Japan: A new island appears in the Ogasawara Islands - November 2013

Active volcanoes (Sep 28, 2012)



"Of course all volcanoes will explode, as this is going to be a very severe pole shift. What about the months and years preceding the pole shift? It is no secret that Mammoth Lake and the caldera of Yellowstone are warming up, and the populace has been prepared for these occurrences by the movie Volcano where there, in the middle of LA, lava is bubbling up. In fact, there is a fault line running from the approximate San Diego/LA area, up into the Sierras, and this is liable to rupture rather violently during one of the quakes that precedes the pole shift by some months. Volcanic eruptions from that area in the Sierras can be expected. Will Mount St. Helen erupt? All volcanoes that have been active within the memory of man will begin spewing and burping and oozing, and many that were not expected to become active will reactive. "   ZetaTalk - Feb 15, 2000

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Comment by Sevan Makaracı on September 3, 2011 at 12:05pm

SEP 02 :

Indonesia - Mt.Tambora volcano in Indonesia has been raised to level 2 alert :


Tambora volcano in Indonesia has been raised to level 2 alert (out of maximum 4) after an increase in volcanic earthquakes. In April 2011 there were 37 shallow volcanic earthquakes recorded, 167 in May, 277 in June, 363 in July, and 141 from 1-29 August. Continuous tremor was recorded on 29 and 30 August. Tourists and locals are advised to avoid the summit area of Tambora volcano. In 1815 Tambora had one of the largest eruptions on earth in the past 1000 years and ejected 100-150 cubic km of lava.


Comment by Sevan Makaracı on August 29, 2011 at 2:10pm


Ash thrown up by Russian Shiveluch volcano forces air traffic reroute :


Ash thrown kilometres into the sky by an increasingly active volcano in a remote Russian Pacific coast territory has forced a reroute of international air traffic, government officials said Monday, dpa reported.

A column of smoke and ash from the volcano Shiveluch, located in the centre of Russia's rugged Kamchatka peninsula, has reached an altitude of 8.6 kilometres and poses a threat to aircraft, officials at Russia's National Geophysical Service (RNES) told Interfax.

The ash discharges were increasing in intensity and volume over the weekend. The RNES is now rating Shiveluch at level orange, one step below its most dangerous rating, red.

The Monday ash column was the most significant in a month and was accompanied by rock slides and an increase in the size of a rock dome known to contain lava, the report said.

The flight advisory aside, the volcano currently does not threaten human life or property, in part because the closest village to Shiveluch is some 45 kilometres' distant, officials said.

Shiveluch is one of the Pacific region's most active volcanoes. Its last catastrophic eruption was in 1956. Its last major eruption was in 1964.

After several decades of relative dormancy the volcano started showing signs of growing activity in 2006.

Shiveluch's increasing ash emissions are a sign of rising pressure. However, it is impossible to predict when the volcano might erupt, RNES spokesmen have said.



Comment by Sevan Makaracı on August 29, 2011 at 2:07pm


Pakistan, Leepa Valley : Traces of a ‘smoking’ volcano, appearing in the famous picturesque Leepa Valley and adjacent Kayserkot rural belt confirmed by a team of geological experts


ISLAMABAD: Traces of a ‘smoking’ volcano, appearing in the famous picturesque Leepa Valley and adjacent Kayserkot rural belt confirmed by a team of geological experts of AJK university that had alarmed the local population, have yet to evoke any safety response either from the AJK or the Federal governments.

A team of experts from AJK university – Prof Dr Muhammad Saber, Prof Dr Muhammad Rustum Khan, Saleem Mughal and Fahad Hussain - after examining pieces of rocks and visiting the area had confirmed the ‘seepage of lava’ in the mountains besides discovering a fault line in the area.

The team’s on-the-spot soil and rocks examination led it to its conclusion of an ‘any-time’ eruption of an earthquake in the Valley. But the team did not disclose the level of quake intensity or disaster extensity.

Leepa Valley is a beautiful geographic platter close to the Line of Control in the Karnah zone (Muzaffarabad) where in 1971 rival armies of Pakistan and India had fought region’s toughest war over commanding ridges. A miraculous brave fight-back by the Pakistan army had finally wrenched back Valley’s highly strategic ridge from the Indians, restoring Leepa’s road link with Reshian-Hattian-Muzaffaabad highway. The memories of that brave fight by the Pakistan army live on. Even today the locals pay their richest homage and respect to the bravest martyrdom of the Leepa Valley war hero Col Kiyani from Jhelum/Pakistan.

