GOT A QUESTION but don't know where to ask it? Post it here!

  For those who are not aware, Nancy has indicated that she is not going to be available anymore to answer all of your questions that you email her as her health and resources are being stretched and has deleted all of those in her friends list except those on her mirror sites team.
  Additionally, the Zetatalk Chat sessions are ONLY for people asking the Zetas a question and all non-question related posts will be deleted by the mods.

  This is also being done as in the near future, due to the anticipated increase in interest in the Ning when the 7/10 events really kick in, even MORE policing of the site will be required of the mods and when that happens, any content to be deleted or members to be suspended will occur without warning or explanation.

   So, where you would have messaged Nancy before or posted on the ZetaTalk chat and now can't as it's not a direct question for the Zetas, post your questions here!  All questions welcome.

  Since the start of this Ning, you have a wealth of individuals who know the ZetaTalk message almost as well as Nancy does - there's no need to ask her, just ask here. Nancy is one person, but the Ning is a big group who can answer your questions (and want to answer your questions) in the same way!

 (and please don't PM me with your questions - post them here instead)

ADDENDUM by Nancy. This was a Zeta response on December 4, 2010 during the chats, and I think it applies. I have warned the chats that the time would come when I would only say 'accepted' for those accepted, and not respond at all to other questions. That time has come, as of this week. Here's the prior ZetaTalk:

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 70 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek.

To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 65339

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I wouldn't expect an announcement by the media before the end of today that Indonesia has suddenly dropped 80 feet in elevation.

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for January 1, 2011

"The 7 of 10 will unfold but not as expected by many. It will not be a dramatic announcement on the news, as the establishment is ready for this, due to the extensive discussions. Thus it will not be before the early part of 2011 before the full impact of the prediction accuracy is noted by the world."

John Sheldon said:

Quick question, for clarification: Isn't today, Jan 13, 2011, the end of the 2-3 week period that the Zetas said the plate holding up Indonesia would sink to the degree predicted?  Did they state that the 2-3 week period began on Dec 23, 2010, or do I have that wrong?  Should the tongue holding up Indonesia drop as much as 80 feet by today, according to their prediction?  Or do I have the timing off?  I guess it depends on the way you interpret the information given.  I guess it could be 2-3 weeks from the end of 2010... or from Dec 23?  Thanks for your help!

Love and light, john

Thank you Howard.  I really appreciate you responding to my questions.  I was specifically referring to the 2-3week period, not whether or not the media will announce it.  I too don't believe we will see anything in the media today.  However, is my understanding correct, that the 3 week period ends today?  Or do you see it as 3 weeks from the end of 2010?

Love and light, john


Howard said:

I wouldn't expect an announcement by the media before the end of today that Indonesia has suddenly dropped 80 feet in elevation.

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for January 1, 2011

"The 7 of 10 will unfold but not as expected by many. It will not be a dramatic announcement on the news, as the establishment is ready for this, due to the extensive discussions. Thus it will not be before the early part of 2011 before the full impact of the prediction accuracy is noted by the world."

John Sheldon said:

Quick question, for clarification: Isn't today, Jan 13, 2011, the end of the 2-3 week period that the Zetas said the plate holding up Indonesia would sink to the degree predicted?  Did they state that the 2-3 week period began on Dec 23, 2010, or do I have that wrong?  Should the tongue holding up Indonesia drop as much as 80 feet by today, according to their prediction?  Or do I have the timing off?  I guess it depends on the way you interpret the information given.  I guess it could be 2-3 weeks from the end of 2010... or from Dec 23?  Thanks for your help!

Love and light, john

John Sheldon - The 7 of 10 PRESUMABLY started on Dec 23 based on reports of sinking in the Phillipines that came in on January 3rd.  The Zetas stated that "the loss of elevation in Indonesia will take place in steps and stages over a 2-3 week period" but never said this commenced on Dec 23 and cannot say exactly when this drop will have occurred.  Based on Zeta accuracy and current world events it should suffice that the sinking of Indonesia is occurring right now and we'll all read about it in the news at a later time.
 7.3  loyalty islands...   with such a big quake, probably dumbed down, and  being so shallow, wouldn't that cause a tsunami.  greater  than a 7 mag and was only 3 miles deep.  are they playing a dangerous game or am i missing something...

 thanks heartsong,


  I think the cover-up and the lack of warning that people are getting are starting to wear on me.  i feel agitated.  Waiting for the next  thing to happen.   thanks for the grounding response:)

Thanks Howard!  I hear you, and I appreciate your thoughts on this.

