Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday March 29, 2020. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)
Pandemic Explosion
Comparing maps of the spread of Covid-19 since February 26 to March 16, one can see how in just under a month the world has been enveloped by this virus. Airplane travel is certainly to blame, as though air borne it does not reach more than 3-6 feet. The spread is exacerbated by the mild symptoms most have, some not even aware they are infected. The young likewise are resilient, thus small children can bring it home from school, unware. This explosion has forced a global shutdown, hoping to mirror the success that China has achieved by strict quarantines.
ZetaTalk Prediction 3/31/2020:
We predict that the Covid-19 will be dramatically eased by mid-Summer 2020, due to aggressive quarantined practices and the emergence of effective anti-virals and several new vaccines. While the Covid-19 infections rage on going into mid-Summer, protestations of the airline and travel industry will be silenced as Heads of State are forced to issue edicts banning travel and restricting residents to homes unless they are escorted to work. Groceries will be delivered. Schools will be via Internet or home schooling kits. Social media will replace group meetings.
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced the globe into drastic isolation and quarantine. One after another countries have slammed their borders shut and imposed mandatory isolation. Old and young alike are told to stay at home, stay 6 feet apart, and wash their hands obsessively. Schools are closed, conventions or gatherings forbidden or limited to a handful of people. Going to bars or eating at restaurants in some cities is forbidden, and given the exposure to infection air travel or taking a cruise is considered insane.
Italian Coronavirus Victims over 80 could be 'Left to Die' in Drastic Measures
March 16 , 2020
Italian victims aged over 80 may be denied intensive care under drastic measures to deal with the coronavirus outbreak, according to reports. A crisis management unit in Turin has prepared a document to determine which patients receive care. The document outlines what will happen if there are insufficient spaces.
US Moves nearer to Shutdown amid Coronavirus Fears
March 16, 2020
Officials across the country curtailed many elements of American life to fight the coronavirus outbreak, with health officials recommending that groups of 50 or more don’t get together and a government expert saying a 14-day national shutdown may be needed. Governors and mayors closed restaurants, bars, and schools as the nation sank deeper into chaos. As Americans struggled with changing their daily habits, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a dramatic recommendation: Because large events can fuel the spread of the disease, it said gatherings of 50 people or more should be canceled or postponed throughout the country for the next eight weeks.
Duterte puts Philippines under Quarantine, says "We are in the Fight of our Lives"
March 16, 2020
Home quarantine on main island of Luzon for 1 month. Duterte orders businesses to close to stop spread. In a televised announcement, President Rodrigo Duterte said existing travel restrictions and containment measures were not enough to arrest the spread so it was time to lock down the country's main island to minimise social contact and allow health workers to move quickly to control the contagion. Duterte told mayors to act decisively to enforce quarantines and said violators of the lockdown would be arrested by police and the military and faced jail.
The public in the US reacted to these restrictions by going into a panic over toilet paper. Given that much worse deprivation is around the corner when the predicted Last Weeks and Pole Shift occur, what does this silly panic over toilet paper say about the general level of preparation in the American public? The cover-up is in place because the establishment fears rioting, but the longer they delay informing the public, the greater the likelihood of hysteria. The Zetas comment.
Panic is a sudden sensation of fear, which is so strong as to dominate or prevent reason and logical thinking, replacing it with overwhelming feelings of anxiety and frantic agitation consistent with an animalistic fight-or-flight reaction. Panic may occur singularly in individuals or manifest suddenly in large groups as mass panic.
Amazon Warns of Delivery Delays, Running Out of Items
March 15, 2020
Items such as toilet paper, hand sanitizer and hand soap were listed as out of stock on the website.
‘Do not Call 911 just Because you Ran out of Toilet Paper’, Oregon Police Say
March 16, 2020
"Be resourceful. Be patient. There is a TP shortage. This too shall pass.” The post then pointed out the different methods used throughout history before suggesting other items that could be used in lieu of "your favorite soft, ultra plush two-ply citrus scented tissue." Among their suggestions: grocery store receipts, newspaper, cloth rags, magazine pages, cotton balls and even leaves.
