We are seeing so many remarkable pre-announcement pieces showing up, this is a place to post and discuss them. This one for example, is making discoveries sound 'ho hum' which a few months/years ago were heralded as amazing breakthroughs. Today for example: 

"Nearly Every Star Hosts at Least One Alien Planet"


When a month or so ago they were making a BIG deal about finding one planet in the sweet zone which could possibly support life, son they they say 25% of them could support life! Including mention of red dwarfs, etc. The Zeta predicted evidence continues to build up!

Here is another blog that relates, describing a wobble:

NASA Scientists "Discover" a Wobbly Planet!?


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Comment by Matt B on August 20, 2018 at 10:59am

Nancy, Nibiru and NASA - the creeping disclosure continues.

The Infographics Show on YouTube recently posted an animated video entitled "Is NASA Hiding A Planet (Planet X / Nibiru)?"

Both sides of the Nibiru debate are presented. Note the matter-of-fact presentation of Nancy's contactee status and the ZetaTalk message. Note the criticism of Nibiru opportunist, David Meade.

Also note the open ended conclusion - "Maybe the planet IS out there..."

"Could Nibiru be real...?"

Is NASA Hiding A Planet (Planet X / Nibiru)?


Comment by Matt B on August 8, 2018 at 11:02pm

Q under attack? The qanon.pub website is currently offline. A mirror has been established at:





Other sites continue to publish Q's posts. Please bookmark and share:




Source: qanon.pub creator -


Comment by Juan F Martinez on August 6, 2018 at 1:24am

In Just One Week, NASA Will Launch a Spacecraft to 'Touch the Sun'   

Hmm. What else is by the Sun?    NASA is just a week away from launching its next science mission, a spacecraft called the Parker Solar Probe that will eventually "touch the sun." 

If all goes according to plan, the probe will take off aboard a United Launch Alliance Delta IV Heavy rocket in the early morning of Aug. 11 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. The 45-minute launch window opens at 3:45 a.m. EDT (0748 GMT). You can watch the launch live on Space.com, courtesy of NASA TV.


Comment by Juan F Martinez on August 5, 2018 at 3:30pm

Space Force - the World is about to change

Why did Q post the World is about to change? 
Think Logically.

Comment by Howard on August 4, 2018 at 5:32pm

Scientists have discovered a giant rogue planet that is powerfully magnetic and nearly a brown dwarf 20 light years away. (announced August 3, 2018). 


Comment by Juan F Martinez on July 26, 2018 at 11:45pm

Bloody lunar eclipse prompts end-is-nigh prophecies – here’s all you need to know


Begley went on to quote an oft-used passage from the Bible’s Book of Joel which warns that "the sun will turn into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes." He cited other ominous moon-related lines from the scripture, before adding a disclaimer so that no one could “debunk what I’m saying.”

“Everything I’m saying is factual,” he proclaimed.

Yet another end of the world? Rare ‘black moon’ to appear this weekend
Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on July 18, 2018 at 12:34am


Scientists discover 12 new moons orbiting Jupiter while hunting for the elusive Planet X

Jul 17, 2018 | 7:00 AM

While hunting for the elusive Planet X, astronomers have discovered 12 additional moons around Jupiter, bringing the grand total of the planet’s known satellites up to a whopping 79.

The new moons are all relatively small — between 1 and 3 kilometers (.6 to 1.8 miles) across, which is likely why they haven’t been spotted before, scientists said.

They were first seen in the spring of 2017 by researchers who have spent the last few years searching for Planet X, also known as Planet 9 — an object they expect to be Mars-sized or bigger.

They believe it lies in the distant solar system, as much as 100 times farther from the sun than is the Earth. (For reference, Pluto is about 30 times farther from the sun than Earth is).

Any object that far away will receive very little light from the sun that it can reflect back to telescopes on Earth, which is why the search has been so challenging, said Scott Sheppard, an astronomer at the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington who led the work.

To aid them on this quest, the science team is using a four-meter telescope in Chile attached to the largest camera ever built.

It’s called the Dark Energy Camera, and it’s about the size of a smart car, Sheppard said.

Because the camera is so big, it can capture a much wider patch of sky in a single exposure than was previously possible.

“It allows us to be much more efficient than we’ve been in the past,” Sheppard said. “It used to be that one image was basically the area of a full moon in the night sky. Now we can cover twelve times that much.”

