Japan: A new island appears in the Ogasawara Islands - November 2013

Active volcanoes (Sep 28, 2012)



"Of course all volcanoes will explode, as this is going to be a very severe pole shift. What about the months and years preceding the pole shift? It is no secret that Mammoth Lake and the caldera of Yellowstone are warming up, and the populace has been prepared for these occurrences by the movie Volcano where there, in the middle of LA, lava is bubbling up. In fact, there is a fault line running from the approximate San Diego/LA area, up into the Sierras, and this is liable to rupture rather violently during one of the quakes that precedes the pole shift by some months. Volcanic eruptions from that area in the Sierras can be expected. Will Mount St. Helen erupt? All volcanoes that have been active within the memory of man will begin spewing and burping and oozing, and many that were not expected to become active will reactive. "   ZetaTalk - Feb 15, 2000

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Comment by Howard on September 23, 2016 at 4:48am

Costa Rica's Turrialba Volcano Eruptions Continue (Sep 22)

Over the past few days, Turrialba has had over 20 significant, ash-rich explosions that have ended up closing airports across the country.

The latest eruption on Sep 22 remained constant for nearly 4 hours, spewing ash, gas and vapor almost 3,000 meters (some 9,800 feet) above the crater.

The National University’s Volcanological and Seismological Observatory of Costa Rica (OVSICORI) reported that wind conditions prompted ash to reach northern areas of Heredia and Alajuela provinces. 

Ash also reached the Braulio Carrillo National Park, Guápiles and other communities in the Caribbean province of Limón.





Comment by Howard on September 20, 2016 at 4:35am

Turrialba Volcano Closes Costa Rica Airports (Sep 19)

Two of Costa Rica's airports were closed after Turrialba volcano erupted twice on Monday, sending incandescent rocks and thick ash into the sky.

The first eruption occurred at 2:53 a.m. and lasted about 15 minutes. The explosion launched ashes, gases and incandescent rocks into the air to about 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) above the volcano’s crater, UNA’s Volcanological and Seismological Observatory of Costa Rica (OVSICORI) reported.

The second  explosion occurred at 11:32 a.m. and spewed material about 13,000 feet into the air, the agency said.

OVSICORI volcanologist María Martínez said that after the second explosion, reports were received of ash falling in communities north and west of San José, including Coronado, Moravia, Tibás, Guadalupe, Escazú and as far away as Alajuela province.

Operations at the Juan Santamaria International Airport, the country’s main air terminal, and the Tobias Bolanos airport, were suspended until conditions improve, according to the chief of the Civil Aviation Directorate Ennio Cubillo.

Authorities also considered whether to limit the general aviation activities at the Daniel Oduber International Airport located in the northwest of the Central American nation.





Comment by jorge namour on August 30, 2016 at 3:43pm

Soon to Blow? Iceland’s Katla Volcano Rattled By Unusually Strong Earthquakes



Katla, one of Iceland's largest volcanoes, was rocked by two abnormally strong earthquakes Monday morning, raising concerns that the volcano may soon erupt.

The southern-Iceland volcano has not erupted since 1918, and scientists believe that a violent release is long overdu

In the early hours on Monday the area was hit by magnitude 4.5 and 4.6 quakes, similar to movements it experienced in 2011.

The nearby Eyjafjallajokull volcano erupted in 2010, creating so much dense ash that it shut down a large area of airspace for nearly a week.
Interestingly, the volcano is covered by a large icecap, which would likely delay the eruption for around 60 to 90 minutes, according to Roberts. The delay could give people time to evacuate and assist air traffic control in redirecting aircraft. The ice cap itself presents hazards, though. “The other hazard might be a jökulhlaup, or glacial outburst flood. Melting from the summer within the Myrdalsjökull icecap and that meltwater can accumulate until it spills over as a flood of water, ice, and debris. These have occurred often and do not need to be associated with any volcanic activity,” Wired explained.


Earthquakes, earthquake swarm at Campi Flegrei: Pozzuoli shock, felt by the population - ITALY

August 30, 2016

The seismic swarm was caused by a volcanic phenomenon, namely the lifting of the ground (bradisismo) in place at Campi Flegrei



A very superficial seismic swarm was detected yesterday afternoon at Campi Flegrei: starting at 16:22 (local time) on August 29, 2016, explains the Vesuvius Observatory, "it was recorded a swarm of 40 events in the area of Campi Flegrei. The major energy event, recorded at 17:45, had a magnitude of 1.7. The area affected by the swarm is to Pisciarelli-Solfatara. The depth of the events is approximately 1 km below the sea level. The last event (instrumental) of the swarm was recorded at 18:27 ".

