We are seeing so many remarkable pre-announcement pieces showing up, this is a place to post and discuss them. This one for example, is making discoveries sound 'ho hum' which a few months/years ago were heralded as amazing breakthroughs. Today for example:
When a month or so ago they were making a BIG deal about finding one planet in the sweet zone which could possibly support life, son they they say 25% of them could support life! Including mention of red dwarfs, etc. The Zeta predicted evidence continues to build up!
Here is another blog that relates, describing a wobble:
Transcript of classified tape recording made at Camp David, Maryland during a presidential briefing regarding the subject of UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS and EXTRATERRESTRIAL VISITATION of EARTH. President RONALD REAGAN was present. The recording was made between March 6 and 8, 1981.
This bizarre, backward asteroid might be a visitor from another star (May 21, 2018)
An asteroid dubbed 2015 BZ509 — lurks in the orbit of Jupiter, where it circles the sun in the opposite direction of the gas-giant planet and nearly everything else in the solar system. The twin facts that it shares an orbit with a planet and flies against the flow of traffic makes it like no other known object in our celestial neighborhood.
BZ509’s orbit is backwards, or retrograde, meaning it moves in the opposite direction of the prograde orbits of almost everything else circling the sun.
Konstantin Batygin, an astrophysicist at Caltech, also not involved with the work, suggests a wild possibility: Planet Nine, a hypothetical 10-Earth-mass undiscovered world far beyond Pluto that Batygin proposed in 2016 with fellow Caltech astronomer Mike Brown, would inevitably “pollute” the solar system with retrograde objects much like BZ509 as it drifts through the outer solar system.
ZetaTalk Insight 8/20/2016:
The key word is “retrograde”, which is characteristic of Nibiru in both its orbit past the Sun, its rotation, and the rotation of the swirls in its tail. Retrograde is a clockwise motion. All else in the Solar System goes counter clockwise – the Sun, the Sun’s rotation, and the orbiting planets.
http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue516.htm ("Prong 3 Bonanza")
ZetaTalk Explanation 1/23/2016:
It is describing the Sun’s binary twin, which we have described as being 18.74 Sun-Pluto distances away from the Earth’s Sun. Note this object, termed Planet 9, is described as being “20 times farther away from the sun than Pluto”.
http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue487.htm ("Planet 9")
NASA’s new exoplanet hunter TESS snaps 200,000+ stars in its 1st PHOTO
The mesmerizing two-second test exposure by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) focused on the southern constellation Centaurus, after the spacecraft traveled around 5,000 miles past the moon. The image, which captures more than 200,000 stars, clearly shows Coalsack Nebula in the top-right corner, while Beta Centauri is visible at the lower left edge.
Space hunter: Scientists pin alien exoplanet hopes to NASA’s latest...
TESS, which was launched on its hunt for faraway planets last month, is armed with four cameras capable of covering 400 times as much sky as shown in its maiden snapshot.
(Adding to Starr's post below) Dwarf planet 2015 BP519 connects the Planet 9 hunt with searching the Dark Energy Survey images, where Nibiru images are to be found:
Spotted toward the end of 2014, this rocky object is estimated to be almost as big as a dwarf planet and was picked up by the Dark Energy Survey’s telescope, an international project that studies dark energy in order to measure the expansion of the universe.
Described in a paper hosted by the arXiv server, 2015 BP519 is seen as an important piece of evidence in support of Planet Nine’s existence, because its puzzling 54-degree-tilted orbit can’t be explained unless the hypothetical ice giant is factored into the equation.
ZetaTalk Insight 3/31/2018:
It is the Dark Energy Survey which has the images that show Nibiru in infrared, entering the Solar System in 2003 and moving ever closer to the Earth.
http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue600.htm ("Planet 9 Revived")
ZetaTalk Comment 2/18/2017:
Nibiru will be discovered, as we have stated, within the Dark Energy Survey images which have imaged the inner Solar System from the Chili observatory since 2013 and include recent infra-red images from the SouthEast to the NorthEast along the Ecliptic.
http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue545.htm ("Prong Wars")
5/16/18 at 12:36 PM
Two years ago, scientists from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) found evidence to suggest that a planet larger than Earth could be hiding beyond the orbit of Pluto, in the furthest reaches of the Solar System.
The researchers didn’t directly observe the hypothetical ninth planet, but they did predict its existence based on the strange orbits of a handful of distant, icy worlds in the Kuiper belt—a disc of primarily small and rocky bodies that begins just past the orbit of Neptune—that were extremely unlikely to have occurred by chance.
