GOT A QUESTION but don't know where to ask it? Post it here!

  For those who are not aware, Nancy has indicated that she is not going to be available anymore to answer all of your questions that you email her as her health and resources are being stretched and has deleted all of those in her friends list except those on her mirror sites team.
  Additionally, the Zetatalk Chat sessions are ONLY for people asking the Zetas a question and all non-question related posts will be deleted by the mods.

  This is also being done as in the near future, due to the anticipated increase in interest in the Ning when the 7/10 events really kick in, even MORE policing of the site will be required of the mods and when that happens, any content to be deleted or members to be suspended will occur without warning or explanation.

   So, where you would have messaged Nancy before or posted on the ZetaTalk chat and now can't as it's not a direct question for the Zetas, post your questions here!  All questions welcome.

  Since the start of this Ning, you have a wealth of individuals who know the ZetaTalk message almost as well as Nancy does - there's no need to ask her, just ask here. Nancy is one person, but the Ning is a big group who can answer your questions (and want to answer your questions) in the same way!

 (and please don't PM me with your questions - post them here instead)

ADDENDUM by Nancy. This was a Zeta response on December 4, 2010 during the chats, and I think it applies. I have warned the chats that the time would come when I would only say 'accepted' for those accepted, and not respond at all to other questions. That time has come, as of this week. Here's the prior ZetaTalk:

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 70 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek.

To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 65405

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The Zetas long ago explained the reason behind the increased brightness of the sun as being due to Planet X's presence nearby reflecting more sunlight back to Earth via the dust cloud than usual:

The dead birds and fish around the world are due to methane:

Qtrblooded said:

Have the Zetas spoken of the increase in UV rays due to the changes in atmosphere conditions? The suns radiation seems elevated, causing more drastic temperature spreads which i suspect is the culprit for the animal die-offs.

We already have the last weeks timeline and the sequence of the 7/10 events which have started already:,

Beyond that, no clues as to timing have been given or will be given until the time when giving out that information would not give those in power the ability to use that information to their advantage and against the common man.


Debbie Mercier said:

My question and maybe i miss it and it was already on here if so please forgive me. Now with the pole shift happening, Could we see a New Time line add to our time lines?

Getting an inexpensive globe is a good idea.  I bought 2 squeezable ball globes (little kids toys essentially) for a couple of quid each. 

You can easily use a current globe to look at future latitudes; the main things to affect latitude are the new position of the poles and the stretched Atlantic/compressed Pacific so for the America's you hold the Bulge of Brazil at the north pole and look at the latitudes of any given location there.  For Africa, Eurasia and Asia, hold India at the south pole and do the same.
On the other globe, I drew in all the tectonic plate boundaries in permanent marker which is a very useful thing to have when trying to understand when is happening now - I refer to it all the time.

Vicki Hanna said:

I have a big question about future latitudes. The Zetas keep saying that we need to figure it out for ourselves, but there is too much conflicting info out there. I have spent months, literally, trying to figure out the new latitude for Michigan. Others have expressed confusion about Michigan and Ontario (next door), so I can't be alone with this problem. I've followed every suggestion that the Zetas have made and am still stumped. I finally broke down and sent an email directly to Nancy, figuring she would know where Wisconsin would end up and she herself told me that "Wisconsin will be like Alabama", which was good news because that would mean that Michigan will be like Tennessee (a great improvement). However, then I come across another reference where the Zetas said that "Nebraska will be like Alabama". Wisconsin and Nebraska are too far apart for them to both be "like Alabama". Every time I see another map or globe, I measure the distance between the equator and the new North Pole and it ALWAYS looks like Michigan will actually end up further north.  Winters are tough enough here already. It's just plain idiocy to think that these winters are survivable WITHOUT power,  solid shelters, etc etc.

Yet in reading the Safe Locs for the surrounding areas, Quebec is supposed to be much warmer, even Connecticut "will be, if anything, somewhat milder". I can't seem to get clear on this and it's crucial that I do so. I don't have good computer skills and can't provide all the links for my research. I could plug in a copy and paste plain text version of my whole file on this subject, but that would eat up too much space for everyone else to have to wade through.

