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Comment by Chris Harris on March 27, 2012 at 9:37pm

@ Pete Dee: I too have been unable to access LISS but when I changed my link to :

then I have had success....

Comment by Sevan Makaracı on March 27, 2012 at 4:30pm

Another amplitude around 11 Utc

Comment by Muzz on March 27, 2012 at 1:39am

With the Wobble getting worse, the evidence would be in the ocean as well...

Rugby team swept out to sea

One dead, five missing as rugby team swept out to sea in South Africa

  • Team cooling off after training session; swept away
  • Rescuers saved 15 people, who were taken to hospital
  • Air force helicopter joined police dive unit and lifeguards

The players were cooling off in the sea in Bluewater Bay, in the southern city of Port Elizabeth, following the practice session when they were suddenly swept away by a strong current.

"Motherwell Rugby Club wishes to announce that 6 of our players drowned at Bluewaterbay beach yesterday," the club posted on Facebook. "1 drowned, 5 are still missing and feared dead."

Rescuers managed to save 15 people, who were taken to the hospital and treated for shock.

"Everything was peaceful, the sea was calm and they were up to their chests in the water," rescuer Brendon Helm told the News24 website. "The next moment we just saw arms and hands in the air as the current swept them away."

"It is something I will always remember," he added. "Only eight of us and 21 desperate people with wide open eyes begging to come out. Some of us took out two or three at a time and almost got into trouble ourselves."

An air force helicopter joined a police dive unit and lifeguards to search for the missing players today, South Africa's National Sea Rescue Institute said.


This highlights the proof that the Earth Wobble has become worse, it has intensified.  It is not too difficult now to understand that the ships on the oceans are at grave risk of the same fate as the Costa Concordia - which was Wobble related as well.  As per ZetaTalk

Comment by Sevan Makaracı on March 27, 2012 at 12:03am
Comment by Stra on March 26, 2012 at 6:56pm

Here's a bit that I cropped out from the SSEC images:


Clouds go their way, while the land goes up and then to the left.


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