
Weather Wobble

Jet Stream tornados

Siberian Freeze Weather Wobble

Wild weather , [2]

Wobble Clouds

Hurricane development

Violent Push

Weather & ocean currents

Europe Weather

Tides and Whirlpools:

Storm Clash whirlpools

Lurch of earth

Tides , [2]


Wobble Sloshing


"We warned at the start of ZetaTalk, in 1995, that unpredictable weather extremes, switching about from drought to deluge, would occur and increase on a lineal basis up until the pole shift. Where this occurred steadily, it has only recently become undeniable. ZetaTalk, and only ZetaTalk, warned of these weather changes, at that early date. Our early warnings spoke to the issue of global heating from the core outward, hardly Global Warming, a surface or atmospheric issue, but caused by consternation in the core. Affected by the approach of Planet X, which was by then starting to zoom rapidly toward the inner solar system for its periodic passage, the core was churning, melting the permafrost and glaciers and riling up volcanoes. When the passage did not occur as expected in 2003 because Planet X had stalled in the inner solar system, we explained the increasing weather irregularities in the context of the global wobble that had ensued - weather wobbles where the Earth is suddenly forced under air masses, churning them. This evolved by 2005 into a looping jet stream, loops breaking away and turning like a tornado to affect the air masses underneath. Meanwhile, on Planet Earth, droughts had become more intractable and deluges positively frightening, temperature swings bringing snow in summer in the tropics and searing heat in Artic regions, with the violence of storms increasing in number and ferocity."



From the ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for February 4, 2012:


The wobble seems to have changed, as the temperature in Europe suddenly plunged after being like an early Spring, Alaska has its coldest temps ever while the US and much of Canada is having an extremely mild winter. India went from fatal cold spell to balmy again. Has the Earth changed position vs a vs Planet X to cause this? [and from another] Bitter cold records broken in Alaska - all time coldest record nearly broken, but Murphy's Law intervenes [Jan 30] Jim River, AK closed in on the all time record coldest temperature of -80°F set in 1971, which is not only the Alaska all-time record, but the record for the entire United States. Unfortunately, it seems the battery died in the weather station just at the critical moment. While the continental USA has a mild winter and has set a number of high temperature records in the last week and pundits ponder whether they will be blaming the dreaded "global warming" for those temperatures, Alaska and Canada have been suffering through some of the coldest temperatures on record during the last week.

There has been no change in the wobble pattern, the wobble has merely become more severe. Nancy noted a Figure 8 format when the Earth wobble first became noticeable, in early 2005, after Planet X moved into the inner solar system at the end of 2003. The Figure 8 shifted along to the east a bit on the globe between 2005 and 2009, (the last time Nancy took its measure) as Planet X came closer to the Earth, encountering the magnetic N Pole with a violent push earlier in the day. But the pattern of the Figure 8 remained essentially the same. So what changed recently that the weather patterns became noticeably different in late January, 2012?

The N Pole is pushed away when it comes over the horizon, when the noon Sun is centered over the Pacific. This regularly puts Alaska under colder air, with less sunlight, and thus the historically low temps there this January, 2012 as the wobble has gotten stronger. But by the time the Sun is positioned over India, the N Pole has swung during the Figure 8 so the globe tilts, and this tilt is visible in the weather maps from Asia. The tilt has forced the globe under the hot air closer to the Equator, warming the land along a discernable tilt demarcation line.

The next loop of the Figure 8 swings the globe so that the N Pole moves in the other direction, putting the globe again at a tilt but this time in the other direction. This tilt is discernable in weather maps of Europe, again along a diagonal line. Depending upon air pressure and temperature differences, the weather on either side of this diagonal line may be suddenly warm or suddenly cold. The tilt and diagonal line lingers to affect much of the US and Canada, but the Figure 8 changes at this point to be an up and down motion, pulling the geographic N Pole south so the US is experiencing a warmer than expected winter under a stronger Sun. Then the cycle repeats, with the magnetic N Pole of Earth pushed violently away again as the Sun is positioned over the Pacific.