I would like to ask  the Zetas (but I'm too scared to do so) if, with their superior technology, they would be willing to publish some version of the projected new world map (with latitudes and longitudes) that would, once and for all, clear up these questions so that we can all get on to more pressing things. I've spent hours and hours on just this one point when I should be 1)continuing with the preparations or 2)taking the last of my money and moving to a more survivable location. They said in the Safe Locs that Michigan will have a relatively uneventful PS as far as plates and earth movement is concerned, but not one word about future climate.

Please don't tell me "how to figure this out for myself" by using some method or another. I'm truly defeated by this. So, has anyone else out there figured out, definitively, where Michigan is supposed to end up and would you please tell me? Or does someone else have the nerve to post this request to the Zetas (because I sure don't) to please supply us with the probable future world map that fully takes into account the opening of the Atlantic and the closing of the Pacific. I look at the New Geography map and see the east coast of Africa as equatorial almost right next to the new North Pole off Brazil, and am defeated.  Please, I'm desperate to get this information. Bless you, whoever can help me with this. Thank you.

@ Vicki : I think it was Sathya who brought that exact subject up a while back, and the answer was that they can´t be precise.

Hi, Vicki.

Thank you for asking such extensive questions....I, too, live in Michigan, and don't know where to start when asking  about the Shift.  Like they say, for every person who speaks up, there are 50 more with the same thoughts who say nothing.  I appreciate that you are that one in 50 who is articulate enough to speak for not only yourself, but many others. 

Derrick Johnson said:

Hi Vicki

Make a globe following these instructions. Use the latitude and longitude of the poles in the ZetaTalk below to help you.

Under our direction Nancy has ascertained via Google Earth that the new N Pole will be at the current lat/long of 5°S and 29°W and the new S Pole will be the current lat/long of 10°N and 78°E. These points are not on opposites of the globe from one another today. The Pacific compresses, the Atlantic widens, the S America Plate crunches through much of what is now the Caribbean Plate, and all this and more reform the globe somewhat so that geographical points are not relative to other geographical points as they are today. However, as a general guide to determine your new latitude, using these points and the map of the new geography and our statements on where the new Equator will ride should help you determine with more accuracy your new climate.

It is impractical to think in terms of distance between cities on differing continents, as travel between such points will be impossible in the Aftertime. The most practical way of locating your new latitude is to locate the distance from your nearest new pole. For Portugal, of course, this is the new S Pole which will be where southern India is located today. There will be scant adjustment between these two points, and though the Red Sea will spread somewhat, this is not a massive difference from the distance that exists today. All of Europe, Russia, the Middle East, Africa, China, and Asia can compute their future climate in this way. Australia and New Zealand should likewise compute their new latitude in this manner, making a slight allowance for a portion of the Indo-Australian Plate having pushed under the Himalayas somewhat. Other lands can compute their new latitude from their distance from the new Equator. Alaska, Antarctica, Greenland, Iceland, and northern Canada can assume a tropical climate and latitude based on the new Equator virtually passing either through their landmass or close by. For the Americas, the location of the new N Pole is key. This suffices for S America which will remain intact through the pole shift. For N America, which must account for the crumbling Caribbean Plate, the best calculation is a combination of computing where the new Equator rides in the Bering Straits and the distance from the new N Pole off the Bulge of Brazil. Where the two ends do not meet, then assume the new N Pole to be closer to you than the distance on today's map would compute. The N American continent will not stretch or expand, except for a slight increase in the width of the Seaway.


Vicki Hanna said:

I have a big question about future latitudes. The Zetas keep saying that we need to figure it out for ourselves, but there is too much conflicting info out there. I have spent months, literally, trying to figure out the new latitude for Michigan. Others have expressed confusion about Michigan and Ontario (next door), so I can't be alone with this problem. I've followed every suggestion that the Zetas have made and am still stumped. I finally broke down and sent an email directly to Nancy, figuring she would know where Wisconsin would end up and she herself told me that "Wisconsin will be like Alabama", which was good news because that would mean that Michigan will be like Tennessee (a great improvement). However, then I come across another reference where the Zetas said that "Nebraska will be like Alabama". Wisconsin and Nebraska are too far apart for them to both be "like Alabama". Every time I see another map or globe, I measure the distance between the equator and the new North Pole and it ALWAYS looks like Michigan will actually end up further north.  Winters are tough enough here already. It's just plain idiocy to think that these winters are survivable WITHOUT power,  solid shelters, etc etc.

