As per Zetas, awakening is happening now! I like to dedicate this blog to capture all UFO related news, videos, etc starting from 1st of January 2012.


I will also present some of the best UFO sightings below just to kick start this blog.


April 2012

UFO Caught From Airplane - Seoul, South Korea - April 07, 2012

February 2012

UFO over Boise, Id 3rd of February 2012







 Indiana, USA







St Petersburg, Russia




Crop Circle forming by UFO


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Comment by bill on May 23, 2012 at 12:56pm

UFO Hamilton Ontario may 20 2012

Comment by bill on May 23, 2012 at 12:55pm

Lights over Southwest Minneapolis area May,19 2012

Comment by bill on May 23, 2012 at 11:51am

UFO Twins Mystify Canadians (Video)

May 22, 2012 07:01 PM EDT

comments: 1

A UFO video on YouTube shows a pair of unidentified flying objects moving strangely in the skies over Stouffville, Ontario, as a family wonders what it is they're seeing.

The unidentified flying objects appear for several minutes moving oddly through the twilight skies near Toronto.

The three witnesses, a father, mother and son, comment throughout the video on the weird movements made, unlike Chinese lanterns, and also not similar to the way any known aircraft fly.

The objects aren't making any discernible noise as they seem to be flying somewhat in tandem.

The sighting was reported to M.U.F.O.N. and the witness states that, "I was thinking that what I saw did an elliptical type track - from the north, headed south, turned towards the west, and then circled around to its original position."

This UFO sighting is obviously not Chinese Lanterns or any kind of aircraft.

So what are they?

Here's the video:

Comment by bill on May 22, 2012 at 10:52pm

Weird, New Type of UFO Spooks Texas Ranchers (Video)

A UFO video posted to YouTube shows an entirely new type of unidentified flying object which was so scary looking, it spooked the two hardscrabble ranchers witnessing and filming it. What is it?

The video, claiming to be shot at night over ranch country in Milam County, Texas, shows a spooky object hovering less than a mile from the camera.

The two unidentified ranchers are speaking casually at first as they view the flashing, cross-like object hovering silently, just visible through the treetops.

As the ranchers comment on the object, they sound increasingly scared and at the end of the clip the camera is abruptly turned off as the cameraman remarks, "I'm getting out of here."

The UFO is of a type not seen before, looking very much like a glowing gyroscope. The flashing lights seem to be obscured periodically by trees and there doesn't seem to be any engine noise making it on to the audio track.

It's not a plane, a jet or a helicopter.

So, what is it?

Here's the video:

Comment by bill on May 21, 2012 at 11:30am

UHBS diamond & Moon caught on tape ValPescara April 23,2012

Comment by bill on May 21, 2012 at 11:25am

UFO parade spins & overturn to the sunset May 17,2012-ValPescara (Italy)

Comment by bill on May 20, 2012 at 11:27pm

UFO: Flying Cigar appears and vanishes say New York witness

A New York witness reports a cigar-shaped UFO on 19 May 2012 according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness indicated at the time of the UFO sighting, that he or she was with a group of friends at an urban location.

"We were all out in front of the Cherry Bar on Cherry, smoking, when we saw this red shiny glowing but perfectly outlined cigar shaped thing in the sky."

The witness further recalled the lack of movement of the "cigar thing", and also recalled its illumination.

“It was not moving, but blinking, not doing anything; and then it darted to one side, and after that appeared to move downward.”

The witness then observed further movements.

“The thing then darted to another direction; and then totally vanished.”

The witness thought that was the object or entity was gone.

“We thought it was all gone and we all stood there looking; it then reappeared in a different part of the sky further down the street.”

The witness reported further directional changes by the object or entity.

The thing just took-off toward the right, and then stopped and hovered; and then took off right again until we couldn’t see it anymore because of the buildings and trees.”

The witness reported the he or his group attempted to take photos.

