Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday November 14, 2021. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)
Rebellion Grows
In early October we reported on Covid lockdown backlash wherein the public is protesting and refusing to cooperate. Many European countries had declared some vaccinations unsafe and banned them, and many are dropping the mask mandates and allowing unrestricted movement of the public. This goes hand-in-hand with more crackdowns in the Commonwealth countries of Canada and Australia and New Zealand. In this highly polarized setting, resistance to the vax mandates is growing.
Japan made the news in August when their PM banned the vax because of particles found in the vials. Good move Japan, as now Japan is considered Covid free! This result supports the report that the mRNA vaccine spike proteins actually perpetuate the Covid infection and create an immune deficiency in those vaccinated, at least temporarily. Those countries that allowed herd immunity to be established are now Covid free. Japan can join Sweden, Norway, Denmark and those provinces in India that relied upon Ivermectin. Congratulations Japan!
ZetaTalk Insight 9/30/2021: While the lockdown push by the elite is still ramping up, there is simultaneously a counter trend to back away from this stance. Japan announced it was going to halt the vaccine program until the safety of the vaccines could be assured, and now the EU is debating this subject. False statistics have been rampant during the supposed Pandemic, to bolster lockdowns which are frankly used as crowd control during the elite panic over the visibility of Nibiru in the skies.
The airlines got involved in this polarized struggle, with Southwest demanding that all pilots and staff be vaccinated or else and then reversing this stance when their employees staged a walkout that shut down the ability of Southwest to get any planes in the skies. That’s the way- hit them in the profit margin! This technique was used by a hero in the construction business too. The whole crew walked away and boom, the new vax or leave rule was dropped.
In the US, the Governors of Texas and Florida and Alabama and S Carolina mounted a firm resistance, countering the Biden Administrations order to max vax everyone everywhere. State’s rights issues took the floor in courtrooms. The mRNA is an experimental drug, not approved by FDA, and this push to vax is frankly not legal. Meanwhile, protests in Italy have brought huge crowds into the streets.
Meanwhile, more evidence that the mRNA vax is harmful emerged. The ADE process - whereby variants are created by an incomplete death of the Covid virus - has exhausted the immune system of those who took the vax. Pieces of the Covid virus are incorporated into the immune system and emerge as variants. The spike proteins also are endlessly produced by the mRNA Messenger System, so it is an unrequited infection that likewise exhausts the immune system. Now the statistics are in, proving the immune system damage, and the Zetas state that the elite are using this to make the populace too sick to riot or migrate.
ZetaTalk Insight 10/31/2021: We have stated that the elite are terrified of the riots and demands the populace will make when they realize that a Nibiru cover-up has been in place for decades. Meanwhile the elite stocked their enclaves and prepared. Covid-19 like so many flu variants emerged from the drains in the wet markets of China, but the elite quickly snatched the opportunity to force Martial Law early and on the cheap. Perpetual and draconian lockdowns required more than just false reports of Covid-19 deaths. When it became evident that the mRNA vaccines produced variants, then perpetual booster shots were the means to continue the pandemic.
Now it is apparent that more than false death reports and new variants are in the arsenal of the elite. The Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome that the spike proteins produce can be enhanced and continued by booster shots. We have stated that all ill effects from the mRNA are temporary, wearing off during the passage of months or perhaps years, but the elite would prefer that the populace be too sick to think about migration or riot. With a weakened immune system, this would certainly be the case. Thus in those countries where the elite are in control, there is the push to have 100% of the populace vaccinated.
Celebrities in Space
Suddenly we have celebrities in space, commenting on the view and perhaps commenting on what is hurtling toward the Earth. Is this part of the Nibiru cover-up or will it become part of the Nibiru admission? On October 13 William Shatner of Star Trek blasted off as a guest of NASA for a view of the Earth and of space up above the atmosphere. Tongues back on Earth wagged over Shatner’s comment about a “coming catastrophic event”. Comments about Global Warming just did not seem to fit. Global Warming is a trend. The Pole Shift is an event. The Zetas explain.
ZetaTalk Comment 10/31/2021: Shatner was instructed to talk about Global Warming and to avoid any mention of the obvious Nibiru Complex that can be clearly seen when above the atmosphere. But at 90 years of age, control of his tongue was slipping and he made a Freudian Slip. Global Warming can hardly be called a “catastrophic event” as it is a process. However, the coming crustal shift caused by the passage of Nibiru and happening within the span of an hour could indeed be called an event. Putting celebrities into space is a deliberate ploy so that the cover-up over Nibiru can claim that there is nothing to be seen. But a slip of the tongue went against the plan this time.
