Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday August 13, 2023. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)
UFO Hearings
Cover-ups are designed to protect the guilty, or allow the avaricious to continue to collect their profits. The cover-up over the alien presence was ordered at the time of Roswell by the then President Truman, who considered this a matter of national security. This may have been to reduced panic in the people at the start, but the cover-up soon morphed to protect big egos. Despite many pressers and hearings over the decades, the cover-up lives on.
ZetaTalk Comment 7/31/2020: The cover-up over the alien presence is long and deep, running since the Roswell crash in 1947 when President Truman ordered the cover-up in a secret Executive Order. Despite this order having been redacted, vested parties still persist. Big egos do not want mankind to think that any technological power beyond those possessed by mankind exists. It is they, they insist, who have space ships that can switch dimensions and possess anti-gravity control.
ZetaTalk Insight 8/1/2023: Officials hide behind coverups for many reasons.
So what does ZetaTalk provide, other than answers with a proven prediction accuracy? It is not by accident that a woman in central Wisconsin, who despite a high IQ and high SAT score that gained her a National Merit Scholarship offer, only has a high-school education but has been featured on TV around the world. ZetaTalk makes the clear statement that the Alien Presence is real, that contactees need not fear giving The Call for contact, and provides immense detail about the coming Pole Shift caused by the passage of Nibiru.
Cover-ups are protected by keeping the facts close, among few, on a need-to-know basis. Timely assassinations ensure many cover-ups are secure. But the cover-up over Nibiru has been shattered by its recent visibility, wherein the common man can just gaze at the sunrise or sunset to see a Second Sun. Then there is the Daily Wobble factor, where the Sun will rise or set far from where expected. Where an admission that Nibiru is a real and present danger is unlikely to happen, advising the public on Safe Locations and Self-Sufficiency has always been a staple in ZetaTalk.
The cover-up over the Alien Presence has been challenged numerous times by credible individuals, the recent Congressional hearings not the first. Why is there a press at this time for disclosure? We were asked in 2008 how many humans were contactees and reported at that time 20,000 and counting. Now over half the populace are contactees, chatting away with hundreds of different intelligent life forms who have come to assist Earth at this time. UFO displays are brazen and full of information for those who see them.
What is the downside of maintaining a cover-up when it is obviously not in accordance with the facts? The public loses faith in the establishment. Lacking facts the public can thus be misled so they are likely to follow disinformation, especially any disinformation that promises rescue. This is where pointing to ZetaTalk as a source of information on Nibiru and Safe Locations, and by its very track record a source of information on the Alien Presence, is pertinent.
At a time when the New Madrid Rupture is likely to be proving, once again, that ZetaTalk predictions are accurate, the Junta may decide that allowing the public to have access to full-throated ZetaTalk is an easy way to explain the shattering cover-ups over Nibiru and the Alien Presence. They will just step back and let the Zetas explain it all. While Martial Law is in effect to handle the New Madrid disaster, they can also publicly reinstate President Trump.
Hot Hemisphere
Why is the Northern Hemisphere so hot when the Southern Hemisphere is not? At present, Plate Movement is ongoing in the Northern Hemisphere, from the Eurasia stretch to the New Madrid rip in N America to the African Roll. The Zetas explain.
ZetaTalk Insight 8/1/2023: The current stretch of the Eurasian Plate, combined with a compression and overlap of the N Pacific plates and a ripping open of the Atlantic Rift is perfectly matched on this image from the Climate Change Institute in Maine. The Arctic border between the N American Plate and the Eurasian Plate is red hot as is the border that passes through the Far East. The New Madrid Fault Line at the Seaway outlet as it crosses over to the Azores is likewise red hot. The African Roll is ripping the Mediterranean border and the S American waggle is causing havoc on the Nazca Plate.
Chicago in particular has been the subject of an intense focus by surveillance planes. The waters of southern Lake Michigan area red with Methane emissions too, from ripping rock. The Zetas predicted that Chicago would be devastated during the New Madrid Adjustment.
ZetaTalk Insight 8/1/2023: Why is methane being released from the rock under Lake Michigan? The Great Lakes were formed in the past by the violent ripping apart of the Seaway, which follows weak points in the rock strata. There is a fault line just to the west of Chicago, running diagonally up from the Wabash zone toward the Wisconsin border. This follows the rock strata and passes over the Chicago River, which is the case with most rivers running along a thin spot in the crust. Thus a change in the tilt of tall buildings or a change in GPS location would indicate that this land is being destabilized.
We have predicted that the rock under Chicago will lose support due to pulling apart and dropping during the New Madrid adjustment. That said, what is the Junta looking for when Lake Michigan has underwater Methane burns near Chicago? We have stated that when the Bridge holding the hard rock of the Ozarks to the hard rock of the Appalachian Mountains snaps, that almost “instantaneously” the Azores will rip open, allowing the European tsunami to proceed. How does one get an early warning that this is occurring?
