Located via searching for ZetaTalk on the latest Wikileaks data dump.
To: podesta@law.georgetown.edu, John_mccain@mccain.senate.gov, john_P._holdren@ostp.eop.gov, CROHLFING@ostp.eop.gov
Date: 2014-09-07 18:06
Glaciers melting at alarming rate! Huge uptick in meteor fireballs! Sharp rise in tornadoes, quakes, volcanic eruptions, sinkholes, landslides, melting permafrost, ocean warming.
(Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open!!)
A gigantic hierarchical website of transcribed communications to an American woman, over more than 15 years to date, from benevolent extra-terrestrials, claims that Planet X (or historical Nibiru), four times larger in diameter than Earth and magnetically more than 20 times stronger, is on a long elliptical path now slowly passing between the Sun and Earth --- and does so every 3600+ years. The existence of Nibiru and its long orbit was first revealed by the Jewish-American scholar Zecharia Sitchin in his 1976 book “The 12th Planet” and multiple follow-on authored books all based on his Middle-Eastern archeological hieroglyphic interpretations. Nibiru was first spotted remotely by USA astronomers in 1983 and reported at that time in the Washington Post --- but since has been subject to a governmental coverup.
It is currently hidden in the Sun's glare, but distant photo images have been provided on the website and the internet. As it passes closer to Earth with its long tail of moons and asteroids, likely within the next 24-or-so months, the aliens’ website predicts it will cause a drastic Earth pole shift of about ninety degrees, due to its magnetic strength. This would result per the website in more Earth wobble, then violent mega-earthquakes, super-hurricane winds, worldwide volcanic eruptions, and oceanic sloshing with gigantic tidal waves inundating most low-lying coastal areas and cities, e.g., Netherlands, Denmark, Bangladesh, Singapore, Hong Kong, NYC, LA, Miami. Food, water, electricity, and gasoline distribution would collapse resulting in massive relocations, rampant crime, riots and starvation. Much housing would be destroyed. Melting old poles combined with much warmer oceans due to a hotter Earth core, per the aliens, would cause a greater than 600 foot rise in ocean levels in the following two years. In worst case, as little as ten or twenty percent of the world population might survive.
Exactly when this shift might happen is unclear if all goes as currently projected, but we already have an unusual number of signs. A rise in strong earthquakes, e.g., Chile, New Zealand, Sumatra, northern Japan, Turkey. Increasing volcanic activity occurring worldwide. Alarming glacier melting. Unprecedented land sinking, e.g., Java, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia. Malfunctioning electronic connections for satellites. Bridge and mine collapses. Worldwide RR derailments. Water, sewer and gas line breaks. And much unusual weather: Intractable droughts, with massive crop damage. Unprecedented regional downpours and flooding major regions, e.g., Java, Philippines. Much flooding in unusual spots. Giant sinkholes, e.g., China, Pennsylvania, Florida. Unusual rogue tidal waves. A sharp rise in USA tornadoes. Melting pole ice and glaciers. Recently, huge asteroid hit, e.g., in Russia.
Minor wobbles of the Earth pole positions are occurring per the website. Nibiru's magnetic strength apparently is already stirring the earth environment and appears to be causing some of the climate change/global warming effects, questionably blamed on atmospheric CO2. Leading up to the shift, near-term, they predict more Japanese mega-quakes, a build-up of Midwest USA quakes from Memphis/New Madrid to Buffalo NY, then an early tsunami inundating low portions of the Netherlands, Denmark, and UK.
TAKING STEPS AHEAD OF TIME WOULD BE CRITICAL AS THE SHIFT WOULD TAKE PLACE WITH LIMITED WARNING. This is likely to happen before 2016 or 2017. Many early indicators are occurring as cited above, but mainly, a second (small blob-like) sun will next become visible in daylight by eyesight --- but apparently already visible with multiple moons and trailing dust/rock clouds per select photos (re Nibiru) in the website. There would, according to the alien predictions, be a lean of the North pole leading to three days of darkness for the northern hemisphere. The Internet would begin to malfunction as satellites, oceanic cables fail, as already occurring in the western Pacific. Within four months after the lean, the pole shift would then occur rather suddenly. If this does happen, to survive, food, water, and gasoline especially must be accumulated and stored. And camping equipment with gardening and other tools. Moving far away beforehand, i.e., at least 200 miles and 1000 ft elevation, from low coastal areas would be critical for survival.
