Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter as of December 12, 2021. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)
Klaus Schwab Arrest
The 1% apparently own 99% of the world’s assets, but the Great Reset planned by the 1% is supposed to rectify that, or so they say. BRICS, a new consortium composed of Brazil, Russia, India, China and S Africa provides loans at a lower interest rate than Western banks - the IMF and World Bank. This has no doubt enraged Klaus Schwab and his associates, who struck back with a Great Reset plan which per the Zetas was just more control by the 1%. Look behind the curtain and there they are. Now Schwab has been arrested.
A year ago in October, 2020 Canada was talking about a Debt Relief program whereby the poor would consign all their assets to be controlled by the wealthy. Somehow, by twisted logic, this was to assist the poor while they were being robbed of all they owned. Per the Zetas, the poor would be allowed to live in the homes they formerly owned in exchange for being slave labor for the 1%.
ZetaTalk Description 10/31/2020: Gripped by fear, the elite – the wealthy and politically powerful – watch as the approaching Nibiru is making its presence known among the populace. How will they stay in control when the common man knows they have been treated with disdain? The elite have lied while they themselves prepared Pole Shift bunkers. To counter this threat, the elite have invented what they are calling the Great Reset. The Great Reset is saying that this group of liars can be trusted to guide mankind into the future!
ZetaTalk Confirmation 10/31/2021: Is the Canadian Strategic Planning committee talking about Martial Law under the guise of Debt Relief and a Covid-19 vaccination program? This Strategic Planning committee is talking about taking over all private ownership – homes, lands, businesses – and assigning them to a government or Commonwealth agency. Of course, this means that control of these assets is also in the hands of this government agency. All properties would be seized, by one means or another. Then when disaster strikes, those in the government can run labor and slave camps as they please.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 11/30/2021: Has there been a turn of events in the End Times war between good and evil? First the Pfizer CEO was arrested for lies about his mRNA vaccine. And now Klaus Schwab has been arrested for his scheme to snatch private ownership from the distressed public forced into endless lockdowns. Debt Relief schemes, and the Great Reset fraud, are not what they seemed. The public must agree to forfeit all assets for the supposed Debt Relief, and the Great Reset was just a plan to give the elite greater control over the everyday lives of the common man.
Schwab’s crimes paralleled the crimes of the Pfizer CEO, in that he was facilitating lockdowns in those countries he influenced in order to force takeovers of private assets. To say this is grand theft is an under-statement. Schwab used bribery all his life to counter any arrests or resistance to his schemes, so why has bribery not worked this time? The Alliance of White Hats in Europe, in conjunction with the Junta in the US, are proceeding not based on personal greed or threats but on doing what is right and just. The spiritual Transformation of the globe is proceeding!
Covid-19 Scam Failing
The Covid-19 scamdemic is finally getting pushback! Not just crowds refusing to be vaccinated for a flu that is no worse than the annual flu. Not just a refusal to be vaccinated with an experimental vaccine not proven safe by the FDA, especially when death and injury are now occurring among those who have been vaccinated. Not just the governors of Florida and Texas, standing up against the Biden Administration's illegal mandates. Over half the states refused the new OSHA rules, and are suing. OSHA backed off.
The mRNA Spike Protein is intrinsic to how the mRNA vaccine works. It is constantly kicking the immune system, thus exhausting the immune system – a type of temporary AIDS . In addition, by being a weak vaccine, the mRNA allows mutant Covid to emerge, creating variants. This evil cycle, designed to help the elite kill off or weaken a large percentage of humanity, is encouraged by the booster shots being pushed. It is any surprise that a lab leak in China shows how powerful these Spike Proteins are?
