
Weather Wobble

Jet Stream tornados

Siberian Freeze Weather Wobble

Wild weather , [2]

Wobble Clouds

Hurricane development

Violent Push

Weather & ocean currents

Europe Weather

Tides and Whirlpools:

Storm Clash whirlpools

Lurch of earth

Tides , [2]


Wobble Sloshing


"We warned at the start of ZetaTalk, in 1995, that unpredictable weather extremes, switching about from drought to deluge, would occur and increase on a lineal basis up until the pole shift. Where this occurred steadily, it has only recently become undeniable. ZetaTalk, and only ZetaTalk, warned of these weather changes, at that early date. Our early warnings spoke to the issue of global heating from the core outward, hardly Global Warming, a surface or atmospheric issue, but caused by consternation in the core. Affected by the approach of Planet X, which was by then starting to zoom rapidly toward the inner solar system for its periodic passage, the core was churning, melting the permafrost and glaciers and riling up volcanoes. When the passage did not occur as expected in 2003 because Planet X had stalled in the inner solar system, we explained the increasing weather irregularities in the context of the global wobble that had ensued - weather wobbles where the Earth is suddenly forced under air masses, churning them. This evolved by 2005 into a looping jet stream, loops breaking away and turning like a tornado to affect the air masses underneath. Meanwhile, on Planet Earth, droughts had become more intractable and deluges positively frightening, temperature swings bringing snow in summer in the tropics and searing heat in Artic regions, with the violence of storms increasing in number and ferocity."



From the ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for February 4, 2012:


The wobble seems to have changed, as the temperature in Europe suddenly plunged after being like an early Spring, Alaska has its coldest temps ever while the US and much of Canada is having an extremely mild winter. India went from fatal cold spell to balmy again. Has the Earth changed position vs a vs Planet X to cause this? [and from another] Bitter cold records broken in Alaska - all time coldest record nearly broken, but Murphy's Law intervenes [Jan 30] Jim River, AK closed in on the all time record coldest temperature of -80°F set in 1971, which is not only the Alaska all-time record, but the record for the entire United States. Unfortunately, it seems the battery died in the weather station just at the critical moment. While the continental USA has a mild winter and has set a number of high temperature records in the last week and pundits ponder whether they will be blaming the dreaded "global warming" for those temperatures, Alaska and Canada have been suffering through some of the coldest temperatures on record during the last week.

There has been no change in the wobble pattern, the wobble has merely become more severe. Nancy noted a Figure 8 format when the Earth wobble first became noticeable, in early 2005, after Planet X moved into the inner solar system at the end of 2003. The Figure 8 shifted along to the east a bit on the globe between 2005 and 2009, (the last time Nancy took its measure) as Planet X came closer to the Earth, encountering the magnetic N Pole with a violent push earlier in the day. But the pattern of the Figure 8 remained essentially the same. So what changed recently that the weather patterns became noticeably different in late January, 2012?

The N Pole is pushed away when it comes over the horizon, when the noon Sun is centered over the Pacific. This regularly puts Alaska under colder air, with less sunlight, and thus the historically low temps there this January, 2012 as the wobble has gotten stronger. But by the time the Sun is positioned over India, the N Pole has swung during the Figure 8 so the globe tilts, and this tilt is visible in the weather maps from Asia. The tilt has forced the globe under the hot air closer to the Equator, warming the land along a discernable tilt demarcation line.

The next loop of the Figure 8 swings the globe so that the N Pole moves in the other direction, putting the globe again at a tilt but this time in the other direction. This tilt is discernable in weather maps of Europe, again along a diagonal line. Depending upon air pressure and temperature differences, the weather on either side of this diagonal line may be suddenly warm or suddenly cold. The tilt and diagonal line lingers to affect much of the US and Canada, but the Figure 8 changes at this point to be an up and down motion, pulling the geographic N Pole south so the US is experiencing a warmer than expected winter under a stronger Sun. Then the cycle repeats, with the magnetic N Pole of Earth pushed violently away again as the Sun is positioned over the Pacific.