A month back Srinagar university geology experts had also predicted a devastating earthquake in 2055 (2055) in Kashmir. Experts say that the present geographic contours of high peaks and mountains overlooking plains and valleys in AJK and IHK had emerged as a result of a major earthquake in ancient times. During 2005 AJK earthquake an expert view from the American geologists aired by a Pakistani TV channel had predicted that Muzaffarabad mountains would submerge in the sea waters, making them part of Indonesian islands, but in the distant future. It was their view that Muzaffarabad was once a part of the sea.


Comment by Sevan Makaracı on August 29, 2011 at 1:58pm


California ancient volcano site rattled by swarm of tremors :


(Reuters) - A cluster of mild earthquakes rumbled early on Saturday near Pinnacles National Monument, site of an ancient volcano in central California, and were widely felt in and around the Monterrey Bay area.

The largest of the tremors, measured at a magnitude of 4.6, struck shortly after midnight Friday local time just northwest of Pinnacles, which lies in the San Andreas seismic fault zone about 100 miles southeast of San Francisco Bay, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

Quakes of that size cause noticeable shaking of furniture and some rattling noises, but there were no reports of damage or injuries from Saturday's temblors, which were typical for the seismically active region.

"It's not uncommon to see clusters, or what we call swarms, of earthquakes in many places around California," USGS spokeswoman Leslie Gordon said.

The quake cluster near Pinnacles began at about 11 p.m. and numbered in the dozens. But only seven registered a magnitude 3.0 or higher as of noon on Saturday, USGS data showed.

A National Park Service ranger reached by telephone at Pinnacles, known for its monolithic rock formations, spires and sheer-walled canyons, said the quakes were noticed but shrugged off by residents accustomed to such tremors.

"Most of the residents here felt it, but we're so used to having small earthquakes all the time that it was no big deal," she said.

A USGS mapping system that records citizen reports of where quakes are felt showed the largest of Sunday's tremors was noticed as weak to light shaking throughout the Monterrey Bay region along a 200-mile-long corridor of central California.

The California quake swarm occurred days after a rare 5.8 earthquake shook much of the U.S. East Coast on Tuesday, centered in Mineral, Virginia. That shock damaged the U.S. Capitol and Washington Monument and sent thousands of jittery residents and office workers out onto the streets.


Comment by Sevan Makaracı on August 29, 2011 at 1:52pm


Eartquake swarm in Katla Volcano :


28.08.2011 11:54:44 63.630 -19.308 3.5 km 1.9 58.55 3.1 km WSW of Goðabunga
28.08.2011 11:53:10 63.629 -19.278 3.9 km 0.4 69.86 1.8 km SW of Goðabunga
28.08.2011 11:49:08 63.632 -19.282 4.7 km 1.6 90.04 1.8 km WSW of Goðabunga
28.08.2011 11:49:07 63.603 -19.151 7.6 km 1.4 74.17 3.6 km NW of Hábunga
28.08.2011 11:41:24 63.629 -19.290 4.5 km 2.2 90.05 2.3 km WSW of Goðabunga
28.08.2011 11:40:59 63.632 -19.295 3.9 km 0.9 61.3 2.4 km WSW of Goðabunga
28.08.2011 11:34:22 63.634 -19.292 4.3 km 1.2 90.01 2.2 km WSW of Goðabunga
28.08.2011 11:26:18 63.634 -19.287 3.3 km 0.9 90.02 1.9 km WSW of Goðabunga
28.08.2011 11:24:58 63.631 -19.284 5.2 km 1.6 90.03 2.0 km WSW of Goðabunga
28.08.2011 11:24:40 63.634 -19.278 4.4 km 1.0 51.43 1.5 km WSW of Goðabunga
28.08.2011 11:19:05 63.634 -19.289 4.7 km 0.0 59.94 2.0 km WSW of Goðabunga
28.08.2011 11:15:07 63.628 -19.296 4.8 km 0.6 32.47 2.6 km WSW of Goðabunga
28.08.2011 09:47:52 63.634 -19.196 2.2 km 0.6 99.0 2.7 km ESE of Goðabunga
28.08.2011 09:35:04 63.652 -19.080 0.1 km 1.0 99.0 8.0 km N of Hábunga



Comment by Sevan Makaracı on August 27, 2011 at 10:41am


Chile's Caulle volcano in Puyehue mountain erupted early this morning :