Was Shatner in the know about what is coming? This is why he was eager to go up into space, despite the discomforts of space flight. He wanted to see it with his own eyes. How did he learn about Nibiru when there is a cover-up? Wealthy people learned after Roswell as they were invited to join MJ12, as were politicians and media heads in control of any message the public might get. Heads of State were informed by then President Bush in 2003. Certainly astronomers and the NASA employees who have to doctor the images know. And talking heads in the media know because they are told what not to say.
Simultaneously we have movie production in space, up on the International Space Station! Both Russia’s Channel 1 and Hollywood are rushing to be the first to film a movie using the International Space Station as a movie set. The Russians won, landing the film crew safely back in Kazakhstan in October. The made for TV movie – the Challenge – will be featured early in 2022, and has the backing of the Russian space agency Roscosmos. Not to be outdone, Hollywood is producing a film staring Tom Cruise and backed by SpaceX and Elon Musk. Do you suppose the scripts will include a view and commentary about a huge new planet near the Sun?
ZetaTalk Comment 10/31/2021: Is there a Nibiru announcement race developing between Russia and the US? These productions require a lot of pre-planning and booking celebrities must also be done well ahead of time. That Putin accomplished the Russia filming on the ISS in less than 9 months indeed makes this a rush job. And that the US is planning to release their version in 2022 likewise shows that the race is on. Seeing the approaching Nibiru in the Russian film would not be a surprise given that Russia has led in admitting Nibiru, from the Patriarch Kirill’s statement on the Book of Revelations to the development of the Far East.
Nibiru is so obvious in the many signs in the skies now, that world powers have turned from constant denial to planning how to make an admission. What are called disaster movies have been produced by Hollywood for years, from the crustal shift depicted in the movie 2012 to the references to the Flood in Russell Crowe's movie Noah. There is private and public ISS filming being made, with the private portion depicting the ISS sighting a planet like Nibiru approaching for a pass, with frantic communications to the ground crews. But Nibiru will likely announce itself before any of the ISS films can be released.
Orion Confusion
Back in early 2003 - when Nibiru was first crossing over the orbit of Earth and heading toward the Sun - there was an attempt to confuse the Nibiru Complex with Orion. At that time the viewing team would rent a CCD camera and image the sky where the Zeta coordinates indicated the Nibiru Complex could be sighted. On March 6, 2003 there was a ghost image of the Orion Constellation deliberately left in the camera. Debunkers hoped to discredit the team.
ZetaTalk Analysis 3/6/2003: Image ghosts, caused by a failure of the equipment to reset the CCD camera, can be created in more than one way, they can direct one image to superimpose on another. someone had recently taken an image of the Orion nebula, which can be imaged such that star light is filtered out, but the nebula itself is enhanced. This image was retained on the server, as a digitized image, same binning as the team uses. The software was programmed, by a hacker, to superimpose the nebula. Then the program directing this activity self deleted! What this group did not expect was that Naji would plunge in the next two nights and take a barrage of images, for Mar 7 and Mar 8. These are solid images, showing the Moons no longer simply as Avis recognized new objects barely visible, but obvious, in their great numbers.
Using Orion to confuse a photo claiming to be Nibiru has happened again, this time also because of a debunking campaign. Maja of the ZetaTalk Followers team was given a photo by a Croatian photographer who had gotten the photo from a friend of a friend. The Zetas were asked to comment on its validity, and found the Nibiru Complex shown valid but taken years ago, before Nibiru had slowed to allow all the Petrol in its tail to catch up. My my, what is that in the upper left but the Orion Nebula! But a quick exam shows the pixels are not the same, thus Orion or the Nibiru photo was super imposed, a cut-and-paste job.
ZetaTalk Comment 10/17/2021: The clarity on this photo shows what the public is seeing when the Petrol is temporarily burned out or pushed away. The space blobs seen in the skies is evidence of the consumption of the Petrol while in space, so this clarity will on occasion be possible. Nibiru and one of its dominant moons is temporarily free of Petrol, while the second dominant moon is shrouded in Petrol in the process of burning away.
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