From the ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for April 6, 2013:


Would the Zetas be able to let us know what is causing the early break-up of the Arctic Ice, the ice seems to have taken on a swirling pattern at the same time, would this be wobble related? [and from another] The ice in Canada’s western Arctic ripped open in a massive “fracturing event” this spring that spread like a wave across 1,000 kilometres of the Beaufort Sea. Huge leads of water – some more than 500 kilometres long and as much as 70 kilometres across – opened up from Alaska to Canada’s Arctic islands as the massive ice sheet cracked as it was pushed around by strong winds and currents. It took just seven days for the fractures to progress across the entire area from west to east. [and from another] A high-pressure weather system was parked over the region, producing warmer temperatures and winds that flowed in a southwesterly direction. That fueled the Beaufort Gyre, a wind-driven ocean current that flows clockwise. The gyre was the key force pulling pieces of ice west past Point Barrow, the northern nub of Alaska that protrudes into the Beaufort Sea.

The Figure 8 formed by the N Pole during the daily Earth wobble has shifted somewhat to the East, due to Planet X positioned more to the right of the Earth during its approach. This was anticipated, and well described in ZetaTalk, the Earth crowding to the left in the cup to escape the approach of Planet X, so the angle between these two planets would change slightly. This shift of the Figure 8 to the East is due to the push against the Earth’s magnetic N Pole occurring sooner each day than prior. Thus instead of occurring when the Sun is high over the Pacific, over New Zealand, it is now occurring when the Sun is high over Alaska. All the wobble points have shifted eastward accordingly.

This has brought a lingering Winter to the western US, and a changed sloshing pattern to the Arctic waters. Instead of Pacific waters being pushed through the Bering Straits into the Arctic when the polar push occurs, the wobble is swinging the Arctic to the right, and then later to the left, creating a circular motion in the waters trapped in the Arctic. Since the Earth rotates counterclockwise, the motion also takes this path. This is yet another piece of evidence that the establishment is hard pressed to explain. They are attempting to ascribe this to high pressure and wind, all of which are not new to the Arctic, but this circular early breakup of ice in the Arctic is new.

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Comment by jorge namour on September 6, 2023 at 2:35am


Volos!! !!️ 🆘️🌊
Unbelievable amounts of rain coming down!
What a shocking take



2 people killed in Istanbul flash floods TURKEY

SEP 05, 2023

Two people were killed after flash floods devastated some districts in Türkiye’s largest metropolis Istanbul late Tuesday.

Heavy downpours started in the northern part of the city and intensified in the Arnavutköy and Başakşehir districts, turning roads into rivers.

FROM LINK Western Istanbul, Tuesday evening, September 5, 2023, torrential rains and floods flooded the city, a state of terror and panic

Comment by jorge namour on September 5, 2023 at 2:42am



🚨 Urgent: A catastrophe will hit #Greece in the coming hours: the total rainfall that falls on #Istanbul within two years can fall on #Greece within 48 hours..
It may fall 2 tons of precipitation per square metre. There is a very serious and extreme flood risk that will take the Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea almost sea water and pour it on Greece.
estimates in this direction.

Comment by KM on August 18, 2023 at 4:15pm

Structures lost in West Kelowna as thousands remain under evacuation order due to wildfires

Structures have been lost in West Kelowna due to the McDougall Creek wildfire, officials confirmed early Friday morning.

It is not known exactly how many buildings have burned due to the fire but the Central Okanagan Emergency Operations Centre said a full assessment of the area will be undertaken Friday morning.

At around 3 a.m. Friday, officials said the fire remains very active and unpredictable.

Currently, 2,462 properties are under evacuation order and 4,801 properties are under evacuation alert due to the McDougall Creek wildfire.

Click to play video: 'Province predicts tough wildfire days ahead for B.C.'
Province predicts tough wildfire days ahead for B.C.

A state of emergency has been declared in Kelowna, and evacuations are underway in two neighbourhoods, as two wildfires flared to life late Thursday evening.

It’s thought that embers from the nearby McDougall Creek wildfire sparked the new fires, with embers, aided by gusting winds, crossing Okanagan Lake.

Comment by KM on August 18, 2023 at 2:05am

The entire capital city of Canada’s Northwest Territories has been ordered to evacuate as hundreds of wildfires scorch the region, officials say

About 20,000 residents in Yellowknife are being urged to get out of the way of fast-moving flames as more than 230 fires char the territory and smoke creeps south, impacting air quality in the United States. Yellowknife accounts for about half of the total population of the remote territory, which sits north of Alberta and east of Yukon.

