Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday May 26, 2024. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)
Truth Wins
There seems to be a trend. All three Trump lawsuits have swung in favor of President Trump, all in the same week. The Florida records case has been “postponed indefinitely” after it was revealed that the records had been handled by the prosecution, no clear line of custody. The Georgia 2020 election interference case had setbacks when it was revealed that Fannie Willis was having an affair with someone in the prosecution, so her lover had to be fired and Fannie is before the Appeals Court in Georgia. Plus the Judge on the case is being investigated for leaving Fannie on the case. In New York City the Hush Money case found prosecution witness Stormy Daniels contradicting her sworn testimony, which would likely result in a mistrial.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 5/12/2024: Almost a decade after the Air Force announced it intended to shut down the HAARP facilities in Alaska, this intention is back in the news. HAARP has been blamed for the increase in earthquakes for years, part of the coverup over the presence of Nibiru. HAARP has proponents and opponents, as the coverup over Nibiru is still very much in place, but the Junta has decided it is time to let the public know the truth, thus HAARP will be removed as an excuse. Removing Chemtrails from the skies, as Tennessee has recently done via legislation, is another move toward full-throated truth. Is the way being cleared for a Nibiru admission? The answer is a resounding yes!
After months of watching a smirking Judge Engoron attempt to bankrupt President Trump with a huge $454 million bail order, Engoron himself is in trouble. Likewise with Georgia DA Fannie Willis, who commingled her affair with the trial evidence. Her lover was kicked off the case and Fannie will soon follow. The Florida records case begged for a mistrial when the prosecution evidence was adulterated. That all these court cases are turning in the right direction for President Trump at the same time begs the question – is the way being cleared for a Trump Reinstatement? The answer is a resounding yes!
Now the big disinfo on HAARP and even Chemtrails seems to be going away. Shutting down HAARP is taking away a prime excuse for the earthquakes and EMP caused by the Nibiru presence.
ZetaTalk Insight 11/15/1995: HAARP is not a real project, and the tale has simply been put forth in order to afford a cover for other activities. MJ12 cooked up the HAARP mystique. Since activities in association with Service-to-Self aliens included strange low frequency sounds, HAARP took on that aspect. Since aliens had been known to create blackouts and MJ12 wanted the illusion of a human hand at the switch should this ever happen again, HAARP took on this aspect also. HAARP does not exist, but as secret programs can not be proved or disproved, this issue will never be settled. Since the public has given credence to HAARP, it is likely to take on extra baggage, becoming, on paper anyway, a larger program.
Chemtrails have been fogging the skies so the Nibiru Complex cannot be seen for over two decades. This tool used by the elite and wealthy took a blow when Tennessee recent outlawed any chemtails in its skies. But elsewhere chemtrails are still part of the Nibiru cover-up game, despite being caught in the act being sprayed from specially equipped planes run by the wealthy.
ZetaTalk Insight 12/22/2007: We have mentioned that chemtrails originally had the purpose of testing how well humans in the flight path could resist various microbes and chemicals that would sicken them. The point was to delay them as they attempted to migrate toward enclaves of the wealthy, for instance, to sicken those leaving LA and trying to reach Utah. Behind these tests was a more sinister purpose, to poison and kill the migrants. When the US military discovered the plan, being openly discussed at times in the back rooms of the White House, they rebelled and refused to have any part of chemtrail activity in the future. Where the campaign was being conducted by the wealthy, their plan was to use the US military when the time came, and without the cooperation of the US military, this plan could not succeed. Thereafter, chemtrails were used to fog up the view of Planet X. In some cases, tests were done to determine where the drift would go, where the chemtrails were pushed by the prevailing westerlies. Since sunrise and sunset are the danger times when Planet X might be sighted, these are the main fogging target times.
ZetaTalk Insight 12/6/2008: Like any enterprise designed to keep the public in the dark, this enterprise is breaking down. The elite, who fund this enterprise, see the world's economy falling apart, the banking systems on life support, and fear riots in the near future. They question the worth of funding the chemtrails battle when the Earth changes are becoming so obvious. The Earth wobble is palpable to anyone trying to make sense of the weather swings and the positions of the Sun and Moon. Soon even those who never look out their windows will begin to notice, so goes the logic, so why bother to cloud their view!
ZetaTalk Confirmation 10/29/2016: This is a valid video, and indeed a UFO disbursing chemtrails. This demonstration was done for several reasons. One was to register support for the public who had been furious about having their view of Nibiru blocked, lo these many years. The second was to show the public that the chemtrail haze could be disbursed in an instant by UFO’s. The Council of Worlds wants the public to be aware of the presence of Nibiru, and the pending passage, so they can make their spiritual choices, take action, prior to potentially dying in the Pole Shift. What would worldwide visibility of Nibiru bring, if suddenly made possible?
