Assisting where the data stops...
This spot is for those Earth Sensitives, and the like, to log symptoms/information related to the roiling core, harmonic tremors, surging magma, undulations & heaving on the sea floor, earthquakes, erupting volcanoes, compression blasts on the magnetosphere, etc. The logged info can be easily validated with data from liss, batsrus, eq reports, etc. I should hope that this comparison will build confidence in ones ability to detect these changes and therefore help (Star Children Missions) in providing information as the powers that be silence the equipment, drop quakes, display old data, or provide those lovely static pictures with their continuing trend.
The month of May provided solid confirmation & deciphering of the symptoms I have been tracking the past year plus. I try to write down or text myself the time, symptoms &/or empathic information, then rush to the Ning to verify if correlating information matches. It started actually 2-3 days before the Boston Marathon incident. I picked up on extreme fear confusion stress and it built up unfortunately until the bombing occurred. After this occurrence, an internal switch flipped & it became apparent, my gift (so its called) must be shared in hopes of helping others trust their intuitions and prepare themselves for the impending pole shift. Following the bombing, there was still a significant up-tick in the sensations & symptoms I experience. My intuition and symptoms were eerily aligned with numerous postings by Howard's regarding the magnetosphere compressions & BATSRUS modeling parameters being messed with to cover Planet X's presence, eq data being dropped, harmonic tremors and surging magma, along with sever undulations underground.
I'm relieved to say the end of May was rather welcomed because the huge up-tick during the month has backed down largely. And just when I thought things cooled down, I was up all night with teeth annoyances.
Symptoms Experienced :
Very dizzy like equilibrium is broken & sensation of being wobbly drunk. This is not like standing up too fast dizzy. It is a continuous feeling like u've spent many hours on a spinning ride at the amusement park and someone asks you to then walk straight.... This seems to be the pre-stage signaling that some activity is nearing Dropped Quakes.
Extreme anxiety and unable to enjoy being still ie needing to be on the move (like animals do) .... EQ pressure building .
Teeth and gums annoyed - feels like my teeth are moving or irritated (I'm almost 40 & have 1 cavity so it's not a tooth issue) ... Strong EQ building up, 6.5 magnitude or greater Earthquakes Worldwide.
Feeling (like) the ground has shifted under foot by many meters .... Magma surging & core roiling Sloshing Magma Worldwide.
A sever pull to a particular direction. Ex. If ur on a boat and rocking is happening north to south, it stabilizes one to rock against the motion. This might not be a great example .... Magnetosphere taking a blast & compression beginning Please Place your soho,.
A round of applause to all those who are Earth Sensitive able to voice their skill.
Please keep this discussion on topic. Limit your contributions to actual Earth stress reactions. Personal chit chat will be removed by the moderators."
Replies are closed for this discussion.
@Lalee, I knew I was forgetting something, magnesium :) I do have some so I'm gonna try it, see what happens. thanks for the reminder...
I too believe that the whole fibro diagnosis was bs from the start, even got into an argument with my doc demanding he run more tests, however, the same result every time. I even thought that it may have been MS at one point but all results say nothing is wrong....
I try to explain to people (family & friends) how horrible this is for me and no one seems to "get it".
I woke up this morning with my lower back feeling broken (to the point I had to have help to get out of bed & I'm not a very big woman but felt like I weighed a ton, he even said wow babe, you feel heavy) and extremely warm to the touch, also have sharp pains shooting up the spine and spreading out like the limbs of a tree and wraping around each rib..also, my lungs feel a little heavy this morning feel the need to take a lot of deep breaths (not asthmatic, nor any lung problems) and still can't seem to catch my breath to the point where I don't need to take the deep breaths anymore, the last time it was hard for me to breath, I heard later that week that there was a huge volcano that had errupted, wonder if that will occur today or in the near future?? I will keep my eyes and ears open to the daily changes and see what's to come!
How are you feeling today?
