GOT A QUESTION but don't know where to ask it? Post it here!

  For those who are not aware, Nancy has indicated that she is not going to be available anymore to answer all of your questions that you email her as her health and resources are being stretched and has deleted all of those in her friends list except those on her mirror sites team.
  Additionally, the Zetatalk Chat sessions are ONLY for people asking the Zetas a question and all non-question related posts will be deleted by the mods.

  This is also being done as in the near future, due to the anticipated increase in interest in the Ning when the 7/10 events really kick in, even MORE policing of the site will be required of the mods and when that happens, any content to be deleted or members to be suspended will occur without warning or explanation.

   So, where you would have messaged Nancy before or posted on the ZetaTalk chat and now can't as it's not a direct question for the Zetas, post your questions here!  All questions welcome.

  Since the start of this Ning, you have a wealth of individuals who know the ZetaTalk message almost as well as Nancy does - there's no need to ask her, just ask here. Nancy is one person, but the Ning is a big group who can answer your questions (and want to answer your questions) in the same way!

 (and please don't PM me with your questions - post them here instead)

ADDENDUM by Nancy. This was a Zeta response on December 4, 2010 during the chats, and I think it applies. I have warned the chats that the time would come when I would only say 'accepted' for those accepted, and not respond at all to other questions. That time has come, as of this week. Here's the prior ZetaTalk:

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 70 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek.

To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

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Hi Stra, thanks for your input and comments.  I'd read this ZT before and totally understand.  My question #2 really is a question about the final weeks, when all elite - gov't, religious, etc - will have left for whatever personal survival plans they have.  At this point, it seems they will no longer be a threat to commit mass murder by the mere fact of their absence.  At this point, given the fact of no major gov't or religious authority to panic and "mow down" citizens in the streets, "why would the element of doubt even matter?  My questions arise out of the belief that getting ready for the PS would be so much LESS DIFFICULT once there is disclosure.

Stra said:

Raymond, regarding your second question, take a look at this ZetaTalk from June 13, 2009


If not Planet X disclosure then alien disclosure seems to be in full progress now. Can the zetas speak to the dynamics between these two disclosure options? How will an alien disclosure impact any potential Planet X disclosure? Fostering distrust of government, stretching peoples' world view?


The requirement that there be an Element of Doubt about the alien presence and about Planet X are on two different paths. The rule to slow proof about the alien presence is to reduce fear and anxiety in the populace, so that contactees are not slaughtered by the religious elite. Such slaughter has occurred on other planets during their Awakening, and has been threatened by the religious elite on your planet too. The rise in mass sightings all over the world shows how quickly the populace has come to accept and even welcome the alien presence. As we have stated, this will increasingly lead to alien bodies being glimpsed, and capture of alien bodies on photo or video. Countries are opening their UFO files, one after another, without the public going into a panic. Thus the rule regarding an Element of Doubt about the alien presence is almost to the point of being moot. The only remaining element is conscious contact, which also is subject to being removed when anxiety will no longer be a problem.
The Element of Doubt about the presence of Planet X is in place because of nervous governments who are likely to mow down their citizens with machine guns if they, the government, panic. It is the wealthy, the elite, those with much to lose, who fear the public being educated. There would, of course, be some reduction in the number of people faithfully attending to their jobs if the truth were known, but this number is not as devastating as the elite and those in power fear. There will be a threshold where signs that Planet X is nearby are too obvious, the Earth changes too devastating, so the issue is again moot. At this point, the Council of Worlds will begin to lift the restrictions on maintaining an Element of Doubt about Planet X. It would matter not, then, how the government or the elite would react. The situation they fear would be upon them.


Hi Raymond here is a little more ZetaTalk about the element of doubt

The Council of Worlds is not politically corrupt, nor even political. The rule for an Element of Doubt is based on immense experience with how young worlds react during their Awakening, and when approaching some physical disaster. You are not the one to decide these matters. If the Element of Doubt seems to benefit the elite, this is a temporary matter, and worse would occur if the Element of Doubt were not in place.

The factors that go into the logic that the Council of Worlds applies regarding an element of doubt about the alien presence and an element of doubt about the coming cataclysms are complex, but we will try to explain some points here. The Council wants the level of anxiety to be reduced, as then empathy and love can reign as the stronger emotions rather than fear and protection of the self. Thus, until a community is comfortable, in the main, with the idea of the alien presence this community will not experience mass UFO sightings. Thus, until the progress of the passage of Planet X is at such a point that the last weeks are imminent, allowing a simulating of the seasons or moving planets to effect an anticipated eclipse will continue.

There is a threshold, when it will be no longer possible to deny the presence of Planet X - for instance, the rolling of Earth into the 3 days of darkness, or the lean to the left that precedes these days of darkness. There will be increasing evidence for those who can address reality such that they can make their plans for themselves and their loved ones. But at the same time, there will be an appearance of normalcy for those who would be gripped by fear and driven into hardened denial. Thus, a duality which has been emerging will be evident with an even stronger polarity. For those who need denial, hallmarks of normalcy will be present. For those who can handle the truth, the Earth changes will become stronger and the wobble more apparent. Both will be present, simultaneously.

