Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday January 5, 2025. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)
Airlines Disasters
On Christmas Eve, American Airlines shut down all their flights in the US for an hour, citing a “technical issue”. The technical issue was never explained, but the Down Detector site shows American Airlines flatlined at that time, and other airlines were struggling. Presumably the airlines were having problems with the ACARS system. The Thousand Eyes site also showed unexplained outages in the New York City region, the worst hit in the world at that time.

- American Airlines Grounds Flights Nationwide because of Technical Issue
December 24, 2024
- Massive flight stoppages have snarled the plans of numerous travelers in the past. Two years ago, Southwest Airlines experienced a meltdown with its systems during the holidays that led to 16,900 flight cancellations and stranded 2 million passengers. It was eventually fined $140 million in the largest-ever civil penalty for a travel disruption.
- American Airlines is Boarding Flights again, and the FAA Lifts its Nationwide Groundstop
December 24, 2024
- American Airlines said a “technical issue” had delayed all of its flights in the United States. But the company began boarding flights again at around 8 am ET, airline spokeswoman Sarah Jantz told CNN. The Federal Aviation Administration lifted its nationwide groundstop order for all American flights. The FAA in a statement said American requested a nationwide ground stop but it referred all questions to the airline for more information.
- In aviation, ACARS (an acronym for Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System) is a digital datalink system for transmission of short messages between aircraft and ground stations via airband radio or satellite. The protocol was designed by ARINC and deployed in 1978, using the Telex format. More ACARS radio stations were added subsequently by SITA. ACARS as a term refers to the complete air and ground system, consisting of equipment on board, equipment on the ground, and a service provider. Generally, ground ACARS units are either government agencies such as the Federal Aviation Administration, an airline operations headquarters, or, for small airlines or general aviation, a third-party subscription service.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 12/24/2024: Why were all the airlines affected by an internet outage on December 24, when retailers and social media were not so affected? Do the airlines use a particular communication platform? Yes, the ACARS system was designed to reach through vast distances in the air to ground control units below. This link is thus very vulnerable to any EMP disruption caused by the charged Petrol and Red Dust in the atmosphere and increased electronic screech in the ripping rock below.
Note that early on December 24 the Down Detector site indicated all airlines having communication problems, with American Airlines flatlining. Internet outage maps show New York City heavily affected at this time. Note that both the New Madrid and Ramapo Fault lines touch this region. American Airline did the right thing to shut down promptly and should be congratulated. Our advice is to forgo any air travel unless absolutely necessary. Air France 447 was a warning, and should be heeded.
A day later on Christmas Day the Azerbaijani Airlines lost control of a plane traveling across the Caspian Sea from Baku to Grozny in Chechnya. At the time, Baku was suffering multiple quakes, and the Eurasian Plate is under continual stretch, but none of the theories proffered addressed the possibility of EMP from Nibiru connecting with electronic screech from ripping rock. But the moral of this story is clear that one should not fly into a war zone. The Chechnya airport was under attack by Ukraine drones and the Russian Pantsir defense system was deployed.

- Authorities Investigate Cause of Azerbaijan Airlines Crash that Killed 38
December 26, 2024
- It was hit by an antiaircraft missile over the Grozny airport The damage was consistent with a relatively small missile, such as those from the Pantsir air defense system used by Russian forces against drones. Chechen media reported that forces in the region were repelling drone attacks. Flightradar24, a flight tracking service, said that the Azerbaijan Airlines plane had been “exposed to GPS jamming and spoofing near Grozny.”
- Azerbaijan Officials: Russian Air Defense Caused Jet Crash
December 26, 2024
- An Azerbaijani Airlines plane that crashed during its approach to the city of Grozny Wednesday was hit by the Russian Pantsir-S air defense system, but it is not known if the strike was intentional. Further, the aircraft's communications system was paralyzed by electronic warfare systems on the Russian side. Russian sources said that at the time of the plane's flight over Chechyna, Russian defense forces were attempting to shoot down Ukrainian drones.
- Experts Say Russia 'Likely' Caused Azerbaijani Jet Crash
December 26, 2024
- The passenger jet crashed near the Kazakhstani city of Aktau with 67 people aboard, leaving 29 survivors, and had diverted its course over an area where Moscow air defenses have been battling Ukrainian drones. The passenger jet turned around and flew east over the Caspian Sea. Theories have grown about a potential cause for the crash, with some commenters alleging that holes seen in the tail section of the plane potentially indicate that it had been under fire from Russian air defense systems fending off a drone attack from Ukraine. Grozny had been previously attacked by Ukrainian drones. The city is the provincial capital of the Russian republic of Chechnya. Azerbaijan Airlines said the Embraer 190 passenger jet may have collided with a flock of birds. The company's president said he had been told that the plane was diverted because of poor weather conditions and that an investigation is continuing. The jet's black box has been recovered, officials said.
Other excuses hypothesized were that the plane was diverted because of bad weather or suffered a bird strike. At some point the plane was off radar, as the FlightRadar 24 map shows. The controls were clearly damaged as when the plane crossed over the Caspian Sea into Kazakhstan it was taking a meadering and confused route. Did a bird strike occur? Was the plane crippled by the Russian anti-drone defense system in Chechnya or was this another EMP damaged plane as the AF447 and MH370 incidents report?