One of the wildfires burning west of Yellowknife is approximately 165,000 hectares, more than 600 square miles, and inching closer to the community and main highway, according to Mike Gibbins, who manages communications for Municipal Affairs Minister Shane Thompson’s office.

“We’re all tired of the word unprecedented, yet there is no other way to describe this situation in the Northwest Territories,” Premier Caroline Cochrane said in a statement Wednesday night.

“Residents living along the Ingraham Trail, in Dettah, Kam Lake, Grace Lake and Engle Business District are currently at highest risk and should evacuate as soon as possible. Other residents have until noon on Friday, August 18, 2023 to evacuate,” Northwest Territories officials said in a news release Wednesday.

The community of N’dilo is also under an evacuation order, officials said in the release. Those unable to leave by vehicle can register for an air evacuation, officials said.

“If you are able to evacuate by road, obey all warning signs, emergency management officials, traffic control devices and posted speed limits,” Cochrane added. “Do not make any rash decisions that can put other people in danger.”

Those driving out of the Yellowknife area face a potentially perilous journey through heavy smoke and fire. “There were patches of flames on each side as we drove through,” Nadia Byrne told CNN, calling her evacuation the most terrifying experience she’s had.

Byrne, along with four friends and their dogs, left Yellowknife Tuesday evening and struggled to see – and breathe – while driving.

“We hit a patch where we couldn’t see any of the lines on the road. That lasted 45 minutes,” she said. “We had our N95s on and could barely breathe and our chest and lungs hurt.”

The group made it to their destination safely the next morning, she said.

“We find ourselves in a crisis situation and our government is using every tool available to assist,” Thompson said.

Thompson declared an emergency for the entire territory on Tuesday, which will allow officials “to access and deploy resources so that we can continue our work to protect residents and communities in a more efficient manner,” he said.

The mayor of Yellowknife also issued a local state of emergency as the fires approached. The flames were less than 10 miles from the town Wednesday evening, officials said.

The new evacuation orders come as much of the South Slave region – including the town of Hay River – was placed under an evacuation order over the weekend. Roads out of Hay River to the Alberta border and west to Yellowknife were also closed, town officials said in a Facebook post.

“The situation has changed quickly. Strong winds have blown the fire within 10 km (6 miles) of the community. It is anticipated the fire will reach Hay River this evening,” Northwest Territories Fire said in a Facebook update Wednesday evening. “Crews that were in the path of the fire are pulling off for their own safety and are re-positioning to assist in other areas.”

A team from Alberta has been deployed to the Hay River area to lay fire retardant to help stop the fire from spreading, according to Northwest Territories Fire, a Canadian government agency.

“Sprinklers and structure protections are in place and turned on, other operations will continue work when conditions allow,” the agency added.

Evacuees from South Slave were initially advised to go to a reception center in Grande Prairie, but the government of the Northwest Territories has since rerouted them to a new center in St. Albert, Alberta.

In terms of the fires’ impact on communities in the Northwest Territories, “this has been the worst wildfire season in NWT history,” said Gibbins, adding that approximately 65% of the NWT population has been impacted by evacuations as a result of wildfires this season.

British Columbia prepares for potentially catastrophic days ahead

There are over 360 active fires burning in neighboring British Columbia, where officials expect fire conditions to worsen as heat and lightning are forecast to combine over the next few days.

“This weather event has the potential to be the most challenging 24 to 48 hours of the summer from a fire perspective,” Cliff Chapman, of the British Columbia Fire Wildfire Service, said in a Thursday news conference. “We are expecting significant growth, and we are expecting our resources to be challenged.”

Chapman warned that high pressure has led to record-breaking heat and that lightning is being forecast, which he said has been the “primary ignition source for new fires.”

The high-pressure air also causes dry winds, which contribute to extreme fire behavior, according to the BC Wildfire Service. These weather conditions exacerbate low fuel moisture in dead vegetation, which allows fires to start easily and spread rapidly.

These weather conditions also result in live vegetation, including peoples’ lawns and trees, to start yellowing – not because fall is approaching but because the plants are experiencing extreme drought conditions.

This is dangerous because it results in additional live vegetation becoming available for burning, increasing the risk of the fires getting bigger and spreading further, said Neal McLaughlin of the BC Wildfire Service.

“BC Wildfire Service is concerned about the upcoming ridge breakdown, and what that could mean in terms of fire behavior,” McLaughlin said. “We’d like to alert the public that there could be rapidly evolving fire behavior and fire behavior that could spread very quickly across the landscape.”