Solar Storm Panic
The media has been warning the public to expect disaster due to a Solar Storm. Such warnings had not been issued for decades. Is this real or a cover for the disruptions that Nibiru can cause? At the same time, the appearance of Nibiru with its two Dominant Moons looks like the Egyptian depiction of their God Horus.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 5/10/2024: Like the time of the rising and setting Sun, the 11 year Solar Cycle is almost sacred in its accuracy. But this sacred precept can be sacrificed when the Nibiru coverup is threatened. Nibiru was close to the Sun in 2005 when the last Solar Storm warning was issued. Nibiru was passing by the Sun then after having entered the inner Solar System in 2003. Coming from under the Ecliptic, Nibiru was pointing its N Pole toward the Sun’s S Pole. Now Nibiru is approaching the time when it will cross the Ecliptic and pass by the Earth on its way out of the inner Solar System.
Thus Nibiru dithers as to what direction to point its N Pole. NOAA knows this and thus has issued warnings and predicted an early Solar Max. When Nibiru points its N Pole directly at the Sun, this roils the Sun. In conjunction with the Solar Max activity to be expected, this is a double impact. Add Nibiru’s normal EMP blasts on mankind’s electrical infrastructure and the influence of Nibiru’s gravity tug on the Auroras and the Nibiru coverup needed a guilty party. Thus, the Solar Max dates are being whipped around.
Does the fact that the photos being taken by James on this date appear to depict the Egyptian God Horus with his eye in the sky? During prior passages of Nibiru the many signs in the skies noted at present also made an appearance – the swooping Red Dust and Petrol ridden tail of Nibiru wafting to the Left with Nibiru centered as the eye. Noah began building his Arc when the Earth Wobble thrashed the Earth back and forth, as denoted by the rapid transit of the Moon. For this pending passage, the warnings to mankind are that this time is now!
Mankind has many misconceptions about the Sun, which is difficult to visit to establish verification. The Dyson Sphere, for instance, which is not at all about ET collecting energy from the Sun.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 5/10/2024: Dyson has a theory about the large spheres shown building just off the surface of the Sun. They are called Dyson Spheres because mankind cannot get close enough to the Sun to examine the process. Dyson has theorized they are used by ET to replenish their energy, as the Sun clearly has power galore. The Sun discards the products of any internal nuclear process, which heads in all directions to disburse. If heavy, these discarded products remain close to the Sun, encapsulated from light-weight products which puff around the edges of the capsule, forming the sphere. ET is certainly not interested in the contents of the spheres.
Zetas RIGHT Again
At the start of the ZetaTalk saga the Zetas described how the Mainland Portion would pull to the SW, causing sinking land to the West of the Mississippi River. They also predicted that all bridges over the Mississippi River would fail. On both these issues it has lately been shown that the Zetas are RIGHT Again!
ZetaTalk Prediction 2010: The potential for a greatly widened Mississippi occurs south of the Illinois border. This is where the Mississippi will spread, to the west between the Illinois border and the Mississippi delta. We estimate the Mississippi will widen by 50 miles, give or take depending on its meandering and the stability of the rock or soil in any given location.
ZetaTalk Prediction 2010: The New Madrid adjustment is most devastating to land to the west of the Mississippi, which will drop slightly in elevation along the river and slide to the SW.
Both these predictions are now coming true. For instance, the Pelican Island Bridge barge crash, which has no explanation other than a lurch and shift in the land there, has an almost simultaneous Buoy throbbing in the Gulf. Just days before the Iowa Madison bridge over the Mississippi River failed. There have been many barge/bridge collisions lately due to Plate Movement sloshing but these latest seem related to sinking land to the West of the Mississippi. Meanwhile the SE Portion’s Toe is pulling away from the Isthmus and quakes at the town of New Madrid have returned and Houston is experiencing bad weather.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 5/15/2024: The Pelican Island barge crash was another silent stretch incident caused by a lurch. As we have stated, a lurch on water will continue unabated, where a similar jolt on land will quickly come to a stop. N America will be experiencing increasingly severe lurches as the New Madrid Rupture proceeds. These will at first be silent stretch incidents, which are not obvious unless accompanied by an earthquake. Breaking water and gas mains and breaking bridges and collapsing buildings are another clue that the New Madrid Rupture is proceeding. These disasters will increase on both the N America Portions.
We have stated that the Mainland Portion will drop and shift to the SW, to the extent that widening the Mississippi River by 50 miles in places will occur due to sinking land to the west of the Mississippi. The Pelican Island accident was caused by the land in the Galveston area dropping, without warning, so water sloshing resulted. We have also stated that all bridges that cross the Mississippi will fail, due primarily to land on the west side of the Bridge dropping. This happened in 2007 at Memphis, the same year the I-35 bridge crossing the Mississippi in Minnesota collapsed.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 5/17/2024: What do sinking lands do to the air pressure above? A land drop would create a void, lower the air pressure, and thus create one of the key causes of storms where high pressure areas rush to equalize the air pressure. As we confirmed re the Pelican Island causeway barge crash, the Houston region is sinking. This is also true of the Gulf region where the SE Portion is pulling away. Because its attachment at the Caribbean Plate resists this, the SE Portion in the Gulf is stretched and thus being thin, sinks. This is confirmed by the Storm Maps.
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