Please Place Evidence of the 7 of 10 Plate Movements Here

Kojima had created small snips of Konstantin's animation of the 7 of 10 Plate Movements.

Here is the full 7 of 10 Animation by Konstantin.

This blog is the place to document ongoing earth changes related to the 7 of 10  plate movements as described by the Zetas.

ZetaTalk: 7 of 10 Sequence
written October 16, 2010

The 7 of 10 scenarios describe plate movements, and for this to occur something has to release the deadlock, the current stalemate where the plates are locked against each other. Once the deadlock is broken and the plates start moving, sliding past each other, new points where the plates are locked against each other develop, but these are weaker locks than the one at present. The current lock, as we have so often stated, is the Indo-Australian Plate which is being driven under the Himalayans. This is no small lock, as the height of the Himalayans attests. Nevertheless, the activity in this region shows this likely to be the first of the 7 of 10 scenarios to manifest. Bangladesh is sinking and the Coral Sea is rising, showing the overall tipping of the Indo-Australian Plate. Now Pakistan is sinking and not draining its floods as it should, while Jakarta on the tongue of Indonesia is also sinking rapidly, showing that the tilt that will allow Indonesia to sink has already started.

Meanwhile, S America is showing signs of a roll to the west. Explosions on islands just to the north of the S American Plate occurred recently, on Bonaire and Trinidad-Tobago, and the Andes are regularly being pummeled. There is a relationship. As the Indo-Australia Plate lifts and slides, this allows the Pacific plates to shift west, which allows S America to shift west also. This is greatly increased by the folding of the Mariana Trench and the Philippine Plate. But it is the Indo-Australian Plate that gives way to incite change in these other plates, and this is what is manifesting now to those closely following the changes. Once the folding of the Pacific has occurred, Japan has been destabilized. We are not allowed to give a time frame for any of these plate movements, but would point out that it is not until the North Island of Japan experiences its strong quakes that a tsunami causing sloshing near Victoria occurs. There are clues that the New Madrid will be next.

Where the N American continent is under great stress, it has not slipped because it is held in place on both sides. The Pacific side holds due to subduction friction along the San Andreas, and the Atlantic side holds due to the Atlantic Rift's reluctance to rip open. What changes this dynamic? When S America rolls, almost in step with the folding Pacific, it tears the Atlantic Rift on the southern side. This allows Africa freedom to move and it rolls too, dropping the Mediterranean floor above Algeria. What is holding the N American continent together has thus eased, so that when the Japan adjustments are made, there is less holding the N American continent in place than before, and the New Madrid gives way. We are also not allowed to provide the time frame between the Japan quakes and New Madrid. Other than the relationship in time between the New Madrid and the European tsunami, no time frame can be given. The sequence of events is, thus:

  • a tipping Indo-Australia Plate with Indonesia sinking,
  • a folding Pacific allowing S America to roll,
  • a tearing of the south Atlantic Rift allowing Africa to roll and the floor of the Mediterranean to drop,
  • great quakes in Japan followed by the New Madrid adjustment,
  • which is followed almost instantly by the tearing of the north Atlantic Rift with consequent European tsunami.



Tipping Indo-Australia Plate with Indonesia sinking,

Folding Pacific


South American Roll


African Roll


Japan Quakes

New Madrid

European Tsunami


Due to the slowing of the 7 of 10 plate movements by the Council of Worlds the impact of some of the events described above will be lessened.

The Zetas explain:

ZetaTalk: Pace Slowed

Written May 19, 2012

The effect of the thousands of humming boxes placed along fault lines and plate borders can be seen in several incidents that have occurred since the start of the 7 of 10 plate movements. The lack of tsunami during the 7 of 10 sinking of the Sunda Plate is one such example. We predicted at the start of the 7 of 10 scenarios in late 2010 that the Sunda Plate sinking would occur within 2-3 weeks, yet it dragged on through 2011. At the time we had predicted tsunami on the Sunda Plate, in general equivalent in height to the loss of elevation for a coastline. None of this occurred due to the slower pace. 