“We all tried to get it on our cell phones, and even people that were walking a dog stopped and watched it with us for a while, and pointed at it and talked about it in Spanish, and tried to take pics and vids, but because of the street lights and other stuff no one could get a good shot of it.”

The witness reported how their group felt after the UFO sighting.

“It was crazy… we were all spooked.”

In late June 2007, Britain's Mail reported that Aurigny Airlines captain Ray Bowyer, 50, flying close to Alderney first spotted a UFO, described as "a cigar-shaped brilliant white light".

The late Dr. J. Allen Hynek’s insights suggest that the New York witness might have been seeing an object or entity that was from a different dimension. However, David Icke’s and Alex Jones’ have linked some UFO sightings to holographic projections by archons and their operatives who seek to incite fear among witnesses.

The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please keep in mind that many UFO reports can be explained as something natural or terrestrial in origin.

No images or video was included with this report. The following is the unedited version of the report filed withMUFON on 19 May 2012. You can report UFO activity

We were all out in front of the cherry bar on cherry smoking and we saw this red shiny glowing but perfectly outlined cigar shaped thing in the sky not moving but blinking and not doing anything then it darted to one side then moved what looked like downward then darted to another direction then it totally vanished like the red was all gone and we all stood there looking and it reappeared in a different part of the sky further down the street then just took off right and then stopped and hovered then took off right again until we wouldnt see it anymore because of the buildings and trees and stuff we all tried to get it on our cell phones and even people that were walking a dog stopped and watched it with us for a while and pointed at it and talked about it in spanish and tried to take pics and vids of it too but because of the street lights and stuff no one could get a good shot of it because of the lights and distance it was crazy we were all spooked

Comment by Beva on May 20, 2012 at 7:56pm

Night vision UFO / OVNI - New york sky playground - NYC - NV USA 36

Comment by bill on May 20, 2012 at 4:30am

UFO alarm sounds around North Island

There have been an "unprecedented" number of UFO sightings reported in the North Island over the past two months, UFO watchers say.

And aliens may even have visited Northland in the past five weeks, with one man reporting seeing a UFO land in the region, Suzanne Hansen, director from Ufocus NZ research network said.

She said: "He's a very credible source. He saw an object that had landed and said it was definitely not an aircraft or like anything else he had seen.

"I've got 30 (UFO/UAP) reports on my desk at the moment from the upper North Island and Northland from the past couple of weeks that we're yet to process [on top of the many others] ... It's unprecedented."

Maungakaramea resident Charles Gillard reported seeing strange lights hovering above the Tangihua ranges just after 4am yesterday.

Mr Gillard said the white and blueish lights were definitely not a helicopter or plane and darted about at speed for several minutes before simply vanishing.

"I've never seen anything like it before, but it definitely wasn't somebody with a torch or vehicles as it was above the skyline, not on the hills," he said.

Inquiries could not find any helicopters or planes operating in the area at that time yesterday morning.

Ms Hansen said Mr Gillard's sighting was similar to others reported recently in Northland and Ufocus would be looking into all such reports made to its website

"Researchers we work with in Australia have reported the same things happening there with what we call a "UFO Flap" [an outbreak of UFO sightings] there as well," Ms Hansen said.

Comment by bill on May 19, 2012 at 12:04pm

Lights (UFO?) 5/12/12 hovering over Rowland heights / diamond bar - San Gabriel Valley CA

Before the video starts, There were 4 deep glowing orange lights floating in a "Z" pattern, Three of them faded away and thats when the video starts. I have worked here for a year and I know the flight routes, at the 1 min mark you can see a regular plane fling left to right, that is normal. But the other lights just seem to appear from the bottom right and hover in the middle of the screen. For sure I know three people saw this, me, my coworker and a guy that stopped in the middle of the street (maybe filming too?) but he gets honked at. The lights were a deep orange color and did not have any blinking lights as commercial aircraft do. This was an experience I will not forget.

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