GOT A QUESTION but don't know where to ask it? Post it here!

  For those who are not aware, Nancy has indicated that she is not going to be available anymore to answer all of your questions that you email her as her health and resources are being stretched and has deleted all of those in her friends list except those on her mirror sites team.
  Additionally, the Zetatalk Chat sessions are ONLY for people asking the Zetas a question and all non-question related posts will be deleted by the mods.

  This is also being done as in the near future, due to the anticipated increase in interest in the Ning when the 7/10 events really kick in, even MORE policing of the site will be required of the mods and when that happens, any content to be deleted or members to be suspended will occur without warning or explanation.

   So, where you would have messaged Nancy before or posted on the ZetaTalk chat and now can't as it's not a direct question for the Zetas, post your questions here!  All questions welcome.

  Since the start of this Ning, you have a wealth of individuals who know the ZetaTalk message almost as well as Nancy does - there's no need to ask her, just ask here. Nancy is one person, but the Ning is a big group who can answer your questions (and want to answer your questions) in the same way!

 (and please don't PM me with your questions - post them here instead)

ADDENDUM by Nancy. This was a Zeta response on December 4, 2010 during the chats, and I think it applies. I have warned the chats that the time would come when I would only say 'accepted' for those accepted, and not respond at all to other questions. That time has come, as of this week. Here's the prior ZetaTalk:

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 70 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek.

To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

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Hi Rex, I don't think people here are afraid to die, per se but I can speak only for myself.  I know that what Nancy and the Zetas have been telling us is true, I know because I know and it gives me an opportunity to save my family who I am responsible for.  Even if I didn't have my family, I would want to be a help in the new world.  This ning is preparing us to survive because we can be of help to others who have not heard the call.  Civilization will need to continue and without people that would make it pretty hard.  We all have choices in this schoolhouse of life but on this ning we are being aught to survive.

Rex said:
Why is everyone so concerned about their survival after the shift.  All seem to be so paranoid about the area they live in.   It seems they are afraid to "cross the threshold to a higher plane"?  Do the Zetas value their lives as much as people here seem to?  I feel the changes that are coming are for the best and I do not fear death or transformation.
ZetaTalk Comment 11/21/2009: We have explained that although the webbot project has a certain degree of accuracy, it is not infallible. They are looking for word frequency and association. If the collective conscious is thinking this or that, then their predictions will reflect what the collective conscious is thinking! The establishment has long planned to blame the Earth changes on the Sun, which failed to cooperate and had a lack of sunspots and a drop in the solar wind this past year. Nevertheless, their plan is proceeding, with movies such as 2012 and Knowing which released this year having the Sun as the cause of catastrophe. No wonder the common man thinks the Sun is the cause, and the webbot guys chirp this same disinformation line!

Have Cliff High and George Ure been leaned on to avoid that controversial subject? Or is the Planet X theory purported by ZetaTalk since 1995 so little known that it has not become fixed in the collective conscious that the webbot servers research? The HalfPastHuman reports allow reporting from the collective conscious on general ZetaTalk predictions, but simply would not give credit to ZetaTalk! That sounds like cooperation with the cover-up!

David Doyle said:

I would like to ask if the predictions of the Webbot are considered cover-up or if it is a possible tool of the Zetas?

Hi Rex

People want to live as long as possible so they can care for those they love and make the most of their current incarnation.

ZetaTalk about the purpose of life

The answer is simple. Because the purpose of your life on Earth is not to preserve your life. It is for spiritual lessons, which often occur fastest under stressful conditions. These are environments where the soul leaps to high ends, to help others even at risk of putting the self in danger. These are environments where the selfish clarify their aims, realizing they are out only for themselves, despite their words, when push comes to shove. If you are wishing to ditch out and move on to hybrid bodies, you will not be doing so, as you are not a Service-to-Other soul! Your next incarnation is as an amphibious octopusoctopi, at best, as if you are Service-to-Self, then your next incarnation may be any type of lifeform, on a very unpleasant

What is the purpose of life?

If one looks at the physical life, it would appear to propagate the species and allow the organism to live, or vice versa as life comes before propagation. But since it is the soul that lives on while the physical body dies, hundreds and thousands and even millions of times for a given soul, it is clear that the question should be answered from a spiritual perspective. We, the Service-to-Other Zetas, are only in 4th Density and cannot speak with authority about higher densities. We can tell you that the purpose of your 3rd Density lives is to establish with certainty what your spiritual orientation is - Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self. Our lives in 4th Density finds us consolidating this orientation, as well as learning about the vast Universe around us.