ZetaTalk Confirmation 11/30/2021: Of course the reason China quickly tried to suppress this story is because it would tend to validate the accusations floated about Covid-19 having escaped from a Chinese lab at Wuhan. Though the components were being studied at Wuhan, Covid-19 did not emerge from labs but from the drains under the wet markets at Wuhan. What the escape from the East China University of Science and Technology shows is that the spike proteins produced by mRNA vaccines do escape readily, as is known. The spike protein sheds, infecting others in the near vicinity. This is one more example that the Covid-19 vaccines are perpetuating, not resolving the pandemic.
In that the public seems to have grown wise to the Covid-19 scamdemic plans, what will the desperate elite do next? They fear the public becoming aware of Nibiru, and enraged that they have been denied the truth for centuries by the elite, will hunt down the elite and have revenge. What would stop the masses from doing this? Oh, a smallpox pandemic.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 11/30/2021: In 2014 live smallpox vials were discovered at the National Institute of Health in Maryland, and now in 2021 vials labeled smallpox were discovered at a Merck lab in Philadelphia. This should not be surprising in that children are still being routinely vaccinated against smallpox, which has only recently been considered eradicated worldwide. Is there a nexus between the recent warnings from the Junta controlled Gates Double about smallpox being used as a terrorist weapon and this recent Merck discovery?
We have been warning that the elite, terrified of the populace becoming aware of Nibiru’s presence, has been trying to sicken and thus weaken the general populace. They fear riots and demands. In the past the Bush criminal enterprise tried to incite a bird flu pandemic. When Covid emerged and the rushed vaccines showed a capacity to produce variants via the spike proteins, boosters were pushed by the elite. But the public has become aware of the dangers from the vax and boosters, and has started to resist. Thus the public is being warned – the elite may try smallpox next!
7 of 10 Status
As outlined in our latest 7 of 10 completion percentages, the New Madrid adjustment is on the verge of completing the process of ripping the N American Continent into separate Mainland and SE Portion segments.
ZetaTalk Analysis 11/30/2021: As outlined in our percentage of completion provided in December, 2020 the early 7 of 10 Plate Movements are essentially complete. The Indo-Australian tilt stands at 100%, Philippine Plate tilt at 97%, and the S American Roll with Caribbean Plate shift now at 99%. The synergy between great quakes in Japan and the relaxing bow in the N American Continent have both progressed. Japan adjustments (73%) allow the New Madrid adjustment to proceed (68%). The Eurasian Plate stretch will complete (51%) in step with the Africa Roll (53%) and the mid-Atlantic release on the border of the Africa Plate.
On November 13 a deep quake above Cyprus aligned with the plate border running south along the Saudi Plate, showing that the rock hook poking out from the Africa Plate near Turkey is about to snap off. Two days later Scotland got rare quakes as the NE portion of the N American Plate, firmly attached to the Eurasian Plate through the Arctic and at northern Europe, was being tugged by the Mainland Portion of the N American Continent which is trying to slide down into the Pacific.
ZetaTalk Analysis 11/30/2021: We have stated that the Africa Roll is being held back by a rock hook that juts up toward Turkey. This rock hook will break off creating yet another platelet in the region. This will allow the Africa Plate to slide down past Syria and Israel and widen the gulf at the Sinai Peninsula. This rock hook is breaking off, as can be seen by the very deep quake above Cyprus. In the meantime, the press of the Africa Plate toward the East is putting pressure on the Saudi Plate border with Iran. When this rock hook separates from the Africa Plate, there will be a yaw in the Mediterranean that will bring rough seas but a relief from the constant quakes in Greece.
The Zetas have predicted that the New Madrid unzipping will occur by the end of 2021 or shortly thereafter in 2022. On November 17 it appeared to be clearing its throat for a full-throated song. Several strong quakes occurred in the area to the West of the Mississippi River, where the land will be pulling down toward the SW and sinking. Just as during the first New Madrid Adjustment in 1811 – where church bells rang in Boston - the Boston area reacted to these November 17 quakes in the New Madrid region. The seismographs show that the Arctic border between the Eurasian and N American Plates was jittery too.
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