- Russia being Blamed for Azerbaijan Airlines Plane that Crashed Hundreds of Miles off Course, Killing Dozens
December 25, 2024
- Flight J2-8243 had flown hundreds of miles off its scheduled route to crash on the opposite shore of the Caspian Sea. Officials did not immediately explain why it had crossed the sea, but the crash came shortly after drone strikes hit southern Russia. Drone activity has shut down airports in the area in the past and the nearest Russian airport on the plane's flight path was closed. Russia's aviation watchdog, meanwhile, said it was an emergency that may have been caused by a bird strike. Video of the crash showed the plane descending rapidly before bursting into flames as it hit the seashore, and thick black smoke then rising. Bloodied and bruised passengers could be seen stumbling from a piece of the fuselage that had remained intact.
- Black Boxes of Downed Azerbaijani Jet Recovered as Questions Mount over Russian Involvement
December 27, 2024
- Kazakh control center received a signal from Russia around 45 minutes before the plane crashed, saying that the flight was being diverted. The Russian dispatcher said that the aircraft was experiencing a failure in its control systems, and that the crew decided to fly to Aktau after receiving reports of bad weather. Video and images of the plane after it crashed show perforations in its body that look similar to damage from shrapnel or debris. The cause of these holes has not been confirmed.
- What Is Known about a Plane Crash in Kazakhstan That Killed 38 of 67 People on board
December 26, 2024
- Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said that the weather had forced the plane to change from its planned course. Russia’s civil aviation authority, Rosaviatsia, said that preliminary information indicated that the pilots diverted to Aktau after a bird strike led to an emergency on board.
As the crippled plane descended to land in Kazakhstan the bumpy ride ended in an explosion as oxygen tanks at the front of the plane ruptured killing most of the passengers there, including the pilots. Those at the rear of the plane survived. Like the fate of AF447 and MH370 this disaster will be forever debated.

- Russian Officials Reveal Why Doomed Grozny-Bound Plane Diverted to Kazakhstan
December 27, 2024
- An Azerbaijan Airlines passenger plane that crashed in Kazakhstan this week had to be diverted away from the Russian city of Grozny because the airport there was temporarily closed due to Ukrainian drone attacks. Local officials said, citing preliminary data, that the tragedy was caused by a bird strike. There are reports that an oxygen cylinder exploded on board at the time of impact, with many passengers being rendered unconscious. “Besides, there was thick fog near the Grozny airport,” Yadrov remarked, adding that visibility was limited to 500 meters, and the plane’s pilot attempted two landings, but eventually made the decision to leave the area and attempt to land in Aktau, across the Caspian sea.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 12/25/2024: Following on the heels of the American Airlines “technical issue” that forced a shutdown in the US on Christmas Eve we have yet another major airline having communication issues due to the bombardment of charged particles in the tail of Nibiru. As with MH 370, which was flying over a fault line under the water, and as with AF 447 which was likewise flying over a plate border under the water, Azerbaijan Airlines was flying over fault lines near Baku under the Caspian Sea.
As with MH 370, the plane’s communications were completely wiped out by these assaults that will become the norm for large and small planes soon. Traveling in the wrong direction, the pilots confused as the controls including the compass were useless or giving inaccurate info. It was neither an attack by Ukraine drones nor a flock of birds that caused the diversion or crash. The appearance of shrapnel was the result of the crashing plane flinging debris and both internal and external air turbulence caused by lurching of the depressurizing plane and malfunctioning jet engines.
ZetaTalk MH370 3/9/2014: What can the Earth expect? In 2003 when the charged tail of Planet X wafted past the Earth, the Earth had dramatic blackouts. Both blackouts, caused by a drop in electrical activity, and surge can result. Surge will trigger a shutdown, to protect sensitive electrical equipment. Damaged electrical equipment can be anticipated, blown transformers and fried circuit boards. Certainly satellites are vulnerable, and the satellite failure rate will exceed mankind’s ability to send up replacements. Air travel will become increasingly risky, and mankind’s equipment that relies on electronic or magnetic guidance will increasingly malfunction. All this will increase as the hour of the Pole Shift approaches.
ZetaTalk AF447 6/5/2009: The sequence of events is clear. The pilot announced air turbulence. Then 15 minutes later an automatic message from the plane's computer announced that several electrical systems had failed. Thereafter, no more messages were received, so the pilots were either too busy or unable to transmit. On the face of it, a massive failure in the electrical systems caused the plane to go down, and prevented a last minute transmission from the pilot as to their likely location. What would cause such a failure? We have repeatedly warned that electromagnetic disturbances could be anticipated as the charged tail of Planet X turned toward the Earth.
Fire Breathing Chicken
One hears of the myths about Fire Breathing Dragons but apparently there are myths about Fire Breathing Chickens too. The Basan, a mythological fire breathing bird in Japan, apparently has a counterpart in India where dead chickens were recently videotaped emitting a flame when squeezed.