The population, in the afternoon, in the upper area of ​​Pozzuoli near the Solfatara volcano, warned both the roar is the vibration of the ground.

There are no connections to the earthquake in central Italy, as, announces the Vesuvius Observatory, the seismic swarm was caused by a volcanic phenomenon, namely the lifting of the ground (bradisismo) in place at Campi Flegrei.

At the moment is in place a phase of lifting of a few millimeters per year. The most relevant event was recorded last October with a swarm of over center shook with maximum magnitude of 2.3, the occasion felt directly by the people

Comment by M. Difato on August 27, 2016 at 3:54pm

Mt. Sinabung spewed ash 86 times Thursday.
Island focus: Residents told to stay away from Sinabung
The local disaster mitigation agency has warned people living in the vicinity of Mount Sinabung to find safe places because of the danger of hot ash from recent volcanic activities.
On Thursday, Mt. Sinabung spewed ash, leaving hundreds of houses in the districts of Simpang Empat, Berastagi and Dolatrayat covered in volcanic debris.
The three districts are located far to the east of the volcano.
Mt. Sinabung also spewed hot ash the day before.
Igan Sutawidjaja, a researcher with the Volcanology and Geologic Disaster Mitigation Center (PVMBG), said the volcano spewed hot ash 86 times on Thursday.
He predicted the volcano would spew more hot ash in the new few days, most probably to locations east of it.
“The possible direction of the hot ash can be seen from the position of the crater,” he said on Thursday.
Therefore, it is dangerous for people to undertake activities in the vicinity during a volcanic eruption, he added.
Meanwhile, Karo Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPD) official Natanael Perangin-angin said his office strengthened coordination with other institutions in anticipation of potential large-scale eruptions in the coming days.
“We have had coordination meetings with villages surrounding Mt. Sinabung to keep a distance from the ‘red zone’,” Natanael said.
He added the areas included in the danger zone are those within a 3-kilometer radius from the peak of the mountain, 7 km to the south-southeast, 6 km to the southeast-east and 4 km to the northeast.

Comment by Howard on August 17, 2016 at 5:03am

Mexico's Popocatépetl Volcano Erupts 4 Times  (Aug 16)

Popocatépetl volcano erupted 4 times in 24 hours, spewing ash and burning rocks into the air, with 73 volcanic plumes and tectonic earthquakes.

CENAPRED in March raised the environmental alert level to the second degree out of three, meaning nearby residents should be prepared to evacuate.



Comment by Howard on August 17, 2016 at 3:18am

Powerful Explosion at Guatemala's Santa Maria (Santiaguito) Volcano (Aug 16)

A particularly strong explosion occurred this morning sending a massive mushroom-shaped ash plume that reached 20,000 ft. The  immediate surroundings were showered by volcanic blocks and bombs, and collapsing material from the eruption produced avalanches that engulfed the cone on several sides (pyroclastic flows).

The ash plume drifted to the WNW and caused significant ash falls in areas as far as the border with Mexico (e.g. Cacahotàn, 75 km distance). Light ash fall was even recorded in greater distances, e.g. the Mexican town of ​​Soconusco in 145 km distance.

The eruption came bare 48 hours after the previous one on Sunday. It can well be that the volcano is currently entering a phase of particularly increased activity.



Comment by Howard on August 15, 2016 at 4:01pm

Map of currently active volcanoes (Aug 14)

Shiveluch (Kamchatka): The activity of the volcano remains essentially unchanged. Part of the dome collapsed yesterday morning and generated a pyroclastic flow that traveled down the SW valley. The flow reached approx. 1500 m length and was 300-400 m wide. A second flow of similar size occurred immediately after. The resulting ash plume rose approx. 1 km.

Suwanose-jima (Ryukyu Islands): The volcano's activity has picked up again. Since yesterday, webcam images show constant red glow and intense degassing as well as intermittent ash emissions some of which have also been reported by Tokyo VAAC. Most likely, a new phase of intense strombolian activity is currently taking place at the active O-Take crater on the remote island.

Dukono (Halmahera): Continuous ash emissions have been observed during the past days. Satellite images show a plume extending into various directions (to the east today). In short, the intense activity of the volcano observed also during recent visits by various people seems to continue.

Yasur (Tanna Island, Vanuatu): Wellington VAAC reports ash plumes, mostly confined to Tanna Island, visible on satellite imagery today. This suggests that activity at the volcano is elevated at the moment. Volcanic explosions remain intense, volcanic bombs may fall in and/or around the crater and volcanic gas and ashes can also affect some villages.

