ZetaTalk Newsletter for November 10, 2024

Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday November 10, 2024. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)

Sky Fire

Sky Fire has been on the increase in the past few years but during the last weeks of October provided dramatic displays. In a photo from Norway, something stands between the Earth and Sun looking like a malicious grin. It has turned the Sun’s reflection on the water to red. A Siberian capture of Nibiru is now showing over a dozen Moons. While a flaming Petrol mass captured on film in Moscow goes through the color chart while burning from red to orange to green and then finally blue skies again.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 10/31/2024: As Nibiru’s 270 Roll proceeds the Magnetic N Pole of Nibiru is pointing increasingly toward the Earth. This blows the Debris and Red Dust filled tail of Nibiru toward the Earth, including the couple dozen Moons of Nibiru. They have now become visible, and as each of these two dozen Moons is equal in size to the Earth’s Moon, they have also developed Moon Swirls of their own.

These Moon Swirls can be composed of multiple Moons of Nibiru, perhaps in a String of Pearls arrangement, or a single Moon with minor moons trailing and swirling behind it. This is now also on display for the astonished public to see. In addition the Petrol in the tail is giving Sky on Fire displays. This burning Petrol mass, swirling in a Retrograde direction, progresses rapidly as the Petrol burns. First the Petrol laden with Red Dust is consumed, then the normal blue sky dominates so the burn slides into Green. More to come, Sky on Fire!

The Moons of Nibiru were detailed early in the ZetaTalk saga. Nibiru has a couple dozen Moons equal in size to the Earth’s Moon. No collision with Earth is expected during Nibiru’s passage, as Nibiru will not come closer than 14 million miles from the Earth and the Moons of Nibiru cling closely to Nibiru, not more than 5 million miles from Nibiru. Nevertheless, they add to the display mankind sees, which legend and prophecy says is terrifying. All is in motion, so the Nibiru Complex is described as a dragon.

Book of Revelations
And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters, and they became blood. And there was a great earthquake, such as not since men were upon the earth. And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.
Mother Shipton
For seven days and seven nights
Man will watch this awesome sight.
The tides will rise beyond their ken
To bite away the shores and then
The mountains will begin to roar
And earthquakes split the plain to shore.
Not every soul on Earth will die
As the Dragons tail goes sweeping by.
Not every land on earth will sink
But these will wallow in stench and stink
Of rotting bodies of beast and man
Of vegetation crisped on land.

ZetaTalk Description 7/17/2003: The 14 million miles referred to as the closest point during the Pole Shift includes those parts of the complex that would be considered devastating to the Earth, such as moon swirls and large debris. We have stated that the moons themselves will be at all times within 5 million miles of Nibiru, but large trash in the tail also pulls toward Earth, but this will come no closer than 14 million miles.

ZetaTalk Description 2001: Moons in orbit around planets in a relatively circular orbit around a sun have more than their planet affecting their behavior. They are of a mass that prevents their plummeting to the planet, as they are evoking the gravitational repulsion force between themselves and their planet. They are moving, not stationary, not because of the attraction to the planet, which is at a standstill, but because of attractions to other elements in the solar system. This swirl, unique to man in any comets or planets it observes, is what caused the ancients to call the passing monster, red in the sky because of its illuminated red dust cloud, a dragon, lashing its tail, the swirl of moons.

Velikovsky documented the legends in Siberia and the lands of the Mayas, which reported Sky Fire during prior passages of Nibiru. Petrol alight would drop, burning all beneath the dropping blanket of fire.

