"Stretch zones primarily experience sinking ground, as the support in the rock strata is stretched thin. Thus, buildings implode and gas and water mains break."  ZetaTalk






What happens to rock layers under a diagonal pull, or being pulled apart? As can be seen during recent years, this has resulted in derailing trains, sinkholes suddenly appearing, gas and water main breaks, torn roadways and separating bridges. Despite the effect on man, crawling about on the surface of what they assume to be terra firma, these changes are superficial. When the pulling starts, weak points break and thereafter the plumbing and roadways hold, giving the impression that the pulling has stopped, but this is misleading. The North American continent is giving evidence that its rock layers are separating from each other, and sliding sideways in a diagonal, thus exposing portions of these layers to vent into the air above. If rock is being stressed, then where are the earthquake predictors giving evidence of this, the frantic animals, the static on the radio, the earthquake swarms? Rock in the stretch zone, pulling apart rather than compressing, does not emit the particles flows that animals and radios sense, nor register on instruments are tension and release quakes.




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"We have repeatedly stated that the Earth changes will not diminish, but will increase going into the pole shift.

This is not a lineal matter, as the closer Planet X comes to Earth, an inevitable path, the more the torque effect and the polar wobble where the N Pole of Earth is pushed away violently on a daily basis, occur. The wobble will become more pronounced, more violent. The plates are tugged back West of the Atlantic, pulled forward East of the Atlantic, during the daily rotation of the Earth. The North American continent is allowed to roll East during rotation while the S Pole is pulled West, creating the diagonal pull likely to trigger the New Madrid fault line into an adjustment, and soon. The N Pole is pushed away and allowed to bounce back, daily, as the Earth rotates, a wobble that puts stress on all fault lines when the plates are suddenly in motion, and suddenly stopped!

"As there is no other explanation for the effect on the stretch zone, lacking any earthquakes to blame, and as these stretch zone accidents will continue to emerge, and with ferocity, this is a certain clue to those on the fence, that the influence of Planet X is the cause. Or is it Global Warming?" 

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for April 13, 2013

"Sinkholes almost invariably form in areas subject to karst limestone cavern formation. Underground water flows eat away the limestone leaving vast caverns and caves, which often give scant indication above ground that a cavern lies below. Karst limestone rock formations have been mapped and are known, however, but since one never knows just where a cavern might have formed, this provides little help in predicting just where a sinkhole might form. Sinkholes open up when the rock is fractured due to stress from being in the stretch zone, from the bending of a plate, or due to torsion."


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Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on December 29, 2011 at 1:53pm


Burst Water Main Proves Perilous in Manchester, N. H.

Manchester Water Works
Sinkhole trapped car on exposed gas line after 110-year-old water main burst. Vehicle and driver were rescued.

The town of Manchester, N.H., has been replacing about two miles of aging water pipeline annually in recent years, but municpal crews could not complete their task before a 12-in.-dia water main dating back to 1901 burst. The rupture on Dec. 13 created a street sinkhole that was perilous for one driver.

“A cap blew off the back of a cross on the water main,” before water gushed up on the left side of the subcompact, trapping it on a live gas main, says Guy Chabot, distribution engineer at the Manchester Water Works. “The 110-year-old main broke due to fatigue." The car and its driver were pulled to safety, but 200 ft of roadway collapsed or was undermined, officials say.

Water was shut off to a three-block area for nearly nine hours. By 3 p.m. service was restored and street repairs were completed, Chabot says.

The water main was a 110-year-old cast iron pipe with 100 psi of water, Chabot says. “Back in 1901, they attached a cap to the cross using metal strapping, but with 110 years of corrosion, the straps blew out,” he adds.

Similar to other old mill towns, “we have pipes as old as 135 years in our downtown,” Chabot says. “We’ve got to keep replacing them for years to come.” He says Manchester has a $1.2-million budget in 2012 for water main replacement as part of its capital program, with priority based on leak history, water quality issues and complaints, then age.

Chabot says the city hopes to double its replacement volume to 4 miles per year over the next 20 years, budget permitting.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on December 28, 2011 at 3:35pm
Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on December 28, 2011 at 3:31pm

Water, Water Everywhere. Again

Sinkhole opens up in Bay Park

A section of one of San Diego's oldest water mains has given out, making it a dry, inconvenient morning for residents of a Bay Park neighborhood.

A large sinkhole opened up about 3.30 a.m. Tuesday morning near Shawnee Road and Baker Street after a water main break sent water gushing down the street.