Raymond E. McCabe said:

Hi Stra, thanks for your input and comments.  I'd read this ZT before and totally understand.  My question #2 really is a question about the final weeks, when all elite - gov't, religious, etc - will have left for whatever personal survival plans they have.  At this point, it seems they will no longer be a threat to commit mass murder by the mere fact of their absence.  At this point, given the fact of no major gov't or religious authority to panic and "mow down" citizens in the streets, "why would the element of doubt even matter?  My questions arise out of the belief that getting ready for the PS would be so much LESS DIFFICULT once there is disclosure.


Hi Raymond and more

The Element of Doubt is very much keyed to the level of anxiety in the populace. Crop circles have moved from being utterly debunked in the media to on occasion being reported as the real phenomena they are. UFO sightings have moved from being only on occasion undeniable mass sighting, such as in 1991 in Mexico City, to being almost routine over large cities around the globe. The common man, when seeing a UFO display, almost routinely ascribes this correctly to curious visitors, and not to the danger that the CIA and other arms of the controlling elite have tried to present.

The movie industry is cooperating with the mandates of those in the US government terrified of losing influence to the alien visitors increasingly contacting the public. An endless stream of fiction about mass landings, consumption of human brains as food for aliens, and crop circles as landing strips for such malicious takeover is foisted on the public. Informed or not, the public has long ago concluded that the US government is hiding the truth. They have also concluded that if the visitors were up to no good, and such disasters as portrayed on the screen and TV were possible, then these agendas would have played out already. If it were possible, why the delay?

We predicted that sighting of alien bodies would be on the increase, in step with the awakening, and they have! Starting with the Brazillian Roswell in 1996, this has now arrived at a time when the Denver video of a peeking alien in 2008 and the MJ release of the Skinny Bob tape in 2011 are of record, having gone viral on the Internet. What's next? More of the same, at an increasing pace. Disclosure by the governments of the world is not driving this, or impeding it. It is the welcoming embrace of the peoples of Earth that sets the pace.

Thanks Derrick,

All good ZTs concerning Element of Doubt.  As I mentioned, nothing new to me there, although it's a nice review with all the ZTs presented in one spot, thanks to your efforts.

Derrick Johnson said:

Hi Raymond and more

The Element of Doubt is very much keyed to the level of anxiety in the populace. Crop circles have moved from being utterly debunked in the media to on occasion being reported as the real phenomena they are. UFO sightings have moved from being only on occasion undeniable mass sighting, such as in 1991 in Mexico City, to being almost routine over large cities around the globe. The common man, when seeing a UFO display, almost routinely ascribes this correctly to curious visitors, and not to the danger that the CIA and other arms of the controlling elite have tried to present.

The movie industry is cooperating with the mandates of those in the US government terrified of losing influence to the alien visitors increasingly contacting the public. An endless stream of fiction about mass landings, consumption of human brains as food for aliens, and crop circles as landing strips for such malicious takeover is foisted on the public. Informed or not, the public has long ago concluded that the US government is hiding the truth. They have also concluded that if the visitors were up to no good, and such disasters as portrayed on the screen and TV were possible, then these agendas would have played out already. If it were possible, why the delay?

We predicted that sighting of alien bodies would be on the increase, in step with the awakening, and they have! Starting with the Brazillian Roswell in 1996, this has now arrived at a time when the Denver video of a peeking alien in 2008 and the MJ release of the Skinny Bob tape in 2011 are of record, having gone viral on the Internet. What's next? More of the same, at an increasing pace. Disclosure by the governments of the world is not driving this, or impeding it. It is the welcoming embrace of the peoples of Earth that sets the pace.

hi guys! hope this email finds you well.

my question is...Nancy any comments on the new developments with North Korea making plans to launch a long missile with an space satellite? and Japan feeling threaten by it and also US jumping in and saying it would be a bad decision for them to do it.....any comments of you or our friends the ZETAS?

Thanks Nancy! rest up! you do plenty for all of us....and excuse if my question has being talked about before but I did the search couple times not finding anything...thanks again! well wishes for you!

ZetaTalk: African Coapies        

what is coapies or coapy ? can`t find this word in elsewhere...       thanks.

Hi Sunlint

I believe it is spelled wrong it should probably be "Koppies"

or "kopje"

Has anyone seen the CNN report on Starbucks adding bugs (conchinel extract) to color thier drink? My question is the timing of the report for PS and eating bugs as a safe way of survival? Starbucks trying to help mankind? The message seems to imply: bugs wont hurt you!



I am honored that I can even communicate with you. First, I have been seeing the number 11:11 and 1:11 EVERYWHERE. This started a couple of  years ago At first I thought it was a funny coincidence. Now, I am not so sure. Everytime I look at a clock or phone it is 11:11 or 1:11 or some 11 - but mostly 11:11. Even clocks that are not on the right time. I have also noticed that the sky is not right, and that we are losing time on clocks.Those not auto-updating will be off a couple of hours at the end of a week it seems. Second, I am looking forward to the coverup being blown on Planet X. This is not really a question, but any time frame would be appreciated. I have been telling friends and family and they all think I am nuts. I however know the truth when I hear and see it and I want to help them to see before it is too late. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

krog, go to the main page and scroll down.  the left side will show, basics, frequently updated, 7 of 10 events...

           then it says IMPORTANT.  under that heading you will find safe locations links that cover everywhere,  or somewhere close to you. 

Thanks Nacey for all your hard work. It's making a big differants. zeta I pray your God sent.

 I live in a rule area in southeast missouri near clearwater dam . should i tell people to move out of the area. i have alot of friends here that listen to me and their asking what to do, seeing we are right on the lines of your maps, can you shed some light here.


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