Worlds in Collision
Popol-Vuh, the sacred book of the Mayas, narrates "People were drowned in a sticky substance raining from the sky .. and then there was a great din of fire above their heads". The entire population of the land was annihilated. A similar account is preserved in the Annals of Cuauhtitlan. The age which ended in the rain of fire was called "the sun of fire-rain" In Siberia, the Voguls carried down through the centuries and millennia this memory. "God sent a sea of fire upon the earth. In the East Indies, the aboriginal tribes relate that in the remote past "water of fire" rained from the sky. With very few exceptions, all men died. The (Egyptian) papyrus Ipuwer describes this consuming fire. "Gates, columns, and walls are consumed by fire. The sky is in confusion". The papyrus says that this fire almost exterminated mankind.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 7/31/2021: What would cause a Petrol Monster in space to start burning? Petrol does not burn in space unless a spark or heat source starts the process, just as gasoline spilled on the ground does not burn unless a match is tossed. Where oxygen is plentiful, such as in the atmosphere of Nibiru or Earth's atmosphere or one of the dominant Moons in the Double Helix, spontaneous burning can readily start. One can see this process surrounding Nibiru and its dominant Helix Moon, and even on other water bearing moons of Nibiru within Moon Swirls on occasion.

But can a Petrol Monster in space, between Nibiru and the Earth, alight? The components of such a burn exist within the Petrol, in that there is always some oxygen captured in various compounds. Once alit by the heat of the Sun or perhaps an interplanetary lightning flash, a slow smoldering burn can start and proceed until free oxygen is no longer released. Oxygen can in fact be passed around, from first one burn to another, if the result of the first burn is fragile. What would the people of Earth conclude, seeing the sky on fire?

Methane Towers are another astonishing result of the Nibiru presence. As Nibiru causes the Earth Plates to lurch around, aggravated by the Daily Earth Wobble, methane from trapped vegetation in the rock layers is released. Methane towers, alight, result and the ash from burning Methane or Petrol falls to Earth.
ZetaTalk Explanation 2/27/2016: Beyond the incidence of Light Towers which have been in evidence since 2008, methane alit, there will be blanket fires, where the methane and greasy elements in the tail are afire laterally in the skies. The end result of this is of course ash, puzzling those below who missed the blanket fire, which would only be visible during the night. These incidents will be on the increase.

The ancient Sumerians knew about Nibiru, and many of their ancient symbols for the Nibiru Complex are now showing up in the skies.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 11/30/2023: Dramatic Displays of burning petrol visible to the public increased in 2021 with Alberto’s dramatic capture of Nibiru with its Double Helix, but such displays are treated by the coverup as burning meteors or space junk returning to Earth. Given that Nibiru itself is shrouded by Red Dust and Petrol so is seldom fully visible, how can the coverup be broken? A barrage of burning Petrol in the sky, worldwide and in a vast display so that all excuses fail, would bring the subject into the open, and will be tried next.

Drone Warfare

Drone warfare was inevitable as it spares the troops. Young technicians trained on video games can conduct warfare from behind a desk, so less blood and maiming and death occur. It was only a step from a drone attack to full scale drone warfare, where the drones are set upon each other. Drones can be used for snooping, as was done at Langley in October, or for attack and even counter attack as is ongoing in the Ukraine, and for an assassination attempt as was done recently against Bibi.

Drone Swarm in Virginia Shows Concerning Gaps and Seams in Homeland Security
October 17, 2024

In December 2023, for 17 continuous days, a fleet of drones appeared at night over Langley Air Force Base (AFB), Virginia and other facilities in the greater Virginia Beach area.  This was reported at the time, but the story was fleeting. In February 2023, a pair of F-22s from Langley shot down the Chinese spy balloon as it exited the United States over South Carolina into the Atlantic Ocean. In January 2024, a Chinese graduate student at the University of Minnesota, was arrested for flying a drone over close by Newport News Shipbuilding – the only builder of U.S. aircraft carriers and one of two submarine production yards. Significant Inter-Agency U.S. Government capabilities were mobilized to monitor, assess, and possibly interdict the flights, but to no avail that has been publicly revealed. Currently China is conducting a spying surge that is overwhelming the West and far greater than the Soviet threat during the Cold War.  It is not illogical to conclude the drones may have a connection with Chinese spy efforts. The unsecure American Border Homeland and China’s malign efforts should be a far greater focus of attention in Election 2024.
Mysterious Drones Swarmed Langley AFB for Weeks
March 15, 2024

This spate of bizarre drone incursions deeply underscores the still-growing threats that uncrewed aerial systems present on and off traditional battlefields. At a hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee , U.S. Air Force Gen. Gregory Guillot, currently head of U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM) and the U.S.-Canadian North American Defense Command (NORAD), made what appear to be the first public acknowledgment of the incidents at Langley.