From the ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for April 6, 2013:


Would the Zetas be able to let us know what is causing the early break-up of the Arctic Ice, the ice seems to have taken on a swirling pattern at the same time, would this be wobble related? [and from another] The ice in Canada’s western Arctic ripped open in a massive “fracturing event” this spring that spread like a wave across 1,000 kilometres of the Beaufort Sea. Huge leads of water – some more than 500 kilometres long and as much as 70 kilometres across – opened up from Alaska to Canada’s Arctic islands as the massive ice sheet cracked as it was pushed around by strong winds and currents. It took just seven days for the fractures to progress across the entire area from west to east. [and from another] A high-pressure weather system was parked over the region, producing warmer temperatures and winds that flowed in a southwesterly direction. That fueled the Beaufort Gyre, a wind-driven ocean current that flows clockwise. The gyre was the key force pulling pieces of ice west past Point Barrow, the northern nub of Alaska that protrudes into the Beaufort Sea.

The Figure 8 formed by the N Pole during the daily Earth wobble has shifted somewhat to the East, due to Planet X positioned more to the right of the Earth during its approach. This was anticipated, and well described in ZetaTalk, the Earth crowding to the left in the cup to escape the approach of Planet X, so the angle between these two planets would change slightly. This shift of the Figure 8 to the East is due to the push against the Earth’s magnetic N Pole occurring sooner each day than prior. Thus instead of occurring when the Sun is high over the Pacific, over New Zealand, it is now occurring when the Sun is high over Alaska. All the wobble points have shifted eastward accordingly.

This has brought a lingering Winter to the western US, and a changed sloshing pattern to the Arctic waters. Instead of Pacific waters being pushed through the Bering Straits into the Arctic when the polar push occurs, the wobble is swinging the Arctic to the right, and then later to the left, creating a circular motion in the waters trapped in the Arctic. Since the Earth rotates counterclockwise, the motion also takes this path. This is yet another piece of evidence that the establishment is hard pressed to explain. They are attempting to ascribe this to high pressure and wind, all of which are not new to the Arctic, but this circular early breakup of ice in the Arctic is new.

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Comment by KM on November 13, 2016 at 11:19am

Roads blocked by snow in parts of Algeria

Fatal accidents, floods, roads cut by snow

“It is cold, rain and snow have fallen in abundance on several regions of the country. These incidents caused several fatal accidents on the roads …. at least 8 people were killed and 48 others injured in road accidents in several parts of the country.

“Road traffic in the capital has been severely disrupted by inclement weather and interminable traffic jams have formed around the main roads in Algiers.

“In the west of the country, the army had to intervene to reopen roads, blocked by snow, especially in Sidi Bel Abbes.”

Comment by KM on November 11, 2016 at 1:36pm

Hogs and chickens survive Pemberton flood as farmers survey damage to crops

North Arm Farm's owners managed to rescue their livestock, but concerns loom over submerged crops

Emma Sturdy

Emma Sturdy, 22, says the flooding from the rising Lillooet river became noticeable around 9 a.m. PT on Wednesday; she responded quickly to get animals and equipment on a raised mound. (Jon Hernandez/CBC)

When farmer Emma Sturdy noticed that the Lillooet river was rising, she knew she had to act fast.

The river runs behind her family's North Arm Farm, and within a half hour, the water overcame the banks of the river.

Lillooet River

Within eight hours the Lillooet river overcame the riverbanks and submerged the North Arm Farm, says Sturdy. (Jon Hernandez/CBC)

Eight hours later, parts of the farm were more than a meter below water.

Big Bertha

This nameless big black hog rests on a mound of dirt and hay that the owner of the North Arm Farm first erected after a major flood hit Pemberton in the early nineties, and it came in handy when the town started flooding Wednesday. (Jon Hernandez/CBC)

Sturdy and her crew had little time to relocate all their animals and equipment onto a large mound — a compacted pile of dirt and hay — that was erected after a similar flood devastated the farm in the early 90s.


Rows of kale were partially submerged by the flooding, leaving the plants caked with sediment; however, kale is resilient and will likely still be harvested, says Sturdy. (Jon Hernandez/CBC)

"When you have to move 25 pallets of vegetables, remove our hydro pumps... get all our machines on top of the mound, and move all our animals — it's really a big task," said Sturdy.