The pace of mountain building in S America, where slowed, has still resulted in rumpling up and down the Andes, and stretch zone accidents likewise in lands to the east of the Andes. The shape of S America has clearly changed. Will the islands in the Caribbean be spared? At some point, as with the magnitude 7.9 quake in Acapulco on March 2, 2012 a significant adjustment will need to occur, and this will include depressing the Caribbean Plate so it tilts, sinking the islands and lands on that portion of the plate to the degree predicted. But the S American roll will likely continue to avoid the magnitude 8 quakes we originally predicted in deference to slow rumpling mountain building. The African roll was anticipated to be a silent roll in any case, so the slowed pace would not affect the outcome.

Will the slowed pace prevent the 7 of 10 scenarios for the Northern Hemisphere? Bowing of the N American continent has reached the point of pain, with breaking rock booming from coast to coast, but still there have been no significant quakes in the New Madrid area. Yet this is past due, and cannot be held back indefinitely. What has and will continue to occur for the Northern Hemisphere scenarios are silent quakes for Japan, which has already experienced drastic subduction under the north island of Hokkaido where mountain building is occurring as a rumple rather than a jolt. However, the anticipated New Madrid adjustment cannot be achieved without trauma. But this could potentially occur in steps and stages such that any European tsunami would be significantly lessened.

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ZetaTalk , Written March 10, 2012

 What happens when the pace of plate movement is slowed? The likelihood of tsunami is definitely reduced, as can be seen in the sinking on the Sunda Plate. The sinking occurred, and is almost complete, yet the possibility of tsunami we predicted for various regions on the Sunda Plate were avoided. The height and force of a tsunami is directly related to the degree of displacement in the sea floor, and if this happens in steps rather than all at once the displacement will be less for any given step.

This bodes well for the European tsunami. If the Council of Worlds is still imposing a slower pace on the 7 of 10 plate movements, this tsunami will definitely be lessened. The tear in the North Atlantic will be slight, each time. The amount of water pouring into this void will be less, each time. And the rebound toward the UK will likewise be less, each time. But our prediction is the worst case situation, and it also reflects what the Earth changes, unabated, would produce.

But what does a slower pace do to land masses where jolting quakes are expected? Does this reduce the overall magnitude of the quakes anticipated? Large magnitude quakes result when a catch point along plate borders is highly resistant, but snapping of rock finally results. Usually there is one place, the epicenter, where this catch point resides and a long distance along the plate border where smaller quakes have prepared the border for easy movement. A point of resistance within the body of a plate, such as the New Madrid, can likewise resist and suddenly give.

There is no way to lessen the resistance at these catch points, though the tension that accompanies such points can be reduced so that the quake itself is delayed. What this means for a slower 7 of 10 pace is that large magnitude quakes will be spread apart in time, and their relationship to our predictions thus able to be camouflaged by the establishment. Where sinking (such as the Caribbean Island of Trinidad) or spreading apart (such as to the west of the Mississippi River) are to occur, these land changes will eventually arrive. But like the sinking of the Sunda Plate, a slower pace unfortunately allows the cover-up time to maneuver and develop excuses.

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Comment by Mario Valencia-Rojas on August 25, 2024 at 6:13am

Radar cirlces in Mexico

Comment by James of Idaho on March 7, 2024 at 6:40am

March 6th, 2024- Currents moving downward at the Mid Atlantic rift showing the Africa Roll in progress and the ocean currents move eastward as Africa drops and opposite the rift the currents move westward as South America moves into the compressing Pacific Ocean.

Comment by Juan F Martinez on January 30, 2021 at 4:27pm

Geological phenomenon widening the Atlantic Ocean

The plates attached to the Americas are moving apart from those attached to Europe and Africa by four centimetres per year. In between these continents lies the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a site where new plates are formed and a dividing line between plates moving to the west and those moving to the east; beneath this ridge, material rises to replace the space left by the plates as they move apart.

Conventional wisdom is that this process is normally driven by distant gravity forces as denser parts of the plates sink back into the Earth. However, the driving force behind the separation of the Atlantic plates has remained a mystery because the Atlantic ocean is not surrounded by dense, sinking plates.

Now a team of seismologists, led by the University of Southampton, have found evidence of an upwelling in the mantle—the material between the Earth's crust and its core—from depths of more than 600 kilometres beneath the Mid Atlantic ridge, which could be pushing the plates from below, causing the continents to move further apart.

Upwellings beneath ridges are typically thought to originate from much shallower depths of around 60 km.

The findings, published in the journal Nature provide a greater understanding of plate tectonics which causes many around the world, including earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions.