The Caulle Volcano in the Puyehue mountain range in the Ranco Province of the Los Ríos Region erupted early this morning. Media outlets weren’t immediately alarmed and there have been no reports of evacuations or flight delays due to the ash plumes. The alert level remains at red for minor eruptions, according to the Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería de Chile (SERNAGEOMIN). Four low intensity eruptions have been recorded, with three-kilometer high plumes of ash. According to SERNAGEOMIN, “the seismic activity reveals that the eruptive activity of the Caulle range continues with low intensity, with little particle emissions and apparent obstructions that are generating incrementally and with purpose to the tower of ash. The possibilities of an explosive event still remain, however it is unlikely that it will reach the magnitude of the first eruptive phase.” Puyehue, a volcano near Caulle, erupted earlier this year in June, causing evacuations of surrounding areas and many domestic and international flight delays in Chile and Argentina. Clouds of ash reaching Australia and New Zealand also caused flight delays. The volcano hadn’t been active before June since 1960, when an earthquake sparked six-mile high clouds of ash.


Comment by Sevan Makaracı on August 27, 2011 at 10:23am


TAAL VOLCANO BULLETIN, 27 August 2011, 8:00 A.M. :

Taal Volcano’s (14.0000°N, 120.9833°E) seismic network detected one (1) volcanic earthquake during the past 24 hours ......



Comment by Sevan Makaracı on August 27, 2011 at 10:22am


Long Valley Volcanic Center Weekly Update issued Aug 26, 2011 19:09 :


Forty-seven earthquakes occurred in the Mammoth Lakes-Long Valley caldera region in the past week. The most notable, a magnitude 4.2, occurred on August 24 at 4:59 AM. The quake, which produced weak-to-light shaking in Yosemite Village, Mammoth Lakes, Bishop, and Big Pine, was located in the Sierra Nevada about 9 miles SE of of the town of Mammoth Lakes. The event was followed by many aftershocks, but only one of these was above 2.0. Earthquakes were also detected elsewhere in the Sierra south of the caldera (all below magnitude 2.0) and at Mammoth Mountain (3 events all less than magnitude 1.0), in the caldera (a single magnitude 1.0 earthquake ), and in the Volcanic Tableland E-SE of Toms Place (a magnitude 2.5 earthquake).



Comment by Sevan Makaracı on August 27, 2011 at 10:18am


Nigerian authorities and France's Areva group have sent experts to investigate eruptions, smoke and fumes spouting from a mountain in the West Africa :


Nigerian authorities and France's Areva group have sent experts to investigate eruptions, smoke and fumes spouting from a mountain in the West African nation's northern uranium mining district of Arlit, state media said. Earlier this week, residents reported two days of activity. Experts dispatched to take samples found cracks in the mountainside and rocks 400 metres away. There were no reports of injuries or damage to mines. "According to the witnesses who alerted the authorities, when they heard explosions, they initially thought it was an earthquake or a volcanic eruption," state radio said in a report. "The mountain rumbled, giving the impression that it was collapsing. Black smoke rose and there was a smell of gas, as it was coming from fuel," the report added. State radio said local government authorities and geologists and chemists from Areva, which has several uranium mining interests in the region, visited the mountain on Tuesday to take samples. The northeast of Arlit is home to the Air mountains, but volcanic activity in the area is long thought to have ended. There were no further details immediately available.


Comment by Sevan Makaracı on August 25, 2011 at 9:00am


New signs of magma rising underneath El Hierro Volcano, Canary islands :


Well, we've been wondering when we might see more signs of magma rising underneath El Hierro in the Canary Island and now we seem to have got some.

Over the last month, the island/volcano has experienced thousands of earthquakes that have waxed and waned in number, but seem to be increasing over time. A GPS survey of the area effected by the earthquakes has now found deformation - namely inflation - over part of the volcano. This inflation is on the order of ~1 cm over the last 20-25 days according to the Instituto Volcanologico de Canarias. There are also slightly increased carbon dioxide and temperature (above background) at the volcano as well. All of these signs add to up new magma rising in the volcano - so the big question becomes  "does this mean an eruption is around the corner?" Well, my answer to that is a resounding "maybe". Sure, these are all signs of magma emplacement, but there is likely as much chance of it all "stalling" in the crust as an eruption occurring. It will be how these factors - earthquakes, deformation, gas emissions, temperature - change over the next weeks to months that will give us a better idea of whether we will see the first documented eruption at El Hierro since 550 B.C. (or 1793 A.D., depends on if you trust the historical reports from the late 18th century).


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