ZetaTalk Newsletter for October 20, 2024

Draft Newsletter for Sunday October 20, 2024. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)

FEMA Failures

During the Helene disasters in N Carolina and Georgia, FEMA seemed to be absent. Private individuals reached out to help those stranded by the raging waters washing down the gullies, but nothing but excuses from the Biden Administration. It appears that FEMA funds had instead been diverted to help the illegal immigrants coming over the Southern Border, left wide open by Kamala Harris, the Border Czar. Anything to swell the Democrat voter rolls, apparently. Meanwhile, per many reports, mischief was afoot.

What is FEMA, US Emergency Agency Grappling with Hurricane Milton Rumors?
October 9, 2024

Hurricanes Milton and Helene are putting new pressure on the federal government's emergency response agency FEMA, which is already short of money, hit by a politics-fueled disinformation campaign and burdened by its past failures in handling massive storms.
Helene Exposed FEMA's Weaknesses. Can they Handle Milton's Devastation in Florida?
October 9, 2024

Biden-Harris administration officials said they were "sparing no resource" to help those affected by the storm. A week ago, they said they were leading "a robust Federal response to help impacted communities in the wake of Hurricane Helene." Yet, families are still transporting clean water in 5-gallon containers and milk jugs 13 days after the storm came ashore in Florida.

White Hats and Red Hats Unite to Fight FEMA/FBI in North Carolina
October 7, 2024

In the wake of Hurricane Helene, which wrought unprecedented destruction on parts of the Southeast, FEMA deployed 3,500 armed personnel to storm-ravaged North Carolina, particularly Asheville, which took the brunt of Helene’s biblical devastation. True to form, FEMA’s massive convoys and flights carried no relief supplies and no medicine, only crates of automatic rifles, steel canisters packed with limitless ammunition to wage a bloody war against storm-torn refugees and their property, and a healthy supply of body bags, ostensibly to eternally house their victims.
FEMA Failures: from Katrina to Helene
October 9, 2024

In addition to its high turnover in leadership and budgetary constraints, FEMA often faces staffing shortages. When disaster strikes, the agency relies on temporary employees or contractors, many of whom have limited or no experience or training in dealing with disaster management scenarios and their complexities.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 10/9/2024: FEMA has notoriously been an agency where cronies could be parked to collect a fat salary, as there were few disasters to point out their weaknesses. From President Bush’s praise of his friend Brownie during Katrina to the present day, this culture has not changed. Combined with the Deep State players embedded in the Biden Administration - an administration spawned from 2020 election fraud - the culture of leeching off the taxpayers and opportunistic looting during disasters has if anything increased.

Child sex traffic is being cleaned up during the current Junta and White Hat investigations and Tribunals at Gitmo, but this has incentivized opportunistic efforts by the temporary help hired by FEMA. If Hillary Clinton was caught trafficking children after the Haiti quake, the victims of hurricane disasters offer the same opportunities. The FEMA failures and dangers now on display will encourage the public to rely upon themselves during future disasters, which will only increase as the time of Nibiru’s Passage approaches. 

HAARP Excuse

The Nibiru coverup has imposed the mandate to “never say Nibiru”. To cover the increase in earthquakes, fracking was blamed, and for the increase in EMP incidents, blame the Sun, and for the increase in violent weather, blame HAARP. But even though the US government shut down the HAARP program in 2014, the desperate Nibiru coverup has continued to clutch at this excuse. Cloud seeding programs yes, weather modification no.  

Conspiracy Theories Abound as U.S. Military Closes HAARP
May 22, 2014

The U.S. Air Force has notified Congress that it intends to shut down HAARP, a controversial Alaska-based research facility that studies an energetic and active region of the upper atmosphere. Conspiracy theorists are abuzz about the news, given that HAARP (short for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) has long been the center of wild speculation that the program is designed to control the weather or worse.