About 30 residents are affected. Some found out when they tried to take showers or brush their teeth. Others, when they went out to get the paper and saw the lights and cameras of several television news crews.

The most common reaction was, "here we go again".

Neighbors say there was a water main break in the neighborhood just a few weeks ago.

“I think it was three or four weeks ago that we had the same situation, so I went ahead and figured out that I only had a few minutes left,” said resident Ron Simental.

He realized the water hadn’t been turned off just yet.

“I got my trailer filled up with water because last time it took most of the day,” said Simental.

At 2 p.m. water was back on, but shortly after at 3:15 p.m. water began leaking again. There's no new estimate to when the water will be restored.

Officials said they're working hard to fix the problem.

The water main is cast iron and over 60 years old. Residents say it began corroding and breaking earlier in this same neighborhood about two years ago.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on December 28, 2011 at 3:28pm

Sinkhole Closes Foothill Road from Morada Lane to Northridge Road

Caltrans says the cause is unknown but expects the road to be closed for less than a week for repairs

Foothill Road in Santa Barbara between Morada Lane and Northridge Road shut down Tuesday because of a sinkhole in the roadway.

Caltrans was alerted to the hazard at 11 a.m. Tuesday and expects the road to be closed for less than a week while repairs are made, spokesman Colin Jones said.

“We’re not sure the cause of it, but the the roadway is sinking and there’s a depressed section but it hasn’t cracked,” he said. “We saw utility gas lines there and called maintenance crews immediately. We don’t want people driving on unstable or hazardous roadway.”

Traffic is being detoured through Willowglen Road and Calle Cita as well as Grove Lane.

“Traffic is getting pretty crazy. What I recommended to my family was to stay as far away from Foothill as you can,” said Joe Guzzardi of the Santa Barbara County Office of Emergency Services. “Even upper State Street is gridlocked, and it will only get worse as it gets closer to 5 p.m.”

Jones said crews will work from dusk until dawn to try to get Foothill Road, also known as Highway 192, open before school resumes next week at Monte Vista Elementary. Although maintenance crews are at the scene, he said an emergency contractor will start working on the roadway depression either Wednesday or Thursday.

With many children playing at Willow Glen Park, officials ask motorists to drive carefully and slowly.


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on December 27, 2011 at 6:13am

Sink hole causes sewage to spread following earthquake

Sewage spreads past a car trapped in a sink hole caused by liquefaction in the Christchurch suburb of Parklands after an earthquake struck December 23, 2011. An earthquake of 5.8 magnitude struck near the New Zealand city of Christchurch on Friday, New Zealand's civil defence said, prompting the evacuation of some public buildings and sending goods toppling from shelves.  REUTERS

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on December 27, 2011 at 6:10am


A number of Christchurch residents want their neighbourhood to be condemned, as liquefaction following Friday's earthquake forced another clean-up.

Aftershocks continued to rock Christchurch on Saturday after quakes measuring 5.8 and 6.0 shook the nerves of many residents on Friday.

The quakes cut power to about 26,000 homes and caused issues with water supply and wastewater, though most of those services were back to normal by late Saturday.
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But cleaning up huge amounts of silt caused by liquefaction was the biggest problem for many residents in the suburb of Parklands, who have already faced this issue twice before.

Soil liquefaction describes a phenomenon whereby a saturated soil substantially loses strength and stiffness in response to applied stress, usually earthquake shaking or other sudden change in stress condition, causing it to behave like a liquid.

"We've had enough. We can't keep doing this. This will happen again and again," resident Geoff Cooke told One News.

The area was zoned orange at one point but later switched back to green, or inhabitable. But with further liquefaction, they called for it to be hoarsened red, or uninhabitable.

Prime Minister John Key says a reassessment may be necessary.

"It's possible that some of those boundaries might change and go into red, but wall need to take a closer look at that when we can properly assess it, which will probably be early in the new year," he

"Wall have to go and do a full assessment later on but it's likely that most of the damage has taken place in areas that are already damaged."

Electronic transactions operator Epimere said transactions in Christchurch were down 17.5 per cent on Friday compared to the same day last year in the wake of many mall closures, though there was a significant increase on Saturday as shoppers tried to catch up.

The number of homes without power was down to about 50 on Saturday afternoon and Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker hoped most of the emergency repairs could be finished on Saturday.

"It has been a hellish year. I am determined to get as much as we can fixed by tonight so that our staff, apart from a skeleton team, can spend Christmas with their families."

