GOT A QUESTION but don't know where to ask it? Post it here!

  For those who are not aware, Nancy has indicated that she is not going to be available anymore to answer all of your questions that you email her as her health and resources are being stretched and has deleted all of those in her friends list except those on her mirror sites team.
  Additionally, the Zetatalk Chat sessions are ONLY for people asking the Zetas a question and all non-question related posts will be deleted by the mods.

  This is also being done as in the near future, due to the anticipated increase in interest in the Ning when the 7/10 events really kick in, even MORE policing of the site will be required of the mods and when that happens, any content to be deleted or members to be suspended will occur without warning or explanation.

   So, where you would have messaged Nancy before or posted on the ZetaTalk chat and now can't as it's not a direct question for the Zetas, post your questions here!  All questions welcome.

  Since the start of this Ning, you have a wealth of individuals who know the ZetaTalk message almost as well as Nancy does - there's no need to ask her, just ask here. Nancy is one person, but the Ning is a big group who can answer your questions (and want to answer your questions) in the same way!

 (and please don't PM me with your questions - post them here instead)

ADDENDUM by Nancy. This was a Zeta response on December 4, 2010 during the chats, and I think it applies. I have warned the chats that the time would come when I would only say 'accepted' for those accepted, and not respond at all to other questions. That time has come, as of this week. Here's the prior ZetaTalk:

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 70 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek.

To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

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Hi Nancy,

I'm a big fan of the site and have been reading all of the posted information like crazy. I believe, beyond a shadow of doubt, that this event is coming.

With that said, I was hoping you could clear up some recent Zeta articles that I've read recently. They pertain to questions that were asked to the Zeta's about 2012. Several times the Zeta's had stated that people shouldn't focus on 2012 so much as the event "will occur before 2102".

Would it be possible to clarify these statements? Thanks a bunch!!

try this:

Free Gypsy said:

Hi Nancy,

I'm a big fan of the site and have been reading all of the posted information like crazy. I believe, beyond a shadow of doubt, that this event is coming.

With that said, I was hoping you could clear up some recent Zeta articles that I've read recently. They pertain to questions that were asked to the Zeta's about 2012. Several times the Zeta's had stated that people shouldn't focus on 2012 so much as the event "will occur before 2102".

Would it be possible to clarify these statements? Thanks a bunch!!

Is this true disclosure? I have read in zetatalk that there are things like this on the moon, but I keep thinking this would also be a great way to promote a movie coming out about the subject as well.

There was a documentary type movie made, Moon Rising by Jose Escamilla it can be seen on You Tube.

Hi Steve

Here is some ZetaTalk related to your question

ZetaTalk about artificial structures on the moon


ZetaTalk about how the Zetas do not expect disclosure to occur within the US

It is often said that the larger the lie, the more the resistance to admitting it. This lie is huge. The US is at the helm of the cover-up over the alien presence. It had been considered the world's largest economy during the period since Roswell, until recently when it collapsed under its debt load. It still has a massive military, equivalent to all other military might in the world combined. It was for this reason that Roswell occurred, the Omnipotent Krlll engaging the US Military, forcing aliens in the Service-to-Other to likewise engage them during Roswell. The US in those days thought of themselves as ruling and running the world, as with their financial and military might, they were dominant. When MJ12 was established, the decisions made by the DOD intel and the CIA were forced upon the rest of the world, and MJ12 was born.

We have stated that we do not expect disclosure to occur within the US because disclosure is tied indirectly to the cover-up over Planet X. If such a large lie were admitted, then what else are they hiding? And if aliens exist, then the highly accurate ZetaTalk might be true, and this raises questions about recent plate movements and signs in the skies seen increasingly by the populace. The elite in the US, the wealthy and politically powerful, are not ready for an enlightened populace, nor will they ever be. The people, however, know the truth, and do not need confessions to be aware.

Steve said:

Is this true disclosure? I have read in zetatalk that there are things like this on the moon, but I keep thinking this would also be a great way to promote a movie coming out about the subject as well.

I actually have two questions. I thought I would post them here instead of on the weekly chat because I don't want to bother the Zetas with something that may not be pertinent to the times.  Anyway, I'd like some input if for no other reason than to assure me that I'm not crazy. I am physically feeling squeezed; I liken the feeling to falling through the midpoint of an hour glass.    The first question has to do with the atmosphere of Venus.  With Venus being in the cup with the Earth, it's atmosphere must be affected by Planet X, too.  Some years back I remember watching a tv show on public television about Venus' toxic atmosphere.  If the tail of Planet X can affect Earth's atmosphere, then it surely must affect Venus' atmosphere.  So, with Venus' atmosphere being toxic,  close to Earth  and possibly also affecting Earth's atmosphere, can the health of people be adversely affected by Venus at this time?  The second question is more local.  In northern Wisconsin there is a highly charged environmental/political issue revolving around the start of a possible taconite mine located in the remote Penokee Hills between Ashland and Iron Counties.  The more I think about this issue, the more I wonder if the urgency with which the issue is being pushed down the people's throats has something to do with the elite  looking for safe places.  On one of the mine owner's web sites there is a short blip about him owning a 200' yacht.  That made me think of a story I read not long ago about how the uber rich were buying up luxury yachts and are sailing in the far North even at this time of year -- supposedly unusual activity.  I find it hard to believe that someone with this man's money would not know about the upcoming Passage.  So, is the controversey over the mine a smoke screen to hide an elite attempt to locate in the Penokee area?