Are you speaking of yourself, or others? Our personal advice would be to realize first that death is not the end, and all life ends at some point whether abruptly or after a lingering illness. The pole shift is likely to bring more deaths quickly, avoiding the lingering illness, and this is in fact a blessing in disguise. Second, the purpose of your existence on Earth is to learn to love others, and the coming pole shift and disintegration of support structures around the globe is an opportunity. Focus on others, and how to help and comfort them, and your concerns about yourself will melt away. If you are speaking of others, your family or friends, there is little you can do unless they are receptive to our words above, which we doubt. They will slip increasingly into denial, which is a type of insanity, and eventually not be in touch with reality at all.


Rex said:
Why is everyone so concerned about their survival after the shift.  All seem to be so paranoid about the area they live in.   It seems they are afraid to "cross the threshold to a higher plane"?  Do the Zetas value their lives as much as people here seem to?  I feel the changes that are coming are for the best and I do not fear death or transformation.

Hi Dave

Here is previous ZetaTalk about  HalfPastHuman

Can you tell us how the mass-consciousness of Earth has changed in the last six years and/or how our mass consciousness of Earth is progressing to 4th or 5th density?

What is termed the collective consciousness, or mass consciousness, is telepathic communication as well as communication via body language among the populace. Body language can have great impact, for instance, if done by a TV host. The general public sorts out what they are hearing from politicians and the media, are arriving at conclusions they do not utter but nonetheless communicate with their own body language and life style changes. The predictive accuracy of the webbots, HalfPastHuman, was due to this, as the collective conscious sensed what was happening and were themselves making predictions. The populace is aware they are being lied to about Earth changes and the state of the world.

Would you please address the recent prediction of HalfPastHuman regarding October 7th?

HalfPastHuman has a good prediction accuracy track record, and thus we will address them. As they fully acknowledge, everything they predict is a guess, like reading the entrails of chickens thrown on the floor, only a hunch. Their data comes from the collective conscious, as they analyze word frequency and association. There is truth to the obsessions of the public, but not necessarily truth to the outcome of their obsessions.
For instance, there has been worry about war with Iran, about Israel making a bombing run against Iran. We have stated that this will be blocked, and has been blocked, by the contingent blocking Bush and the neocons. But the public is not aware of what goes on behind the scenes, only the sense they gather from watching Cheney, et al. who rattle sabers about Iran. Recently an article was published about what had been going on behind the scenes, that Israel requested a corridor through Iraq, refueling planes, and requesting more bunker busting bombs. All this was refused by the Department of Defense (DOD), as it was obvious that a bombing run on Iran was the goal.
Thus, those forming the database for HalfPastHuman were wrong in their prediction of Israeli aggression, thought not wrong in their concerns. October 7 is a time when an October surprise might occur, soon enough before the election to ruin things for Obama, or so the thinking goes, but not so close to the election that the public would not have time to be informed. Thus, the October 7 date. As we have explained, no October surprise will occur regarding this, as this is being blocked so the McCain camp will not succeed, though they certainly are plotting such things.

Can the Zetas comment on Clif High's webpage ( and the strange shutdown? Is it in any part related to the bot hit for November 8-12th? [and from another] We're baaaaack! Ok, so not all the way, but as of today, October 14, 2010, the new halfpasthuman server site has a page. Unfortunately for y'all, it is this page. Damn. Nothing here! But soon we will rebuild all the whozeewhatizits and such. So, if you care, check back in a small time, perhaps something will have changed. Ooohhh playing with universe. It is only when we remember that we are individually quite mad that universe makes any damn sense at all. Ain't pi peachy? [and from another] Tuesday October 12, 2010 Clif's Website Taken Down Clif's website has been taken offline by his internet provider, although there is no known financial reason for this to have occurred. Clif has been stonewalled by the ISP as to reason for the site doing down. His next anticipated release was scheduled for this weekend, but at this point in time, it is unclear whether it will be able to be posted because of the ISP issues.

The blame for downtime on the HPH website is that some kind of misunderstanding or malfunction with the ISP occurred. Bills paid, public interest, HPH planning to continue and poof, the website is offline! Perhaps the accountant failed to register payment. Perhaps someone at the ISP secretly plotted to bring them down or embarrass them. Since such an occurrence is extremely rare, in fact literally unheard of in today's Internet world, no one is actually buying this excuse. What happened? HPH prides itself on relaying the future with enough accuracy that its clientele continue to pay generously for the reports. But they have deliberately stayed away from any predictions on the crustal shift which is in mankind's future. In fact, they have gone out of their way to cast aspersions on ourself, as aliens who could not be trusted.

Meanwhile, all our predictions keep coming true! There stands Planet X next to the Sun, displayed on SOHO images almost daily. The plates are starting to move in accordance with predictions we gave to the public almost a year ago, when such plate movement was not in evidence. What will become of HPH when the Zetas strike it big, and there is no question that our predictions, provided to the public for free, were accurate but they, HPH, missed entirely? Why is HPH staying away from what is obviously on the public's mind? It is not that they cannot pick this up in their pattern analysis of word frequency and association. They discard this information on purpose, and ascribe any public anxiety to other causes. They are leaned on, and told that support of the ZetaTalk message, in any manner, is not to occur. If a lack of compliance with these orders are sensed, a warning is sent. This was a warning!