ZetaTalk Comment 3/31/2020:
Panic buying is just another symptom of a panic reaction in general, a well-known reaction to perceived danger by man and animal alike. The classic analogy is to shout “fire” in a crowded theater and the stampede for the jammed doors will kill more people than the fire. When panic takes over, reason leaves. Panic is less likely to ensue when people have time to contemplate a pending emergency and have already taken some steps to mitigate potential distress. The Covid-19 virus was sudden and has spread worldwide like wildfire.
Will such a panic ensue when Nibiru is finally admitted? If it had been admitted in late 2015, when General Dunford was prepared for panic in the US and Obama was on the verge
of making an announcement, preparation without panic would have been the norm. But now, almost 5 years later, crop and subsequent food shortages have already placed those who have not taken self-sufficiency steps on the verge of panic. They will look at their situation and see no other solution but panic buying.
What is certain to happen will be much more than the comical rush to buy toilet paper. Real deprivation will ensue, with biting hunger. This will move in two directions. Those who are grounded and have noted all the signs and prepared accordingly will spring into action, going to their safe locations if need be and stepping up their food production practices. They will be inundated by demands from family and friends and strangers who have not bothered to prepare, expecting that the government will provide. It is this latter group that will panic.
Blame Trump
Theories include Covid-19 source as an escapee from the Wuhan labs, or perhaps provided to the Chinese government by the US Military for vaccine production or released to kill off the Chinese. Or deliberately released by the US to hunt down Deep State criminals. Or engineered to identify a person if they have taken Adrenochrome, or to be triggered by 5G towers nearby. And if none of this disinfo has a basis, then make up yet another, such as that Trump called it all a hoax or is seeking to own a German vaccine to extort funds and cooperation from the rest of the world.
Coronavirus Truthers Prey on the Anxiety of the Moment
March 16, 2020
Dr. Anthony Fauci … one of many government “fearmongers” who were part of a plan to institute martial law and permanently strip Americans of their rights. … Alex Jones .. coronavirus was engineered by enemies of the president to discredit him. … It was designed as a bioweapon to attack China. … Coronavirus originated at a secret Chinese biological lab near Wuhan, the city where it was first detected. … The virus originated in America and was first spread in his country by U.S. soldiers visiting Wuhan province.
Media Push Story that Trump Tried to Bribe German Company to Hoard Wuhan Coronavirus Vaccine
March 15, 2020
The mainstream media are currently running with a story backed by an anonymous source and a supposed confirmation. It alleges that President Trump tried to bribe a German company over a possible Wuhan Coronavirus vaccine. Not only that, the source claims that Trump wanted to hoard the vaccine so that only Americans could partake of it.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 3/31/2020:
There are several theories running on the Internet about how the Covid-19 pandemic might benefit this or that group. One is the pending prosecution for treason and crimes in 2016, when the Cabal took extraordinary steps to prevent President Trump from gaining the White House. Another is the failure of the New World Order
crowd to assume control of the world as the End Times approach. World War III is not possible, given the steps President Trump and the Junta continue to take. Nevertheless, where these parties would like to take advantage of the pandemic, they did not start the pandemic.
There is little left for the desperate New World Order crowd, a conglomeration of the Illuminati,
the Moloch worshiping Satanists, the Khazarian
banking empire, and the political operatives in the Cabal to do. They have tried to assassinate both President Trump and VP Pence, poison or infect them, and certainly impeachment or prosecution via Mueller did not work. Their remaining hope is befuddled Biden, and for this to succeed they must see President Trump fail during his handling of the pandemic. But their attempt to implode the HHS via a hack did not succeed either.
Indeed, right in front of God and the whole world, an attempt to disable the US Covid-19 emergency response system was made by the Deep State. This was in conjunction with more fake news from the Cabal controlled media about President Trump’s intentions. Blatant. False. And showing their desperation. The US Health and Human Services agency was hacked, in an attempt to disable it.