Lalee said:
@Vadra -- those screen shots are great! The 3D effect really gives a different perspective. It prompted me to take notice of my location & what is on the other side of the planet from where I am in terms of sensing things. One thing I did correlate is I have greater symptoms with Eq activity in the atlantic region & plate boarder of South America and Africa.
@Mario -- I completely agree w Vadra. Same diagnosis in '06', nothing actually targets my symptoms treatment wise at least from conventional dr's & again I state fibro is the cover up term for earth changes/pole shift syndrome. Aside from doing exactly the same as what Vadra is I do yoga, take magnesium, & try to swim (in the gulf) at least 3 or more days a week. I find that being buoyant helps desensitize some of the equilibrium/dizziness along w being very soothing. The biggest difficulty is beginning to look at the earth changes & see the connection to how the human being is reacting & subconsciously aware 'change is a comin'.
Today @ approx 2:30pm est & yesterday @ approx 1:30pm est I drove past the same intersection and felt like a compass that was experiencing magnetic flux. Couldn't orient my direction and knew I was heading south but felt like I was going east or west. Not sure if I was picking up on lay lines, electrical issue or magnetic hot spot. Will check out intersection again at different time and see if I sense it again.
Last 2 nights not such great sleep.
Vadra The heaviness & sensation u mentioned along ur spine & ribs, I experience something similar but it feels like worms(yes I know this sounds coocoo!) crawling up & down my spine with shingles type pain around into the ribs. During May when LISS showed the magma sloshing, the worms were worse but all symptoms were. I haven't been able to coorelate this to anything. I think it's just the body tapping out, expressing to take some downtime, like sensory deprecation tank. Which is when I head to swim and float(closet thing to sensory depervation tank). I don't like to talk about the wormys! It bugs lol people out. Yoga, olive leaf tincture &/or oil of oregano capsules when it's really bad. I have no real idea if it helps or it just passes.
FYI I take no pharma's, OTC, not even Advil. Spent 3 years w that game & the 'dr's'. None of it does anything. Only BC aspirin for headaches and that usually only if it has gone more then 2 days. I'm a practicing herbalist & found lemon balm skullcap mint tea several times a week helps. The skullcap, sometimes referred to as blisswort, is very soothing when upticks have me on edge! I throw other herbs in depending on how im feeling but that is my base tea. Once a strong eq happens or magma stops fussing or magnetosphere calms, symptoms r much much less intense/sever.
Its sad the relief comes w destruction
So I would suspect the compass/magnetic flux feeling was the 'pre' to the magnetosphere blast. I drove past same intersection today 20/06/13 around 11am est & about 530pm est and did not pick up on the same sensation as the prior 2 days. This leads me to believe I am warned or sense magnetosphere blasts up to 36 hours in advance.
Sever dizziness/equilibrium/wobble = dropped eq & pressure building
Slow, consistent, increase in teeth/gums annoyance = eq 6.3 or greater (7.3); very deep
Symptoms are on an uptick
Vadra how are u doing? Regarding the volcanos- during May with all its activity, I just kept getting the feeling that next would be more volcano activity, which has been occurring, but no symptom I correlated to it.
I've been absolutely exhausted for the past two days, just now @ 5:23p.m. 6-21-13 am I feeling relief!!! The symptoms got so bad I and so painful that my body just couldn't take it any longer! I haven't checked the media as of yet (just getting energy back & I take my vitamins ritually and that doesn't help when I get to the exhausted state) getting ready to do that now to compare notes and what's going on with my body this past week and a half..
I will check back in and post my findings!!
Lalee said:
Sever dizziness/equilibrium/wobble = dropped eq & pressure building
Slow, consistent, increase in teeth/gums annoyance = eq 6.3 or greater (7.3); very deep
Symptoms are on an uptick
Vadra how are u doing? Regarding the volcanos- during May with all its activity, I just kept getting the feeling that next would be more volcano activity, which has been occurring, but no symptom I correlated to it.