Over 100 Ukrainian Drones Downed in Russia Overnight
October 20, 2024

Air defenses intercepted or destroyed 110 UAVs, 43 of which were taken down over the Kursk Region near the border, where fighting has been raging since early August. Ukraine routinely launches drone attacks deep into Russia, with raids targeting energy facilities and other civilian structures.
Russian UAV Operators using Ramming Tactics against Ukrainian Drones
October 20, 2024

The Russian military has been successfully using ramming tactics to deal with large Ukrainian attack drones. it published a clip showing two drones of the ‘Baba Yaga’ class, operated by Kiev’s forces, being eliminated by smaller Russian unmanned aerial vehicles. The Russian forces are implementing a “seek and destroy” strategy against the Ukrainian drones. Named after a witch-like character from Slavic folklore, the 'Baba Yaga' hexacopters are former agricultural UAVs converted into attack drones by Ukraine.
Netanyahu’s House Attacked by Drone
October 19, 2024

An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) filled with explosives hit the vacation home of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the seaside town of Caesarea.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 10/15/2024: The history of mankind’s warfare has evolved from the days when troops were sent into battle with swords and arrows and the warplans of their generals were sought by insiders or from pillow talk. What was the next attack? Where and when and how? This information was passed human to human, but now in drone warfare it is being passed machine to machine. Machine language can be encoded, so unavailable. To learn who the intrusive enemy is, one must secure rather than shoot down the drone, and possession of the drone then provides other information such as the guidance system mechanisms.

During the current Ukraine war, Russia has successfully established drone to drone battlefield defenses based on systems that identify the type of drone Kiev is using as well as visual and auditory determination of the drone location and trajectory. But in late 2023 the Pentagon was more focused on learning who was sending swarms of small drones to peer at their facilities, thus capture was the main objective. Of course they did not want to admit any weakness by reporting these adventures to the media or Congress.

Noah's Ark

In these days of torrential rainstorms, one wonders if it is time to build Noah’s Ark. Our Weather Wobbles are getting worse, with Spain the most recent country hit. The story of Noah’s Ark has appeared in many ancient texts, and no one doubts its veracity, though the accounts differ. The Book of Genesis in the Bible describes the boat as longer than it is wide and declares that it contained pairs of all the surviving animals on Earth. As the Zetas say, this is unlikely.

Noah's Ark
Noah's Ark is the vessel in the Genesis flood narrative by which God saves Noah, his family, and a remnant of all the world's animals from the flood. God gives Noah detailed instructions for building the ark: it is to be of gopher wood, smeared inside and out with pitch, with three decks and internal compartments; it will be 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high; it will have a roof "finished to a cubit upward"; and an entrance on the side.

ZetaTalk Explanation 8/19/1995: The Flood occurred three pole shifts back, approximately eleven millennia ago. Uneasy, and being a highly Service-to-Other man, [Noah] gave The Call and received visits from a Spirit Guide who responded. He did indeed construct a boat to save himself, his family, and household animals. The story of Noah has been romanticized to include all the animals of the Earth, which doesn't take much logic to dispel. How big a boat was this? Where the wave was large, it did not cover the entire Earth. How could it? Thus, there was more drowning during this particular visit of Planet X, but other than that, not much difference.