US under air quality alert

The fires burning in Canada have once again led to harmful air quality in the US, with the Minnesota Pollution Control issuing an air quality alert for Thursday and Friday.

“Heavy ground-level smoke from wildfires in the Northwest Territories of Canada is moving south across central Canada and towards Minnesota on Wednesday,” the National Weather Service warned. “A strong cold front will bring this smoke across the entire state on Thursday.”

Smoke could reach the Minnesota-Canadian border around midnight Thursday, and then possibly move over the Twin Cities around noon and southern Minnesota by 3 p.m. Thursday, the weather service said.

Air quality has the potential to reach the Purple or Very Unhealthy category for several hours in eastern Minnesota, the weather service said.

Sensitive groups, such as people with lung or heart disease, the elderly and children are urged to avoid prolonged or heavy exertion and the general public is being told to limit outdoor activity.

“Smoke will linger across the eastern half of the state on Friday and fine particle levels will continue to be high for most of the day,” the weather service said. “Winds will become southerly Friday afternoon and smoke will begin to retreat away from the state and disperse. Air quality should improve below alert levels by the end of the day on Friday.

In Canada, the Minister of National Defense Bill Blair on Tuesday mobilized the Canadian Armed Forces to provide firefighting personnel, airlift resources, and logistical support to the Northwest Territories.

“We stand with the people of the Northwest Territories as they experience their worst fire season on record, and I am confident that our military personnel will do their utmost to assist their fellow Canadians,” Blair said in a statement.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he was in communication with Cochrane on Wednesday.

“To the people of the Northwest Territories: We’re here for you. We’ve mobilized Canadian Armed Forces members, and we’ll continue to provide whatever resources are needed. I spoke about that with Premier Caroline Cochrane today – and reaffirmed our commitment to assisting however we can,” Trudeau said in a social media post.

Trudeau also met with officials on Thursday to discuss the ongoing wildfires and said that there would be no tolerance for any attempt to escalate prices on things like airfare and essential goods.

Comment by KM on August 16, 2023 at 6:07am

Comment by KM on August 16, 2023 at 5:52am

Northwest Territories declares territorial state of emergency amid wildfires

Situations in the South Slave and North Salve regions are quickly changing, the territorialgovernment said in a press release, also noting that Fort Smith and Hay River remain at risk.

Due to wildfires approaching from the west, Yellowknife is also facing an increased risk, the territoryannounced.

“The decision to declare a territory-wide State of Emergency allows the Government of the Northwest Territories and our partners to access and deploy resources so that we can continue our work to protect residents and communities in a more efficient manner,” N.W.T. Municipal and Community Affairs Minister Shane Thompson said in the notice.

“We find ourselves in a crisis situation and our government is using every tool available to assist.”

On Monday, the Government of the Northwest Territories issued warnings which advised residents to evacuate Hay River, Enterprise, K’atl’odeeche First Nation, Fort Smith and surrounding areas as wildfires spread near the communities.

The City of Yellowknife first declared a state of local emergency on Monday night. Hay River Mayor Kandis Jameson is also askingall residents to leave, despite flaws in communication.

“We can’t even send out an alert to tell you it’s coming at us or get to the muster stations because we don’t have communications,” she told CTV News.

Jennifer Lennie, a Hay River resident who stayed behind despite warnings to flee on Tuesday, witnessed the flame-ravaged landscape of her community. “There’s some homes. Not every single house burned,” she told CTV News. “But a lot of it is gone.”

Members of the Canadian Armed Forces, including 124 soldiers, are prepared to be mobilized in the Northwest Territories as flames threaten communities and prompt hundreds of civilians to be airlifted to safety. One hundred soldiers are set to help with firefighting logistics, such as dousing hot spots and clearing areas.

As of Tuesday, there are currently over 230 active wildfires in the territory according to the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre.

Wildfire smoke fills the air at Boundary Creek, Northwest Territories about 25 kilometers east of Yellowknife, on Tuesday Aug. 15, 2023. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Bill Braden

Wildfire smoke fills the air at Boundary Creek, Northwest Territories about 25 kilometers east of Yellowknife

Comment by KM on August 10, 2023 at 4:09am

At Least 6 Dead as Wildfire Razes Hawaiian Town on Island of Maui

At least six people have been killed in a wildfire that has razed the Hawaiian town of Lahaina on the island of Maui, officials said Wednesday, as desperate residents jumped into the ocean in a bid to escape the fast-moving flames.