Tall buildings in a city are not constructed with a tilt, though tilts develop over time as the Leaning Tower of Pisa shows. Comparing videos taken day-to-day one can determine that distortion is in process. Particularly along the canals along the Chicago River, there would be changes in the GPS location. In that the New Madrid Fault Line comes up through the Wabash zone and makes a bend just under Lake Michigan to follow the Seaway, these Chicago measurements are a clue that the SE Portion is about to rip away from the Mainland, with a dramatic snap of the clasp at the Bridge.
Taking a clue from the techniques the Junta is using to determine ground movement, an enterprising gent has learned how to use Google Earth Pro (which is live data) to determine if the Toe of the SE Portion is moving. The Zetas stated that the Yucatan Peninsula would move East, as it rides on the SE Portion. He reports:
New Madrid Delays
What is causing the continuous delays in the New Madrid Rupture? This is in the hands of the Council of Worlds, but we seem to be having endless delays. We had the Humming Boxes and the Monoliths holding things back, but then the Council of Worlds was under pressure to return to the original schedule. Everyone has an agenda and priorities differ.
ZetaTalk Insight 8/5/2023: Is the Council of Worlds causing yet another delay in the timing of the New Madrid Rupture? Yes, though this is expected to be brief. We have confirmed in the past that the Council of Worlds allowed benign aliens under their direction to install Humming Boxes along fault lines and Monoliths too, to delay plate and fault line movements. Obama was on the verge of announcing Nibiru’s presence and this truth would have made an immense difference in mankind’s spiritual growth. But Obama “lacked courage” and the soul of Lincoln which was incarnated in Obama at the time left in disgrace.
The Council of Worlds have their own superiors and came under pressure to put the Earth back on schedule, as these delays were impacting other programs. They determined to trigger the New Madrid Rupture with a Severe Wobble, which is now in process. But once again the Council of Worlds got into debates about the best environment for spiritual growth on Earth, which is a school house where young souls are to have opportunities to grow in empathy and take action accordingly.
Enter the China deluge in the Spring of 2023. Just when the path to a New Madrid Rupture was established, as in the recent Run documented by Nancy on the Pole Shift Ning, opportunities in China arose. The CCP in China would let up to 400 million of their citizens drown rather than give them an opportunity to evacuate from lands below the 3 Gorges Dam. A final blowout in China would likely force the 3 Gorges Dam to falter.
From the perspective of the Council of Worlds, more spiritual growth would happen if these 400 million were helping each other, growing in empathy, rather than just drowning quickly. In that the CCP has been exposed and embarrassed by their actions, diverting flood waters from the elite in Beijing rather than warning and evacuating those at risk. With this new media coverage the spiritual battle between Good and Evil, the Service-to-Other orientation of empathy or the self-centered focus on self which is Service-to-Self, can now begin.
Crop Circle Mysteries
Crop Circle designs are compelling and speak to the subconscious, but legitimate designs are polluted by frauds whose agenda is disinformation. Two ways to determine the legitimate designs from the frauds are grain weaving and bent grain that continues to grow at the nodes. Unless there are reports from the ground that node growth in bent grain has been found, the quick assessment has been grain weaving. A recent fraud design laid at KittsLane attempted to simulate grain weaving but failed.
ZetaTalk Insight 8/1/2023: Neither of these Crop Circle designs are legitimate but laid by those who would confuse the legitimate message. The 2023 season started out with only legitimate designs, so those who would confuse the message are rushing to catch up. The Illuminati Eye design at KittsLane has notable grain crossing in an attempt to push past the grain weaving test, but the alternative direction of the wave is done by human hand swiping grain over that swept earlier. Broom sweeping is done in this manner, with the sweeper going side to side as they move along.
The Combehill hoax is attempting to discredit the legitimate 5 Day design, but Combehill has no compelling message and only seems to be saying that all 5 Day periods will be normal. Combehill also has no grain weaving or grain crossing sweeping.
Do the Circle Makers have rock group favorites? It would seem they like the Led Zeppelin group, as the identical design laid in 1990 reappeared. Could this be related to the new remix album cover?
ZetaTalk Insight 8/1/2023: Who do the Circle Makers speak to? All of mankind, but as with UFO displays and clear evidence of Nibiru’s presence, mankind presents a broad audience with varied interests. Both the original and redone Led Zeppelin designs are legitimate and are now getting lots of attention from the crowd that loves their compelling music. These are timeline designs, the first laid in 1990 before ZetaTalk was on the web.
What is intuitively obvious in the design is that Nibiru is larger than the Earth, and its influence greater the closer it comes. Its influence will subsume the Earth to such a degree that by the time of the Pole Shift it will paralyze the Earth for a week for a complete rotation stop. Nibiru sweeps in a retrograde manner, which in the view from the Sun is clockwise. We suggest that those new to these concepts kick back and listen to some Zeppelin while they contemplate the Zeppelin design.
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