Here is an "old" article that might help us understand
Physical symptoms and advance warnings
In the past five years, Suzanne Smart has endured two CAT Scans, two EEG's, one Audiogram test, and a host of other medical tests by specialists seeking to determine why she suffered from rare and mysterious migraines, screeching ear tones and intense ear pain. After a big earthquake, the symptoms would disappear.
So I go to check world news and the first thing I come across was about an
1. Earthquake in Italy they claim a 5.2, however, I feel that they dumbed down the magnatude= may possibly be why my feet felt this electric/ burning sensation & the sensation of my feet not touching the ground over the past week.
2. Visions of bumble bee eyes giving me some sort of message= Britain disclosing UFO truths
3. Dizziness/ neusea= magnetosphere changes
4. Body heaviness= gravity changes within the earth's core due to magma changes...magma sloshing!
5. Ears & Teeth= magnetosphere changes
6. Shooting pain up the spine and around the rib cage= ????
7. Exhaustion= body healing from continuous symptoms!!!???
I know I've left out a few symptoms but this is what I've found so far that would explain my symptoms! Lately though as soon as my symptoms die down it's only a day or two before they begin again & in Feb. that was my worst month this year...thinking of checking online and going back to Feb and compare notes to what I was going through, and since Feb my body (when going through symptoms) is on a continuous uptick and when I do feel relief it's not really relief where it goes away completely, it only subsides momentarily where I get relief because it's not as bad as it was! Hope that makes sense!
So yeah, I'm gonna check and see what I can find that happened in Feb...if you'd like I can post my findings for that as well!
So glad your feeling better a little at least :)
Lalee said:
Sever dizziness/equilibrium/wobble = dropped eq & pressure building
Slow, consistent, increase in teeth/gums annoyance = eq 6.3 or greater (7.3); very deep
Symptoms are on an uptick
Vadra how are u doing? Regarding the volcanos- during May with all its activity, I just kept getting the feeling that next would be more volcano activity, which has been occurring, but no symptom I correlated to it.
For the past 6 or so weeks, I have been displaying signs of dyslexia. I'm not dyslexic. I can't seem to focus the way I'm accustomed to and a feeling of intermittent slow motion as though I might be suffering a stroke. I hate going to the doctor but I have been going through tests and have not finished them. I suspect that I am healthy and these new symptoms are due to accelerated Earth Changes.
I don't keep a log except in my head. I've posted other ailments under different blogs here on the ning but decided to add this here.
Thanks for sharing Lonne,and I just want to say that it's wonderful to meet you (another fellow sensitive), I read the article and it's a wonderful read, however, my symptoms don't stop at the dizziness, ear tones & neusea....I have several symptoms that I believe are related to several different earth changes, not just earthquakes.
There is so much more to this (for me) than just earthquakes, but I do believe that that's the most common symptoms amongst most of the population. My symptoms include a lot of pain that the doctors can't even get an understanding to what's really going on with much so that they gave me a bs diagnosis.
When I found the Ning via Zeta talk, I felt safe and "at home" with others that are just like me and we understand each other, and someone actually "gets it" (we understand exactly what each other is going through), we truly need each others support, it makes the unbearable pain bearable!
I will continue to document my findings in regards to the Earth changes & my biological/body's language and continue to report them on this forum. You never know, if I can get to a point of prediction like Shannon (I believe was her name on the article you shared) & Petra, maybe someone might stumble across this forum before hand and a life or two could be saved.
Again, thank you for sharing the wonderful article, great read!!! & Please do share your symptoms as well!
lonne de vries said:
Here is an "old" article that might help us understand
Aches to Quakes - Sensitives Who Predict Earthquakes Suffer Pain and Ridicule
Cell Biology may be clue to human body symptoms prior to earthquakes.
Physical symptoms and advance warnings
In the past five years, Suzanne Smart has endured two CAT Scans, two EEG's, one Audiogram test, and a host of other medical tests by specialists seeking to determine why she suffered from rare and mysterious migraines, screeching ear tones and intense ear pain. After a big earthquake, the symptoms would disappear.