Chickens coop

Chickens gaze at their flooded coop. (Jon Hernandez/CBC)

Rescue efforts included shuffling chickens out of a coop on a rowboat to the mound as the flooding started to threaten the livestock.

Brussel Sprouts

Rows of brussel sprouts are also submerged by the flooding. (Jon Hernandez/CBC)

"It seems a bit ridiculous, but I'm glad we did it because we would have lost a lot of chickens."

Pigs mound

The large hog Pemby rests on the mound, after she decided to make a swim for it when the flooding peaked. (Jon Hernandez/CBC)

At one point, Pemby — a giant hog named after the music festival, where she was rescued from a dumpster — was sitting safe and sound atop the mound before attempting to swim back to her pen out of sheer panic and homesickness, says Sturdy.

"It was just exceptional — the water was freezing and this pig was just so determined to go back home.... it was pretty crazy to see."


Sturdy and her family shuttle workers and visitors to and from the farm via canoes and quads after extensive flooding left the front lawn submerged. (Jon Hernandez/CBC)

Crop rows

The flooding extends well throughout the various crops grown at the North Arm Farm, located on the Sea-to-Sky Highyway, just east of Permberton. (Jon Hernandez/CBC)

All the animals were saved in the flood, but the same cannot be said for the North Arm Farm's crops, as rows of garlic and artichokes remain submerged.

Flooded farm

At one point, five feet of water flooded the backyard of the North Arm Farm. (Jon Hernandez/CBC)

Sturdy hopes the damage will be minimal in the end, and that the city's dyke system will eventually be extended to protect farms outside of the town's centre.

Comment by KM on November 11, 2016 at 1:29am

Floods and Landslides Affect Thousands in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand

Severe flooding has been reported in areas of Peninsular Malaysia, northern Indonesia and southern and central Thailand over the last few days.

Over 7,000 people have been affected in Aceh, Indonesia and over 20,000 in four states in Thailand, including the southern states of Krabi and Satun.

Parts of Penang state in Malaysia have been flooded for the fourth time in a matter of weeks. Landslides have also been reported in the state.


Indonesia’s National Disaster Mitigation Agency, or BNPB reports that at least 7,300 people from 2,143 families have been affected by flooding in five sub-districts in Aceh Jaya district, Aceh.

Heavy rain fell from Sunday 06 November causing flooding by early Monday 07 Novemner in Jaya, Darul Hikmah, Indra Jaya, Sampoiniet and Setia Bakti subdistricts. In some areas flood water is 150 cm deep.

Temporary shelters have been set up for those displaced and a joint team including Military, Aceh Police, Disaster Agency personnel, Red Cross and volunteers, is working in the area to ensure the health and safety of any flood victims. No injuries or fatalities have been reported.

Further heavy rain has been falling in the area and the number of displaced is expected to grow.


Banda Aceh recorded 71.5 mm of rain in 24 hours ending 08 November 2016. Meulaboh recorded 70 mm during the same period.

Heavy rain also fell in Riau Province, with Tanjung Pinang recording 110 mm in 24 hours to 08 November.


Thailand’s Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM) reported on 06 November that over 6,000 households have been affected by flooding in the central provinces of Kanchanaburi and Phetchaburi, and the southern provinces of Krabi and Satun. Heavy rain was also reported in the southern province of Rangong, where Rangong Town recorded 77.3 mm in a 24 hour period, 06 to 07 November 2016.

A total of 59 villages in the four provinces have been affected by floods. Landslide has also been reported, but no injuries or fatalities.

Flooding in Phetchaburi City began on 02 November, affecting around 2,000 households. Military personnel have since been working with city officials and the provincial disaster prevention and mitigation department to drain water and distribute supplies to flood-hit areas.

As of 06 November, DDPM said that water levels in Phetchaburi, as well as Kanchanaburi and Satun, have started to recede and the flood situation in Krabi remains stable.

However, further heavy rain has fallen in several areas across central parts of the country, with more flooding possible. Earlier today, Bangkok Post reported flooding in the central provinces of Samut Prakan, Nonthaburi and Nakhon Pathom.


