Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for January 2, 2022. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm).
Are we headed to a time when robots will be combined with human flesh to become the reality shown in the movie Terminator? Elon Musk was experimenting with brain to machine connections in 2020 with his Neuralink program. There is also the approach of upgrading animals to a sub-human slave class level as was tried in 2019 by inserting human brain tissue into monkeys. Shades of the movie Planet of the Apes. Controlling humans directly as Manchurian Candidates via hypnosis and telepathy has never succeeded, though has been tried by the Pentagon in the past.
ZetaTalk Reassurance 1995: The robot that propagates, learns, thinks, and as all life has emotion is alive, yet enslaved, as controls would surely be put into place to prevent the servant class from arising. Thus, media scenarios such as The Stepford Wives, or The Terminator, or Star Trek's Data would not be allowed to develop, not even if scientists on your world managed to develop them, which is far from likely. That those who are emerging souls in the process of determining a spiritual orientation, would attempt to do so is one of the reasons for limiting the capabilities on your world. Mankind, in short, is too dumb to create a handy-dandy version of intelligent, sentient life. One, per their desires, which would never break down or talk back, would always look good, be compliant in bed, foresee one's needs, repair the car, be infinitely loyal, smart as a whip but never look down on the master, and never suffer from neglect. The child's dream.
ZetaTalk Reassurance 4/30/2019: Are human scientists flirting with playing God by inserting human genes into monkey brains? This is a step beyond the usual genetic engineering designed to boost crop production by resistance to fungus or insects or to allow human transplants to be grown in animals such as pigs. Genetic engineering, whereby apes were engineered to become human, was under the control of the Council of Worlds in the past. Has the Council granted China and the US permission to create another race of man?
Hollywood looks beyond mankind’s failures and makes the leap to intelligent machines. They have emotions, agendas, and except for a bit of oil in their joints now and then, require no maintenance. The beloved Star Wars robots or the socially responsible robot in I, Robot had no human flesh or brain matter but functioned as though human. Mankind is increasingly using drones for surveillance and will employ them in future for warfare or riot control, and even today have them buzzing about the floors to sweep up the crumbs. This is not transhumanism as no human flesh is used, but merely robotics.
ZetaTalk Reassurance 12/31/2021: The new fascination with Transhumanism is due to the elite facing the near future of the Nibiru passage with white knuckle fear. The populace will no longer listen to the establishment, who failed to warn them or to arrange a shelter for them. Machines such as Drones can be used by the Military for surveillance or even in combat, but drones do not cover all the functions the elite need under their control. The Manchurian Candidate concept - whereby hypnotic suggestion directs human drones – has been tried and failed. Telepathy is innate and natural in humans, despite the efforts of Remote Viewers to control the soul or the innate agenda of the human.
Now what? The popularity of the TV series Planet of the Apes is based on a real desire of the establishment to increase the intelligence of non-human animals to the point where they would be a controllable slave class. Thus Transgenic Monkeys where human tissue is inserted into monkeys, or Frankenrobots – putting living tissue into machines. Our use of implants in our human contacts is akin to an on-board phone system, not to control the human. And where we use living tissue in our sky computers this is akin to mankind’s use of cow leather for shoes.
The elite, who desperately want to create a human slave class, are stuck with the human body and brain. Mankind is not intelligent enough to genetically engineer a super race. Mankind cannot even eliminate genetic diseases or increase intelligence. Outside of selective breeding, whereby the defective genes are blocked or the desired genes encouraged, there is little mankind can do at present. The elite cannot cage or capture the human soul, nor can they direct the human will. Instead, a time of perfect karma for the elite awaits.
Wobble Storms
The Zetas warned that the Council of Worlds had scheduled a temporary Severe Wobble in order to force past the elite’s cover-up over the nearby presence of Nibiru. The public may be subconsciously aware of Nibiru’s presence and pending passage, but until this is a subject openly discussed in the media and at the kitchen table, preparations for survival and safety and life in the Aftertime will not begin in earnest for most of humanity. Thus, at the end of November, it began.
ZetaTalk Warning 11/30/2021: By suddenly allowing the magnetic flow surrounding Nibiru to change, allowing Nibiru's N Pole to drop and point again at the Earth, a mega wobble would be effected. This would be noticed by everyone on Earth, and the establishment would be scrambling to explain it. This temporarily Severe Wobble would be accompanied by dramatic visibility of Nibiru, so that the usual excuses from NASA that the wobble was somehow from the Sun would not suffice.