U.S. Coast Guard officers plucked at least a dozen people from the water as emergency services were overwhelmed by a disaster that appeared to have erupted almost without warning.

“We are still in a search and rescue mode and so I don’t know what will happen to that number.”

Lieutenant Governor Sylvia Luke issued an emergency proclamation and told CNN the hospital system on the island of Maui “was overburdened with burn patients, people suffering from inhalati“911 is down. Cell service is down. Phone service is down,” she said.

This photo provided by County of Maui shows fire and smoke filling the sky from wildfires on the intersection at Hokiokio Place and Lahaina Bypass in Maui, Hawaii on Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2023. Wildfires in Hawaii fanned by strong winds burned multiple structures in areas including historic Lahaina town, forcing evacuations and closing schools in several communities Wednesday, and rescuers pulled a dozen people escaping smoke and flames from the ocean. (Zeke Kalua/County of Maui via AP)

Lahaina, a tourist town of 12,000 on the northwestern tip of Maui, lay in ruins, said Governor Josh Green.

“Much of Lahaina on Maui has been destroyed and hundreds of local families have been displaced,” said Green.

Video posted on social media showed blazes tearing through the heart of the beachfront town and sending up huge plumes of black smoke.

Comment by Yvonne Lawson on August 9, 2023 at 8:15pm

Dam partly collapses in Norway as Storm Hans continues to cause chaos

Water flows after the Braskereidfoss dam on the Glåma River partly collapsed.

Parts of eastern and central Norway still on red alert as country battles widespread flooding and landslides

A dam in Norway has partly collapsed as the country battles record high river levels, flooding and landslides after a fatal storm.

Norwegian police were considering blowing up the dam when water from the Glåma River, the country’s longest, started spilling out the side at Braskereidfoss hydroelectric power plant.

It comes after a powerful storm – named Hans – that has caused chaos across northern Europe in recent days, and left southern Norway in crisis after widespread flooding and landsl... River levels expected to continue rising into Thursday.

A woman in her 70s died on Wednesday after falling into a stream and 700-800 people were evacuated from Innlandet, the district which also includes Braskereidfoss.

All main roads between Oslo and Trondheim were closed on Wednesday.

Pål Erik Teigen, chief of staff at Innlandet police district, said his force had been monitoring the Braskereidfoss dam and working with power plant owner, Hafslund Eco. “On the south-west side the water is starting to go through … it’s going slowly. This is the best thing now,” he told the Guardian.

They had been considering staging a controlled explosion but once the water started coming through the side, they decided the best solution was to leave it.

“It’s a very heavy situation we have in this part of Norway in the last days because of the rain. If I made a training exercise for the police I wouldn’t in my wildest dreams think of this problem in our district, he said.

“We have many landslides all over, we have homes being taken, evacuated a lot of people, all the roads are closed and all the rivers are overflowing.”

The government hydrology institute, NVE, said parts of eastern and central Norway were still on red alert, with many rivers at record levels. “In a lot of rivers and lakes the level is still increasing,” said hydrologist Tuomo Saloranta.

The Norwegian prime minister, Jonas Gahr Støre, who visited affected areas, said a huge challenge lay ahead. “When the rain stops, another challenge begins: the water needs to get out,” he said.

Read more and pictures/video:

Comment by KM on August 8, 2023 at 1:43am

Beanies, scarves and puffer jackets come out as near-record chilly ...

Tonga recently experienced its second-coldest day ever, when the temperature was less than 1C higher than its record lowest.
Tonga recently experienced its second-coldest day ever, when the temperature was less than 1C higher than its record lowest.
The people of Tonga know how to adapt to the extremes of the natural environment.

Cyclones, volcanic eruptions and the impacts of climate change are elements they've learnt to live with. But the cold weather? That's a different matter.
"Right now we're experiencing much colder temperatures than normal," Rita Prema, a shop owner in the capital Nuku'alofa told the ABC.

"We've got customers coming in for coffee mugs, vacuum flasks, teapots and insulated bottles to keep their hot beverages warmer through these colder nights."
In a place synonymous with tropical heat, coconuts, and warm waters — complaining about the cold might seem like a stretch.