Yet in reading the Safe Locs for the surrounding areas, Quebec is supposed to be much warmer, even Connecticut "will be, if anything, somewhat milder". I can't seem to get clear on this and it's crucial that I do so. I don't have good computer skills and can't provide all the links for my research. I could plug in a copy and paste plain text version of my whole file on this subject, but that would eat up too much space for everyone else to have to wade through.

I would like to ask  the Zetas (but I'm too scared to do so) if, with their superior technology, they would be willing to publish some version of the projected new world map (with latitudes and longitudes) that would, once and for all, clear up these questions so that we can all get on to more pressing things. I've spent hours and hours on just this one point when I should be 1)continuing with the preparations or 2)taking the last of my money and moving to a more survivable location. They said in the Safe Locs that Michigan will have a relatively uneventful PS as far as plates and earth movement is concerned, but not one word about future climate.

Please don't tell me "how to figure this out for myself" by using some method or another. I'm truly defeated by this. So, has anyone else out there figured out, definitively, where Michigan is supposed to end up and would you please tell me? Or does someone else have the nerve to post this request to the Zetas (because I sure don't) to please supply us with the probable future world map that fully takes into account the opening of the Atlantic and the closing of the Pacific. I look at the New Geography map and see the east coast of Africa as equatorial almost right next to the new North Pole off Brazil, and am defeated.  Please, I'm desperate to get this information. Bless you, whoever can help me with this. Thank you.

this is where you'll find your answer:

bakr.omar said:
Did zeta mention how much will be the sinking in indonesia.. will it completely sink or apercent of land will be .??
thank you

Ryan you ARE smart and it would be so wonderful for us in the province of quebec if you would share your understanding of what will happen in the Quebec Province (Canada). How far from the seaway and how close (to harvest sea) should we live?  I read ocean water will rise 675 ft well ok but how much of it will be absorbed by the cracking of the St-Lawrence Seaway thus how far from the seaway shall we live?


lol  I would love to start a beautiful comunity with survivors if I end up surviving myself... We'll see and do our best !




ryan said:

lol vicki. perhaps i can help.

one of the advantage of leaving the exact detail of every location out by the zetas is so that ppl will prepare for the worse instances of their projected climate. You do not have to worry about michigan being like  canada.

When trying to guesstimate your aftertime location, give priority to what the zetas have said abt individual provinces/states first (if not only that). the maps drawn are only approximations of that.  So use the "new geography maps", only for an approximation (& to take into consideration certain "map spacings" nancy saw in her "vision"). Since you're beyond tht stage and are looking for a more accurate description of your location, you only need to focus on the individual ZT on the different states. And based on this, if Nebraska is to be like Alabama, & Wisconsin is to be like Alabama as well (per Nancy). then Michigan will be like Alabama as well. NOT Tennessee. 

if you look at the projected maps of what wisconsin & michigan will look like, michigan has more water around it than wisconsin. So, lower michigan will water to the east & west. On top of this, you will be separated from north michigan by a little bay and a river. so you have more water heating your area than wisconsin.

Another thing to observe is that what the zetas said about nebraska was an approxiamtion. Nancy had used the "new geography map" & concluded that nebraska will be at the same latitude as where alabama is today. So what nancy had said RE: nebraska was only an approximation that had been approved by the zetas. And in the safe locs, that particular comment about where nebraska will be is not added.... Because like i said earlier, approximations has its advantages. it forces you to be more prepared (i.e. the worst case scenario-which will definitely occur once in a while).


Now if you look at Iowa's description, under the safe locs, it is supposed to be in a "warmer"" climate. But if you look at a plant hardniess map (, for the zetas to have said something like that with definite certainty, they must be projecting iowa to have tennesse's current climate (at the minimum).