Aoba (Vanuatu): Wellington VAAC received a pilot report of plumes of white steam and ash rising 1000 ft (300 m) above the active crater lake Voui this morning. The remote location of the volcano's large caldera and its extremely difficult make direct observations very rare. According to GeoHazard, "Aoba probably should be considered at present times as the most dangerous volcano of the archipelago, due to the presence of a large lava lake in the main crater." Strong explosive eruptions have been frequent in the past, generating dangerous mud flows that left thick lahar deposits in the central part of Ambae island and up to the coastlines.

Colima (Western Mexico): The volcano's activity seems to have picked up.. Several explosions occurred today, producing ash plumes that rose to up to 14-18,000 ft (4-6 km) altitude and dispersed into westerly directions. During intervals between eruptions, degassing is visible from several vents inside the summit crater where a  lava dome is likely continuing to grow.

Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): The volcano's activity has been essentially unchanged over the past week. On average, 2-4 explosions have been occurring daily - mostly small events with plumes less than 1 km tall - and about 50-100 pulses of steam emissions ("exhalations").  Glow at night visible from the crater indicates that magma continues to slowly rise and accumulate there.

Santiaguito (Guatemala): The series of strong vulcanian explosions continues. This morning, another one occurred that produced a mushroom-shaped eruption column that rose to approx. 18,000 ft (6 km) altitude. Partially collapsing parts of the eruption column generated moderately large pyroclastic flows on the eastern side and perhaps on the SW slope of the lava dome as well. Ash falls have occurred in nearby towns and villages such as San Felipe and Mazatenango Retalulehu.



Comment by M. Difato on August 11, 2016 at 8:59am

Second eruption in last seven days.

Klyuchevskoy volcano in Russia's Far East sends ash seven kilometers high

PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY, 10 August (BelTA - TASS) - Klyuchevskoy volcano on the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Russian Far East has spewed ash up to seven kilometers into the sky, the Kamchatka Volcanic Response Team (KVERT) told Tass on Wednesday. "The volcano continues erupting. The ash plume has spread 264 kilometers east and southeast of the volcano," its source said. An ‘orange' aviation alert code has been assigned to the volcano, second after the highest - red code, warning about the hazard eruptions may pose to aircraft flying on local and international routes. No ash fall has been registered in settlements of the region, the Kamchatka department of the Russian Ministry for Emergency Situations reports.
Source and full text at: http://eng.belta.by/society/view/klyuchevskoy-volcano-in-russias-fa...

Comment by jorge namour on August 5, 2016 at 7:23pm

Etna, fractures of tens of meters open the volcano [GALLERY] - SICILY- ITALY

August 3, 2016



Volcanologist INGV Catania (Osservatorio Etneo) Boris Behncke has published on its facebook page photos of a glowing fracture in the area between the two cones of the Southeast Crater of Etna. "It's not lava or magma - explains the expert - is the rock heated by the hot gas flow (around 700 ° C). To make I had to increase contrasts and colors red visible .

"it is a single fracture system along a few tens of meters."

https://www.facebook.com/etnawalk/photos/?tab=album&album_id=12... PHOTOS

https://www.facebook.com/etnawalk/videos/1245508412140262/?hc_locat... VIDEO

Comment by M. Difato on August 3, 2016 at 4:58pm

Highest volcano in Eurasia spews ash 7.5 kilometres in the air


The 7,000 year old volcano is the highest mountain in Russia outside the Caucases.

Ash is carried to the north-east. The concrete size of the ash plume is unknown since a large area near the volcano is covered in thick clouds.' Picture: Denis Budkov

Satellite images show the ash column spiralling to 7.5 km above sea level, said the Geological Service in Kamchatka.

'Ash is carried to the north-east. The concrete size of the ash plume is unknown since a large area near the volcano is covered in thick clouds,' said a statement.

So far there are no reports about volcanic ash eruptions in settlements of the Ust-Kamchatsky district, where the volcano is located.

The Klyuchevskoy, also called Klyuchevskaya Sopka, is located 360 km north-west of regional capital Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky in the extreme east of Russia.

The nearest town, Klyuchi, is home to about 5,000 people. The volcano rises 4,750 metres above sea level.

It is one of 29 active volcanoes on the Kamchatka peninsula.

The Klyuchevskoy, also called Klyuchevskaya Sopka, is located 360 km north-west of regional capital Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky in the extreme east of Russia. Picture: The Siberian Times

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