Over two research cruises on the RV Langseth and RRV Discovery, the team deployed 39 seismometers at the bottom of the Atlantic as part of the PI-LAB (Passive Imaging of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary) experiment and EURO-LAB (Experiment to Unearth the Rheological Oceanic Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary). The data provides the first large scale and high-resolution imaging of the mantle beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

This is one of only a few experiments of this scale ever conducted in the oceans and allowed the team to image variations in the structure of the Earth's mantle near depths of 410 km and 660 km—depths that are associated with abrupt changes in mineral phases. The observed signal was indicative of a deep, sluggish and unexpected upwelling from the deeper mantle.

More ...

Comment by Juan F Martinez on January 23, 2021 at 6:59pm

Argentina — San Juan's Route 48 towards Mendoza after strong M6.4 (+2.5) earthquake, many powerful aftershocks. 

M 6.4
2021-01-19 02:46:21
Depth: 20 Km

Comment by jorge namour on January 6, 2021 at 6:16pm

Hot spots: Tel Aviv officials mystified by steam emerging from under city homes ISRAEL

2 January 2021,

Residents of 2 apartment buildings allowed to return home after evacuating Thursday, over fears of possible leakage from an underground gas deposit

Steam comes up from the ground next to an apartment building on Ibn Gabirol Street in Tel Aviv, December 31, 2020. (Screen capture: Twitter)

Searches continued Saturday for the source of boiling water that has steamed out of the ground in Tel Aviv, baffling municipal officials.

The steam was noticed Thursday outside two apartment buildings in the city’s Ibn Gabirol Street, leading to the evacuation of residents over fears it could be gas leaking from an underground gas deposit.

While officials have determined that the vapors were not causes by gas or dangerous chemicals, and were in fact boiling water, their source has not yet been determined.

“A mystery!” Tel Aviv Deputy Mayor Zippi Brand Frank wrote after visiting the site. “For three days now steam at a temperature of 60 degrees [celsius] has been coming out of a smoking hole… What can this be?” CONTINUE---

Comment by jorge namour on December 10, 2020 at 3:13am

Fire exitS from the inside of the ground in the governorate of the new Valley, Egypt

Comment by Howard on September 28, 2020 at 2:18am

Land Cracks Open Over 2 Kilometers in Mexican Desert (Sep 15) 

A giant crack measuring more than 2 kilometers long opened in the desertic ground of Jiménez, Mexico.

The deep fissure has been discovered on September 15, 2020 by local residents.

The 2-km-long crack starts as a small fissure on the side of a remote road (road to Las Adargas, approximately 13 km from the highway).

Then it widens, grows, reaching in certain places up to 1.5 meters wide and up to 3 meters deep.


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on May 22, 2020 at 6:02am

Giant tectonic plate under Indian Ocean is breaking in two

The tectonic plate between India and Australia, beneath the Indian Ocean, is very slowly breaking in two.
(Image: © Planet Observer/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

The giant tectonic plate under the Indian Ocean is going through a rocky breakup … with itself.
In a short time (geologically speaking) this plate will split in two, a new study finds.

To humans, however, this breakup will take an eternity. The plate, known as the India-Australia-Capricorn tectonic plate, is splitting at a snail's pace — about 0.06 inches (1.7 millimeters) a year. Put another way, in 1 million years, the plate's two pieces will be about 1 mile (1.7 kilometers) farther apart than they are now.
"It's not a structure that is moving fast, but it's still significant compared to other planet boundaries," said study co-researcher Aurélie Coudurier-Curveur, a senior research fellow of marine geosciences at the Institute of Earth Physics of Paris.
Related: In photos: Ocean hidden beneath Earth's surface
For instance, the Dead Sea Fault in the Middle East is moving at about double that rate, or 0.2 inches (0.4 centimeters) a year, while the San Andreas Fault in California is moving about 10 times faster, at about 0.7 inches (1.8 cm) a year.
The plate is splitting so slowly and it's so far underwater, researchers almost missed what they're calling the "nascent plate boundary." But two enormous clues — that is, two strong earthquakes originating in a strange spot in the Indian Ocean — suggested that Earth-changing forces were afoot.

On April 11, 2012, a magnitude-8.6 and magnitude-8.2 earthquake hit beneath the Indian Ocean, near Indonesia. The earthquakes didn't happen along a subduction zone, where one tectonic plate slides under another. Instead, these quakes originated in a weird place for earthquakes to happen — in the middle of the plate.

