Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday November 27, 2022. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)
Fraud was expected, thus 14 States activated their National Guard to guard against fraud. Notably the guard members activated were those specializing in cybersecurity. A Red Wave was anticipated, well supported by the polls. But given the mischief evident during the massive 2020 election fraud, a repeat of this fraud was also anticipated. In 2020, it was not uncommon to have the votes for President Trump just swapped with the vote for the illegal Biden. Q warned that this and worse would be tried.
In 2020 ballot dumping spikes were obvious, where the Democrats suddenly had a spike after van loads of illegal ballots were entered into the system. This maneuver reappeared during the 2022 midterms, as Mike Lindell noted. Despite the National Guard keeping a watchful eye, there was cheating aplenty by the Democrats.
Two days after the November 8 election, it appeared that the GOP had taken the House and appeared to be taking the Senate, though opinions and claims differed. Recounts and run-offs could delay final results for weeks.
Even the Blood Moon seemed to foretell the Red Wave, and hinted that many cover-ups would be exposed as a result. The ZetaTalk Followers group noted that the shadow on the Blood Moon even exposed the Nibiru Complex!
ZetaTalk Confirmation 11/8/2022: The Blood Moon is red because all but light in the red light spectrum is blocked. As is known, red light bends readily and thus the sunrise and sunset are a brilliant orange or red color. The red light is pulled to shape around the Earth by Earth's gravity, thus providing a view over the horizon. Since the Nibiru Complex is shrouded by red iron oxide dust, what arrives to be displayed on the Blood Moon is indeed the shape of the Nibiru Complex which lies between the Sun and Earth. Sunlight passes through or around the Complex, and arrives at the Blood Moon.
Dark Twin Looms
A photo taken during the Blood Moon night of November 8 presented a surprise. While trying to focus on Jupiter the photographer captured the Dark Twin and a puzzling bright star. Since the Dark Twin should be seen in the West, out along the orbit it shares with Earth, it appeared to be out of place. Per the Zetas this was due to a Daily Earth Wobble lean to the East, so the N Pole of Earth lobbed over seemingly bringing the bright star normally found closer to the Equator into a higher elevation. As shown by the recent photos from the ZetaTalk Followers photographers, the Dark Twin is dramatic when enhanced and very visible in the West.
ZetaTalk Explanation 11/10/2022: The Daily Earth Wobble causes the sky view to be out of synch with what official sites attest. How could it be otherwise when the globe swings up and down and leans to the right and left? Using the official sky charts, this Japanese photographer aimed her camera where Jupiter was supposed to be and found instead the Dark Twin. She did note that things did not seem right, finding a bright star where Jupiter should be. All bright stars should be located closer to the Ecliptic, but due to the lean of the Wobble they appeared higher in the sky.
The Dark Twin is a dead planet, the size of Earth, and as it has pulled up behind Earth in their shared orbit it has been captured on film numerous times. It can present as a Monster Persona, a setting where light rays going outward are turned back toward the Earth by the gravity pull of Earth, giving the appearance of an object larger than reality.
ZetaTalk Explanation 10/31/2017: The detail features on the surface of the Dark Twin have been captured on film before in 2010, during a Monster persona presentation. The features are more distinct in 2017 as the Dark Twin is pressing up behind the Earth in their shared orbit, trying to drop behind the Earth to pass on the far side away from the Sun and Nibiru. It will not manage this maneuver until the Last Weeks, as we have explained. One can see from this video that the Dark Twin is slowly rotating, counterclockwise, left to right, and shows many impact craters. Without water or atmosphere, there is little to disguise these craters.
In 2018 a photo capture of the Dark Twin from the ISS allowed its distance to be calculated. The Dark Twin is the same size as the Earth. Per the Zetas the Dark Twin is not supposed to escape the trap behind Earth until the Last Weeks arrive. In the meantime, it is trying to slip behind the Earth to avoid a direct confrontation. Based on the 2018 calculation and the size of the 2022 photo capture, is it looming larger?
ZetaTalk Explanation 3/31/2021: The Dark Twin has come up behind the Earth in their shared orbit. The Earth is trapped and halted in her orbit, and the Dark Twin likewise cannot leave their shared orbit, so crowds close. In 2017 it was possible to discern the features of the Dark Twin, and confirm the fact that it rotates in a counter-clockwise manner. It is looming close, as a recent capture of the Dark Twin next to the Moon showed. At that time, on February 26 of this year, volcanic activity was already present.
At the start of the ZetaTalk saga the Zetas warned about Nibiru stirring up an increase in asteroids and space debris slinging past Earth. According to NASA's NEO site - Earth Close Approaches - this has indeed occurred. This is not ascribed to Nibiru, which is shrouded by red dust so it is difficult to see, although the Nibiru Complex provides lots of evidence of its presence. Instead, the media plays the cover-up game, claiming they cannot see the asteroid traffic because it is lost in the glare of the Sun. Nibiru's debris will increase as the time of the passage approaches.
ZetaTalk Prediction 10/15/1998: When a large body is in motion through space, the reach of this object is broad, out into space, and sets in motion stagnant objects. Meteor and space trash activity will increase, going into the passage, far ahead of the actual passage itself. This trash is unsettled and plunges into the Earth's atmosphere. There will be increasing activity of this nature - larger meteors, more than just dramatic fireballs or green streaks. The recent occurrence of a large rock falling onto Greenland is not going to be unusual. There will be more dramatic shows, but at the same time less talk of it in the media.
A Bolide Blitz was noted by 2019. The media at first reported the matter when flaming bolides screamed across several states or provinces, but these issues were soon suppressed. However, when one landed on a roof top in California, burning the house to the ground, it hit the news.
ZetaTalk Explanation 11/7/2022: Meteor showers are not known for starting conflagrations. They are called shooting stars because they are a flash in the skies, and tiny enough to burn up completely in the atmosphere. It is clear that a bolide set this California house on fire, but the fierce fire shows that it was more than just a chunk of rock. Space junk or an asteroid will cause structural damage, but not a fierce fire. The fire came from Nibiru Petrol, coating the rock and then set alight by the friction of descent.
The Kolbrin and Velikovsky give the best descriptions of what to expect. The Chelyabinsk example and the new Space Force endeavor are the best defense against large debris. We have advised that a shallow trench covered by a metal sheet is the best defense against firestorms and small debris.
ZetaTalk Prediction 2/16/2013: Clearly not an asteroid, the Chelyabinsk meteor came from the direction of the Sun, where Planet X, aka Nibiru, is wafting its vast debris ridden tail. This meteor event is not the first nor will it be the last during this passage. Does the Chelyabinsk meteor usher in a new era of larger and more devastating fireballs descending upon the Earth? Without a question, and all will be coming from the direction of the Sun.
ZetaTalk Chelyabinsk 3/31/2019: The alarm over this meteor explosion is due to the approach, and even the impact, not being noticed for weeks. Chelyabinsk was noticed and quickly disabled by alert Russians, who shot it down, shattering the Chelyabinsk bolide. President Trump has recently ushered in the new US Space Force, and with good reason. Where the official explanation included protecting satellites and US interests from space junk, the covert reason was to provide an early warning system for the approach of major debris in the wafting tail of Nibiru, and a space based way to shatter this debris.
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