Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday August 18, 2024. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday also. (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)
Martial Law Trends
Riots requiring Military intervention are increasingly occurring around the world. In the UK, riots occurred throughout the country after 3 young girls were stabbed to death by an immigrant. The UK is not the only spot on the globe to see riots emerge, requiring the Military to quell them. Per the Zetas, this is hidden Martial Law, or Martial Law on the sly.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 8/3/2024: When we described the stages that would occur as the globe approached the pending passage of Nibiru, we described Plate Movements for the 7 of 10 phase, sociological changes for the 8 of 10 phase, and the Last Weeks for the 9 of 10 phase. We are now fully into the sociological changes we predicted for the 8 of 10, which includes weather changes to the extent that there would be a blending of the seasons with increasing drought and deluge, crop and resulting food shortages, and the press to migrate.
The elite are aware that Nibiru is the cause of the migration push, but rather than share this information with the common man they have become opportunists. Motives among the elite are to use migrants as a Militia to be used against rebellious citizens, as was proven by a German engineer's death bed confession. Or to bolster a voter base as the Biden Administration has been doing by passing out Social Security cards along with Ballots to illegals. A stealth takeover of a country could also occur due to migration changing the cultural norms.
The UK has had an endless influx of immigrants crossing the English Channel, with a commensurate increase in crimes to the extent that prisoners were released early recently as there was no more room in the prisons for them in the UK. Sunak's plan to send unwanted immigrants to Rwanda was too little too late. The people in the UK exploded in protest on August 3. Will this start a new phase? Phased, or hidden Martial Law is intrinsic to the process, as full-blown Martial Law could incite its own protests. Political changes will occur as they assist the military takeover, with scapegoats and White Knights duly assigned.
Bangladesh and Nigeria also recently required their Military to intervene. The presence of the Military is clearly seen, and per the Zetas is a sign of a hidden Martial Law emerging.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 8/6/2024: We recently commented that full blown Martial Law would be avoided as long as possible because this would incite protests. Thus Martial Law is likely to be hidden, installed in phases, on the sly. Is there evidence of this occurring in the UK and Bangladesh and in Nigeria? The clues are that social media is being suppressed in the UK while the Police force is being bolstered by “Specialist Police” who can only come from the UK Military. In the UK the riots were triggered by immigrant crime, the stabbing murder of 3 young girls. Ultimately, the UK has a plan for a migrant exodus.
In Bangladesh the clues were that the Military was forced to close the airport and that the collapse of the government forced the Prime Minister to flee for her life as her home was invaded. The hand of the Military will remain hidden while the government tries to regroup under an “interim” government. The Bangladesh explosion was triggered by corruption where the Prime Minister reserved civil jobs for the elite.
Nigeria also has unrest and riots which also plague much of Africa. The clues that a hidden Martial Law might be in effect are the curfew called to control the riots, and the Military interacted directly with the protesters during discussions about the Military removing the government. The trigger in Nigeria was removal of a fuel subsidy which helped the common man who were dealing with high inflation. The days when the elite in a country can live in opulent quarters and tax the poor will soon be over, replaced by new rules.
8 of 10 Emerges
Per the Zetas, rioting requiring Military assistance are 8 of 10 phase issues they warned about when describing the steps and stages that would occur for Earth prior to the Pole Shift. We are still completing the 7 of 10, which was Plate Movements, but the 8 of 10 is overlapping and has already started. Primarily sociological, the migrations and rioting that are ongoing exactly fit the ZetaTalk predictions. The opportunistic elite hope to utilize the restless migrants. The Great Reset or Great Replacement espoused by Klaus Schab of the World Economic Forum was the plan.
ZetaTalk Description 3/26/2011: Countries will be closing their borders, and be aggressive in defending them against a tide of desperate people. Those countries that are poor and have long and relatively indefensible borders may thus find themselves overrun. The tide of migrants will flow in any direction that does not resist.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 10/1/2016: Merkel has been an aggressive proponent of bringing in Syrian refugees, who seem to be disproportionately young men rather than complete families with women and young children and the aged. This begs the question, why did these young men desert their families? The suggestion made by this German engineer, in his deathbed confession, is that this refugee welcome is deliberate, to sculpt the population into a worker force rather than a citizen base demanding social services. The refugee influx into Europe has proved to be a disaster, with an aggressive counter push to keep refugees in their homeland, to be resettled there. Was this Merkel's plan, and has it failed? Yes.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 9/14/2023: The EU elite wants the young immigrants to be their militia in future. They are doing double speak re immigration thus. Yes, Meloni was replaced as her view was not in line with the EU elite.
The elite keep up a dual message, that all is well while the world spirals into bankruptcy. Thus the Market Crash on August 5. The Great Reset is not going well. A Biden advisor quickly resigned.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 8/5/2024: While BRICS is ascending the Israel banking network is rapidly going bankrupt. Without the regular debt payment the Federal Reserve formerly paid, Israel lacks the funds and clout to bribe and intimidate, and they fear annihilation. Thus they have become more aggressive, opening simultaneous fronts with Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran. While refusing to acknowledge their bankruptcy, the Israeli banking network has been claiming prosperity under the Biden Administration. Thus, a huge bubble grew in the markets and as with all financial bubbles, it burst.
This crash on August 5 will roll into more disruption while the Quantum Financial System fully activates. This has the goal of putting the US banks on the Gold Standard and forgiving all debts already paid by interest. The World Economic Forum suggested a Great Reset program which allows the wealthy to buy the assets of the poor, thereby becoming true slaves. A complete and rapid crash of the Israeli banks will expedite the QFS and may be accompanied by Martial Law in the US along with reinstatement of President Trump as the true 2020 winner.
Retrograde Nibiru
Nibiru has a retrograde orbit and rotation, and it has begun affecting the Earth's atmosphere too in this regard. The ZetaTalk Follower photographer who made this observation on August 7 found the Lion's Gate Crop Circle makers agreed on August 8 with his observation! No argument here, Nibiru is bumping Earth's debris ridden upper atmosphere in a retrograde direction. Meanwhile the debris ridden tail of Nibiru, with all the components of the Nibiru Complex, comes closer.
Zetalk Confirmation 8/8/2024: As Nibiru comes closer to the Earth all the parts of the Nibiru Complex will likewise come closer. The Nibiru Complex is comprised of the two Dominant Moons on either side of Nibiru in a Double Helix as well as Minor Moons in swirls or forming various String of Pearls arrangements. Petrol Masses and Red Dust likewise are trapped within the Complex, held primarily by magnetic attraction though gravity plays a part. Since Nibiru is the magnetic giant, its Retrograde Rotation dominates.
When seen from a distance, the Nibiru Complex shows its parts but the Retrograde motion is not discernable until images can be supplemented with more detail, as James is providing. The Retrograde Swirl of the Nibiru tail will become obvious over time, enveloping the dance of the many visible parts in the Earth's atmosphere. Since this is averse the Earth's rotation and the Sun's rotation, this cannot be hidden. It will be yet another proof that Nibiru exists and is a near and present danger.
Zetalk Confirmation 8/10/2024: This Lion's Gate design relates to the observation James recently made about the Nibiru Complex. He saw his images moving and swirling in a retrograde or clockwise motion - East to West. Note that Lion's Gate shows the base rotation of Earth being driven from the Core of Earth to be counterclockwise, the normal rotation of the Sun and Earth - West to East. The upper atmosphere then curls to go into a retrograde swirl. This is a clash and will result in more lightning storms and violent weather.
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