Love and light, john

Howard said:

John Sheldon - The 7 of 10 PRESUMABLY started on Dec 23 based on reports of sinking in the Phillipines that came in on January 3rd.  The Zetas stated that "the loss of elevation in Indonesia will take place in steps and stages over a 2-3 week period" but never said this commenced on Dec 23 and cannot say exactly when this drop will have occurred.  Based on Zeta accuracy and current world events it should suffice that the sinking of Indonesia is occurring right now and we'll all read about it in the news at a later time.

Hello Vasin -  


Sorry to have to ask you this, but have you already tried going through these steps :


Other than that, I have to agree with you that there´s precious little info on the areas you´ve mentioned.. for Siberia in more general termes, I found this on Novgorod, which you may have already come across in the Safe Locs section of  :

But do try using the "heywhat´sthat"-Google Earth mapping, and see what you come up with. If you already HAVE, then yes, this might be a good question for the Zeta Ning Chat. Absolutely !

Best wishes !

Vasin Alexandex said:

Hello everyone.


I and few of my friends trying to find out information about 3 areas:

Armenia and especially Nagorno-Karabakh (or at least Yerevan).
Yakutsk region (Russia, Siberia), Magadan Region (at range more then 150 km from a see).  How difficultwould be to survive there after pole shift?

I checked archives, but didn’t find out enough information about these regions. If these information already exist - can you, please give me some links?

If not – what should I do next: ask you to ask Nancy, or ask Her by myself?


Thank you all.

It's not been answered before - Where will the moon be during the week of rotation stoppage? Will it be able to cast any light on the darkside during that time?  I don't think it'd be giving anything away about timing as the moon's position is bound to be so erratic by then that comparison to a Skymap program would be a waste of time.


Post it on the Zetatalk thread and see. :-) 


Of course, a full moon for one part of the darkside does not mean one for all parts and all you need is a bit of cloud and it's useless anyway.  In terms of planning, as I'm sure you're aware, assuming that there will be no light from the moon is the only sensible approach; the same is true for the preceding 3 days of darkness for the Northern Hemisphere.





bedlamite said:

This thread is a good idea. i struggle with trying to word my questions so they don't get mis interpreted. Perhaps here we can work out good questions.

>> On a side note. I never thought that trying to use a scale of 1-10 for rating the progression of the shift was a wise choice. In the first place that implies a linear progression which is clearly not the case. I just wish everyone would stop trying to figure if it's 7 of ten or whatever. It is none of that. Besides,, it is just an excuse to procrastinate.


Anyway the topic that I have been trying to think of a good way of asking is for those of us who are going into the shift on the night-time side. Pole shifts are serious enough, but in the dark!!

There has to be a smart question about this.

They have said that the moon is trying to get away from the particle flows. Maybe it will get pinned in a full moon position. That seems as far away as it could get. It wouldn't be so bad if we had some moon light. Maybe there would be enough PX moon swirls and aurorae to see by.

I dunno, but there's a question in there someplace.

Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia and about 10 million people reside there on the coast. The city averages 23 feet above sea level. Well inland it begins to rise above 100 feet. When the Zetas stated that Indonesia would sink, are they referring to Western Indonesia where Jakarta sits or Eastern Indonesia another major land mass north east of Jakarta? I can only imagine the suffering occuring should it be that Jakarta is suddenly thrust 80 feet below the ocean waves.


Bear in mind that crop circles are only meant to speak to your subconscious and it's unlikely you'll hit on their true meaning as, if you can get some clue from them as to when the poleshift will occur, then surely analyists working for tptb can do the same; meaning that the circle makers would be prevented from being that obvious by the Council of Worlds.

Not that I want to rain on your parade - I was one (of the many I'm sure) who spent time analysing again and again the Eastfield crop circle back in the day, trying to etch some kind of clue as to the timing of the pole shift out of it ( and it amounted to zero.

