Draft Newsletter for Sunday December 31, 2023. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)
Leave the World Behind
The new Netflix blockbuster film, Leave the World Behind, is certainly implying a Nibiru passage. The movie has GPS satellite failures causing ocean going ships to lose their way, planes falling due to EMP, moaning Earth caused by Plate Movement, fleeing wildlife trying to escape the electronic screech of compressed rock, Red Dust falling from the sky and a Petrol shrouded Nibiru seen in the direction of the Sun by the ISS. A prepper gets a cameo appearance as do religious quotes about the End of the World.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 12/16/2023: The movie Leave the World Behind depicts much of what the common man observes today – Red Dust, a shrouded planet hidden in the dust and Skyfire caused by Petrol in the tail of Nibiru, wildlife distressed by the Electronic Screech that tearing and compressing rock produces, Magnetic Sickness caused by Nibiru’s magnetic field, EMP outages interfering with navigation on planes and ships, and the view from the ISS showing Nibiru near the Sun. Unlike earlier movies, Leave the World Behind clearly ascribes Nibiru as the cause.
It is fitting that Obama was listed as an adviser on this recent movie depicting the arrival of Nibiru, as the expected reaction of the public was something that gave him nightmares. Is it better to keep the public in the dark until the last minute? This was his ultimate conclusion. Where today preppers are considered eccentric, the movie shows them as survivors. And where today the middle class can travel and has electronic communications and conveniences, the loss of these perks is shown to be a shock. It leaves the viewer to ponder their own plans, given the signs that are all around them.
Prior disaster movies showing the signs of a Nibiru approach did not include any reference to Nibiru. As of 2021 these movies included Day the Earth Stood Still, Deep Impact, Armageddon, Volcano, Aftershock, 10.5, Day After Tomorrow, Waterworld, Postman, Mad Max, 2012, Don’t Look Up, Moon Fall, and Warning. Because of the Nibiru cover-up, the rule was never say Nibiru, or even imply that it exists.
ZetaTalk Observation 11/30/2021: Disaster movies in the past have depicted elements of the coming Pole Shift such as a stopped rotation (Day the Earth Stood Still), meteors hurtling toward Earth (Deep Impact, Armageddon), volcanos and quakes (Volcano, Aftershock, 10.5), sudden climate change (Day After Tomorrow, Waterworld), and life in the Aftertime (Postman, Mad Max). Notably missing was Nibiru as the cause of these disasters, though the Nibiru coverup is depicted by a reluctance to notify the public (Yellowstone) until the last minute.
The movie 2012 was realistic in that it showed the attitude of those in power, to save themselves and only warn the public when the elite were safely away to their bunkers. Why else would the establishment delay notifying the public about Nibiru, so close at hand? They don’t want your messy panic, and the banks want you to pay your mortgages until the house is no longer there, blown or washed away. The December release of the new film Don’t Look Up depicts the dismissive attitude amateur astronomers are given when they present proof of Nibiru.
These movies are popular because the populace knows, subconsciously, that Nibiru is approaching for a passage. Thus these new films have star casts - such as Jennifer Lawrence and Leonardo DiCaprio and Halle Berry - and Hollywood anticipates mega profits. In keeping with what the public is dealing with at present, they feature falling debris, as in the February 2022 release of Moon Fall and October 2021 release of Warning. Notably missing are disasters caused by the Sun or unexplained volcanic eruptions from a restless Earth core. The enemy, rather, is the establishment coverup!
Are the warnings about 10 Days of Darkness due to a pending announcement about Nibiru? Putin is pushing for this, and there are sudden warnings about a blackout. Is this related to the possibility of Putin announcing and admitting the presence of Nibiru? His annual speech was scheduled for December 14, and the Internet warnings about pending blackouts were being tossed about the week before this date. Perhaps expediting the release of Leave the World Behind was a compromise.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 12/13/2023: To prevent alarm over Nibiru and resulting riots and looting, the establishment wants to keep the public from hearing Putin's speech or Q&A. Of course this would not work nor would it work for long. It would buy time until the wheels of Martial Law were in motion and in place. Thus blackouts imply no electricity as the Internet is too interconnected to be selectively stopped. Social Media is a fear tool as is email, but without electricity this will stop too. Those establishment leaders espousing this blackout plan are balanced by others who argue that a blackout is an invitation for crime, and will not suppress the information for long. In fact, doing a blackout actually confirms the theory that a coverup has been in place.
Southern Border
The crisis at the Southern Border with Mexico has no end in sight and is overwhelming the bordering states. Where President Trump strengthened the wall, the Biden Administration tore these improvements down. Texas responded by sending busloads of immigrants to New York City, which quickly became overwhelmed. While we are waiting for President Trump to be reinstated, what is the solution? President Trump has stated he would deport illegals, but another solution has been rumored - enlist them into the Military! Most of the migrants are military age men, so put them to work.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 12/16/2023: The Biden Administration wants more immigrants to counter the re-election of President Trump, as polling shows they would likely vote as Democrats. Thus though Biden is a White Hat Double under the control of the Junta, the Biden Administration is working against the Junta. Until Trump is re-elected in 2024 or more likely reinstated due to the secret SCOTUS rulings and Senate confirmation of Trump, this border influx is a matter to be addressed by the border states and the Military. Meanwhile, the GOP in Congress is trying to force the Biden Administration to do their job by withholding funding for their pet projects.