Pilots flying over the South China Sea had been warned about sudden wind storms, lest China and the US – adversaries – would think a downed plane meant that World War III had broken out. UFOs in the formation crossed the skies at 39,000 feet in wave after wave.
ZetaTalk Explanation 12/31/2021: At 39,000 feet and with heavy cloud cover below, this UFO message was for the pilots who fly there regularly. It is notable that the Severe Wobbles that the Council of Worlds has set in motion are creating high winds on occasion. Turkey had an unexpected and violent windstorm on the day that Alexandria had an unexpected and violent tsunami and the buoys north of Australia showed a complete and sudden subaquatic tidal bore. Lest China or the USA think that warfare has broken out – this UFO display is telling their pilots otherwise.
The Severe Wobble action caused a massive quake in Peru and quake swarms in Japan and on the border of the Juan de Fuca and sudden unexplained tsunami in the Mediterranean and north of Australia, and now in the Deep South of the USA it caused a record-breaking tornado. This tornado, which crossed several states, rose higher in the sky than any on the historical record.
ZetaTalk Explanation 12/31/2021: To counter the cover-up over the presence of Nibiru, the Council of Worlds approved a temporary Severe Wobble. The start of the Severe Wobble was marked by a massive quake in Peru on November 28 and a cold blitz in Europe the following day. Then a mega quake swarm occurred in Japan on November 29, predecessor quakes to the New Madrid Adjustment. On December 1 a wobble lurch could be seen by a subaquatic tidal bore north of Australia on the same day that Alexandria had a tsunami from the Mediterranean and Turkey had a sudden windstorm.
Then the UK was struck by a Double Cyclone on December 7 followed by a mega quake swarm on the border of the Juan de Fuca Plate on December 8. Now on December 10 there has been a record-breaking spate of tornadoes in the heartland of the US - more vicious, long lasting, and reaching higher into the atmosphere than any other on record. The quake swarms in Japan and off-coast of Oregon were characterized by being unrelenting. If this is a signature of the Severe Wobble effect, how long will this last and what will the outcome be?
We have stated that the New Madrid unzipping is but a moment away, but if the goal of the Severe Wobble is to break the cover-up over the presence of Nibiru, some degree of wobble must occur that would counter the elite blaming the Sun or Global Warming. Nibiru itself must be visible, to the entire world, so that it is clear that the public has been denied the truth. At that point the experts the elite hire to lie and the elite politicians themselves will be pushed aside, and the public rage the elite fear will be upon them – true karma at last.
Birth Rate Decline
The Birth Rate in many countries is declining, past the point where the populace is replacing the loss from the Death Rate. This is called negative growth, a concern because with too many elderly and not enough youngsters, there is no one to care for the elderly. But during this time when the globe is heading into a Pole Shift, with a 90% Death Rate among the populace in general, and with starvation looming for the survivors – why is a declining Birth Rate a problem?
ZetaTalk Insight 12/31/2021: The population explosion began at the start of the Industrial Revolution 200 years ago. Human society had progressed from an agrarian society where 95% of the population needed to be working the farms in order to feed the populace. Mechanized farming and food distribution began. This freed human resources for advances in other fields such as medicine. The result was less infant mortality and longer lives. Culturally, large families had been desired so the farms could be worked or for a survivor to care for the parents in their old age. Thus, all factors pressed toward a population explosion.
Birth control is used most extensively in developed countries, but when each couple has two children the explosion still continued. Thus, China’s one child policy. Now that starvation looms worldwide, how to feed all those mouths? One after another in country after country the birth rate has dropped below zero because potential parents do not see the world as a good place for their offspring. In 2019 Canada, Japan, and Chile had a negative birth rate, and now the USA, Russia, and even India are joining those ranks. The establishment considers this a bad thing, but is it?
We have long stated that the years leading into the Pole Shift and the Aftertime should not be a time of child bearing. Lack of medical services and starvation alone would advise against it. Potential parents should have themselves sterilized. Children that make it through will be the parents of the future. Why then is Musk advising a return to the population explosion? Musk is the founder of SpaceX, Tesla, The Boring Company, and Neuralink and is still claiming that man will colonize Mars. Musk is known for his enthusiasm and futuristic vision.
Musk is vying for funds from that portion of the populace that will cling to the hope that his view of the future is correct. Where we the Zetas have described the broken link scenario, where a missing part or component in the supply chain can doom mankind’s infrastructure, Musk is claiming that mankind will prevail and the future under his direction will be rosy. Given the die-off that will occur soon during the Pole Shift, he and others among the elite feel they need a large population that can withstand the decimation. This benefits the elite while mankind would suffer.
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