But last week, the country recorded its second-lowest temperature ever, at 9.3 degrees Celsius.

It's hard to imagine the cold being a problem in a place like Tonga.
According to Tonga Meteorological Services, the lowest temperature recorded in the country was 8.7C in September 1994.

The near-record low temperature was so chilly that residents are walking around with beanies, scarves, and puffer jackets.

It's so cold some of the country's institutions have put out a desperate call for blankets.
"It's been a big surprise to everyone," said acting Tonga High Commissioner to Australia, Curtis Tuihalangingie, who was in the capital Nuku'alofa this week.

"Normally, it will just go down to 18 [degrees]. And at some points, it'll go down to 15. But to go down to 10. This [is] a first for me.

"It got so cold the prison [and] the psychiatric ward were asking for blankets . . . so Her Royal Highness with the help of Her Majesty donated some."
The cold temperatures in parts of the region come as intense heatwaves hit southern Europe, South-East Asia, northern Africa, the United States and South America.

They smashed records and fuelled wildfires in Greece, Spain, Italy, Canada and Algeria.

In July, 21 of the 30 hottest days on record led to it becoming Earth's hottest month on average.

And in Australia, parts of the eastern states are experiencing unseasonably warm weather, partly due to interactions with the weather events bringing chilly conditions to parts of the Pacific.

What's causing the colder temperatures?

Tonga's location near the edge of the tropics, a developing El Niño event, and a weather system that has channeled air from south of the country have likely helped drive the colder temperatures.
"The major factor, in this case, will be the flow of air from further south coming up into this region bringing cooler temperatures," Professor Janette Lindesay from the ANU's Fenner School of Environment and Society told the ABC.

It's also helping to keep the skies clear.

"When you've got clear skies like that, at night the heat that's absorbed at the Earth's surface during the day when the sun's shining escapes, so it cools down overnight," Professor Lindesay said.
The record cold day Tonga experienced in 1994 was during an El Niño that lasted until the next year.

Professor Lindesay said it was hard to know if Tonga would continue to face chilly winters in the coming years.

If the developing El Niño continued into a moderate or strong El Niño, it would likely bring a period of below average rainfall and lower night-time temperatures.

That can lead to things like droughts and severe frosts, which can kill food crops.

Professor Lindesay said a severe frost hit Papua New Guinea in spring in 1997, devastating staple food crops.
"There was a lack of food in that area and there were some real sociological problems and issues for the people at that time," she said.
'Complete change' of weather patterns

The conditions in Tonga are being felt across the region, with puffer jackets and beanies being seen in Fiji and colder temperatures recorded in Samoa.

Samoa Meteorological Services assistant chief executive Afaese Dr Luteru Tauvale said Samoa's average maximum temperature was around 28C or 29C.

He said some places near the capital were hitting the low 20s this week.
Afaese Dr Luteru Tauvale said weather patterns are becoming harder to predict.
Afaese Dr Luteru Tauvale said weather patterns are becoming harder to predict.
He said the lowest minimum temperature on record was 10C, which the country had not got close to hitting this year so far.

But he said, they were still "on the hunt" to gain accurate temperatures across Samoa and its more remote areas.
"In the past some of the villages have called in and they told us they'd seen frost so, you know, we're still wanting to get instruments out there to record that."
As the world continued to feel the impacts of climate change, Dr Tauvale said predicting weather patterns in the region would become more "complicated".
"We've seen a complete change of climate and weather patterns," he said.
"You know, we are in a transition. [For example] we are experiencing heavy rain from time to time. And it's a very big challenge for not only for Samoa, but for the whole of the Pacific.

"It's a global challenge."
For 82-year-old Samoan Reverend Vaiao Ala'ilima Eteuati, the cold weather is much more meaningful than just putting on an extra layer.

For him, and the people of Samoa, the cold winds are referred to as "tuaoloa" — and it holds special meaning.

Vaiao Ala’ilima Eteuati
Reverend Vaiao Ala’ilima Eteuati says the cold weather brings consequences for the people of Samoa.
"It means richness, abundance, prosperity, plenty," he told the ABC.

"It can be gentle, it also can be very violent and cold. It connects the people with the environment.

"So shark snaring, bonito fishing, you can't do it because tuaoloa is precarious."
According to Reverend Eteuati, it's a period that also brings danger.
"[In this period] we usually take very good care [and] attend to our elders. Because we know the consequences of our life [if] we don't look after our elderly.

