ZetaTalk Newsletter for February 2, 2025

Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday February 2, 2025. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)

Trump’s 3rd Term

Would the fact that President Trump won the 2020 election threaten his current 2024 victory? Disclosing the 2020 facts might show that Trump won for 3 consecutive terms – 2016, 2020, and 2024 – illegal in the Constitution and its Amendments. Per the Zetas it was President Trump’s choice not to finalize the 2020 election in his favor and just head for a 2024 victory.

Fact-Checking Trump’s False Claims about Voter Fraud and ‘Rigged’ Elections
October 5, 2024

Trump sent a fundraising appeal in August that said his victory needed to be “TOO BIG TO RIG” by the Democrats. He works similar talking points into rallies and interviews. “We have to vote and we have to make sure that we stop them from cheating, because they cheat like dogs,” Trump said Aug. 3 in Atlanta. “Watch for the voter fraud, because we win without voter fraud, we win so easily,” he said Sept. 6 to the Fraternal Order of Police. “Anytime you have a mail-in ballot, there is going to be massive fraud,” he told Dr. Phil McGraw on Aug. 27. Trump vowed “long-term prison sentences” for election “cheaters.” At a Sept. 13 rally in Las Vegas, he said, “We have a good lead, but we’ve got to be careful because remember, they cheat like hell.”
Andy Ogles' 22nd Amendment Proposal: Could Donald Trump Serve a 3rd Term?
Jan 24, 2025

Ogles introduced a House joint resolution to amend part of the Constitution that prevents a president from being elected more than twice. Ogles suggests that the 22nd Amendment be altered to state that no person shall be elected to the office of president more than three times, nor serve any additional term after serving two consecutive terms. The amendment would prevent previous consecutive two-term presidents, such as Barack Obama or George W. Bush, from running for a third term.

Taking the 2024 route also allowed the Trump Campaign to expose the biased Legacy Media, as they pushed fake news and erroneous polls ahead of President Trump’s smashing victory.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 1/22/2025: President Trump’s phenomenal and unquestionable 2024 victory shows the wisdom of President Trump’s decision not to openly challenge the clearly fraudulent 2020 results before SCOTUS but rather to pursue a 2024 victory. His decision was honored by Sydney Powell who had the Kraken evidence and was ready to argue her case before SCOTUS. This issue was later resolved covertly by SCOTUS and affirmed by the US Senate on Memorial Day weekend 2023 but the matter was still not revealed to the public.  President Trump and his Junta resolved to work covertly behind the scenes via Tribunals at Gitmo.

Now the wisdom of President Trump’s decision is confirmed. Some of the most difficult adversaries have  been countered. The media, owned by powerful banking interests, were hiding behind the first amendment right to free speech, but are now exposed for promoting false news and erroneous polls. The Deep State, whose hand was on the assassination attempts against President Trump, has been exposed and via DOGE will be eliminated. The Constitution states that a President can only have two terms, but in that President Trump was never put into a power position in the White House following his 2020 win, it cannot be considered a Trump term.

President Trump's "second term", which SCOTUS confirmed in a finding that was not published to the people, which the Senate confirmed by proclaiming President Trump to be the rightful winner of the 2020 election, did not complete all the steps. President Trump did not appear in the Senate to be sworn in, nor did the Senate date in 2023 provide enough time remaining to be considered a "term". These steps would have allowed President Trump to assume office should he choose to do so, but he declined in favor of running a "too big to rig" 2024 election.  Thus it was not officially a "second term".
ZetaTalk Confirmation 11/30/2020: Will these crimes be brought to justice in the public eye? Unlikely, as this would diminish public confidence in the voting process. But the Tribunals will be busy.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 4/30/2021: Milley's reluctance to use the Kraken evidence to reinstate President Trump to the official position of President had become a sticking point. Why did the Junta not straighten out the 2020 election fraud promptly, before the Inauguration of Biden? The Junta was dealing with a five front war and needed time to avoid exhausting the Military - CCP invasion, the Satanist Moloch worship, Antifa and Defund the Police, Deep State treason, and then finally the 2020 election fraud.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 5/31/2021: The Junta is preparing to overturn the 2020 election, announcing to the world that they had proof of election fraud in hand since the election occurred on November 3, 2020. As is patently clear, the US Military has never acknowledged a Biden Presidency, and with the use of Doubles a Biden Presidency has just been a well-orchestrated movie. President Trump never left office because the Insurrection Act was invoked on January 11, 2021 ahead of any swearing in of Biden. Congress is not in session or in power under Martial Law, thus the inauguration was invalid. The Junta has been dealing with multiple war fronts. The Junta had been hoping that the 2020 audits being done in the Swing States that were key in 2020 would prove the Biden Presidency illegitimate, but this is a slow process. Thus the Junta is preparing an alternative approach.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 6/1/2023: The Senate must be presented with the SCOTUS findings and debate next steps, per the Constitution. The Brunson material was included in the Scotus findings, as was material from the many other appeals submitted to SCOTUS.  Denying these appeals was due to the fact that SCOTUS had already ruled, but making this public was to be delayed until the Junta was ready. The Junta feared civil war, and due to many other issues they were dealing with, requested SCOTUS delay their findings.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 4/18/2024: Meanwhile to avoid exhausting the US Military with a civil war when and if the Democrats erupt in anger over a Trump reinstatement, the Junta has delayed informing the public about the SCOTUS findings that the 2020 election results were fraudulent. The Senate was informed on Memorial Day, 2023 and sworn Trump in as President, but the public continues to be uninformed. The fact that President Trump is the true President at this time means that he cannot be harassed by civil lawsuits, by law. Now the Junta is pressed to announce Trump as the sitting President, to end these frivolous lawsuits and cleanup the mistakes being done by the Biden Administration. Why does the Junta seem to have reluctance? They are waiting for the New Madrid Fault Line Rupture, which their scientific advisors say is imminent. The disasters up along both the New Madrid and East Coast Fault lines will force the issue, so that riots and panic will be contained. Meanwhile, courtroom drama continues.