I haven't documented my symptoms for comparison either but I was keeping a medical history folder describing symptoms, dates, times, etc...for my doc to come to some sort of conclusion on my health condition, however, as I stated earlier I was given what I believe a bs diagnosis because they have no clue what's wrong...
I think it would be perfect if you shared your symptoms here, even if it's day to day, we compare our symptoms & see what we come up with. I think it would be great for others to be able to come to this forum, check on our symptoms and be able to determine what's to come & even possibly where it may occure.
One more thing that I'd like to share with you so you don't worry to much is that I too had stroke symptoms about a year ago, my face actually drooped on the left side for a short period of time, again they found no that symptom has changed to a feeling of lock jaw that wraps around the ears...
Hope to hear again from you soon & please do share your symptoms :)
Starr DiGiacomo said:
For the past 6 or so weeks, I have been displaying signs of dyslexia. I'm not dyslexic. I can't seem to focus the way I'm accustomed to and a feeling of intermittent slow motion as though I might be suffering a stroke. I hate going to the doctor but I have been going through tests and have not finished them. I suspect that I am healthy and these new symptoms are due to accelerated Earth Changes.
I don't keep a log except in my head. I've posted other ailments under different blogs here on the ning but decided to add this here.
Regarding bumble bee eyes: I posted on June 13th (I believe was the date) about my visions of the bumblee bee eyes and on June 17th 25,000 bumble bees died in a parking lot in Wilsonville, Oregon.
I feel awful now, like I was given a warning and did nothing about it...I so wish now that I understood the message when given! :( We depend on them in so many ways!!! This is just awful!!!
Vadra L. Pine said:
#2. Visions of bumble bee eyes...I believe that I may have been wrong about this as I am now learning that there was a huge bumble bee death in Oregon with no explanation as to what happened to the bumble bees. 25,000 or so bumblee bees found I believe in a parking lot dead! No known cause!
I believe that my visions were definitely telling me something more than just the deaths of the bees and I'm now going to further investigate what may have happened.
If I go with my gut instinct I would say that the fault has cracked open allowing for methane to escape causing the deaths.
will update very soon with links attatched!
Vadra L. Pine said:So I go to check world news and the first thing I come across was about an
1. Earthquake in Italy they claim a 5.2, however, I feel that they dumbed down the magnatude= may possibly be why my feet felt this electric/ burning sensation & the sensation of my feet not touching the ground over the past week.
2. Visions of bumble bee eyes giving me some sort of message= Britain disclosing UFO truths
3. Dizziness/ neusea= magnetosphere changes
4. Body heaviness= gravity changes within the earth's core due to magma changes...magma sloshing!
5. Ears & Teeth= magnetosphere changes
6. Shooting pain up the spine and around the rib cage= ????
7. Exhaustion= body healing from continuous symptoms!!!???
I know I've left out a few symptoms but this is what I've found so far that would explain my symptoms! Lately though as soon as my symptoms die down it's only a day or two before they begin again & in Feb. that was my worst month this year...thinking of checking online and going back to Feb and compare notes to what I was going through, and since Feb my body (when going through symptoms) is on a continuous uptick and when I do feel relief it's not really relief where it goes away completely, it only subsides momentarily where I get relief because it's not as bad as it was! Hope that makes sense!
So yeah, I'm gonna check and see what I can find that happened in Feb...if you'd like I can post my findings for that as well!
So glad your feeling better a little at least :)
Lalee said:Sever dizziness/equilibrium/wobble = dropped eq & pressure building
Slow, consistent, increase in teeth/gums annoyance = eq 6.3 or greater (7.3); very deep
Symptoms are on an uptick
Vadra how are u doing? Regarding the volcanos- during May with all its activity, I just kept getting the feeling that next would be more volcano activity, which has been occurring, but no symptom I correlated to it.
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