We are seeing so many remarkable pre-announcement pieces showing up, this is a place to post and discuss them. This one for example, is making discoveries sound 'ho hum' which a few months/years ago were heralded as amazing breakthroughs. Today for example: 

"Nearly Every Star Hosts at Least One Alien Planet"


When a month or so ago they were making a BIG deal about finding one planet in the sweet zone which could possibly support life, son they they say 25% of them could support life! Including mention of red dwarfs, etc. The Zeta predicted evidence continues to build up!

Here is another blog that relates, describing a wobble:

NASA Scientists "Discover" a Wobbly Planet!?


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Comment by Juan F Martinez on March 5, 2025 at 7:50pm

James Webb Space Telescope Spots Mysterious, Free-Floating Mass

The James Webb Space Telescope is helping scientists study a strange mass about 20 light-years from Earth. Traveling unpredictably through the cosmos, the mass is thought to be either a rogue planet or a "failed star," also known as a brown dwarf. Only a close examination of the body's atmosphere will determine which it is.


Pre-Announcement Media Coverage - Earth Changes and the Pole Shift

Comment by Juan F Martinez on February 18, 2025 at 10:27pm


First X

Now Grok!

What are you trying to tell us?

Grok Subliminal Nibiru Announcement


Pre-Announcement Media Coverage

Comment by Mario Valencia-Rojas on January 13, 2025 at 5:40pm
Comment by Mario Valencia-Rojas on December 6, 2024 at 8:13pm
Comment by Mario Valencia-Rojas on November 6, 2024 at 6:38pm
Comment by A. Hall on July 30, 2024 at 4:22am

A new film released just  a month ago on June 29th, 2024 seems to be trying to get the idea in peoples heads of what is to come.  Sadly the budget was not bigger and thus they could not obtain better actors & production to pass the message along to MORE people.   Many scenes are set in New Madrid, Missouri and basically showing that the New Madrid fault line will open up.   Thou the films story points to Fracking as the possible cause.  http://https://www.firstshowing.net/2024/disaster-movie-on-tubi-con... https://www.firstshowing.net/2024/disaster-movie-on-tubi-continenta...

Lines from the film are pretty clear:   [ This fault line hasn't seen this much activity in over 100 years.]   [We are seeing buckling.... it will reach to the Gulf of Mexico.]  [ The United States is going to split completely from east to west.]  [If we're seeing this much activity,  this means something way bigger could be on the way.....  AND we need to know about it! ]   [The New Madrid....the Midwest...all underwater] 

I  know from working in the film industry in production. that sometimes  Agents may seriously discourage more notable named actors from even considering taking a part on such a controversial subject as this.  Funding and story lines have had to be adjusted for us due to control of the narrative   https://www.zetatalk.com/ning/04fe2012.htm

Comment by Juan F Martinez on April 19, 2024 at 11:33pm

Scientists say they have found evidence of an unknown planet in our solar system.

New findings represent the ‘strongest statistical evidence yet’ that Planet 9 exists, researcher says.


Comment by Juan F Martinez on October 14, 2023 at 1:17am

‘Earth-like’ Planet Nine could be hiding in our solar system: research


T & FB: @ZetaTalk_Followers   X (Twitter): @ZT_Followers

Comment by Juan F Martinez on September 29, 2023 at 7:28pm



Comment by Jorge Mejia on September 13, 2023 at 8:45pm

UFOlogist Jaime Maussan said: "These specimen are not part of our terrestrial evolution"

Mexico's Congress saw an official event where two “alien corpses” were unveiled in Mexico City. The official “unveiling” of the two alleged “alien corpses” was carried out by ufologist Jaime Maussan.

The two small “corpses” were displayed for all observers. Organisers claimed that the small mummified specimen were a thousand years old and had been “retrieved” from Cusco, Peru.

Maussan told members of the Mexican government that “UFO specimen” were studied at the Autonomous National University of Mexico, where scientists, he stated were able to draw DNA evidence using radiocarbon dating.

Hinfuistan Times
Wednesday, Sep 13, 2023

Personal Note:
Yesterday, September 12, an audience was held ´before Mexico's Congress with pilots, an airport controller, ufologist Jaime Maussan, and others. They described their experiences and questions to this "phenomenon". I could not attend fully, but here is the Youtue link (in Spanish):


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