"People in Australia might see the weather get down to 19 and not think about it, but 19 degrees in Samoa, that's very cold.

"And that's too much for the elderly."
Comment by KM on July 24, 2023 at 3:27pm

Four reported missing in summer floods after historic Nova Scotia d...

Provincial officials reported Saturday afternoon that four people remain missing after historic rains triggered catastrophic flash flooding around the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) on Friday.

Additional heavy rainfall around the Halifax area on Saturday added insult to injury after more than 200 mm of rain fell across the area in just four to five hours.

The intensity of the tropical downpours will cement Friday's deluge in regional weather history, potentially ranking among the most intense one-day rainfall totals ever measured in Canada.

Local officials continued to urge residents to stay off roads and highways this weekend, only venturing out in an emergency. Lingering floodwaters and significant road damage will make travel hazardous in many areas.

Four people reported missing, state of emergency issued

Nova Scotia Premier Tim Houston announced Saturday in a virtual press conference that the provincial government had issued a state of emergency for the following areas:

Halifax Regional Municipality

West Hants

East Hants



A state of emergency frees up funds and resources to allow officials to respond to the flooding and its aftermath.

During the press conference, Premier Houston also confirmed that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) are searching for four people who went missing during the floods. All four individuals went missing in West Hants when their vehicles were submerged by floodwaters.

The first vehicle carried five passengers, three of whom escaped and two—both children—were reported missing. High waters submerged a second vehicle carrying four passengers. Two escaped, while two others—a man and a child—were reported missing.

Crews continued to look for the four missing individuals on Saturday, Houston said, while adding that officials urged local residents not to join in the search because of dangerous conditions that remain throughout the area.

Halifax officials also reminded residents on Saturday to stay away from floodwaters, as the water likely contains hazardous materials like gasoline and raw sewage.

Road closures and evacuation orders in place

Significant and widespread road closures remain in effect across the HRM, with multiple roads and rail lines washed out by the flooding. The City of Halifax provided an interactive map of road closures throughout the HRM on its website.

The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg issued a mandatory evacuation order for residents around Fancy Lake due to excessive rainfall and "the removal of logs from the Public Service Commission Dam," according to a release on the Municipality's website Saturday.

This order was extended through the overnight hours Saturday into Sunday morning, the Municipality said on its website at 6:00 p.m. Saturday.

The evacuation order includes "the area around Fancy Lake, including the lands situated on Conquerall Mills Road from William Hebb Road to Conquerall Road to Highway 103 to Century Drive, including all of Trunk 3," according to the release.

"Evacuated residents who need overnight accommodations can access shelter at the Nova Scotia Community College located at 75 High Street in Bridgewater starting at 8:00 p.m.," the Municipality's release said, adding that officials will issue further updates on Facebook, Lunenburg's website, and on the radio via CKBW-FM.

In addition to the flooding, Friday's storms knocked out power to tens of thousands of customers throughout the region through the evening and overnight hours. Nova Scotia Power's outage data indicated that only about 4,000 customers remained without power by 7:30 p.m. local time on Saturday.

Historic rainfall totals

Widespread rainfall totals of 100-200+ mm fell across the Halifax area, with the heaviest rains hitting communities west and north of Halifax proper. An unofficial total of 251 mm of rain come out of West Bedford on Friday evening. Radar estimates show that some areas may have seen more than 300 mm of rain in just 4 or 5 hours.

Some of the heaviest rain fell over areas devastated by wildfires in late May and early June, which likely exacerbated the extent of the flooding in the affected areas.

These are unprecedented rainfall totals for the region, more akin to a heavy rainfall event you'd see somewhere like Florida instead of the Canadian Maritimes. For some perspective, Halifax typically averages about 95 mm of rain during the entire month of July.

A sizable plume of tropical moisture streaming into the region from the south fuelled the heavy rainfall. Persistent thunderstorms tapped into this moisture like a reservoir, efficiently wringing out copious amounts of water over the region.

If you're in the region, it's safest to stay home until the rain stops and floodwaters have a chance to recede. Never attempt to drive across a flooded roadway. It's impossible to tell how deep the water is until it's too late, and the road may be washed out beneath the floodwaters. Only a small amount of moving water can strand a vehicle and even carry it downstream.

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