After the inauguration of Trump on January 20 there was a furor about his failure to put his left hand on the Bible. Chief Justice Roberts was rushing along and Melania was struggling with high heels and a double pile of Bibles, and besides, it is not required!

Clause 8 Presidential Oath of Office
Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:– I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Trump’s Hand wasn’t on the Bible during the Oath of Office: What Does this Mean?
January 20, 2025

The U.S. Constitution does not stipulate that a president-to-be place his or her hand on a Bible when taking the Oath, because each president who recites this oath or affirmation is “bound” by the words themselves, per Article VI. The same article also says that “no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.” Article II, meanwhile, merely states that the chief executive of the United States must recite the oath before being able to take office. (Interestingly, there is also no stipulation that the oath of office end with “so help me God,” though it has become customary.)
Trump Swears Oath Without His Hand on Bible, but He Wasn’t Required to
January 20, 2025

The tradition of swearing the oath of office on a Bible stretches back to George Washington, but not all presidents have observed it.  The tradition of swearing the oath of office on a Bible stretches back to George Washington, but not all presidents have observed it. In rare cases when a Bible was not used, presidents have placed their hand on something that signifies a higher power. John Quincy Adams, the sixth president, placed his hand on a book of law. Lyndon B. Johnson, aboard Air Force One after John F. Kennedy was assassinated, used a Catholic prayer missal that was found on the plane. When Theodore Roosevelt was sworn in after William McKinley’s assassination in 1901, he did not use a Bible.

Blending of the Seasons

Early in the ZetaTalk Saga the Zetas described a Blending of the Seasons to occur as a result of the Daily Earth Wobble. This would emerge as dramatic temperature swings, defined as moving from the heat of a hot Summer’s day to the cold of a Winter’s day, all within the span of a day.

ZetaTalk Prediction 1/12/2000: This is a new angle - very cold summers. This has been relayed in the past, in ancient reports of what the Chinese called a world cycle, meaning the approach of another pole shift, where snow fell in summer. This type of weather change, which will shock the weathermen who are trying to explain events in terms of Global Warming, will begin.

ZetaTalk Prediction 11/6/2010: Due to the Earth wobble, there are many phenomena in many parts of the globe which could be described as unseasonable weather. Snow in summer has occurred and is on the increase. Very warm days in the middle of winter, more than the typical winter thaw, so that fruit trees bud in winter, ruining the harvest when frost returns. But the blending of the seasons will be characterized by extreme change happening rapidly, one direction to another. What you have had up until the present is trends for more extreme weather. Imagine going from the heat of the hottest summer day to the cold of the coldest winter day, all within a day or so. That is a blending of the seasons.

ZetaTalk Prediction 10/8/2011: Clearly we will not arrive at the blending of the seasons suddenly. We have stated that a blending of the seasons will be a factor, to the extent that the weather would jump from mid-summer to mid-winter within a day or so. We are not there as yet.

The recent weather where snow in Florida and New Orleans occurred, with a rebound into the 70’s within a day, has raised the question. Are we blending yet?  The repeated storms in the N Atlantic, caused by the drooping of land during Plate Movement, has also created climate chaos as well as causing the New Madrid Rupture where the Quad-Plate Juncture tears apart into a drooping Void. The Zetas Explain.