In 2004 a Dutch man built an ark to the Biblical specifications (though only half as large) as Issue 249 of this newsletter details. That is indeed a large boat, and bolstered against high waves and rough seas.

Meet the Man Who's re-Creating Noah's Ark
June 22, 2011

Dutch builder Johan Huibers is expected to complete work on the massive vessel sometime next month in what has been a staggeringly ambitious project to bring one of the best-known stories of the Bible to life. It's taken three years of his life and $1.6 million out of his pocket, but Huibers, owner of a successful construction company in Holland, says the project is a dream come true - literally. Despite his wife's misgivings, he built an ark in 2004 that was roughly half the size of the specifications listed in the Bible. He guided the craft through the myriad canals of the Netherlands, and it proved such a hit among tourists, who were charged seven bucks apiece to climb aboard, that it financed Huibers' true dream - building an ark every bit as big as Noah's.

The Egyptians kept precise records, which have survived in the Kolbrin Bible. Per the Kolbrin, Noah was a nobleman, wealthy, and thus had the funds for his endeavor. He took his entire household and many skilled craftsmen. The Kolbrin likewise reports that the ship was to be bolstered against rough seas, and did not need to be concerned about navigation.

It has been told to me in a dream that the ship should be built against the mountains, and the sea will come up to me. … The lowermost was for the beasts and cattle and their provender, and it was laid over with sand from the river. The middle one was for birds and fowls, for plants of every kind that are good for man and beast, and the uppermost one was for the people. … cisterns for water and storehouses for food … the ship was without mast or oars.

The 2014 release of yet another version of the story of Noah, however, showed a square ship, and no others but the immediate family of Noah on board.  As Issue 391 of this newsletter details, the fact that both the story of Noah and the Exodus are newly in theaters, together, should not be a surprise, as both occurred during a prior passage of Nibiru, aka Planet X, and this is an attempt to educate the public on what to expect.

Noah (2014)
A man is chosen by his world's creator to undertake a momentous mission before an apocalyptic flood cleanses the world.

ZetaTalk Comment 3/22/2014: The Bible is expected to become a virtual reference manual by many following the announcement, and the stories of Noah and the Exodus are clear examples of prior passages. The Book of Revelations also has a parallel in the Kolbrin, in describing the forthcoming passage. Beyond wanting to make a profit in the movie making business, the promoters of these two 2014 films hope to educate the public. Noah planned for flooding in a practical manner, building a water tight boat for his family and livestock. The message of the Exodus is that the good hearted will be assisted, while those intent on enslaving others will not.  

Now we have yet another shape – a circle. According to records from ancient Babylon, the Ark should be circular and built of reeds. A scaled down replica is being constructed in India and shows a correlation with the Kolbrin account in having quarters for the people on the upper level. Since the real ark has long since rotted into the landscape, we will likely never know.

Is this the REAL Noah's Ark?
September 12, 2014

A scale model of Noah’s Ark has been built based on a blueprint drawn up in ancient Babylon 4,000 years ago. The expert behind the Biblical undertaking rocked the world last year with his controversial theory that the fabled ark was round and made of reeds.

ZetaTalk Comment 1/24/2009: Noah's Ark has never been found nor will it be. The displacement wave that roared into the Persian Gulf from the vicinity of Antarctica rose into a tidal bore as it tore into the region of Turkey and Iran. Thus, it clearly overran lowland areas and rose up against mountain ranges. But it hardly climbed to the level of the top of Mount Ararat, some 16,000 feet above sea level. The precise location in the highlands where the Ark found the water no longer supporting it, being left high and dry as the waters receded, is not of importance, but the search should concentrate on rolling hills, not mountain tops. The Ark was tossed about on the roiling water and did not come to rest until the waters were steadily receding, and as the waters were not all that high to begin with, it came to rest not in riverbeds or lowlands but in the hills surrounding such lands. It was abandoned, and its wood removed to be used for dwelling places, and thus no trace of it remains today.

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