Sunset in Nord Italy, complex always evident

Views: 1703


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Comment by Nancy Lieder on June 14, 2012 at 12:55pm

@Thermelion. There is no rationale reason that a silver filter (as I understand you are using) would enhance the photo capture of light in the red spectrum. In fact, metal would REFLECT sunlight, which is what is occurring here, I suspect. You are holding a silver film over the camera? Thus creating a perfect reflection point, ie a ghost. Sunlight shines through the thin film, reflects off the camera lens to the thin film, thus producing what the camera assumes to be a SECOND light source. This can be seen as the bright orb is the same SIZE as the Sun. You have merely captured a ghost here. In future, your filters "of your invention" photos will be removed without comment.

Comment by Nancy Lieder on June 12, 2012 at 10:36pm

Welcome back, Alberto! The brilliant Moon Swirl orb at 10 o'clock even has its OWN line flare! Such is the intensity of light.

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