ZetaTalk Newsletter for December 9, 2024

Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday December 8, 2024. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)

Spinning Petrol

While not a new phenomenon since Nibiru arrived in the inner Solar System in 2003, the Spinning Petrol phenomena has been occurring more often. Since the cave man days to the brilliant blue corkscrew in Norway in 2009, spinning spirals have been associated with a Passage of Nibiru. 

ZetaTalk Confirmation 12/12/2009: Spirals were present in the skies, as signs in the skies, during prior pole shifts, yes. This is a matter we withheld up until now, because of our desire to surprise the establishment as much as possible, to hopefully shake the cover-up and allow admissions of the truth to blurt out. Just as with the frequency of fireballs, which at first were blamed on space junk or on a satellite crash and then on asteroids entering Earth's field, the establishment will cast around for explanations before simply falling silent on the matter. The time is coming when silence will be their only defense, so that the common man looks elsewhere for an explanation.

The Crop Circle makers have also warned of their return, with a spinning Earth and a spinning Nibiru colliding. Why are these objects developing a spin? The Zetas have explained.

ZetaTalk Spin 1/15/1997: Spin is a phenomenon that occurs regularly in nature and is frequently observed on Earth, from the large swirls that hurricanes form to the small tornadoes in the middle of water going down the drain. The fact that such a spin moves in different directions when it is above or below the equator gives evidence that spin is affected by factors outside of itself. The phenomenon of spin is observable when the object in motion is not constrained. Spin on the surface of the Earth reflects what is occurring in the core of the Earth. If the Earth were not rotating, its core moving to escape or pull toward other matter in the Solar System and beyond, then spin would be affected only by the various attractions or repulsion the spinning object itself has to its immediate neighborhood. All objects on the face of the Earth have these same influences from the core of the Earth, but this is not evident due to lack of fluidity or lack of motion. Spin is affected by factors outside of itself. The phenomenon of spin is observable when the object in motion is not constrained. Spin occurs faster when the spinning object is narrow as there are fewer factors to counter the spin.

ZetaTalk Nibiru 2001: Where spin on the surface of a planet is dictated by the moving core of the planet, pulling or pushing on an object free to move on the surface, spin in space is dictated by whatever the spinning object is bound to. This is not explored by man, who strives to move directly in space and treats any spin in an object under their control as a problem to be corrected promptly, as in "the probe has developed a spin and is threatening to spin out of control". The reasons for the spin having developed in the first place is treated as an irrelevancy, and the only issue whether or not the probe is under control. This swirl, unique to man in any comets or planets it observes, is what caused the ancients to call the passing monster, red in the sky because of its illuminated red dust cloud, a dragon, lashing its tail, the swirl of moons.

Now Spinning Petrol seems to be on the increase, reported within a week or days of each other over Spring Hill, Tennessee on November 17 and over Mexico City on November 24 and over West Virginia on November 17 and over Georgia on November 25.  
ZetaTalk Confirmation 11/25/2024: The torque or spin of tornadoes is common, as is the swirl in a toilet bowl, but the Nibiru Complex has brought new spins into mankind's skies. Spirals from a neon cloud, as happened in Norway in 2009, were predicted by ourselves to be on the increase. Now within days of each other a spinning Petrol Mass has been captured on film in Mexico, Tennessee, and West Virginia. We have explained that a Spin will develop when the spinning object is free to move and is dealing with attraction and repulsion at the same time. It is attracted in one direction but when it reaches what is desired it is repulsed away.

The Petrol reaching Earth's atmosphere is charged and thus has both electromagnetic attractants and repulsion characteristics. A negative charge will reach for a positive charge nearby but soon finds a crowd of electrons and/or magnetons developing and swings away. On a small scale this dance is a curiosity, but when a large charged Petrol mass begins spinning it can envelop the neighborhood and disrupt mankind's infrastructure. This will be one more piece of evidence that Nibiru is nearby, and the common man deserves an explanation.