Hi Joyce

Here is some ZT about the affects of the presence of Planet X and the earth changes on health

ZetaTalk about earth sensitive people and emanation illness

There is no direct connection. Earth sensitives are by genetics able to sense stress in the rock strata under their feet, often feeling pain in this regard. Some species of animals are likewise sensitive to this, Peking ducks being used in China to predict a coming quake. Contactees are those who requested a contact, giving the Call, and following through. This is related to the human and the soul incarnating being curious or caring or distressed in some regard. Thus, other than that an Earth sensitive is convinced there are quakes around the corner, there would be no relationship.


ZetaTalk about how elements in the tail of Planet X can make people ill.

There have been odd atmospheric disturbances since the tail of Planet X came into the vicinity in 2003 - Moon and Sun halos, neon clouds, manna found on the ground in the SW United States, and of course occasional red dust on patio furniture or cars. The chemicals in the tail have also caused human illness - nausea, dizziness, and irregular menstrual cycles in women. The tail has petrochemicals in it, which are the basis for the oil deposits on Earth. These chemicals were gathered in the Asteroid Belt when it was pelted to pieces in the past, as the planets in that belt were water planets and bore life. Out in space, these biological elements cannot rot, as bacteria cannot live in the cold of space or without oxygen. This glop is another form of these chemicals dropping to the ground - not oil, but not water soluble either.

There is more than red dust and debris that comes with the tail, as there are unseen elements. During the passage, firestorms light and fall to earth, caused by petrochemicals forming over volcanos. These petrochemicals are present in the tail of Planet X, having been gathered during the many passes through the Asteroid Belt in the past from planets that were pelted to pieces by the moons in the tail of Planet X. Earth herself was subject to just such an injury, thus the great hole in the Pacific, with all her land on one side of the globe. Oil is formed as the tail passes over the heat of volcanos, was not formed by rotting vegetation or animals as asserted by human scientists at a loss to explain oil formation. They cannot recreate oil formation in the lab, so the theory does not stand. Add to the effects of the tail elements filtering through the atmosphere, the magnetic swings. It is more than magnetic particles that are affected, when the swings are violent, as they have become. Humans or animals living under high voltage lines get cancer at a higher rate than otherwise, as well as other illnesses. It has been reported in the Kolbrin that women in Egypt were barren in the months before the last pole shift, and aborted. So not the first time these symptoms have been noted. These matters will not go away, but will increase up to the pole shift, when relief will at last be at hand.


ZetaTalk about how the earth atmosphere is affected during the shift and how the upper atmosphere is stripped away by the tail of Planet X.( The onslaught to the earth’s atmosphere happens around the time of the pole shift ,Venus has escaped from the cup and gone on its way weeks earlier and I don’t think they would have ever been close enough to each other to share atmospheres anyway)

Joyce Paski said:

I actually have two questions. I thought I would post them here instead of on the weekly chat because I don't want to bother the Zetas with something that may not be pertinent to the times.  Anyway, I'd like some input if for no other reason than to assure me that I'm not crazy. I am physically feeling squeezed; I liken the feeling to falling through the midpoint of an hour glass.    The first question has to do with the atmosphere of Venus.  With Venus being in the cup with the Earth, it's atmosphere must be affected by Planet X, too.  Some years back I remember watching a tv show on public television about Venus' toxic atmosphere.  If the tail of Planet X can affect Earth's atmosphere, then it surely must affect Venus' atmosphere.  So, with Venus' atmosphere being toxic,  close to Earth  and possibly also affecting Earth's atmosphere, can the health of people be adversely affected by Venus at this time?  The second question is more local.  In northern Wisconsin there is a highly charged environmental/political issue revolving around the start of a possible taconite mine located in the remote Penokee Hills between Ashland and Iron Counties.  The more I think about this issue, the more I wonder if the urgency with which the issue is being pushed down the people's throats has something to do with the elite  looking for safe places.  On one of the mine owner's web sites there is a short blip about him owning a 200' yacht.  That made me think of a story I read not long ago about how the uber rich were buying up luxury yachts and are sailing in the far North even at this time of year -- supposedly unusual activity.  I find it hard to believe that someone with this man's money would not know about the upcoming Passage.  So, is the controversey over the mine a smoke screen to hide an elite attempt to locate in the Penokee area?

Thank you, Derrick, I really appreciate your response!

Hi Nancy - There is a question as to whether this blog post is relevant to this site. I am wondering if the sea-bed lifted where this cruise ship ran aground thus indicating movement in the Mediterranean as an early sign of the crumbling sea-bed?

unlikely due to the sea bed heaving as the Med is due to stretch with what is coming - more likely a GPS failure as the wobble causes problems with the satellites.

Alison said:

Hi Nancy - There is a question as to whether this blog post is relevant to this site. I am wondering if the sea-bed lifted where this cruise ship ran aground thus indicating movement in the Mediterranean as an early sign of the crumbling sea-bed?

Thank You Derrick, perfect!

Derrick Johnson said:

Here is ZetaTalk about Victoria

 Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Roger Sahlin said:

In the 7-10 scenarios North Island of Japan experiences strong quakes  with tsunami that would slosh areas near Victoria, where is this Victoria located?


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