WMO figures for rainfall in Thailand for a 24 hour period, 07 to 08 November 2016

  • Bangna Agromet – 76.6 mm
  • Huai Pong Agromet – 51.5 mm
  • Kabinburi – 68.0 mm
  • Suphan Buri – 74.0 mm
  • Chaiyaphum – 53.1 mm
  • Buri-Ram – 61.8 mm


Parts of Penang state in Peninsular Malaysia have seen further flooding and landslides over the last 2 days. Some reports say this is the fourth time in a matter of weeks. Heavy rain since early on 07 November caused landslides and flooding.

The town of Teluk Bahang is currently the worst affected. A landslide along a main road there has left the town cut off. Work on clearing the debris in ongoing and it is expected that the road will soon re-open.

Local media report that flood water is as deep as 80 cm in some areas. Although the situation is causing hardship and inconvenience for thousands of residents, as of 08 November, there are no reports of injuries,  fatalities, displacements or evacuations from Malaysia’s National Disaster Management Agency 


During a 24 hour period, 06 to 07 November, Bayan Lepas in Penang recorded 49.4 mm of rain and Butterworth, Penang, 76.8 mm.

Comment by jorge namour on November 6, 2016 at 10:48pm

Bad weather, two violent tornadoes ravage Rome: houses destroyed, two deaths and several injuries [PHOTOS and VIDEO LIVE] - ITALY

November 6, 2016

Bad weather, Rome to its knees suburbs devastated by two tornadoes, at least two dead and several wounded. All images and real-time updates


The violent storm that hit Rome in the late afternoon was accompanied by two tornadoes, one went through all the northern outskirts of the city, from the north / west to south / east, following the trajectory of the cold front. The air vortex with winds exceeding 160km / h has formed to Anguillara Lake Bracciano and has different path kilometers up to Cesano, thus arriving at the gates of the capitaL.

Another tornado struck the coast, in the Ladispoli area. The center of Rome was spared by the tornado, but were violent hinterland Capitoline and caused extensive damage whose estimate is still ongoing in these minutes

The budget is very serious: in Ladispoli occurred the collapse of two of the eight floors of a building in Via Ancona, in the city center, resulting in one death and several injuries.

One of the victims' was caused in Ladispoli by the collapse of the exterior walls of the top two floors of a building via Ancona, he broke the fury of the wind.

The debris that have hit the road and have invested a man, killing him. Another man died in Cesano, following the fall of a tree that crushed him. The man was 74 years old.

Comment by Mark on November 6, 2016 at 2:30pm

Giant natural snowballs as big as basketballs discovered on remote beach

A huge collection of giant snowballs - made by nature- have suddenly appeared on the Arctic coast of Siberia.

The balls described as 'white cannonballs' by one local newspaper, were discovered on a beach around the remote village of Nyda in the Gulf of Ob, at the mouth of the world's seventh longest river.

They range in different sizes from the size of a tennis ball to basketballs and the perfect snowman's head.

Resident Ekaterina Chernyk said: 'We have them all in one place. It's as if someone spilled them.'

'We were all very surprised. Many people believed it only when they saw it with their own eyes.'

Village official Valery Akulov said: 'Even old-timers say they are seeing this phenomenon for the first time.'

Comment by KM on November 2, 2016 at 5:23pm

Yakutia residents slaughter animals because of snow disaster

Yakutia residents slaughter animals because of snow disaster. 59165.jpeg

A heavy snowfall in northern Yakutia set a record of thirty years with five times monthly precipitation norm. Local residents were forced to slaughter horses due to difficulties with the organization of winter camps for cattle. 

According to, communication between the regional center and villages was interrupted because of snowy weather. Yakutia's Minister for Agriculture Peter Alekseyev recommended district authorities should search for suitable pastures for horses and observe emaciated animals. The works to clear roads of snow to reach forage locations have already begun.

Horses are unable to feed themselves because of deep snow. The locals had to slaughter young horses because of negative weather conditions. 

According to Yakutsk.Ru, snow has covered houses up to the roof; classes at schools and kindergartens have been canceled. In the south-west of the republic, gusts of wind reach up to 10-15 meters per second.


Comment by KM on November 1, 2016 at 12:30pm

Halloween Surprise: Rare Tropical Storm Forms in Mediterranean Sea

A tropical storm was a Halloween surprise in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.

High surf pounded the coast of Malta before the storm made the tropical transition.