Moon's Origin

At the start of the ZetaTalk saga the Zetas described how the Earth came to be so lopsided with Pangea, wherein all the land masses were on one side, and how it arrived at her present orbit location. The Zetas explained that she was once in the Asteroid Belt, and had a collision with an asteroid that would eventually become the Earth's moon.
ZetaTalk Asteroid Belt 7/15/1995: The Earth, her waters scattered more readily than her bulk, wobbled out of orbit at the initial impact. Her wobble took her, eventually, into her present orbit, closer to the Sun. Here she has formed her present oval shape bit by bit, under the periodic visits of her larger brother, [Nibiru], who gives her no peace. She is still attempting to fill in the gaping hole, the scar from that devastating impact, the gaping expanse between the Americas and the Pacific Rim - the broad Pacific Ocean.

ZetaTalk Continental Drift 7/15/1995: The Earth was once in orbit farther from the Sun, and bore as life only cold creatures that lived in the dark waters on the scant vegetation that grew there. This planet, the pre-Earth, sustained a collision with [Nibiru's] entourage of many moons, and thus shattered drifted into a new orbit closer to the Sun. The larger piece became the Earth, with its waters pooling in the wound as a cosmetic, the motion of the Earth pulling the waters round, to give a smooth appearance. But this peace lasts only until the great one returns for its periodic visit, pulling at the lumpy Earth. The Earth, during each successive Pole Sift, has filled her wound.

ZetaTalk Moon Collision 8/15/1995: Most of the planets that were destroyed were tiny, like Mars or less, and quite vulnerable to destruction by a larger traveling body. They became caught in the gravitational web of the traveling monster, drawn in to become moons, or what we call travelers, and it was one such that struck the Earth early in her life, and gave her the wound that is now the deep Pacific Ocean.

ZetaTalk Pangea 1/6/2007: These petrochemicals are present in the tail of Planet X, having been gathered during the many passes through the Asteroid Belt in the past from planets that were pelted to pieces by the moons in the tail of Planet X. Earth herself was subject to just such an injury, thus the great hole in the Pacific, with all her land on one side of the globe.

Now we have some proof of Zetas RIGHT Again in a scientific report on a finding of granite on the Moon. Granite requires water during its formation, and the Moon does not nor has it ever had any water. The Zetas explain.

Heat Is Radiating from a Huge Mass Under the Moon
November 22, 2024

In a groundbreaking revelation, scientists have identified a substantial heat-emitting granite mass beneath the Moon's surface, specifically near the Compton and Belkovich craters on its far side. This finding is significant because granite formation typically requires water and plate tectonics conditions absent on the Moon. Granite is a coarse-grained igneous rock predominantly composed of quartz, feldspar, and mica. On Earth, its formation is closely linked to the presence of water and the dynamic processes of plate tectonics. These conditions facilitate the melting of the Earth's crust, leading to the creation of large magma bodies that cool slowly beneath the surface, crystallizing into granite.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 11/21/2024: We explained at the start of the ZetaTalk saga that the Earth was originally in the Asteroid Belt but was thrown to her present orbit by a collision. This collision gouged out a hole where the Pacific Ocean now lies. The Earth is still trying to heal by crustal Plate Movements. Thus Pangea is breaking apart.

But what of the object that caused Earth to fling into her present orbit? It traveled with the Earth, and having been trapped by the gravity of Earth, became the Earth's Moon. It carried with it some of the Magma from Earth where the collision drove it deep into the core of the Earth. Thus the traces of Granite which could not have been formed from the Moon's substance. Mystery solved, and dare we say Zetas RIGHT Again.

Amish Housing

The Hurricane Helene survivors in N Carolina, who were cast aside by FEMA as FEMA was too busy helping Kamala Harris illegal immigrants, were living in flimsy tents or trailers when the Amish showed up ready to build them new homes. Despite the reputation the Amish have for building sturdy and solid homes, these were rejected by N Carolina as not being up to code. Or is it preferable to hand survivors a $750 check and leave them in subzero temps during snow storms. So much for government bureaucracy!

Stay Tuned James O'Keefe Goes Undercover in North Carolina, Puts FEMA on Notice as Hurricane Victims Sleep in Tents
November 26, 2024

As previously reported, a whistleblower came forward with text messages revealing FEMA official Marni Washington ordered relief workers to purposely skip over homes in Florida displaying Trump signs in the aftermath of Hurricane Milton. Hurricane Helene victims in North Carolina are sleeping in tents as FEMA slow rolls recovery efforts. O'Keefe Media Group is on the ground in North Carolina as Hurricane Helene victims sleep in tents in the snow.