Since this discovery, scientists around the world have been trying to uncover more evidence of Planet Nine. Now, an international team of researchers has reported the discovery of another distant world, possibly a dwarf planet, which has a bizarre orbit that it is likely being influenced by the ninth planet, they say.
“It’s not proof that Planet Nine exists,” David Gerdes, from the University of Michigan and a co-author of the new paper, told Quanta Magazine. “But I would say the presence of an object like this in our solar system bolsters the case for Planet Nine.”
Wow! Various news outlets announce the Cover-Up may indeed exist:
A MYSTERIOUS planet "on a collision course with Earth” is being covered up, it has been sensationally claimed.
Doomsayers have long thought that a huge mystical alien world called Nibiru – or Planet X – is hurtling through space and will appear in our skies at any moment.
The planet will wipe out most of mankind, believers warn.
And now conspiracy theorists bizarrely claim mainstream newspapers have agreed with various governments not to reveal to the world they know a mythical planetary system is making its way towards Earth.
They believe every newspaper editor across the globe has agreed not to break the story due to fears of the panic it would cause.
Fears of a looming apocalypse reached new heights this year as Christian prophets and conspiracy theorists proclaimed the end is nigh.
Mythical planet Nibiru is at the centre of these fears.
It was supposed to hit us last month, but the date was revised based on apocalyptic passages in the Bible that claim it will be visible before Christmas.
Many people claim to have seen the so-called “intruder planet”, with amateur photos and videos appearing online.
One of the leading pushers of the "Nibiru media blackout" theory is UK-based conspiracy theorist Matt Rogers, who runs the YouTube channel Sky Watcher Matt Rogers.
He releases daily videos, with claims he has evidence of Nibiru in the sky, in which he lambasts the media for keeping quiet.
Mr Rogers said: "We can all see from the skies, that the skies are changing, that there is a problem, but still the media says nothing, because the governments and the shadow government don't want them to.
"In this video, I'm going to show how the powers that be control the media, because they do it every day.
"They tell us everything is fine, but you can see the chemtrails up there.
"They have been getting away with the propaganda for many, many years.
"We listen to those TV stations, we read the newspapers, we listen to the radio, and we look at the internet, but they are all controlled by the powers that be - the shadow government.
"They play us all the time as puppeteers - we need and demand the truth we want true news."
Despite these claims, mainstream media outlets have reported on theories since August when it was believed Nibiru was about to pass Earth.
Space boffins at NASA continued to deny the existence of the alien planet until recently.
Speaking last month, the space agency said the mysterious “super-Earth” – which is 10 times the weight of our planet – may be so powerful it is pulling the other planets out of orbit and even tilting the entire Solar System to one side.
A leading figure in the so-called Nibiru Cataclysm movement believes that Planet X’s gravitational pull will whip up 740mph tsunamis and earthquakes registering 9.8 on the richter scale here on Earth.
Researcher David Meade previously said that only 50% of the world’s population will be left after the disaster.
Daily Star Online previously released the conspiracy that claimed Pope Francis was surpassing information on the deadly planet.
US SPACE agency NASA is involved in a major cover up over the existence of a mythical planet that could wipe out mankind, it has sensationally been claimed.
Doomsayers have long thought that a huge mystical alien world called Nibiru – or Planet X – is hurtling through space and will appear in our skies this year.
The planet will wipe out most of mankind, believers warn.
NASA has thoroughly debunked the Nibiru myth – but some claim this is a cover-up to stop people panicking and save space in protective bunkers.
A former scientist at the US Geological Survey has sensationally claimed he has broken a confidentiality agreement to warn humanity about the danger of the approaching planet.
Dr Ethan Trowbridge worked for more than 10 years at the US government agency, learning about the imminent catastrophe posed by the planet Nibiru, which he claims consists of a brown dwarf star and seven planets.
According to Dr Trowbridge, the USGS and NASA were aware of the approach of this planet at least thirty years ago and together with other state bodies, entered into a criminal conspiracy to hide the existence of the planet.
“The USGS learned about Nibiru after this information came from NASA,” he told Daily Star Online.
“We were instructed to check whether the abnormal climate change due to the influence of this heavenly body and studies proved this relationship”, he said.
He added that only a handful of employees from the USGS know about the mythical planet.
He said: “This information is highly classified and all documents and information concerning its fragmented and divided by department so that people working with fragments of this information can not understand its purpose.
