GOT A QUESTION but don't know where to ask it? Post it here!

  For those who are not aware, Nancy has indicated that she is not going to be available anymore to answer all of your questions that you email her as her health and resources are being stretched and has deleted all of those in her friends list except those on her mirror sites team.
  Additionally, the Zetatalk Chat sessions are ONLY for people asking the Zetas a question and all non-question related posts will be deleted by the mods.

  This is also being done as in the near future, due to the anticipated increase in interest in the Ning when the 7/10 events really kick in, even MORE policing of the site will be required of the mods and when that happens, any content to be deleted or members to be suspended will occur without warning or explanation.

   So, where you would have messaged Nancy before or posted on the ZetaTalk chat and now can't as it's not a direct question for the Zetas, post your questions here!  All questions welcome.

  Since the start of this Ning, you have a wealth of individuals who know the ZetaTalk message almost as well as Nancy does - there's no need to ask her, just ask here. Nancy is one person, but the Ning is a big group who can answer your questions (and want to answer your questions) in the same way!

 (and please don't PM me with your questions - post them here instead)

ADDENDUM by Nancy. This was a Zeta response on December 4, 2010 during the chats, and I think it applies. I have warned the chats that the time would come when I would only say 'accepted' for those accepted, and not respond at all to other questions. That time has come, as of this week. Here's the prior ZetaTalk:

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 70 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek.

To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

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Hi Vasin

I believe the point would be to make the most of your current incarnation. Just because the animal you are currently incarnated in may not exist in 100 years doesn’t mean everyone should stop living and learning. Your soul will out live all the life forms it will incarnate into and all the planets those life forms live on they will all be but a memory of your soul eventually.


So make the most of each incarnation.


Here is some ZetaTalk that was posted earlier in this chat about the purpose of life.


ZetaTalk about the purpose of life

The answer is simple. Because the purpose of your life on Earth is not to preserve your life. It is for spiritual lessons, which often occur fastest under stressful conditions. These are environments where the soul leaps to high ends, to help others even at risk of putting the self in danger. These are environments where the selfish clarify their aims, realizing they are out only for themselves, despite their words, when push comes to shove. If you are wishing to ditch out and move on to hybrid bodies, you will not be doing so, as you are not a Service-to-Other soul! Your next incarnation is as an amphibious octopusoctopi, at best, as if you are Service-to-Self, then your next incarnation may be any type of lifeform, on a very unpleasant

What is the purpose of life?

If one looks at the physical life, it would appear to propagate the species and allow the organism to live, or vice versa as life comes before propagation. But since it is the soul that lives on while the physical body dies, hundreds and thousands and even millions of times for a given soul, it is clear that the question should be answered from a spiritual perspective. We, the Service-to-Other Zetas, are only in 4th Density and cannot speak with authority about higher densities. We can tell you that the purpose of your 3rd Density lives is to establish with certainty what your spiritual orientation is - Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self. Our lives in 4th Density finds us consolidating this orientation, as well as learning about the vast Universe around us.

Are you speaking of yourself, or others? Our personal advice would be to realize first that death is not the end, and all life ends at some point whether abruptly or after a lingering illness. The pole shift is likely to bring more deaths quickly, avoiding the lingering illness, and this is in fact a blessing in disguise. Second, the purpose of your existence on Earth is to learn to love others, and the coming pole shift and disintegration of support structures around the globe is an opportunity. Focus on others, and how to help and comfort them, and your concerns about yourself will melt away. If you are speaking of others, your family or friends, there is little you can do unless they are receptive to our words above, which we doubt. They will slip increasingly into denial, which is a type of insanity, and eventually not be in touch with reality at all.

Vasin Alexandex said:

According to zeta Humanity will die out in 100 years after PS.  Sorry for asking that type of question, but if so - what’s the point to survive PS?

the answer would be no.  if anything like that was going to happen, the zetas would have mentioned it.


they have said that they estimate that 43% of people will go insane either before, during or after the shift anyway, and what happens to a lot of people is going to be so bad that it won't be necessary for them to hallucinate for them to experience something unpleasent or see something 'unworldly'

northener said:

Hi,  I am not sure if this is where I should post this question, please also let me know if it is appropriate.

I've researched the zetatalk files and haven't found any information in relation to the drug DMT. I read a book years ago that talked about how humans (and some animals) have naturally occurring DMT in our bodies but it wasn't clear what the purpose is of having this in our system. The author also theorized that at some point in time there would be a major (event) that would release the DMT into our brains. The effects of DMT for some people is that they see 'God' or 'aliens' or other spiritual beings. For some it's a good experience and for others it is horribly unpleasant. Apparently the visions one sees could drive some people person crazy...