ZetaTalk Prediction 1995: HAARP is not a real project, and the tale has simply been put forth in order to afford a cover for other activities.  HAARP has been put forth by humans wishing the populace to have a palatable explanation for various underground phenomena. MJ12 cooked up the HAARP mystique. Since activities in association with Service-to-Self aliens included strange low frequency sounds, HAARP took on that aspect. Since aliens had been known to create blackouts and MJ12 wanted the illusion of a human hand at the switch should this ever happen again, HAARP took on this aspect also. HAARP does not exist, but as secret programs can not be proved or disproved, this issue will never be settled. Since the public has given credence to HAARP, it is likely to take on extra baggage, becoming, on paper anyway, a larger program. But like the Wizard of Oz, it is not at all what it seems.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 5/31/2024: Almost a decade after the Air Force announced it intended to shut down the HAARP facilities in Alaska, this intention is back in the news. HAARP has been blamed for the increase in earthquakes for years, part of the coverup over the presence of Nibiru. HAARP has proponents and opponents, as the coverup over Nibiru is still very much in place, but the Junta has decided it is time to let the public know the truth, thus HAARP will be removed as an excuse. Is the way being cleared for a Nibiru admission? The answer is a resounding yes!

Florida Rep Rips Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Idiotic Weather Claims: ‘No Intelligent Life in Congress’
October 10, 2024

Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL), whose state was battered by extreme winds, flood surges and rainfall by Hurricane Milton beginning Wednesday, pulled no punches when ripping into Greene, who has spent the past week and a half flirting with harebrained conspiracy theories that the government controls the weather.
Fact Check: False Claim ‘Chemtrails’ and HAARP are used to Manipulate the Weather
January 25, 2023

All three elements of this post are wrong. Scientists and pilots confirm there is no evidence that planes are spraying harmful chemicals into the atmosphere. Researchers at the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, also known as HAARP, say the technology does not have the ability to manipulate the weather. And meteorologists and climate scientists say large-scale weather events cannot be artificially created.
Hurricane Helene was not a Product of Weather Modification. That’s Pants on Fire!
September 25, 2024

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration conducted Project Stormfury in the 1960s to experiment with seeding existing hurricanes, but it ended in 1983 and no weather modification projects have been done since?
Politically Charged Rumors and Conspiracy Theories about Helene Flourish on X
October 3, 2024

False claims about weather-altering tools have become common in the aftermath of major storms, said Amber Silver, who teaches emergency management at the University at Albany. "And there's always questions about … is this storm, you know, man-made or is it natural?"

ZetaTalk Confirmation 10/10/2024: Until the reality of Nibiru in the skies is admitted by the establishment, conspiracy theories about why the weather has gone wild will flourish. Nibiru is shrouded by Red Dust which is increasingly evident on Earth and in the skies. Petrol dragged into the atmosphere by Nibiru is creating brilliant rainbow displays in the skies. And sunlight reflected off the clouds shrouding Nibiru has been creating Second Sun displays at dawn and dusk. The more evident Nibiru becomes, the more frantic the denials in the establishment because of what they have to lose.

Those at the helm of the Nibiru coverup are predominantly the banks, as their mortgage interest from homes along the coastlines or river basin cities would cease. Since panic in the public is likely to require Martial Law to be called, the military is reluctant to be faced with this necessity prematurely. Politicians who have lied to the public about the near presence of Nibiru would be faced with an angry public demanding the government provide a safe location to survive the pending Passage of Nibiru. In the meantime, the rule is to “never say Nibiru”.

Dinos Among Us

A movie mockup of a Mosasaurus took Jack Straw by surprise and reminded us of these monsters from our past. This video is from the Jurassic World Domination (2022 movie) however, not real. The DinoTracker website shows where they roamed in the past, where the bones lie. We do have living dinos at the present time, Nessie being the most famous.

August 3, 2012
Mr Edwards, who has spent 26 years on his quest, managed to capture this image of a dark hump slinking in and out of the lake's waters from the deck of his boat, Nessie Hunter, before it vanished back into the deep. The first recorded sighting was in 565AD and there have been thousands of eye witness reports since then.