“I think maybe forty or fifty employees have a real idea of what is happening.”
Just last week, another top scientist urged NASA to prove Nibiru is not real.
Fears of a looming apocalypse reached new heights last year as Christian prophets and conspiracy theorists proclaimed the end is nigh.
Mythical planet Nibiru was at the centre of these fears.
It was supposed to appear in September, but its apparent arrival date has been revised to later this year.
Many people claim to have seen the so-called “intruder planet”, with amateur photos and videos appearing online.
There has been no official confirmation of its arrival and Nasa’s only statement read: “‘Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are an Internet hoax.
“There is no factual basis for these claims."
“If Nibiru or Planet X were real and headed for an encounter with the Earth, astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decade, and it would be visible by now to the naked eye.”
Dr Trowbridge cites a sharp rise in sea level, sudden changes in temperature and melting of polar ice, is iproof of Nibiru’s influence on our planet.
He believes that Nibiru will irrevocably change our planet.
He added: “Nibiru will devastate the Earth”.
Voyager 1 has been floating outbound to the northern edge of the Solar System since 1977, and in combination with Voyager 2 (which has been outbound to the southern edge of the Solar System), they have been able to triangulate the location of Nibiru as it prepared for another passage.
But since 2014, Voyager 1’s main thrusters have been dying, and fearing they would lose their optimum view of Nibiru during its passage, NASA in desperation tried to access the backup thrusters, finding them operational.
Why is this in the news? Why is the public being informed? The establishment, in particular NASA, is looking for an explanation of why they delayed informing the public about Nibiru lo these many years. Nibiru is heavily shrouded by red dust. Where the Moon Swirls form into long tubes and can focus light down the tube like a flashlight, Nibiru itself is so shrouded it looks like a dim fuzz ball. The Second Sun happens only on occasion, and Moon Swirl orbs, though brilliant, likewise fade quickly. Thus NASA hopes to claim that they only now have been able to discern Nibiru, due to Voyager 1 regaining functionality.
A couple article paragraphs about piecing together the puzzle of the solar system:
Meteorite found in Sudan may be part of a “lost planet” that was destroyed in our early solar system (April 19, 2018)
Analysis of the meteorite revealed compounds similar to those found on Earth diamonds, including chromite, phosphate and iron-nickel sulfides. This is the first time such compounds have been found in an extraterrestrial body, and it suggests the meteorite was formed under intense pressure – deep beneath a surface of a long-destroyed planet.
Given that there are still mysteries about our current solar system – including the potential existence of ‘Planet Nine’ – it could help us to better understand how our planetary neighbours formed.
Nibiru smacked to death many small water planets formerly in the Asteroid Belt
ZetaTalk Insight 6/11/2016
the Asteroid Belt, a graveyard of small planets that were smashed to pieces when Planet X passed through the Asteroid Belt in the past.
ZetaTalk Insight 10/26/2013
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
The Asteroid Belt was created when trash in the 12th Planets tail crashed into moons of some of the large planet in the Asteroid Belt, putting them in motion so that they became missiles directed at other planets. Eventually with all this bumping around in a crowded field, the inequity was great enough, the size disproportionate enough, that shattering of a small planet occurred. Magma sprayed outward in a burst, creating hardened magma in space which then itself became a missile on the move. Once begun, this process accelerates, creating increasing incidences where a piece of trash is large enough to shatter a planet. The planets disintegrate not because the missile is so large it physically breaks it apart, but because the molten core is opened, forcefully, and the lava pushed outward in a plume by the missile. Now the crust implodes, and the repercussions of this cause more magma plumes, so that the planet eventually does not have the mass to prevent a collision, by virtue of a repulsion force. Thus these wasted shells eventually collide with each other, breaking them into what you now term asteroids.
Asteroid Belt
Mulitiple Mainstream Media news outlets announce pilots spotted a UFO.
(CNN)Two commercial pilots flying over the Arizona desert claim they saw an unidentified flying object pass overhead, according to a radio broadcast released by the Federal Aviation Administration.
NASA , which has recently begun a probe on the existence of a ninth planet at the edge of our solar system, is confident that it will not hit the earth in the near future.
Using the advanced Subaru Telescope in Hawaii, astronomers find it 10 times the mass of Earth and its distance from the Sun could be around 20 times the distance between Neptune and the Sun.
It is "hiding in the dark, but subtly pulling strings behind the scenes: stretching out the orbits of distant bodies, perhaps even tilting the entire solar system to one side," said NASA researchers.