Sheppard and his colleagues are primarily focused on surveying the deep outer solar system, but a few years ago they realized that the Jupiter system was well positioned for them to take a closer look at its myriad satellites.

“It was kind of like trying to kill two birds with one stone,” Sheppard said. “We thought we might find a few more moons by covering the whole Jovian system in one exposure, which hadn’t been done before.”

The researchers deliberately picked fields to image that would allow them to see Jupiter’s moons without the bright light from the planet itself getting in the way.

They were able to determine which points of light in their images were Jovian moons because they moved across the sky at the same rate as their host planet.

“Anything that moved much slower would be a more distant object,” Sheppard said.

Their observations revealed the 12 never-before-seen moons. Eleven of them have been verified by representatives of the International Astronomical Union’s Minor Planet Center. The status of the 12th moon is still pending, although the researchers expect that it will be verified soon.

Most of the newly discovered moons belong to two previously known families of satellites.

Nine of them circle Jupiter in a wide, retrograde orbit, which means they move in the opposite direction that the planet rotates. It takes them about two Earth years to orbit Jupiter.

Two of them are part of a more inner group of moons that circle the planet in the prograde, or the same direction as it spins. This group completes a single orbit around Jupiter in one Earth year.

However, there is one moon, tentatively called Valetudo, that stands out. It doesn’t belong to any known group of moons, and it follows a strange prograde orbit that occasionally crosses the path of the retrograde moons.

“It’s basically going the wrong direction on the highway,” Sheppard said. “And that means that the chances of a collision are much higher.”

Sheppard said the discovery of Valetudo could help answer some longstanding questions about the formation of the extensive Jovian system.

Scientists believe that the families of small moons we see orbiting Jupiter today may have once been single, larger moons that broke apart after colliding with something — perhaps an asteroid or comet.

But if Valetudo is the remnant of a much larger moon with the same weird orbit, it is possible that the families of small moons were created by the collision of two moons.

Sheppard added that the team is currently running a simulation using supercomputers to determine how long before Valetudo crashes into one of the moons in the retrograde orbit. He expects that it will be sometime between 100 million and 1 billion years.

“The chances of us seeing an impact in any one year is vanishingly small, but it is likely in the life of the solar system,” said Gareth Williams, an astronomer at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, who determined the orbits of the newly discovered moons for the International Astronomical Union.

Williams said he was not surprised by Sheppard’s discovery of additional moons around Jupiter.

“We know there are probably hundreds of moons around Jupiter that are a kilometer or more in diameter at the moment,” he said.

However, he said the finding is still significant.

“Knowing how many satellites around each of the planets is important because any formation scenario for the planet has to account for the satellite system,” he said. “If your model only accounts for 20 satellites, that’s not going to fly when you suddenly have 60.”

He added that now that these moons have been discovered, and their orbits determined, scientists will know where to point their telescopes in order to study them more in depth. That will help them determine how dark they are and what they are made of, helping researchers learn more about the makeup of our solar system.

In the meantime, Sheppard’s hunt for Planet X continues. Who knows what else he and his colleagues might discover along the way?

Comment by Juan F Martinez on June 18, 2018 at 9:55pm

Intriguing new Q analyzed by an Anon. Does this suggest an ANNOUNCEMENT of "Undiscovered Star and other bodies in our solar system"?  

Comment by SongStar101 on June 16, 2018 at 10:02pm

Nasa Mars rover finds organic matter in ancient lake bed


Curiosity digs up carbon compounds that could be food for life in sediments that formed 3bn years ago

Nasa’s veteran Curiosity rover has found complex organic matter buried and preserved in ancient sediments that formed a vast lake bed on Mars more than 3bn years ago.

The discovery is the most compelling evidence yet that long before the planet became the parched world it is today, Martian lakes were a rich soup of carbon-based compounds that are necessary for life, at least as we know it.

Researchers cannot tell how the organic material formed and so leave open the crucial question: are the compounds remnants of past organisms; the product of chemical reactions with rocks; or were they brought to Mars in comets or other falling debris that slammed into the surface? All look the same in the tests performed.

But whatever the ultimate source of the material, if microbial life did find a foothold on Mars, the presence of organics meant it would not have gone hungry. “We know that on Earth microorganisms eat all sorts of organics. It’s a valuable food source for them,” said Jennifer Eigenbrode, a biogeochemist at Nasa’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland.

“While we don’t know the source of the material, the amazing consistency of the results makes me think we have a slam-dunk signal for organics on Mars,” Eigenbrode added. “It is not telling us that life was there, but it is saying that everything organisms really needed to live in that kind of environment, all of that was there.”