Much better to focus (consciously) on what the Zetas have actually said about what is going to happen and act on that.  That will always means there are gaps as they cannot tell the whole story at this time, but there is enough information out there for you to base your choices on now.

Remember, no-body has complete certainty as to what will happen between now and the poleshift or how long that period of time is.  This is very much deliberate as if you were able to get some certainty from crop circles or the Zetas then so would the people who would use that information against the common man with seriously unpleasant consequences.


hope this helps







Loranpl Smith said:

10/31/10 I think it is OK to post this because it still does not provide specific dates, has level of doubt since it is just my thinking, and I am reasonably sure the Zetas will not comment on it for reasons that have been stated many times. However, I would like the group’s feedback on my thinking. Feel free to shoot holes in it, I have a thick skin. 

I believe the Secklendorf crop circle (June 2008) tells us much more than the Zetas convey the meaning to be. It looks like a two-year calendar leading up to the pole shift event. To state this I make three assumptions; 1) Each ring represents a year (there are two rings) and 2) the pole shift happens at the end of the strongest trimester. If you play with rotation of the spokes representing the months August 2012 is the only choice for the pole shift that is consistent with everything the Zetas have said. 3) I also assumed that the time line in the Secklendorf crop circle progresses counter clockwise (mostly because of the planets around the outside edge of the crop circle, they orbit counter clockwise).

In Zeta talk, the Zetas give the following information:

  • The pole shift will be at the end of a trimester.
  • The trimester ending the end of August is the strongest.
  • The pole shift may not be at the end of the strongest trimester.
  • The last weeks will all occur within a trimester.
  • Earth changes will be the most traumatic in the summer trimester.
  • The notched circles are indicative of trauma points, with major trauma at the end of one trimester.

As indicated above zetas have stated many times in 2007 and again in 2009 that the pole shift will happen prior to 2012. In addition, in August 2010 zetas say that pole shift could be in 2012. With the number of events the zetas have described and the rate of progress to date, even if a quickening pace occurs, I do not believe the pole shift will happen in 2011. The time line laid out in the Secklendorf crop circle makes more sense to me assuming I am interpreting it correctly.

It appears that the width of the notches also indicate either the duration or the magnitude of the trauma or maybe both. I am guessing they represent both with the magnitude of the trauma being relative to the duration. Zetas have said that plates will be freed up for continuous movement as all the rough snag points are fractured. Thus working clockwise from the Pole Shift and the 9 of 10 events indicated below at the end of August, there is about 9 days of trauma then 5 days of quiet, then 5 days of trauma. This puts the trauma during the hour of the shift, during the 5.9 days of rotation stoppage, and the last three days of rotation slowing. Then there is 5 days of rotation slowing where there is little trauma, then 5 more days of trauma. This sequence takes about 19 days. The 18 days of slowing and 5.9 days of rotation stoppage total 23.9 days. Therefore, after the 6 days of sunrise west we should have about 4 days of slowing rotation before events get bad. Zetas say the pole shift occurs within an hour, so I am assuming these events are actually the “9 of 10”.

Continuing to work clockwise, the “8 of 10” event (what ever it is) will be around the end of January 2012 with duration of about 4 days. Another 1-2 day duration event will occur about the middle of January 2012.

The “7 of 10” events will happen over a two-week period from the middle to the end of June 2011, with about a week’s quiet time and then another 4-5 days of trauma. Approximately, I am probably trying to be too exact here with the durations as they are only visual estimates taken from the crop circle, but you get the idea.

The planets around the outside may tell us when to expect to see them in the heavens. If correct, we can expect to see the dark twin in the sky in early November of 2011. Next in January of 2012 Venus should be visible (I suspect huge). Following the time line on around the dark twin becomes visible again in April of 2012 but is smaller in the sky than it was in November 2011. Maybe the dark twin is smaller because it has escaped the cup at this point. Finally, by the end of June 2012 Venus and Nibiru will be large in the sky. Just saying that is what I think the crop circle is trying to tell us.








Additionally there is a second crop circle that I believe represents a calendar of events also. The Yatesberry crop circle (May 2007) gives a similar time line.