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on December 27, 2011 at 6:07am


San Marco Sinkhole to Keep Kings Ave. Closed All Weekend

San Marco Sinkhole to Keep Kings Ave. Closed All Weekend

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- The sinkhole that forced the closure of a San Marco road Thursday will keep the road closed at least through the weekend.

JEA spokesperson Gerri Boyce this morning said the repair work on Kings Avenue will need at least until Monday to dry.

Late Thursday, a 48-inch sewer line broke, causing a small hole and large dimple in the road that leads to a 13.5-foot-deep hole under the road near the Nira Street intersection, also near the Kings Avenue parking garage.

Kings Avenue is closed between Nira and Manning streets.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on December 19, 2011 at 8:17pm


December 13, 2011

Large sinkhole forms on busy NH street

MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) — A large sinkhole has closed part of a busy street in Manchester, N.H.

Police say a 12-inch water main broke Monday morning and the sinkhole formed. A car got stuck in it, and police said it was difficult to remove because it was on top of a gas line.

Police and firefighters tell WMUR-TV they carried the driver out of her car as the water was coming up.

Police said about 200 feet of roadway collapsed or was undermined.

Beech Street in Manchester was closed between Webster and North streets. Police said North Street was also closed from Maple to Union streets.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on December 19, 2011 at 8:15pm


Woman rescued from hole near 1018 N. Stage Coach Lane in Fallbrook

A woman called for help after her pickup truck fell into a sinkhole on a street in Fallbrook Saturday, according to San Diego County Sheriff's officials.

Our media partner, the North County Times, reported the story on Saturday.

Sheriff's deputies  were on the scene at about 4:14  after responding to a call about the incident that occurred near 1018 N. Stage Coach Lane in Fallbrook, Lt. David Gilmore said. Once there, deputies requested help from the fire department.

The incident began when the woman was driving home, reported the NCT.

The vehicle she was traveling in fell into a sinkhole which apparently had been caused by a leaking water main in the area, according to John Buchanan, a spokesman for North County Fire Protection District.

The hole was said to be about 15 feet wide and deep enough so only the rear part of the vehicle could be seen from outside the hole.

Unable to open the woman's door because of a lack of space, firefighters had to break the vehicle's window in order to free her, Buchanan said. As they did this, water spaying from the broken main only complicated the situation, Buchanan added.

The woman wasn't hurt during the incident.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on December 13, 2011 at 3:08pm


150-foot Manchester sinkhole swallows car

  • Manchester firefighters work to remove a car from a sinkhole at the intersection of North and Beech Streets in Manchester on Monday morning 12-12-2011. (PAT GROSSMITH)

  • A car sits in a sinkhole at the intersection of North and Beech Streets in Manchester on Monday Morning 12-12-2011. (PAT GROSSMITH)

MANCHESTER — A red Kia was swept into a huge sinkhole at the intersection of North and Beech streets Monday morning when a 12-inch, cast iron water main let go.

Water shot 6 feet into the air and dislodged 10-pound boulders, according to Kevin Clancy of 860-862 Beech St.

“It was wild,” he said. His wife heard a “boom” and he looked out the window to see a car stuck in a sink hole, water shooting into the air and large rocks being thrown uphill.

Initially, he said, the car's front tires were in the hole, but “then the whole street fell in.”

The entire car sank a few feet into the hole, which stretched across one lane of North Street for about 150 feet. Police closed a portion of Beech Street and North Street, and about 30 homes on Beech Street were without water until mid-afternoon.

Police said the driver thought it was a puddle and drove through it, ending up in the sink hole.

“That poor woman,” said Robin Henry of 111 North St. “But they said she went to work.”

Police said the driver was not injured.

The main broke just before 6 a.m. It wasn't until close to 9:30 a.m. that the car was removed, after firefighters looped large cords around the front and back, and hooked the lines to a tow truck that lifted the vehicle out.

Care had to be taken, officials said, because the car was sitting on top of a gas line.

Near Ash Street, about a block west of the sinkhole, city workers used heavy equipment to remove debris washed downhill.

Guy Chabot, Water Works district administrator, called the situation with the water main a “catastrophic failure” and one where a “chunk” of the 121-year-old water main blew out, undermining the soil underneath the road.

PSNH employees also were working to steady a utility pole loosened after soil washed away from around its base.

Water Works Director Tom Bowen said the break was at a cast-iron fitting where the water main makes a change in direction. Workers replaced the ruptured section, about 4 feet, with stronger, ductile iron material, he said.

Bowen said water se

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