Shadow of Ezra
New Orleans, Louisiana has already received more than twice the amount of snow that Anchorage, Alaska, has seen since the start of meteorological winter. A blizzard warning is now in effect for parts of southern Louisiana due to a historic and deadly winter storm that spanned over 1,500 miles. Long-time residents of New Orleans, who have witnessed the city’s rare snowfalls, say they've only seen a handful of snowstorms—and never one quite like this. As of Wednesday morning, New Orleans had accumulated 10 inches of snow, a stark contrast to the half-inch that fell during the city's last snowfall in December 2004. What happened to climate change?
Parts of Florida Panhandle Shut Down by Historic Winter Storm
January 22, 2025

Florida may have already broken its all-time record of snowfall with 9 inches in the western Panhandle town of Milton, near Pensacola, according to Frank Pereira, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service's Weather Prediction Center. The winter storm had already slammed major Gulf Coast cities such as Houston, where 4 inches (10 cm) of snow fell, the most the city has gotten since 1960. In the New Orleans area, a record 10 inches (25 cm) of snow accumulated in some places, turning Bourbon Street white.

Storm Eowyn: Rare ‘Explosive’ Phenomenon Confirmed as ‘Weather Bomb’ set to Hit Ireland
January 23, 2025

A rare weather phenomenon known as ‘explosive cyclogenesis’, otherwise called a ‘weather bomb’, is expected to occur with the arrival of Storm Eowyn in Ireland late on Thursday night and into Friday morning. The UK Met Office has published a graphic explaining the phenomenon, which involves a significant drop of air pressure in a short period of time.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 1/23/2025: At the start of the ZetaTalk Saga we stated that a Blending of the Seasons would accompany the 8 of 10 phase leading into the Last Weeks before the Pole Shift. This is also the time during the first 270 Roll of Nibiru where the N Pole of Nibiru is pointed toward the Earth, so that the Daily Earth Wobble becomes more violent. These factors relate as Nibiru causes the Wobble which results in Plate Movement and this causes drooping land masses that incite low air pressure storms.

The 7 of 10 Plate Movements are completing and as we have stated the 7 of 10 and 8 of 10 will overlap. Thus, signs of the Blending of the Seasons have emerged. That the drooping land at the Quad-Plate Juncture in the N Atlantic where the New Madrid Rupture will force a Void is experiencing repeated storms is not surprising, nor is the fierce cold and snow in subtropical Florida and New Orleans. This is hardly heat from Global Warming.

But the Zetas point out there are positive aspects to the Blending – milder weather and less flooding and a longer growing season.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 7/31/2021: During a short period of time, half the world seemed afflicted with massive flooding. From Europe to New Zealand, through the Middle East and down into Africa, across Asia to inner Mongolia and dropping to New Zealand – record breaking flooding occurred. Was this a result of the severe wobbles we predicted? Such deluge has been predicted by ourselves from the start of the ZetaTalk saga. Snow in Summer or severe temperature swings have occurred this past year, but was a deluge simultaneously affecting half the world expected? Until the seasons blend to where temperature differences are not extreme, such deluge can occur.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 9/30/2024: In describing the first 270 Roll we included a worsening Wobble and a blending of the seasons. This is occurring now to some extent but will get much worse as the Last Weeks approach. The twirling Wobble will become more extreme as the N Pole of Nibiru turns increasingly toward the Earth. This does more than give the Earth a Polar Push to increase the Wobble, it will cast the vast debris ridden tail of Nibiru toward Earth and cause EMP episodes. Weather extremes will become the norm. But the blending of the seasons that results will not be the curse assumed, as it will increase the growing season and abate some of the bitter cold and intractable drought man must endure.

Dimension Shifting

The Zetas, as other visitors to our Earth, can move in and out of our dimension, seeming to disappear before our eyes. What does this involve? Per the Zetas, they share our same space when they do this, but their atoms, their physical structure, is simply moving at a faster rate, and thus their subatomic particles do not interact with ours. Because dimension shifting is actually a change in the vibrational rate of the atoms, the Zetas refer to dimensions as densities.  If we are in the 3rd Density, and the Zetas reside in the 4th Density, what are the 1st and 2nd Density?

ZetaTalk Physical Density 7/15/1995: Objects in 3rd and 4th Density occupy the same space, as when humans are moved through walls. What you call sub-atomic particles move at different frequencies or vibrations. They do not collide or even recognize each other. Their motion does not put them in the same place at the same time, anymore than if you were to walk through the forest. The trees are more dense in this instance, in that from your view they aren't moving at all. You guide yourself past the trees. Sub-atomic particles in 4th Density in essence flow past those in 3rd Density, as water does to obstacles in its path. Molecules in 3rd Density and 4th Density simply slide by each other, and do not interact. Thus, they can even occupy the same space. Space, in fact, is more empty than full. A planet, likewise, can and is both 3rd and 4th Density at the same time.