There have been Mediterranean hurricanes ("Medicanes") documented.

A tropical storm formed Halloween weekend, not in the typical Atlantic or Pacific, but in the Mediterranean Sea.

This rather strange sequence of events began as an area of low-pressure dropped southward from southern Europe and became temporarily left behind by the jet stream over the central Mediterranean Sea south of the Italian coast.

By Saturday, Oct. 29, a non-tropical low pressure center formed east of Malta, a group of islands between Sicily and the coast of Libya over the weekend. 

RGB composite satellite image of the Mediterranean storm as it was making the transition to a subtropical storm on October 30, 2016, at 12:00 UTC.

The next day, thunderstorms became more clustered near the low-pressure center to warm the mid levels of the atmosphere sufficiently to morph the system into a subtropical storm. 

A subtropical storm displays features of both tropical and non-tropical systems, including a broad wind field, no cold or warm fronts, and generally low-topped thunderstorms displaced from the center of the system. 

Infrared satellite loop of the Mediterranean subtropical, then tropical storm on Oct. 30-31, 2016.  

Soon after, the clusters of storms became even more tightly concentrated, and the atmosphere warm enough that this low actually became a tropical storm.

Comment by jorge namour on October 31, 2016 at 11:52pm

Severe Weather Europe

*world weather* Terrifying photos of the car struck by lightning in Eilat, Israel on Oct 27th. WOW!

Comment by jorge namour on October 28, 2016 at 3:52pm


From a Facebook link: Quote: Its windy dusty in cairo
Red dust
In some places . It is not normal to see red colours

We v been having red clouds in egypt

UPDATED: 13 killed, tens injured as heavy rains cause accident south of Cairo

Rains flood a street in the Red Sea city of Ras Gharib, Thursday, October 27, 2016

Thirteen people were killed and tens of others wounded as a result of torrential trains hitting several Egyptian governorates since Thursday, the health ministry and Ahram Arabic website said.

Six people were killed and 30 others wounded early on Friday when two buses and three vehicles drowned in the water flooding a highway connecting the governorates of Qena and Sohag, some 500km south of Cairo, according to the health ministry.

Authorities closed off the road in both directions after many vehicles had been trapped by the waters, a provincial official told Ahram Arabic news website.

Twenty-six ambulances were rushed to the scene of the accident, Ahmed Al-Ansary, head of the ambulance authority, told Ahram Arabic news website.

Seven others were killed and 18 injured in the city of Ras Gharib, in the northern part of the Red Sea governorate, as a result of heavy rains hitting the area.

At least one person has been missing since Thursday, an Ahram Arabic reporter added.

Heavy rains flooded several Red Sea and Upper Egypt governorates on Wednesday and Thursday. The capital Cairo has been spared the unstable weather conditions.

Severe floods, thunder and lighting hit Eilat - ISRAEL

28.10.16 ,,7340,L-4871361,00.html

In just one night, an entire season’s worth of rain floods southern port city of Eilat, temporarily crippling local airport activities, drenching the streets and forcing authorities to indefinitely shut down roads; hotel staff forced to contend with flooded dining hall.

Tractors sent to remove huge qunatities of water (Photo: Meir Ochion)

Heavy rains swept across Eilat overnight Thursday, causing serious flooding and forcing the local airport to announce an indefinite closure due to dangerous quantities of water on the runways.

Booms of thunder accompanied the giant lightning bolts that could also be see lighting up the night skies.

A number of other roads leading to hotels in the popular holiday resort were also closed as tractors were deployed in an effort to remove the huge quantities of water drenching the streets across the city.

Floods and sandstorms during Israel's first rains,7340,L-4871184,00.html

Comment by KM on October 27, 2016 at 3:12pm

The drowning village: Indian island could disappear within 10 years due to raging tidal floods that keep engulfing the land 

  • Indian island of Mosuni in the Bay of Bengal is in danger of sinking and disappearing within the next 10 years
  • The land is often hit by raging floods that have destroyed farm land and left thousands of people homeless 
  • Experts say the floods have been caused by bigger than ever tidal waves and 75 per cent of land has sunk 

An Indian island is in danger of sinking and disappearing within 10 years after being hit by raging ideal floods.