Why hasn't Nibiru's existence been publicized? Because leaders in major governments know and have suppressed informing, wanting to avoid panic, hoping perhaps that results would be less than predicted. Severity of damages to Earth depend on where Earth is in its solar system orbit relative to the Nibiru passage. Only a select circle of world and USA leaders are informed and preparing. At some point, the various governments will be forced to openly announce its presence. Any first public announcement by USA/NASA leaders is likely to minimize projections in order to minimize reactionary panic.
All this may seem preposterous, but my extended research over the last dozen-plus years into pre-history, abandoned cities archeology, mythology, past geological catastrophes, such as many underwater civilization remnants, provide ample evidence for past pole shifts. Psychic messengers, Mother Mary apparition messages, UFO/alien communications, English crop circle designs, all are providing warnings specifically time-wise to a pole shift about this current period, based on a frequency pattern of every 3600+ years due to a periodic Nibiru flyby. No direct hit with Earth is anticipated.
For a few historical and geological examples:
1) Niagara Falls gorge was created about 3600 years ago per geologists, 2) Simultaneously, larger northern Canada lakes were created, 3) At that time, also an upward thrust of the Andes happened, 4) Greenland ice cores show volcanic ash layer about 1600+ BC, 5) Tree rings in Irish oak logs in peat bogs show growth stop about 1600+ BC, 6) California Bristlecone pine trees show no growth rings about 1600+ BC, 7) Thera/Santorini eruption occurred about 1600+ BC in Mediterranean, Minoan Crete culture inundated, 8) Shang Dynasty China suffered abrupt end about 1600+ BC due to severe events. 9)Alien messages from the Cassiopaean star system date the last shift specifically as the year 1588 BC--- plus 2014 = 3602 years, and 10) numerous other geological events e.g., about 11,000 years ago, or 3 times 3600 years, there is worldwide geological evidence of horrendous chaos about the time of the disappearance of Atlantis. Also, 4 times 3600 years is one estimate of the time period for inundation of a continent surrounding Easter Island.
NOW, in the spring of 2014, in spite of potential ridicule, I feel an obligation to alert everyone EARLY about the horrible possibilities to let you decide what if anything you will do to prepare. Look for related news, study, then ACT, or deny and ignore, as you see best for you and those you love. For verification, the one best source to review is *zetatalk.com a href="http://zetatalk.com/%3E">http://zetatalk.com/>;*, the gigantic hierarchical website. And, search the Internet using the term “Planet X”
Especially, read these suggested website pages concerning the anticipated pole shift ---
For Evidence: Search Ning Chats archives (use the Search box)
1) Velikovsky & 3600 Signature 2) Passage in Prophecy & Legend 3) The Magnetic Dance between Earth & Planet X 4) English Crop Circle messages 5) Scripted Drama 6) Most Terrible Day
See Safe Locations:
e.g., Kansas safer than most; Florida, NYC, LA, New Orleans, Houston, and other low-lying world cities --- NOT safe
For follow-up: see 1) Ning Chats Archives on website every Saturday PM 2) Troubled Times (for suggested survival steps), and 3) Subscribe to the free weekly Internet Newsletter (published every Sunday AM)
BE CONCERNED FOR OTHERS. FORWARD THIS TO RELATIVES, FRIENDS, MEDIA, ETC. DJSmalter 03/2014 *don.smalter@gmail.com <don.smalter@gmail.com>*
NOTE: “There have been very highly evolved civilizations on this planet. There have been bodies in space which came too close, which caused chaos and destruction. The civilizations were destroyed because evolvement was in technology and not in spiritual growth. CATASTROPHES ARE NEEDED FROM WHICH SOULS LEARN.”
Book Source: Andareon Theory., channeled from a benevolent group Andar
New ZT on the matter:
Why was an email featuring ZetaTalk and its predictions among those included in the limited release of the Podesta emails? Wikileaks had 50,000 such emails, and only released the first 2,050 on October 7, yet this seemingly insignificant email was among them. It was sent by an aging engineer from Kansas, turned corporate consultant, who was doing some blogging in his last days and soon after died of old age. He was no fan of Hillary Clinton. The sender, thus, is insignificant. John McCain and Obama’s Director of Science and Technology, John Holdren, were copied on what was apparently a plea to educate Hillary. The plea of course fell on deaf ears.
That said, why was this email selected to be part of the first Podesta email release? We have repeatedly emphasized that there is a large team of humans and aliens working with each other, what we have called the Transformation Team. Wikileaks under the direction of Assange, as well as Anonymous, DC Leaks, the Panama Papers, the Fulford groups, ZetaTalk and Nancy, Dunford, Putin, the Puppet Master and Trump, and dozens of other teams working quietly behind the scenes are included. These humans work in close coordination with various Service-to-Other alien groups, under the direction of the Council of Worlds.