My question is - first of all, is this true? and will there be something happen because of the approach and passing of Plant X that will set this DMT release off in humankind? Should we be preparing people to expect to see 'visions' and other worldly things? or any other info on this subject?

thanks everyone



I was sure this was addressed by the Zetas before but cannot find it so maybe not.  I thought they'd confirmed that eating raw vegetables was better for you as the cooking process removes so many nutrients.

becky person said:
I'm wondering if Nancy is aware of the great benefits of the raw foods lifestyle.  Only to read Raw Family a great story of  transformation by an entire family by Victoria Boutenko...she is on Facebook and the green smoothie regimen she suggests can work wonders for anyone ill these days...just using a blender...   Many other people are doing, teaching, and writing about raw foods and juice therapies and there are several clinics available.... Ronora in Michigan or Wisconsin is one...and there are many others...

why live today, why live anytime?  You need to answer that question yourself - and trust me when I say that you are not alone when you ask yourself something like that.


Understand that every challenge in life is an oppotunity for spiritual growth - the bigger the challenge, the bigger to possibilty for growth.  This is going to be one hell of a challenge - poleshifts are devastating to all so no escape for anyone, this is going to be the worst (most geologically devastating) poleshift for 50,000 years and after that the transformation is going to occur so the human experience is going to be phased out in favour of the hybrids (Assassani to some) being developed so if you are looking for a reason to engage fully with what is about to happen to the Earth, look no further.


As with all life (or lives) you are being presented with a CHOICE.  You must choose for yourself  - that's the same for everyone else; in life, unlike school, we get the test first and the lesson later.


mark :-)

Vasin Alexandex said:

According to zeta Humanity will die out in 100 years after PS.  Sorry for asking that type of question, but if so - what’s the point to survive PS?

You are forgetting the basic human instinct is to survive.  I am a mother of five children.  I will protect them to the ends of the earth, no question.  To want to opt out and leave them stranded would be very, very selfish.  If you don't want to survive then that's your choice, but as a mother it would be the most awful experience for my children suddenly left on their own battling with the new world.  I cannot believe that someone would even ask that question.  Life is a gift and I, for one, intend to make the most of it until my very last breath.  The hero boy in the Toowoomba floods who died was a school mate of my daughters, he made the ultimate sacrifice to save his brother, a choice I'm sure many will have to make in the future.

unfortunately, your sentiments are not shared by everyone - when I told my aunt about the possibility of a poleshift, her immediate reaction was that she wanted to go out under the waves and - wait for it - with her childen (my cousins) with her!  I'd like to think that won't be her attitude when the time comes but you've got to think that that's not a great starting position!

Carrie Stevenson said:

You are forgetting the basic human instinct is to survive.  I am a mother of five children.  I will protect them to the ends of the earth, no question.  To want to opt out and leave them stranded would be very, very selfish.  If you don't want to survive then that's your choice, but as a mother it would be the most awful experience for my children suddenly left on their own battling with the new world.  I cannot believe that someone would even ask that question.  Life is a gift and I, for one, intend to make the most of it until my very last breath.  The hero boy in the Toowoomba floods who died was a school mate of my daughters, he made the ultimate sacrifice to save his brother, a choice I'm sure many will have to make in the future.

Hey Ryan, well I dont mean to use this ning to care only about myself.  I am pretty confident as to the place we will move if things start moving.  We would move from Montreal to the North shore of Quebec city, where our relatives are... It's not THAT far from the St-Lawrence river but I read on the ning that the river will crack open enough to absorb most of the excess water coming from the melting ice caps...


All the best


ryan said:

ok jane i'll post what i can on quebec over the weekend. in the meantime, if you can give me a clue on what part of quebec you look forward to moving to...that would help me be more specific....

hey mark,

  I've gotten that response before as well.  I'm not sure how to respond to that either.  caught me a bit unawares as one might say.  your choice is your choice, but to force that on someone else, well?   I'm still pretty much tounge-tied from it.   ANY HELP?


much love


yea - she might say that, but there's no way in hell she'd ever be able to actually make that happen - as if her children would just allow themselves to die just to satisfy her own personal plans - but I don't realy think she'd do that when the time came anyway - I expect she'll want to survive just like everyone else.


Ryan Giorgis said:

hey mark,

  I've gotten that response before as well.  I'm not sure how to respond to that either.  caught me a bit unawares as one might say.  your choice is your choice, but to force that on someone else, well?   I'm still pretty much tounge-tied from it.   ANY HELP?


much love


agreed mark,

   the alternative we will deal with when we have to.


    and on a happier note, thankyou for the discussions you've started and for your comments on others:  you have a very calming overtone, which I appreciate greatly!