ZetaTalk Explanation 8/15/1995: Nessie is no monster at all, but a gentle giant no more aggressive than Sea Cows. This species lives in numerous places around the globe, but has only come to attention in small inland lakes. Is this a fresh water creature? Yes, but one that can adapt to brackish waters. It became trapped in Loch Ness during a pole shift, where land routinely heaves up out of the sea and drops in other places below the waves. Thus trapped, the creature proceeded with its normal life, munching vegetation and fish and occasionally popping its head above the surface to sense if it's missing any munchies. Nessie is nearly blind, and relies on a sense of smell, which underwater is sensitive to chemicals in the water, but in the air catches small particles carried in the breeze. Could Nessie come out of the lake and lumber about? Hardly. This creature requires water to breath, having gills along its sides, and thus cannot bring more than its head out of the water.

Nessie is not alone, as something resembling a T-Rex resides in Anrhem Land in the outback of Australia. And a variety of dinosaurs existed in Mexico until recently, until the past few thousand years, as documented by clay statues carved by witnesses. This fact was even noted in 1972 by famous crust shift theorist Charles Hapgood. The figures were carved by humans in Abambaro who otherwise had no knowledge of what dinosaurs might have looked like.

Does a T-Rex Lurk in Australia's Outback?
October 29, 2010

The Burrunjor lives in Arnhem Land, Australia. In 1922, north of Cloncurry, stock men saw a "big lizard monster" that was bipedal and moved its tail from side to side when walking. Johnny Mathews, a part-Aboriginal tracker, claimed to have seen a 25ft. tall bipedal reptilian monster, moving through scrub near Lagoon Creek on the Gulf coast one day in 1961. In 1977, at Normanton district, an Aboriginal couple ran into a grey skinned Burrunjor that resembled a Tyrannosaurus, feeding on a bullock. In 1985, a 4-wheel drive vehicle and it's family of travellers, the Askeys, heading for Roper River Mission, happened to take a back road for some sightseeing.  Just before they were to pull up and turn around to resume their journey to the mission, they all saw, moving together across an open plain some distance away, two bipedal-walking reptilian creatures a good 20ft. tall respectively.

The Dinosaurs of Abambaro
Several hundred were scientifically identified as representing many species of dinosaurs: dinosaurs including duck-billed Trachodon, Gorgosaurus, horned Monoclonius, Ornitholestes, Titanosaurus, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Paleococincus, Diplodocus, Podokosaurus, Struthiominos, Plesiosaur, Leviathan, Maiasaura, Rhamphorynchus, Iguanodon, Brachiosaurus, Pteranodon, Dimetrodon, Ichtyornis, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Rhynococephalia, and other unknown or yet unidentified dinosaur species. Hapgood submitted the samples to the Laboratory of Isotopes, Inc in New Jersey. The results were as follows:
Sample No. 1: (I-3842) 3590 + - 100 (C. 1640 B.C.)
Sample No. 2: (I-4015) 6480 + - 170 (C. 4530 B.C.)
Sample No. 3: (I-4031) 3060 + - 120 (C. 1110 B.C.)"

ZetaTalk Explanation 6/12/2010: Dinosaurs live with man today, in the outback deserts of Australia where large lizards running on rear legs have been sighted, in the rivers of Australia where something akin to Nessie has been sighted, and of course in Scotland where Nessie lives. Extinct fish are occasionally raised from the deep, and the crocodile and cockroach are just as old. During every pole shift, there are climate changes, with surviving animals migrating afterwards to locales where the new climate and food sources suited them. The Acámbaro region was not the desert it is today, in the past. Lush, it supported dinosaurs which had been pushed to this region by changes in the surrounding terrain. When this enclave suddenly became desert, they died out, but are recorded for history by the artwork of the native peoples of that time.

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