This particular email, number 447, was included to expedite the Awakening into the alien presence as well as to push the reality of Nibiru into the media. The media of course is combing through these newly released emails, looking primarily for newsworthy dirt on Hillary. They will stumble upon this email, get educated, get curious, and perhaps mix this in with their reports. Why was this individual, Don Smalter, so impressed with ZetaTalk? He was no slouch, advised corporations including those on Wall Street, and had an engineering background. The media is being given an EXCUSE to talk about these subjects.
Prosecutors Unable to Bring Charges Against Suspected WikiLeaks ‘Vault 7’ Source (May 15, 2018)
Joshua Adam Schulte, 29, worked in the CIA’s Engineering Development Group and has now been named as a suspect in the leaking of information [Vault 7] related to cyber-tools being used for espionage operations.
“But despite months of investigation, Schulte has not been indicted for any charge related to the leaks, which represented one of the largest unauthorized releases of CIA information in history,” the Hill reports.
The suspect’s home was searched last year with prosecutors seizing handwritten notes and electronic devices, yet they have still come up empty handed.
ZetaTalk Insight 3/11/2017:
Will the CIA ever find the mole in the agency that handed over the documents? Giving lie detector tests and injections with truth serum will not locate this mole, as he/she does not exist. Nor will the FBI find any such person or route by which the documents might have been smuggled out of the CIA headquarters. Despite metal detectors at entry and exit points, and despite checking all transmissions from every possible electronic port, no such smuggling will be found. They may find some poor soul to be used as a scapegoat, and claim all is now secure, but it will be a lie.
http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue546.htm ("CIA Spyware")
"WL" is Q abbreviating Wikileaks. The enigmatic Q asks:
Expand your thinking.
Who leaked Vault7 to WL?
ZetaTalk Insight 3/11/2017:
Then how did Assange of Wikileaks get this treasure trove of information? He claims this was by the hand of now retired CIA agents or contractors, but what else is he to say without being accused of being insane? The truth is, as we have asserted before in ZetaTalk, that we did it, ourselves, the Service-to-Other Zetas and other benign aliens working on behalf of the Council of Worlds.
http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue546.htm ("CIA Spyware")
Thank you, Nancy and the Zetas for this great information! What a prong! We should definitely see some progress in the
ongoing task of enlightenment.
I think Starr is correct, it is the guy in Kansas who is deceased. Same guy as the one I found, as the Kansas guy also lived in Jupiter, Florida, retired there. Hailed from Kansas. Just a blogger in his last days, and not a fan of Hillary from one of his posts. I did a people search on the email addy and came up with the Kansas address.
I checked on his gmail. Seems to be a guy who is into aliens etc.
More likely this Donald Smalter, I think he handled her speech schedule, and gave her advice. http://www.zoominfo.com/p/Donald-Smalter/41198043
Donald SmalterBusiness Specialists: Commercial business brokerage agents in Palm Beach, FloridaPrior to his involvement in Business Brokerage in Florida starting in 1994, Don was involved in acquisition activity both in large corporations and on Wall Street.For example, he led the structuring of three small company leveraged buyouts (LBOs) in the Northeast.As the acquisition-responsible executive in several major corporation, he led efforts to successfully acquire more than fifteen private and /or public companies operating in a wide variety of industries, ranging from consumer-related to technology-oriented firms. Prior to his acquisition responsibilities, Don served in a number of positions in operations supervision, engineering and construction, corporate management, research, and product/process development, as well as in Wall Street financing, investment banking, and money management.He has held the title of Assistant to the President (Freeport Minerals). and Vice President of Corporate Planning (WR Grace). Don has published fifteen articles on planning and acquisitions, including two in the Harvard Business Review, with seven republished in books.He was listed in Who's Who in Finance 1992/3.He is the proud father of five adult children and currently lives in Jupiter. Donald Smalter
Nancy Post Script: The Wiki files do not have any more from don.smalter@gmail.com so this is perhaps just an oddlot person. This email address does show up on a New Age site talking about reincarnation and the like. Same writing style. The person that wrote the email is not important thus. The fact that it got included in the first Wiki dump of the Podesta files is.
Moving a discussion on the Q&A to this blog. Here's what Ann Eller and Starr wrote:
Can you tell us who Don Smalter is and does he carry any weight with those he sent the email to?
Here is Don Smalter obituary. He was dead 5 months after the email.
This is an exciting development Nancy. Thank you!
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