safety.”

northener said:

Hi everyone,

I have searched all the places I can think of and cannot find anything about Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron, Ontario. I have gone through the steps to figure out the safe places, but I thought I saw a question somewhere already about the Island but now can't find it. If someone could point me in the right direction for info on Manitoulin Island I'd really appreciate it. And while I'm at it, I want to send out a big thanks to everyone who takes the time to respond to the many many questions here (some of them asked more than once). It takes effort and I want to acknowledge that. So thanks again.


I should add that this information is not for myself as I don't live there but am asking for those who do live there.


Why Planet X was not visible from 2003 to 2010 in Russia or there in Europe. How is it that on some pictures it right the other left?
Why do the images of different size it is?


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