And now looking at iowa's & michigan's future map (, you can see that michigan has a lot more water around it than iowa, with the addition of 752 ft (676 + 75 ft = accounting for land that will sink around the mississipi). So that again proves that michigan will have a climate similar to alabama.


regarding the new n. pole to the east of s. america

the coordinates that the zetas gave for the new n pole to the east of brazil, is only accurate for those living in s. america, as derrick pointed out. If youre living outside s. america & trying  to approximate your distance from the new North pole, dont use the given coordinates. Instead, measure the distance from brazil's eastern most tip to its western most tip. I got 2600 miles  (using google earth)

Move the the coordinates for the new north pole to the west by 2600 miles. This will account for where the new north pole will be relative to the rest of the world (with the exception of south America, that is). The north pole being around 2600  miles west of the given coordinates takes into account mexico's safe loc description that says lower mexico will crumble, while central mexico will not. Also the new pole will have to be at this distance for it to maintain a distance of 5600 miles from the new equator, which is the current distance from the pole to the equator (using google earth). I also took into consideration of africa moving south and rolling to the west. So the suggested coordinate modificatiion is a balance between africa's movements and how mexico will fare.

Since the new pole is very close to the eastern tip of brazil, for simplicity's sake, you can assume the north pole as being the western tip of brazil, itself.


So going back to vicki's case, michigan and wisconsin will have the same distance from the new north pole....

And taking into consideration the western tip of brazil as the new pole,

distance from n pole to equator today = 5600 miles

distance from michigan to western tip of brazil = 3300 miles (using google earth)

% of distance = 3300/ 5600 = 60 % the distance from the north pole = 40 % distance from the  equator

40% of 90 degrees = 36 degrees north.

the border between tennesse & alabama is 35 degree north.

Again taking into consideration the expanded seaway that'll surround michigan.....that gives you the climate of alabama.....

SO there you'll have an alabaman climate. But be prepared for a worser climate tho....


I recall that a ning member created a map with latitudes and longtitudes in the past 8 months or so, Vicki.  I would like to see it again, because I misinterpreted the other available information on future latitudes.

Ryan,  thank you for this add up to what I had read.  Indeed I am familiar with what the ning says about the SL river coastline and migrants etc. I have also read about the cities but it was still difficult for me to build a coherent understanding of so many factors : I've been tryin.  There are 2 elements of your response that really help me understand better: 1- your own explanation (the way you8 explain what you understood). 2- the map with Latitude and longitude.  So I really thank you.  sometimes when English is not our native language, it is more hard to represent so many words and technical data in our mind. 


I will continue my reasearch with your very helpful hints


ryan said:

jane have you read the safe locs?

use that tool to understand the elevation variation of quebec. (this will come handy, when trying to project what areas will be inundated with migrants, and where the high-traffic migratory routes will be)

your worry wouldn't only be how far from the seaway's shoreline you should be located, it will also particularly be the migration from the heavily populated parts of new england to quebec. Assuming you are well-prepared in the aftertime, living in high traffic areas will be a disaster for recipe, esp. if you have family.

secondly, reading the safe loc. description on the cities by the seaway would give you a pretty good idea of what would happen with the seaway. That means reading up on cities' & states' (or provinces') safe loc descriptions, even if you have no business reading it.


you should have tried your best while researching RE: you safe place, before asking me to...

(please don't take any offense..but you're expecting for a free hand. Even if you find it a daunting task to understand all the factors involved in understanding what places will be safe, you have to demonstrate that you have tried your best, before asking for help...thats all)

the answer is: they are not plotting against you, they are plotting against the message getting out which doesn't affect you as it has obviously already reached you! :-)

And they are certainly not 3 steps ahead of anyone as the constant earthchanges keep catching them off-guard - and yes, they are that stupid!

csleftwich said:

I have been on this site for several weeks feeling clever to know what is going on with the earth.   But in the back of my mind I have to keep telling myself.  The powers that be are not that stupid.  How can I really prepare myself to confront a major event such as a pole shift when I have a government plotting three steps ahead me?

Why is everyone so concerned about their survival after the shift.  All seem to be so paranoid about the area they live in.   It seems they are afraid to "cross the threshold to a higher plane"?  Do the Zetas value their lives as much as people here seem to?  I feel the changes that are coming are for the best and I do not fear death or transformation.


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