North Carolina Dumps on Hurricane Survivors and the Amish
November 26, 2024

After the horrific hurricane damage that destroyed or damaged as many as 100,000 homes in Western North Carolina, one would think FEMA and local officials would move heaven and earth to get those affected out of flimsy tents and trailers and into solid dwellings as winter inexorably descends.

The Amish are renowned home builders. Though they shy from any publicity, there are videos of their work habits and techniques during Barn Raising. They use hand tools, refusing to use electricity, yet produce astonishingly beautiful crafted wooden furniture.

Why Are Amish Home Builders Preferred?
November 27, 2019

The Amish are well-known for their building skills. For generations, they have built their own homes, barns, and other structures. From the time they are old enough to carry tools, they are taught how to use them. There is no one group that can exceed the experience that the Amish bring to a home building project. Amish home builders are associated with: Quality results, Commitment to their craftsmanship, Cost-effectiveness.
Amish Housing
The more conservative groups would have an ice box and take regular delivery of ice during the summer months. Some even cut blocks of ice from ponds on their property during the winter and store it in specially built buildings. Lighting is handled in several different ways. One is by use of coal oil lanterns, much like those used in pioneer days. These are still used by the more conservative groups. Water is supplied to the house via a well powered by a windmill or from a tank set high above the house on a hill so the water runs by gravity. Some groups will allow water wells with an air pressure pump that pressurizes the water. Laundry is accomplished by using an old wringer type washing machine. The laundry is hung out to dry outside on lines or under the porches on rainy days. In some case they use lines in the basement during the winter where the heat from the stove will speed the drying time.
Handcrafted Amish Log Homes
Welcome to Montana's premier Amish log home builders. Our families Amish roots come from 1600s Europe. Handcrafting and fine woodworking was brought to the New World in the early 1700s where the Amish built massive timber frame barns and frame homes. The heritage of master crafting using trees from the forest and building large wooden barns was passed on to our father Ora. His barn building legacy in Indiana was brought to Montana in 1975 and continues today by the families third and soon fourth generation of Log Home builders after him in Meadowlark Log Homes.
Amish as Role Models
There was an article (in Fine Homebuilding, if I recall) in which a man who owned an ancient dilapidated Amish barn had decided to tear it down for the timbers. First, it's interesting to note that after 150 years the timbers were still in excellent condition because the siding was still intact. Not sure what type of tech is involved here, but we would be hard pressed to duplicate this today, and certainly not 150 years ago. Once he got the siding and roofing off, he had to remove all the wooden pegs that held the beams together (time consuming but not hard). At this point he discovered that he still could not disassemble the frame because the joinery was so close in tolerance that the pegs were quite unnecessary. In the end, what he thought was a 3 week project turned out to be an 11 week project and the man has sworn never to mess with demolish an Amish building again. He took the post-beam-peg construction style and formed a company that uses similar techniques and modern materials to manufacture buildings that are completely open, an Amish trademark. They usually have no supporting columns in their barns.

I, Nancy, have Amish neighbors and when Troubled Times was an active non-profit we wanted to record the use of hand tools. I drove to a local farm and made my request, but as was expected filming them in action was declined. One must rely upon what is already available, such as in the movie Witness where barn raising and wood working are depicted. However, I did learn from my visit that they had a book out, a child's book, which I incorporated into our Troubled Times book list. Still for sale, and recommended. Given the pending Passage of Nibiru, when a simpler lifestyle might be expected, this would be an excellent way to help your child prepare.

ISBN: 1-879863-53-7
By Noah Hersberger, ISBN: 1-879863-53-7 Published by Goosefoot Acres Press, PO Box 18016, Cleveland, OH 44118-0016, (216) 932-2145. Autobiography of one Amish farm family over an entire year, through the eyes of a six-year-old child. Author is Amish. Helpful in orienting young children to a simplier lifestyle.

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