US Health Agency Suffers Cyber-Attack during Covid-19 Outbreak
March 16, 2020
The NSC tweet was related to the hacking and the release of disinformation, according to one of the people. The government realized that there had been a cyber intrusion and false information was circulating. The hacking involved multiple incidents. The hack involved overloading the HHS servers with millions of hits over several hours.
NSC Says Text Messages about a Coronavirus National Quarantine are Fake, There is no National Lockdown
March 16, 2020
The White House has assured citizens that rumors being spread via text message claiming the government is due to implement a national quarantine in order to deal with the threat of the coronavirus are fake. The National Security Council (NSC) issued a statement confirming that the texts suggesting that President Donald Trump will enforce a two-week period of national quarantine within the next 72 hours after evoking the Stafford Act are a hoax.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 3/31/2020:
DDOS attacks to disable computer networks are well known and difficult to track, as they often engage numerous attack sites to gain the cumulative effect that will disable the target. This attack was of course designed to look like an attack from foreign agents, but what would be the agenda? All countries are overwhelmed at present, closing their borders and trying desperately to keep their citizens under effective quarantines. Thus, there is no foreign agent that could muster an attack on the US.
What is the motive? The obvious motive is to embarrass the Trump administration, which has been doing an admirable job communicating with US citizens and coordinating with state and local parties. President Trump has an open line of communication with China’s Xi and other Heads of State worldwide. The steps President Trump took to immediately ban air travel from China stand in contrast with the sluggish manner European countries took, and the disaster in Iran and Italy is the result.
Was the DDOS attack jealousy, or revenge? The US is following China’s model, which isolated and quarantined aggressively, and thus turned around the upward curve of new cases smartly. This is more difficult to do in a democracy, where civil rights are touted, than in a communist country that is essentially a dictatorship. But when this pandemic has subsided, the US and China will stand as examples on how to proceed. Iran and Europe are examples of what can result during delay and denial.
Martial Law Opportunists
As we stated in last week’s Newsletter, any steps taken toward Martial Law during the Covid-19 pandemic will not be eased back when the pandemic recedes. Nevertheless, there is no reason to waste a good opportunity! The US Tribunals
have been in process since January, 2019 per an Executive Order from President Trump. Numerous high profile individuals have been executed as a result, and replaced with Doubles. In these cases, there is always a “tell”, as the Doubles are not a perfect mirror image. To evade justice, many criminals are in hiding, but the shutdowns and lockdowns ongoing allow them to be exposed and thus arrested.
ZetaTalk Prediction 3/31/2020:
We have stated that Heads of State, worldwide, have been told that the reality of Nibiru in the skies will be too obvious to deny by January 2021. Given this anticipation, any steps toward Martial Law taken in 2020 to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic can be assumed to be permanent. We have also stated that the Covid-19 pandemic will be “dramatically eased by mid-Summer 2020”, assuming aggressive quarantine practices and new anti-virals and vaccines. This should not be expected to ease any Martial Law edicts already in place.
This issue emerged on the Dark Judge twitter feed, amid speculation that Central Banks
were going to have their influence and authority reduced, due to Martial Law. Hunting the Deep State
was in process too, during the lockdowns. The Dark Judge was clear that he did not want to use the term “Martial Law”- not use the M word - so that panic and riot would not occur. But the Judge did point to ZetaTalk newsletters on the matter again, big time. This is all to the good. The Zetas confirm.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 3/31/2020:
We stated weeks ago that any Martial Law steps enacted due to the Covid-19 pandemic would likely remain in place, due to the expectation that Nibiru will no longer be deniable. Heads of State were told that January 2021 was the date when they could expect their citizens to be aware of Nibiru, even without official acknowledgement, and even despite all the loud arguments the cover-up crowd asserts. But this pandemic was not started with that goal in mind, as it was started by nature in the wet markets of China where optimum conditions
were present for the emergence of Covid-19.
But Martial Law proponents are certainly taking advantage of this opportunity to get the public used to the idea of tight control over a restless public. Restricted movement, cancelation of large public gatherings prone to riot, control of food delivery and shopping access – all these trend to an environment that would comply with Martial Law edicts. But for those who state that these steps are not necessary to control the pandemic, we would point to China, which has conquered Covid-19, flat lining their new cases. This is the goal, to avoid another lingering and repeating pandemic such as the Spanish Flu epidemic in 1918.