What the Zetas say about the Yatesberry crop circle:

  • Number of beads represents severity
  • Progression from center of spiral to outer edge represents time.
  • Wobble will get worse and be accompanied by events that will happen irregularly.
  • That there will be no discernable pattern that the establishment can use to plan their path.

To arrive at the conclusion that the Yatesberry crop circle provides a similar time line, I assumed the conclusions for Secklendorf crop circle above are correct and apply them to the Yatesberry crop circle. Colored dots in the depiction below were overlaid over the actual Yatesberry diagram by me for clarity. Note: In this crop circle, I assume the time line progresses outward from the center in a clockwise fashion out along the spiral.

I aligned the August spoke with the beginning of the nine-dot event on the outer rim of the spiral (color Red) and assumed these dots represent the “9 of 10” and Pole Shift. The Yatesberry crop circle would then seem to indicate that the “9 of 10” and Pole Shift events would occur in September, October, and most of November. Just short of 12 weeks. Zetas have said that events leading up o the pole shift will take 7.3 weeks so there is close correlation but not exact correlation. As indicated above Zetas say the dots represent “severity”. Zetas do not say the dots represent time. Therefore, there may not be a 1:1 correlation between the two crop circles. In addition, there are many ways to line up the spokes to position the months. I picked positions on the Yatesberry crop circle that produced, in my opinion, the best correlation to the Secklendorf crop circle.

With that said, working counter clockwise back in time from the end of August 2012, the next big event we encounter is the “8 of 10” (orange dots) which starts in November of 2011 and ends in mid January 2012.

Continuing back in time the next event is the “7 of 10” (Yellow Dots) which starts around the end of May and ends the end of July 2011.

Continuing to progress back in time to the first set of dots (green dots) we have the “7 of 10 like event”, which at the time of this writing (1/8/2011) is in progress with much flooding in Indonesia and Australia blamed on rain. Zetas say this event started in late December of 2010, which is reflected in the Yatesberry crop circle. The Zetas now say it will take 2-3 weeks for this event to be obvious. The Yatesberry crop circle indicates the event will last until the end of February 2011; again, the dots do not necessarily represent time.

The Secklendorf crop circle does not (in my opinion) include the “7 of 10 like event”. The balance of the events correlate closely between the two crop circles. The “7 of 10” in both is centered on June 2011. The “8 of 10” looks to occur from mid December of 2011 to Mid January of 2012 in the Secklendorf crop circle. Moreover, in the Yatesberry crop circle the “8 of 10” occurs from the end of November to the middle of February. For the pole shift itself, the Secklendorf crop circle has the shift starting in mid August and ending in mid September.  The Yatesberry crop circle with my current positioning of the spokes (an assumption) has the pole shift starting at the end of August and ending near the end of November. (Please remember the above assumes I choose the correct trimester end for the pole shift, which may not be valid and that the dots on the Yatesberry crop circle do not necessarily represent time but are stated to represent “severity” by the Zetas.) Just something to think about… Your comments are welcomed.



Ryan,Very comprehensive reply. Thank you. Sathya

ryan said:

Per the zetas,

"There are, as we mentioned there would be, indicators of the direction that the plates are being pushed, as Jakarta has been sinking, Pakistan sinking, and the Coral Sea floor rising. We are telling you your coastlines are not safe, and the rest is up to you.."

Jakarta will sink. it would be "overlooking" the sinking happening...

Sathya, if you look carefully on the map in the link...there is an estimation of which parts will suffer how much of an elevation (in feet)'s written in white, and pretty easy to miss it though.

Sathya said:

Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia and about 10 million people reside there on the coast. The city averages 23 feet above sea level. Well inland it begins to rise above 100 feet. When the Zetas stated that Indonesia would sink, are they referring to Western Indonesia where Jakarta sits or Eastern Indonesia another major land mass north east of Jakarta? I can only imagine the suffering occuring should it be that Jakarta is suddenly thrust 80 feet below the ocean waves.


This is my first question to you, ever. I do not know if you can help. My sister lives in ok, and my daughter is going there next week. I have told both of them everything I know and have learned. This does not make a difference to them. My question is, will I be able to drive from new mexico, to oklahoma and get them? I am thinking they will be calling me when the s*** hits the fan, before the shift. I appreciate whatever answer you can give.


Many blessings to all...Toby


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