The majority of immigrants into Europe and the US via the Southern Border are notably military age men. The immigrants at the Southern Border now include refugees from Africa and China where Central America was the source in the early days of the Southern Border immigrant flood. Is there an agenda afoot to take over the US when they are in crisis over a New Madrid adjustment? The US Military has been weakened by Biden Administration policies to require the deadly Covid-19 vax, though this has been reversed of late.
The likely outcome of this is not a mass deportation at the hand of Trump, but rather that the US Military will induct illegal immigrants into the Military to swell the ranks of the soldiers available to the Junta. By allowing promotions from within, the experienced soldiers can supervise the newcomers. Those not suitable for the Military could also be assigned to Forced Labor camps while their asylum cases await court or until they can be deported.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 10/31/2023: As has been noted during the European migration crisis and at the US southern border with Mexico – the vast majority of migrants are military age men. Photos in the media disguise the number, which has been estimated to be 90%, preferring to post photos of babes in arms and families being rescued. This disparity wherein immigrants seeking asylum are predominantly men of military age can be explained in many ways. Often the alpha male in the family will try to establish new citizenship and then port over the rest of the family. But most often the immigrant male has deserted his extended family and only seeks the better life for himself.
As has been demonstrated in Europe, where Merkel welcomed immigrants for nefarious reasons, politics and an elite agenda play a part. Fit young men of military age can be conscripted into the military in a hosting country, and are less likely to resist a draft as an aging citizenry might. That said, why would the Biden administration reverse Trump’s efforts to control a border rush on virtually the same day that Biden took office in January 2021? It has been stated that the Democrats want immigrants because they are likely to vote Democratic, but in that Biden only gained the White House via election fraud, this is a weak argument.
As we have noted, the Junta was dealing with a 5 front war following the 2020 election. They have steadfastly gained the upper hand against the Soros Antifa riots and Defund the Police campaign, the CCP invasion over the Michigan and Maine border, the Satanist Moloch worship with child sex traffic, the Deep State, as well as the 2020 election fraud. The Democrats see themselves losing control, even if they incite civil war, so are trying to collect their army. Democrats are composed heavily of the aged, the perpetually unemployed on welfare, and the lazy looking for a handout. President Trump supporters are predominantly ambitious and hardy. In a civil war, who would win?
New York City Crumble
For more than a year the New York City area has shown up as bright red on the burn maps showing SO2 Methane emissions from ripping rock and CO from burning Methane underground. What does this underground furnace do to the structures on the surface?
ZetaTalk Confirmation 12/13/2023: For the past couple years the junction of several N American fault lines at the New York City area has stressed that region. Bright red on the Methane emissions charts, and bright red on the CO smoke from burning Methane underground. What does this do to the upper rock strata where several densely populated cities are located? The upper rock strata is crumbling and at the slightest tremor could open crevasses or cause landslides or shift the surface into a tilt. This is a mega disaster waiting for New York City.
Pixel Analysis
How to determine if a photo has been doctored? Zoom in and check the Pixels which can be different sizes, some too large or too small on the cut-and-paste portions. Here is a recent example of a post claiming to be a Methane Tower, but these towers are not black. They are clear or light blue or if mixed with Petrol, an orange color. Regardless of the hoax agenda, this hoax was quickly caught and challenged. Here’s how to do that. First, get real photos to use for comparison. Here we have the real Methane Tower photos from 2008-2015 and the recent 2023 orange tower photos.
Then we compare the hoax to the real photos. At first glance, it looks like a black Methane Tower, perhaps coming up out of a volcano. But a closer look reveals odd streaking lines parallel to the Tower. And why would the mountain top have orange snow at the top? Could this be an inverted image with the tree line pasted from another photo? Time for a close exam.
After playing about with the photo, using a color invert tool and examining the Pixel sizes and alignment, more evidence of doctoring emerges. The tree line shows no Pixel variance that would indicate a paste of the tree line, but lo, the entire Methane Tower has been pasted into the image! The orange smear on the mountain top was a clumsy attempt to cover the lower part of the tower, which likely did not fit the volcano or mountain top setting.
Now look at what the Pixels reveal. In a valid photo, each Pixel is individually sited. They do not operate in packs, especially not in square packs. In this case the Pixel size for the paste is the same size as the Pixel size in the target photo, but that this tower was pasted is very clear. Develop a discerning eye and practice on some photos. May the truth be revealed to you!
In addition to doctored photos we now have Fake Petrol displays in the skies caused by sparklers attached to planes or drones. These will dissipate quickly unlike Petrol that is an oil that will linger.
Neither real Petrol in the skies or a fake will form a Sundog arrangement – top bottom and sides of an ice crystal halo arrangement. But Real Petrol displays will be prone to dramatic rainbows, along the edges of the Petrol in the skies. Pixel analysis will help to identify a fake here too.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 8/31/2021: Just as rainbows can form on an oil spill on the pavement, rainbows can form in the sky during the presence of Petrol in the atmosphere. This is not a “circumhorizontal arc” based on ice crystals because the appearance is different. SunDogs, found at the top and to the sides of the Sun, are also based on ice crystals. Ice crystal rainbows present a solid appearance, but these new rainbow photos have the appearance of blowing upward in the wind, as indeed the evaporating Petrol is doing just that. The Petrol that has invaded the Earth’s atmosphere will either drift to the ground, burn up in the skies or upon landing, or drift about in the wind.
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