David Doyle said:

I would like to ask if the predictions of the Webbot are considered cover-up or if it is a possible tool of the Zetas?


PX actually has many personae  :

a lot of the time, it depends on the angle you´re able to catch it..:-)   when it´s turning it´s side to the photographer is when we see it with it´s string of pearls as well 


Luis Maia Bento said:

Dear all,

Just 1 question, which I believe most of you will be able to clarify me in a short line:  why in the SOHO/Lasco C2 images the PX complex appears as a winged globe sometimes and as cross some others ?

Thank you

Hi Rex - I actually agree with what Starr has already mentioned, but would like to add that I DO find it interesting that you seem to find people who wish to survive "paranoid" or afraid of crossing over... 

I just can´t see it that way :-)

Rex said:

Why is everyone so concerned about their survival after the shift.  All seem to be so paranoid about the area they live in.   It seems they are afraid to "cross the threshold to a higher plane"?  Do the Zetas value their lives as much as people here seem to?  I feel the changes that are coming are for the best and I do not fear death or transformation.

Rex said:
Why is everyone so concerned about their survival after the shift.  All seem to be so paranoid about the area they live in.   It seems they are afraid to "cross the threshold to a higher plane"?  Do the Zetas value their lives as much as people here seem to?  I feel the changes that are coming are for the best and I do not fear death or transformation.

Hello Rex, the path
depend of the inclination of the Soul:

Service to Others Soul: STO will reincarnate on Planet Earth.

Service to Self Soul: STS Will be removed Incarnated or not and avoid to/from reincarnate on Planet Earth to a nearby "prision Planet", to continue their STS path.

Undecided Soul about to be STO or STS: Will be removed from Planet Earth too, Re-Start Again and moved to a Water planet, reincarnated in a Octopus.

Read More:

Hi luis

Here is some ZetaTalk that should help

The ancient symbol of a Winged Globe was assumed by many to be merely a symbol of a traveling planet, Nibiru, but has recently been revealed to be the actual appearance of this approaching monster. Thus, the Avebury crop circle is making this statement. Today, a sighting of Planet X is most often of a Second Sun, which is sunlight glinting off the massive dust cloud. The Second Sun is always reflecting sunlight off a part of the complex, and is therefore merely a blaze of light from a single source. But increasingly, as Planet X approaches the Earth, squeezing Venus toward Earth and closing the gap so that more of the shrouded Planet X complex can be seen, it will take on the appearance of the Winged Globe in the skies. Many crop circles have alluded to this image, taking the shape of a bird in flight with a long trail streaming behind and the like.

The Winged Globe and Red Cross are the body of Planet X, identified primarily by position in the lower right hand side of the Sun on SOHO and Stereo images. Where there is a String of Pearls this is clearly a Moon Swirl seen from the side. The primary reason for confusion is that most of the visibility is due to the dust cloud, which reflects sunlight. This is true whether the dust is shrouding the corpus, Planet X itself, or a Moon Swirl. Both have drifting debris, the drifting tail so often noted. Both have a blaze of light. Planet X itself has two primary Moon Swirls that flare out on either side, like shoulder pads. This is the source of the Winged Globe shape, and the double helix shape on some photos of Planet X. These Moon Swirls keep apart from each other, though compete to be the closest Moon Swirl to the body of Planet X itself. Fairly equal in mass, they both cling close to the body of Planet X and both refuse to be displaced, thus the wings. The Checkmark shape is due to a similar arrangement coming from a single moon. When seen, this is clearly not the body of Planet X, but a Moon Swirl arrangement.

Luis Maia Bento said:

Dear all,

Just 1 question, which I believe most of you will be able to clarify me in a short line:  why in the SOHO/Lasco C2 images the PX complex appears as a winged globe sometimes and as cross some others ?

Thank you

I'm wondering if Nancy is aware of the great benefits of the raw foods lifestyle.  Only to read Raw Family a great story of  transformation by an entire family by Victoria Boutenko...she is on Facebook and the green smoothie regimen she suggests can work wonders for anyone ill these days...just using a blender...   Many other people are doing, teaching, and writing about raw foods and juice therapies and there are several clinics available.... Ronora in Michigan or Wisconsin is one...and there are many others...