    In Love and Light

What subject did you want to post your blog about???

David Doyle said:

Pat Shannon said:
Can someone tell me what are the rules for posting a new thread on a blog?   How is it determined whether or not it can stay up on the site?  Are there special rules for starting a new blog posting?  We are really confused.  I know of a couple of instances where someone I know well who is a member here  posted a couple of new blogs which were instantly deleted.  I could not see where what was being posted was disinformation or disagreeing with anything we believe in as members of this ning.  Now we are starting to be afraid to post anything anymore for fear of somehow getting in trouble.  I understand that we could be banned if we post disinformation or other offensive material but these posts appeared to me to be good information which supported what we believe in.

Yes, Lothar posts this advice almost daily on the main blog itself. Also today, actually..:


The same advice is also posted in the welcome greeting that most new members receive, but frequently don´t read, just as many don´t read the introduction to the Ning, and also not to the "Ask The Zeta" weekly chat...:(


In these messages it clearly says :  " How to get started:
Read the F.A.Q and the Rules. Get familiar with Zetatalk."

And here are the Rules :  

 Earth Changes and the Pole Shift

Information and discussion about the Earth Changes and the pending Pole Shift 


The premise is that Planet X will cause a pole shift in the near future which is an event that can be survived when you prepare for it.


Because of the threat of disruptors and debunkers, and to keep this a space safe for all good-hearted people, the following rules need to be observed:
  1. No debunking and disruption. Debunking and disruption will lead to a ban. If you do intend to embrace any main establishment lies you will be suspended without any explanation.
  2. The existence of Planet X and ZetaTalk are not debatable.
  3. While recognizing the many different spiritual points of view here and the importance of spiritual preparation for the coming cataclysms, we ask that this ning not be used as a platform for proselytizing or debating religion. Please keep spiritual discussions related to the premise of this ning.
  4. No political debates.
  5. Blogs and discussions of a violent nature don't belong on this ning, and will be removed promptly
  6. While groups may form outside of this ning, they are beyond our control and thus we disclaim any and all liability arising from participation in such group(s).
  7. No personal attacks, be polite
  8. Blogs or Forum discussions that are not relevant to the focus and premise of this ning will be removed without warning. Discussions such as physical evidence, Earth changes, the weather, social and psychological adjustments, and survival techniques are of course appropriate. 
  9. Using this ning for the purpose of selling personal products such as books or personal services will result in the Blog or discussion being removed without warning or suspension of membership privileges. No solicitation! Personal recommendations of products that you have used or intent to use are not a violation of this rule.
  10. This group is not a dating service. Beware of members contacting you via private email to ask for dates or to sell products. This ning does not endorse either. No sexually explicit materials allowed whatsoever. This will be instantly removed and the membership of the poster suspended. 
  11. From time to time, links to other websites are posted. We take no responsibility for the content or the consequences of linking to same. If you choose to link and find it objectionable, please notify the Administrators who will delete it.
  12. Videos, because of the amount of space they take, need to be very relevant to the Premise and need to be pre-approved. This rule may be expanded to include photos and pictures too, in the near future, but a weeks notice will be posted about an intent to purge photos and pictures and videos prior to any purge. 
  13.  Personal pictures are limited to a single photo on your personal page only. Any additional photos you wish to display can be on a personal website, linked from your personal page. This is to conserve space. 
  14. Poems, songs, humor and artwork are a light touch when relevant to the issues being discussed here, but will be removed after a week to the archives.
  15. This group is mostly English-speaking. If you speak a language other than English, please translate it into English before posting it here. If you are reading this after posting in a different language, we will email you this rule in your language, run through an on-line translator like to let you know why we deleted your post. You are welcome to re-post it in English. We are multi-national in scope and it is far too difficult to translate 62 different languages. Thanks for understanding.
Debunking and disruption will lead to a ban.
Please inform an administrator if you think someone is not following these rules

Last updated by Gerard Zwaan Jan 21.


David Doyle said:


Pat Shannon said:
Can someone tell me what are the rules for posting a new thread on a blog?   How is it determined whether or not it can stay up on the site?  Are there special rules for starting a new blog posting?  We are really confused.  I know of a couple of instances where someone I know well who is a member here  posted a couple of new blogs which were instantly deleted.  I could not see where what was being posted was disinformation or disagreeing with anything we believe in as members of this ning.  Now we are starting to be afraid to post anything anymore for fear of somehow getting in trouble.  I understand that we could be banned if we post disinformation or other offensive material but these posts appeared to me to be good information which supported what we believe in.


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