The car-sized rover, which has trundled a careful 12 miles (19.3km) since it landed in the planet’s Gale crater nearly six years ago, detected a slew of organic molecules in pieces of Martian mudstone it drilled from the ancient lake bed and heated in its onboard oven. When the samples reached 500 to 820C, the rover’s instruments detected a range of so-called aromatic, aliphatic and thiophenic vapours. The science team believes these are breakdown products of even larger organic molecules, similar to those found in coal, which were trapped in the Martian rocks in the distant past.

“To me it is amazing that we can show we have organic matter preserved for more than 3bn years in these rocks,” said Kirsten Siebach, a planetary geologist who was not involved in the work at Rice University in Houston, Texas. “This is very promising for the preservation of potential ancient life on the planet.”

“These molecules could have been part of life, but they could also have been food for life,” Siebach added. “To know that the water really was full of organic molecules really opens up the different ways that life could have existed on Mars.”

The Nasa rover has found hints of organics on the planet before. In 2015, mission scientists reported that Curiosity had detected whiffs of chlorine-containing organics in the planet’s rocks, but concerns over potential contamination and instrument glitches meant that the results did not convince everyone.

The latest findings, reported in the journal Science, are far more compelling. According to Inge Loes ten Kate, a geologist at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, “the results convincingly show the long-awaited detection of organic compounds on Mars.”

An image from 23 May 2018 shows how Nasa’s Mars Curiosity rover successfully drilled a hole in a target called “Duluth”. Photograph: NASA

The discovery of organics in rocks mere centimetres beneath the Martian surface has raised hopes of finding richer deposits of the compounds deeper down. In those may lurk tell-tale signs of life itself, scientists say. “If we can find things like fatty acids, that would be the first potential hints of life,” said Eigenbrode.

In a separate paper published in Science, another Nasa-led team describes Curiosity’s latest measurements of the Martian atmosphere. Before the rover touched down in August 2012, missions to the red planet had already spotted methane in the atmosphere which spiked from time to time as plumes of the gas apparently rose from the planet. The discovery fuelled speculation that the gas might be the expulsions of Martian microbes eking out an existence deep underground. More mundane explanations included chemical reactions between water and Martian rocks.

The new measurements do not settle the question, but the team led by Christopher Webster at Nasa’s Jet Propulsion lab in California reveals the first regular pattern in Mars’s fluctuating methane. Tests on the Martian air show that background levels of methane rise and fall with the changing seasons. As winter gives way to summer in the northern hemisphere, the methane triples from 0.24 to 0.65 parts per billion.

Webster suspects that reservoirs of methane lie deep under the surface of Mars, perhaps in water crystals called clathrates, and leak the gas continuously. When the methane reaches the surface, it sticks to Martian dust but is released in ever-increasing quantities when the ground warms up in the summer.

“These subsurface reservoirs could be from ancient methane that was trapped underground, or from methane that is forming today. Either way it could be produced by chemistry or by microbial activity. We certainly cannot rule out a biological source at this stage,” said Webster.

Taking the measurements was no easy task. A year on Mars lasts two Earth years, so to spot a seasonal pattern in the methane levels, the scientists had to take readings for four Earth years. “That’s why it has taken us so long,” said Webster. “Talk about having patience.”

Comment by Scott on June 12, 2018 at 6:45am

A couple examples of recent Bumbling Announcement headlines (at same news site, three days apart):

Planet 9 May Not Exist Instead Collective Gravity Explains Orbits Of Detached Objects Beyond Neptune (June 4, 2018)

New Theory About Trans-Neptunian Objects Fails To Completely Debunk Planet Nine (June 7, 2018)

ZetaTalk Comment 4/23/2016:
The Planet 9 prong also presented the cover story that astronomers do not always agree, nor are they always wise and knowledgeable. They argue. They grope. And through all this ZetaTalk will stand like a beacon.
http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue501.htm ("Bumbling Announcement")

ZetaTalk Prediction 5/7/2016:
Where is this leading? We have described the bumbling announcement admitting the near presence of Nibiru as deliberate.

ZetaTalk Comment 6/4/2016:
This bumbling approach is being taken as a way to excuse all the scientists who have been silenced during the decades of the cover-up. It was not their hand that denied the public the truth. They are thrilled to at last be allowed to speak, even if required to appear to bumble and debate.

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