Why is the Dark Judge reluctant to use the term “Martial Law”. He knows that this is a trigger term that can incite riot. Two things must happen before that day: 1. Nibiru must be admitted or acknowledged by the establishment, as this is the reason for continuing Martial Law, and 2. The current Covid-19 pandemic must be tamed, which we predicted will occur by mid-Summer when it will be “dramatically eased”. Given the strain on healthcare and hospitals worldwide, the shutdowns and lockdowns will not be completely lifted until data on new cases shows the pandemic will not re-emerge.
In that many Central Banks are releasing more funds to stimulate the economy or shore up distressed industry or provide relief for temporarily unemployed citizens, the role of Central Banks during Martial Law is being exposed. The history of money shows primitive man using the barter system and then the emergence of money as a convenience and then the establishment of Central Banks to control runaway inflation from flooding of new dollars into the economy. New funds are needed as the population increases, but too many dollars at once can create a Banana Republic syndrome. Martial Law puts the military in control of these decisions.
Are extraordinary arrests of those targeted by the Tribunals being made during the pandemic lockdowns? Why would they not? Those trying to evade the Tribunals run from country to country, seeking non-extradition or just a friendly hideaway. When airlines are grounded so that private plane use is exposed, and the streets are virtually empty of pedestrians and cars so that any traffic is obvious, such arrests and instant extradition are facilitated. Once again, this does not mean that Covid-19 was engineered or released to facilitate this cleanup. The Tribunals are just being opportunists.
Nibiru Worse
Though Covid-19 emerged from the drains in the Wuhan wet market and was not deliberately set by the hands of man nor by the hand of God, it might appear to be a blessing in disguise in that it is a dry run for the panic and riot that can be expected to occur when awareness of Nibiru is manifest. Mankind is learning to put entertainment and amusements aside, and instead seek ways they can help each other. Hopefully, city dwellers will take steps toward self-sufficiency, learning how to feed themselves.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 3/31/2020:
How does this differ from what the world will experience when the reality of Nibiru can no longer be denied? Strong-arm tactics to ensure that food is grown and distributed will continue. Grocery delivery may likewise remain, to prevent looting and hoarding. Public gatherings will likely be limited due to the fear they will spring into wholesale riots. As disasters swamp coastlines with seawater and earthquakes collapse cities into rubble, refugees will be transported to rural areas and forced into survival camps. Not all that different from the Covid-19 steps.
Nancy and ourselves have, since the start of the ZetaTalk saga 25 years ago, encouraged home gardens, urban gardens, and container gardens on porches; meatless meals from lysine rich vegies such as amaranth and buckwheat; insect farms which can flourish on compost scraps or manure; and suburban chicken flocks and goat herds munching grass along roadsides. We have emphasized seed savings and practicing all such needed skill sets well before the hour when they would become a necessity. We have featured alternative lifestyles such as houseboat communities reliant on fish.
But, except for Russia, the establishment worldwide has chosen to deny Nibiru. Heads of State were warned some years ago that by January 2021 Nibiru could no longer be denied. Still, months away, the public is not being allowed to prepare as the cover-up prevails. Brutal Martial Law will result, with city dwellers forced into starvation rationing or forced into the fields to grow food. Those in charge of the cover-up excuse their posture by clinging to the hope that the passage will not be as extreme as we, the Zetas, have predicted. They reason that panic would kill more people than the truth.
Well Anne, I agree totally with thanking the Zetas and Nancy for their superb work on this incredible load of information for so very many long years now, almost 20 for me watching and verifying the news in many areas of the world. I don't know about being on my knees though, they're pretty bad off to begin with, don't want to make it any worse...But, I really do want to thank Nancy and Zetas from the bottom of my heart.
Thanks Zetatalk for the updates!
God Bless Nancy and the Zetas and all the workers on this website for 25 long years of
bringing truth to the world at large. We should all be on our knees in thanks.
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