ZetaTalk Same Space 7/15/1995: Different densities means that simultaneously, in the same spot, several realities can occur. We have spoken of 1st Density through 6th Density, and inferred that there are higher densities humans really need not be concerned with at this time.

  • 1st Density through 3rd Density occupy the same plane, i.e. reside in the same reality together.
  • 1st Density is rock and water, without life.
  • 2nd Density is life without conscious intelligence, such as plants and animals, even such intelligent animals as chimpanzees.
  • 3rd Density is intelligent, conscious, life, such as humans have.

The Earth is scheduled to become a world for those in the Service-to-Other spiritual orientation, and to be in both the 4th Density physical and spiritual frequency. At some point in the future the Earth will be moved, en masse, to 4th Density, as by this time 89% or better of the inhabitants of Earth will be solidly in the Service-to-Other spiritual orientation, and ready to have a lighter physical load during incarnation so that the spiritual life can proceed more easily. The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, so to speak.ZetaTalk: Transformation 7/15/1995: During the Transformation, when the composition of the Earth's human population is of a sufficient degree of Service-to-Others, the Earth, along with its water, atmosphere, and fauna and flora and intelligent species, will all move into 4th Density. This movement will be, as they say, transparent to the Earth. Humans will become more mentally aware of others around them, but will not know why. The Earth will not undergo any noticeable changes. The magnetic field, North and South poles, or relationship to the Solar System will not change.
ZetaTalk Bermuda Triangle 7/15/1995: The Bermuda Triangle does indeed have unusual qualities, as do other places here and there on Earth. Magnetic anomalies are reported, where compasses swing wildly, clocks stop, and concrete objects fade from sight. What's causing this? These places, fortunately few in number, are an outlet from the center of the Earth for a byproduct of the Earth's compression, a gravity byproduct so to speak. A vent, from where subatomic particles not known to man surge forth periodically, and woe be to the man or fish who finds itself in the way.

Dimension or density shifting is not a casual toy, as unless done properly situations as depicted in the movie The Fly or by the Philadelphia Experiment can occur. Per the Zetas, density switching on their part is happening all the time, during visitations, as the visitors are living in 4th Density and come into our density only for conferences. They also regularly teleport their contactees for visits, passing them through walls and seamlessly up to their ships. Not to worry, just leave the driving to the Zetas and all will be well.

Philadelphia Experiment
The Philadelphia experiment is an alleged United States Navy experiment (Project Rainbow) done on October 28, 1943. According to legend, the destroyer USS Eldridge was made invisible, dematerialized, and teleported from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Norfolk, Virginia, and back again to the Philadelphia Naval Yard. The experiment allegedly had such terrible side effects, such as making sailors invisible and causing them to go mad, that the Navy quit exploring this exciting new technology. The experiment was allegedly done by Dr. Franklin Reno as an application of Einstein's unified field theory. The experiment supposedly demonstrated a successful connection between gravity and electromagnetism: electromagnetic space-time warping.
Information Sheet: Philadelphia Experiment
The genesis of the Philadelphia Experiment myth dates back to 1955 with the publication of The Case for UFO's by the late Morris K. Jessup. Some time after the publication of the book, Jessup received correspondence from a Carlos Miquel Allende, who gave his address as R.D. #1, Box 223, New Kensington, Pa. In his correspondence, Allende commented on Jessup's book and gave details of an alleged secret naval experiment conducted by the Navy in Philadelphia in 1943. During the experiment, according to Allende, a ship was rendered invisible and teleported to and from Norfolk in a few minutes, with some terrible after-effects for crew members.

ZetaTalk Shift Mechanism 8/15/1996: Deliberate density shifting is an adaptation of what occurs naturally. Rather than a complicated affair, it is remarkably simple. The complexity lies not in effecting the shift, but in managing the perimeter. The subject of a shift can be as selective as a DNA construct or as general as everything within a defined area. Once deliberately shifted, the subject of a shift remains in the target density until shifted back. It does not drift, due to our attention to the perimeter during the select and define process. In shifting large areas, such as will occur when your world goes through its Transformation, the same mechanism is used.

ZetaTalk Dangers in Shifting 9/15/1995: What are the dangers? First and foremost there is a danger of not making a complete transition, of being partly left behind. This can happen when the coordinates are not set properly, a matter we attend to with the utmost care. These coordinates are essentially boundaries, but boundaries are defined as more than the periphery. Boundaries include chemical composition, molecular structure, and connectedness. Density shifting dangers are usually encountered early on in an entity's experience with such matters, and leave a memory not soon forgotten. The true stories about the Philadelphia Experiment and the fictional movie The Fly are not far from the horror that can happen when the necessary knowledge or proper care are not in place.

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