The existence of this mystery planet has been a topic of raging debates within the science community since the inception of this theory in 2014. Some said that the mystery planet or the Planet Nine could be the missing super-Earth of our solar system, which would have a higher mass than our globe but substantially lower than that of Uranus and Neptune.
There are now five different lines of observational evidence hinting at the existence of Planet Nine. said planetary astrophysicist at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Konstantin Batygin. "If you were to remove this explanation and imagine Planet Nine does not exist, then you actually generate more problems than you solve," he said.
Batygin in his research studied the orbits of six space objects situated in the far out Kuiper Belt, which is a region of icy bodies stretching from Neptune into outer space. He found out that all those objects had elliptical orbits around a central point.
Objects from the Kuiper Belt orbit in the opposite direction from everything else present in our solar system, point out the researchers. Only the existence of Planet Nine can explain why these bodies from the far away Kuiper Belt end up "polluting" the inner Kuiper Belt, they added.
"The existence of Planet Nine is the only thing that can explain the weirdness of these high-inclination orbits," said Konstantin Batygin.
We're all going to die - that's a fact.
But even Millennials should be preparing to meet their maker, if American scientist Guy McPherson is to be believed.
The retired biology and ecology professor says runaway climate change is going to kill us all by the year 2026. And if we somehow make it off the planet before then, unlike the inhabitants of the starliner Axiom in apocalyptic Pixar classic WALL-E, we might not be able come back.
"It's certainly all over for us in the not too distant future," Prof McPherson, who used to teach at the University of Arizona, told The AM Show on Monday.
In late 2016, he appeared on Three's Paul Henry to say humanity would be wiped out in 10 years. He's sticking by that timetable - even suggesting he might have overestimated how long we have left.
"For most of us, we'll be going sooner than that 2026 timeline I presented a couple of years ago."
Here's how it'll apparently go down: "Plant life will be unable to keep up with the repetitive rise in temperature. Plants will die, and we need plants to survive. We don't eat without plants. The water will continue to be fouled, the air will continue to be spoiled," explains Prof McPherson.
"But a primary factor will be starvation as civilisation collapses and the inability to grow grains at scale is one result."
Let's say the luckiest of us make it aboard the Axiom. Then what happens?
"It could be - and I'm not predicting this, but this could happen - that the world's 400-plus nuclear power plants melt down catastrophically when unattended by people because they're not paid, because civilisation collapses. That could cause ionising radiation to strip away the Earth's atmosphere and leave us in the not-too-distant future looking a lot like Mars.
"It could be that we lose the living planet. That's not what I wish for, that's not what I'm predicting, but it wouldn't surprise me. There would be no human around to document that demise."
Prof McPherson's ideas don't appear to have much support in the wider scientific community. A quick Google search brings up numerous blogs and articles debunking his claims, saying he appears to misunderstand some facts about how the global climate works, and misrepresents others.
The last time Prof McPherson was in New Zealand, Victoria University climate expert Prof James Renwick took a closer look at his claims. While Prof McPherson appeared to be very knowledgable about his areas of expertise - ecology and biology - there were serious problems with his understanding of atmospheric physics, and he exaggerated some key figures by up to 10 times.
"If your public profile depends on your image as an authority on 'global warming', you would do well to be clear on the science," Prof Renwick wrote, saying there was no need to be so alarmist when the reality was dire enough.
"My perception is that concerted global action within the next decade can avoid the worst consequences. The flip side is that business as usual, even for another ten years, could lock in changes that do indeed put global society at risk and threaten possibly hundreds of millions to billions of lives. Not instant death, but a very unpleasant future for a very long time.
"I find that prospect plenty scary enough, and it leaves room for us to take action. Let's take it."
A conspiracy?
Prof McPherson says other scientists agree with him - they're just too scared to say so.
"There are several scientists who do not disagree with the information I present. Does that mean they agree with me in public? Of course not, because they would lose support for these prestigious academic positions if they agreed with me in public.
"They don't ever disagree with me, but they don't publicly agree with me either."
In the meantime, he says he'll be "living as largely as I can" in his home in Belize, "surrounding myself with people I love and doing the work I love, which includes education".
If people ignore his message, he doesn't really care - remember, we're all going to die soon whatever we do.
"I'm presenting evidence - if people don't want to believe it and they want to call me names as a result, I don't have any control over that. I'm a rationalist. I've been pursuing scientific activity for a very long time, my entire adult life. If you don't want to believe me, that's really not on me."
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