As per Zetas, awakening is happening now! I like to dedicate this blog to capture all UFO related news, videos, etc starting from 1st of January 2012.


I will also present some of the best UFO sightings below just to kick start this blog.


April 2012

UFO Caught From Airplane - Seoul, South Korea - April 07, 2012

February 2012

UFO over Boise, Id 3rd of February 2012







 Indiana, USA







St Petersburg, Russia




Crop Circle forming by UFO


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Comment by bill on January 12, 2012 at 9:35am

4th January 2012 Argentina

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 11, 2012 at 3:56pm

This is from December 30, 2011 in the Netherlands

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 11, 2012 at 3:53pm
Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 9, 2012 at 10:33pm

Pennsylvania triangle UFO: Witness oddly not cold

The triangle UFO dropped to within 10 feet of a neighbor's rooftop and then the object floated quickly away.
The triangle UFO dropped to within 10 feet of a neighbor's rooftop and then the object floated quickly away.

A Pennsylvania witness reports watching a triangle-shaped object with a "low airplane sound" that dropped to within 10 feet of a neighbor's rooftop at 4:39 a.m. on January 4, 2012, and quickly disappeared from view, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness oddly reports that while the outside temperature was 15 degrees, it felt strangely warm during the sighting despite having no hat or gloves on.

The witness originally stepped outside in search of a neighbor who he had planned an early morning hunting trip with. The witness realized the low temperature, but felt warm - and then the object was first noticed.

"I noticed lights appearing from up the street approaching from behind the houses on my side of the street," the witness stated. "As the lights were getting closer, I noticed the craft was descending. At the first instant, I thought it was a plane, but I realized I didn't hear any noise - so I figured the engines did not work and it was about to crash. But as soon as it got directly across the street from my house, I heard a low airplane sound normally like you'll hear when they're real high. But this thing was just above roof about 10 feet."

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 9, 2012 at 10:28pm

  White House Xmas UFO card not a hoax: 2012 UFO disclosure begins
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   22 December 2011
White House Xmas UFO card not a hoax: 2012 UFO disclosure begins
Two days ago i reported on a South Dakota woman who received an Xmas card from the White House that included an image of a UFO in sky above the White House (see first video below). The story created a bit of a buzz on the Internet and that led to false reports of the card being a hoax. This Examiner article, in particular, loudly announced that the card was not real based on an out-of-context reading of one line on the card recipient's Youtube channel. The card is no hoax.
In fact, two more copies of the card with the possible alien craft seen on it have surfaced. I received today the following email from Ms Sunny Azriel, director of  Dimension 5 TV and New Mexico resident, along with images of the card and the UFO:
"A few days ago I, too, received a holiday greeting card from the Obama family. To be frank, I didn't notice anything strange about it until I saw your post THEN I looked at the card I had received, and, OMG, there's the UFO!!!!! The Yiddish word 'Farklempt' (overwhelmed) comes to mind :o) However, it seems to me that the UFO in the card I received is farther away from the White House than the one you posted below and I'd love your take on this."
Meanwhile the recipient of the card that started all of this, Ms Dawn Brown-Eyes of Pine Ridge, South Dakota has uploaded a video onto YouTube comparing her copy of the card to copies without the UFO, where astonishingly it looks as if the possible alien craft has been airbrushed out.
It has also now been confirmed that, contrary to erroneous reports, this particular card design has been sent out to thousands of households.
So what's the significance of all of this? It appears that the White House is under enormous pressure over the issue of UFO disclosure. While we might debate the extent of knowledge and involvement the White House has with aliens, one thing
Comment by bill on January 9, 2012 at 10:24am

8th January 2012 Samnanger, Norway

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