- Fire Breathing Chicken
- There is currently panic in Sakaleeshpur Indian village after all of their chickens mysteriously died and reportedly started emitting fire from their mouths when pressed.
- Spontaneous Combustion–Fact or Fiction?
- Spontaneous combustion, also known as spontaneous ignition, is when a combustible material ignites without an external heat source. It occurs when a chemical or biological reaction generates heat that builds up and reaches the material's ignition temperature.

- Basan
- Basan has an appearance similar to a chicken the size of a turkey. They are recognized by their bright red comb and brilliant-colored plumage which appear like tongues of flame. Their notable feature is their breath which flows visibly from their mouth like a dragon's fire. However, the flame gives off no heat, nor does it ignite combustible material. (It is said to breathe ghost fire from its beak which is not hot but a cold fire that glows.)
ZetaTalk Confirmation 12/25/2024: It is not by accident that a fire breathing chicken exists in legend as under certain circumstances chickens can breathe fire. If a Chicken gets kidney disease or their kidneys fail, they need to excrete uric acid by other means and do so through their lungs. After death, the fermentation in their gut results in methane release through the mouth, and when combined with the products of decomposing uric acid a plethora of methane results. What is the spark? Spontaneous combustion occurs when the chemical reaction releases heat.
Then there is the legendary Phoenix, who can burn itself up and be reborn from the ashes.

- The legend of the Phoenix
September 18, 2021
- The phoenix is an immortal mythical bird with magical powers that is known for its ability to regenerate itself. It is thought that at the end of the phoenix’s life, it spontaneously bursts into flames, only to be reborn from the ashes as a young phoenix, ready to begin a new life cycle all over again. This symbol of life, change and rebirth has been the subject of legends, religions and philosophies for centuries, and has inspired storytellers and artists all over the world.
The legends of the Dragon depict it as breathing fire, but the Zetas do not confirm. Just a lot of hot air and roaring intimidation, apparently. But Nibiru and its Dominant Moons are depicted in the Bible, and when the Passage is near at hand the Nibiru Complex will slide between the Earth and Sun, so sunlight will come through the Nibiru Complex looking indeed like a Dragon with many heads.

- What Does "the Dragon" in Revelation 12 Represent?
- Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born. Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.
ZetaTalk Dragon 7/15/1995: Mankind has many myths about dragons throughout the world. In the Orient the dragon is featured on pottery and in parades, and European myths are replete with Knights in armor going into battle against firebreathing dragons. The dragons invariable have wings and are shaped suspiciously like dinosaurs. Is there some basis in fact for this common human memory? Indeed there is. Where the dinosaurs died out long before mankind was engineered into being from ape stock, the Earth was not the only planet to give birth to such creatures. Evolution follows similar patterns, and where your Earth brought forth dinosaurs with wings, just so did other planets compatible with the Earth.
Your dragons were transplants brought to the Earth by early ambassadors from the Service-to-Self, who anticipated an increased harvest of lackeys from the Earth due to the fear and despair their dragons wrought. Were the dragons intelligent and incarnated with souls? No. On a scale of 1 to 10, where the average dog is a 10, a dragon was barely a 3. This is why, in spite of the massive size and capacity to fly as well as lumber over hill and dale, they were so easily slain. Dumb brutes.
Hundreds were brought to Earth, and released on terrified villages. The dragons ate humans, which were neither swift runners or able to barricade themselves in their mud huts, and were a tastier morsel than the deer, which ran fast and had taut, lean muscles. The legends speak of sacrifices, where humans would periodically offer one of their own to placate the dragon. Well, of course this reduced the rampages, as dinner had been brought to the door.
Where some dragons mated, they were scattered to begin with and, dying without progeny, eventually disappeared from the Earth. There were perhaps a few hundred delivered, and their reign, ending only in the last Millennia, lasted for thousands of years. The stories of dragons, all the more impressive as they were true, spread more widely than the dragons themselves. Did they breath fire? No. But when roaring, open mouthed, it felt like that to those within range. Hot breath and a big wind pipe.
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