Hi Becky

Here is ZetaTalk about the human diet

We have explained that the Oahspe channel not because mankind should do so. Man is an omnivore, with his greatest problem being that he does not understand the caveman diet and thus tries to eat both meat and vegetables or light protein like fish at the same time. The digestive system of man adjusts, so that if only meat is eaten, no harm is done, but switches to a different mode when meat is not available and scrounging around, eating vegetables and fruit and light protein such as fish is the diet. Some humans are genetically disposed to an early death from the fats in meat, as is known by your doctors. When the Oahspe was written, drugs such as statins were not available, nor were blood tests for lipid content.


becky person said:
I'm wondering if Nancy is aware of the great benefits of the raw foods lifestyle.  Only to read Raw Family a great story of  transformation by an entire family by Victoria Boutenko...she is on Facebook and the green smoothie regimen she suggests can work wonders for anyone ill these days...just using a blender...   Many other people are doing, teaching, and writing about raw foods and juice therapies and there are several clinics available.... Ronora in Michigan or Wisconsin is one...and there are many others...

Hi vasin,

    spiritual aspects aside, and the number of people one might be able to help with this knowledge, Life will be exciting again.  No more bills, taxes, credit ratings and 401K's, etc;  pretty much, no more "the man."  We will all be forced to live more in the moment, which is also spiritually advantageous;  More for each other in a more direct way.   I'm sure there will be tough times for everyone,  but I for one, welcome the change;  anything is better than the fake society we endure now.  Camping and hunting with friends for the remainder of this  life may be a simplistic, optimistic way of looking at things, but there ya have it:)

    hope that helps

       In Love and Light


Vasin Alexandex said:

According to zeta Humanity will die out in 100 years after PS.  Sorry for asking that type of question, but if so - what’s the point to survive PS?

Vasin - Simply put, if you're STO, you will want to survive so that you can be of service to others.


Live ZetaTalk Chat - Apr 6, 2002

"A common reaction among humans when first contemplating the pole shift as presented by us, is to think that the better option is to go out with the tidal waves, go down under quake debris, or be blown against a wall by high winds and have it all over with quickly. We present a scenario of stuggle to survive in the first place, with travel and terror and living a dual life of uncertainty due to the establishment cover-up.

"Getting past that as a short term problem, the larger problem looms like a dark cloud. Life in the Aftertime is fraught with dying forests, lack of livestock or flocks or wildlife to eat, and gardens that will not flourish. Add to this the description of a Mad Max world, where a set of laws and a governing body will be nonexistent or turned toward self-service, marauding gangs and the need to live forever in a low-profile mode to survive.

"Then the time frame of a 25 years volcanic gloom, with climate change requiring vegetation to adjust as well as try to re-grow, and it seems a LONG way off before one can sit on the poarch in the evening, enjoying the evening. Those with children despair that they will be educated, will live to adulthood without health problems besetting them, rotting teeth, painful disease, only to find they are bearing offspring into a world that is a nightmare.

"Those in poor health envision that they will become a burden on others, fear this will occur in slow steps so they will be unaware of it, perhaps senile or comatose due to starvation, and unable to control their life at all.  Thus, there are HUGE worries to anyone taking the message semi-seriously, and the first though is that this is a nightmare to be avoided.  So, given this perspective, what IS there to live for?

"Those strongly in the STO have no problem with this scenario, as they quickly sort out what life for OTHERS will be, and make their decisions accordingly.  This is no different than what they experience during everyday today. They may be told they have cancer, but consider who is dependent upon them and plot their life accordingly. They may be told someone in the family or a neighbor is going to fall on hard times, and adjust their own lifestyle downward to take them in and share what they have.  They may be told someone nearby has defaulted on their responsibilities, and step in without hesitation to fill the gap, being a father to fatherless children or whatever.  Thus, those strongly STO would not be likely to utter a phrase such as "why live?" as they KNOW why troubled times in particular REQUIRE one to be there for others.

"Those strongly STS sort this out in a similar manner, but in the other direction.  As with their everyday decisions, they look over the situation to see how it might be taken advantage of for their own pleasure or power position.
Since victims can be presented at any time, they assume MANY victims and looting and plungering and savaging potential galore in a post pole shift situation.  Thus, those highly STS will also not be likely to say "why live?" as they are licking their chops and rubbing their hands together. 

"The undecided are the ones likely to make the statement, "why live?" as they do not polarize in either direction, but rather think of their OWN life, and how they interact on a daily basis with other, or what they have come to expect as their daily fare.  The focus is the self, but as a child focuses on the self. How will this affect ME, what will I do when presented with this or that without the resources I've come to expect will be available to ME.  The immature spirit pushes the post pole shift scenario out only so far, to the edges of the cocoon they see their life as, and see this cocoon NOT THERE.  The job will be gone, friends and family may die or wander off, the store shelves empty, the government offices simply not staffed, and whom do they go to with their complaints?  Thus, it is the immature, the undecided, who will present leaders in the Aftertime with motivation problems."

Vasin Alexandex said:

According to zeta Humanity will die out in 100 years after PS.  Sorry for asking that type of question, but if so - what’s the point to survive PS?


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