Draft Newsletter for Sunday September 29, 2024. Newsletters can also be found in the Archives by Friday. (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)
2nd Assassination Attempt
President Trump was dealt a second assassination attempt on Sunday September 15. He made a last minute decision to play a game of golf on the course next door to his Mar-a-Lago residence, and during a Secret Service scan a rifle was seen poking out of the bushes. A shot was fired at the rifle location and Routh was seen scampering away. A neighbor took a quick photo of the car license plate and Routh was quickly arrested while trying to escape on the road. Was this an inside job?
ZetaTalk Confirmation 9/15/2024: Routh is an individual who seeks and enjoys the spotlight and chooses his endeavors accordingly. Despite natural talents he could not compete in the business world, thus lacking a claim to fame he saw himself growing older and fading. He chose Ukraine recruitment as it was the hot topic, not due to Routh’s inherent ideology. So why try to assassinate President Trump? Whether caught to spend his remaining years in prison or escaping to be on the run, he felt taking the shot would put him in the spotlight, allow him to give interviews and publish a book, and give him the fame he desired.
Was his endeavor assisted by those who hoped an assassination success would eliminate President Trump from the race? Flamboyant Routh came under the radar of the FBI and Secret Service who were on the lookout for him, but it was indeed the Deep State who provided him with President Trump’s itinerary. These individuals are known to the FBI and Secret Service and likewise the Junta. Since they left their finger prints all over on email and phone records and video-taped encounters, they will have some explaining to do.
Is there a nexus between Crooks and Routh? They both appeared in BlackRock ads! This shows they had been in contact with BlackRock, and also implies they had been chosen, or were being encouraged or groomed in some way.
Nibiru Complex in View
As Nibiru draws closer for its Passage, many parts of the Nibiru Complex are becoming visible naked eye. The Nibiru Complex includes Nibiru itself, the Dominant Moons that form a helix on either side of Nibiru, the String of Pearls arrangements, Moon Swirl tubes, the Petrol blobs, and the Minor Moons and Red Dust wafting about in the atmosphere. Seen naked eye and without enhancement these past couple weeks in the US and UK are the following.
James in Idaho, one of the ZetaTalk Team photographers, enhances his photos of the Nibiru Complex. As the Nibiru Complex comes closer, new aspects are revealed and have thus been under discussion these past couple weeks.
ZetaTalk Response 9/1/2024: The familiar cross that forms over a light object is due to the disbursement of light particles to relieve crowding. This is not an even disbursement, as the location proceeds in a logical manner. First in one place so that on the opposite side another crowding occurs and so another disbursement occurs, so then the crowding occurs again in each of the half circles, etc. Thus the cross. When an object like Nibiru is in the mix, the disbursement is skewed, so the skewed cross is one of the ways to determine if there is an object there.
The blue lines you have noted are not related to photon disbursement but are the reaction of the mylar and blue filter to looking directly at the Sun. Note that these lines appear when the light from Nibiru is added to the mix. In a sense, it is the mylar and blue filter creating chemical waves, so that like waves in the water reducing the water pressure, the chemical "heat" from all the light sources formed into waves.
ZetaTalk Response 9/6/2024: Our description of Moon Swirls, which form tubes just as photons form light ray tubes, applies for large and small objects. When the Petrol Masses come closer to Earth and are therefore visible on film, you will capture these tubes on occasion. They are not being formed from large Moons of Nibiru, but significant debris chunks.
ZetaTalk Response 9/11/2024: Is there a relationship between the sound of Nibiru’s Song, delivered via radio waves, and what is seen in Jame's photos of the Magnetic Field surrounding the Sun and Nibiru? Yes, as many phenomena have a sight and sound delivery. For instance the Trumpets reported in the Bible and Egyptian lore are due to upper atmosphere lightning which is both seen and heard. Nibiru’s Song has just arrived and the Magnetic pattern in James' photos requires enhancement, but this will gradually change.
5 Day Runs
The 5 Day design laid on June 26, 2023 warned of a Severe Wobble that would set off a 5 day run from the China blowout to the European tsunami. This was followed by a Daisy Ring design laid on July 8, 2023 explaining that iterative runs would occur, each stronger than the one before, prior to the big 5 Day blowout.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 6/26/2023: This pointed Crop Circle design is giving a timeline for a major Severe Wobble episode, which has been predicted by ourselves months ago. This would involve a Polar Push such that the Magnetic N Pole of Earth would be pushed away and not allowed to Bounce Back on a daily basis – represented by the lopsided circle central to the design. The 5 spikes represent days, a time period between the Sunda Plate snap and China lunge into the Pacific until the SE Portion of N America ruptures along the New Madrid Fault Line. The clock or calendar, a timeline, is included to indicate this design is a timeline.
ZetaTalk Statement 7/6/2023: The sequence in process now on July 6 is in accordance with our predictions and what the circle makers intended to relay on June 26 with their 5 spikes diagram. We have repeatedly relayed that we are not allowed to give a specific date, only a sequence of events. And the 5 days predicted by the circle makers in June included the presumption of a Severe Wobble, which is in the hands of the Council of Worlds. The Council of Worlds is balancing many factors, thousands in fact, and as of this writing has not made a decision.
One such run occurred on 7/4/2023. Now on 9/13 another 5 Day Run occurred, but there have been many and none have resulted in the big China Blowout and N Atlantic Rupture. But the sequence was closely watched and resulted in confusion. How does one say a 5 Day Run is in process without alarming the public?
ZetaTalk Confirmation 9/13: This 5 Days warning given to a contactee is indeed valid and does relate to the June 2023 Crop Circle design warning that the New Madrid Rupture would occur over a 5 Day period. This morning, the start of the 5 Days, another warning given in October 2022 by UFOs over Japan, Beijing, and Taiwan has appeared in the large quake patterns over these three points of the triangle. Where the Council of Worlds has softened the effect of the New Madrid Rupture, it has not stopped the process.
As on July 4, 2023 this 5 Day Run did not result in the Finale. On September 13, 2024 when the Run started the Asia Triangle was lit up. But it took until September 16 for more action to emerge in the Pacific. The China Blowout resulted in the N Pacific compressing. This is the pattern predicted by the 5 Days Crop Circle design, but this pattern is expected to be followed when any big China Blowout happens! The N Atlantic, for instance, is asleep on September 16, and if this were a Finale it would have a shifting Africa Roll.
By September 17, when the 5 Day Run should be completing, we see that the Void, the area along the Mainland Portion and Eurasian Border in the N Atlantic expected to be pulled open when waves during the Rupture occur, is diverting the Gulf Stream aggressively. There are also quakes above the Void. This does NOT indicate a large Rupture is in process but does fall in line with the 5 Days sequence that often occurs following a China blowout.
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