These earthquakes, as well as other geologic clues, indicated that some kind of deformation was taking place far underground, in an area known as the Wharton Basin. This deformation wasn't wholly unexpected; the India-Australia-Capricorn plate is not one cohesive unit.

Related: Photo timeline: See how Earth formed
"It's like a puzzle," Coudurier-Curveur told Live Science. "It's not one uniform plate. There are three plates that are, more or less, tied together and are moving in the same direction together," she said.

A map showing Wharton Basin, where the magnitude-8.6 and magnitude-8.2 earthquakes happened in 2012 (red and white dots). Other earthquakes have also happened in this area over the past few decades, likely because of the new plate tectonic boundary forming there. (Image credit: Coudurier‐Curveur, A. et al. Geophysical Research Letters (2020); CC BY 4.0)
The team looked at a particular fracture zone in the Wharton Basin where the earthquakes had originated. Two datasets on this area, collected by other scientists on research vessels in 2015 and 2016, revealed the fracture zone's topography. By recording how long it took sound waves to bounce back from the sediment-lined seafloor and bedrock, the vessel's scientists were able to map the basin's geography. (Study co-author Satish Singh, a visiting professor of seismology at the Earth Observatory of Singapore, led the expedition for the 2015 dataset.)
When Coudurier-Curveur and her colleagues looked at the two datasets, they found evidence for pull-aparts, which are depressions that form at strike-slip faults. The most famous strike-slip fault is probably the San Andreas Fault. These types of faults cause earthquakes when two blocks of Earth slide past each other horizontally. A good way to visualize this is to put your fists together and then move one forward and the other backward.
Remarkably, the team found 62 of these pull-apart basins along the mapped fracture zone, which spanned nearly 217 miles (350 km) long, although it's likely longer, Coudurier-Curveur said. Some of these basins were huge — up to 1.8 miles (3 km) wide and 5 miles (8 km) long.

What's more, the depressions were deeper in the south — as deep as 394 feet (120 meters) — and shallower in the north — as shallow as 16 feet (5 m).

"It might mean that this strike-slip fault is more localized at its southern boundary," at least for now, Coudurier-Curveur said. The term "localized" means that the shaking is taking place at one main fault, versus "distributed," which is when shaking happens at several minor faults, she said.

These basins, which started forming about 2.3 million years ago, followed a line that passed close to the epicenters of the 2012 earthquakes.

"It doesn't seem like it's yet a fully formed plate boundary," William Hawley, a seismologist at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University in New York, who wasn't involved in the study, told Live Science. "But the take-home message is that it's becoming one, and it probably accounts for much of the deformation that we know is occurring there."

This map shows the seafloor topography and deformation below it at a fracture in the Wharton Basin. This fracture likely formed when the ocean crust was formed, but now this fracture is being turned into a new plate boundary. The purple-colored depressions are indicative of a strike-slip fault, which is the same kind of fault as the San Andreas Fault in California. (Image credit: Aurélie Coudurier-Curveur; Coudurier‐Curveur, A. et al. Geophysical Research Letters (2020); CC BY 4.0)

Why is the fault there?
Coudurier-Curveur noted that the fracture zone, a weakness in the oceanic crust, didn't form because of earthquakes. Rather, these so-called passive cracks formed, in part, when new oceanic crust emerged from the mid-ocean ridge (the boundary between plates where magma comes out) and cracked due to the Earth's curvature.
Now, this fracture zone is being repurposed. "Nature likes using weaknesses, [it] likes using what's already in place," Coudurier-Curveur said.

article continues...

Comment by Khan on December 23, 2019 at 4:56am

Libya: Big cracks appear on the ground, South of al-Zawiya.

Dec 22, 2019

Comment by Khan on December 23, 2019 at 1:51am

Spain:The earth opens in the Asturian West.

Dec 21, 2019

The spectacular event happened in Cadavedo

One of the images of the day was in the Asturian West, in Cadavedo, in the Valdés council, for a spectacular subsidence of land attributed to the effect of the heavy rains this week. The open gap in the earth covers a length of 50 meters, in full green path that runs along the coast of the Valdés council. The neighbors expressed their concern and fear for these cracks that at some points reach a depth of three meters. The local police proceeded yesterday to cordon off the area to avoid greater evils, especially because of the added risk that the affected space is on a steep cliff.


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