Mousuni, an island of the Sundarban Delta Complex in the Bay of Bengal, is drowning along with several others due to fierce floods that have already destroyed 75 per cent of the land.

Experts say the rise in the frequency and intensity of tidal waves are causing the floods, that have left thousands of people homeless.

A woman walks back to her house in the floodwaters which have been engulfing the Indian island of Mousuni in the Bay of Bengal 

A woman walks back to her house in the floodwaters which have been engulfing the Indian island of Mousuni in the Bay of Bengal 

The island is sinking after being hit by a torrent of huge tidal floods that have destroyed much of the land on Mousuni 

The island is sinking after being hit by a torrent of huge tidal floods that have destroyed much of the land on Mousuni 

A man carries bricks across the water. Thousands of people have been made homeless due to the water levels 

A man carries bricks across the water. Thousands of people have been made homeless due to the water levels 

A man stands in thigh high water after flooding almost destroyed his home on the Indian island of Mousuni 

A man stands in thigh high water after flooding almost destroyed his home on the Indian island of Mousuni 

Due to the increasing tidal floods, salt water enter 5kms into the island, making the fertile land almost a wasteland for any cultivation

Due to the increasing tidal floods, salt water enter 5kms into the island, making the fertile land almost a wasteland for any cultivation

A woman sits at the entrance to her home, which is covered in mud following heavy tidal floods in the Bay of Bengal 

A woman sits at the entrance to her home, which is covered in mud following heavy tidal floods in the Bay of Bengal 

When seawater engulfs the shore, some can reach up to three miles inland, destroying any fertile land, meaning people have to try and make a living from fishing.

And now the United Nations has also urged neighbouring Bangladesh to halt the construction of a huge coal-fired power plant nearby, warning of a serious threat to the delicate eco-system.

The UN's culture and science agency UNESCO said there was a high chance pollution from the plant would 'irreversibly damage' the Sundarbans, which straddles the border of India and Bangladesh and is home to endangered Bengal tigers and rare dolphins.

It also provides a barrier against storm surges and cyclones that have killed thousands of people in impoverished coastal villages and islands in recent years, and was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997.

Researchers have said that within a decade or so, these islands will have no physical existence due to the flooding 

Researchers have said that within a decade or so, these islands will have no physical existence due to the flooding 

A worried family look on after trying to barricade their home from the raging flood waters on the island of Mousuni 

A worried family look on after trying to barricade their home from the raging flood waters on the island of Mousuni 

A couple try to build their own flood defences in a bid to protect their home from the incoming floods on the island 

A couple try to build their own flood defences in a bid to protect their home from the incoming floods on the island 

The planned 1,320 megawatt Rampal plant, a joint project by India and Bangladesh, would be powered each year by nearly five million tons of coal transported by boat along the ecosystem's fragile waterways.

Scheduled to open in 2018, the plant would also discharge nearly 125,000 cubic metres a day of chemically-tainted water used to cool generators, according to design specifications.

But in a report published last week, UNESCO said the plant's construction would result in a substantial increase in shipping and dredging in the area.

Children play in the flood waters as boats sail in the background. Many have turned to fishing in order to make a living 

Children play in the flood waters as boats sail in the background. Many have turned to fishing in order to make a living 

The United Nations has also urged neighbouring Bangladesh to halt the construction of a huge coal-fired power plant nearby, warning of a serious threat to the delicate eco-system

The United Nations has also urged neighbouring Bangladesh to halt the construction of a huge coal-fired power plant nearby, warning of a serious threat to the delicate eco-system

A man casts his fishing net in the water in a bid to make a catch. Fishing is one of the only viable industries on the island 

A man casts his fishing net in the water in a bid to make a catch. Fishing is one of the only viable industries on the island 

Local people do everything they can to try and keep the floodwaters at bay including trying to make their own flood barriers

It recommended that the plant be relocated 'to a more suitable location, where it would not impact negatively on the Sundarbans'.

UNESCO has asked the government for a progress report by December on the state of conservation of the section of the Sundarbans that is a World Heritage site.

In its report it said the forest was also threatened by the construction of the Farakka Barrage on the river Ganges in the Indian state of West Bengal, which was reducing the flow of fresh water.

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