We are seeing so many remarkable pre-announcement pieces showing up, this is a place to post and discuss them. This one for example, is making discoveries sound 'ho hum' which a few months/years ago were heralded as amazing breakthroughs. Today for example:
When a month or so ago they were making a BIG deal about finding one planet in the sweet zone which could possibly support life, son they they say 25% of them could support life! Including mention of red dwarfs, etc. The Zeta predicted evidence continues to build up!
Here is another blog that relates, describing a wobble:
And another one "found" ...
New 'large and bright' dwarf planet discovered in our solar system
"The new dwarf planet, dubbed 2015 RR245, has such a huge, highly elliptical orbit that it takes an astonishing 700 Earth years to complete one trip around the sun, and it ventures over 120 times further away from the sun than our planet does."
Small Moon Discovered Orbiting Dwarf Planet Makemake (June 28, 2016)
Scientists have discovered a small moon orbiting Makemake, a dwarf planet found at the edge of our solar system in the Kuiper Belt region.
“Makemake’s moon proves that there are still wild things waiting to be discovered, even in places people have already looked,” said Alex Parker, lead author of the paper detailing the findings, in a statement.
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for June 25, 2016
Prong 2 sought to answer why “Planet 9” evaded discovery for so long by suggesting that Hubble and Kepler and WISE looked afar, at bright objects, so that anything close in or somewhat dim would be missed. As evidence of this, the ESO’s observatory in Chile had discovered several exoplanets overlooked by the other sky mapping enterprises. Prong2’s agenda is to place into the public mind that an object such as Nibiru, shrouded by dust, could sneak into the Solar System unnoticed. To this end we have the newly announced second moon of Earth, an orbiting asteroid, just recently “discovered” by NASA.
A full list of government FEMA preparations for catastrophe in place by Sept 29 2016. All systems GO by October 1st. The preparation announcements start @ 4:30 @ 6:15 the preps for a catastrophic EMP are listed GridX II a North American wide excercise.
Due to resource constraints the Air Force to discontinue airforce space surveillance system as of October 1st.
FEMA district 3 alert for Wash. DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, WV
FEMA purchase orders for 14.2 million MRE's and 2 million water pouches to be delivered to District 3 by Oct 1st
FEMA purchase orders delivered to Austin 13.6 million dollars for MRE's and heater meals by Oct. 1st
9 week training course for UN Peacekeepers (Foreign Soldiers) to learn urban warfare, English and US Weapons systems ongoing since 4th week of July 2015 Estimated 386,000 troops completed training by Oct 1st 2016
11 million dollars in antibiotics ordered by CDC and delivered to FEMA region 3 by Oct 1st 2016
WHO had its 2nd meeting in its history to discuss MERS corona virus. Vaccine must be in place by Oct 1st 2016
2800 MRAP's (Mine resistant, ambush protected) must be delivered to DHS by Oct 1st 2016
No leave will be allowed for US military from Sept 28th to November 5th.............
NORCON yearly training for civil unrest, suspended until Sept 27th and to be performed in NE Coastal areas
All DHS agents must qualify with sidearm, shotgun and AR-15 by Sept 28th 2016
Testing of GPS and communication satellites coordinated for the very 1st time EVER with testing date of Sept 29th 2016
POTUS mandates to FEMA and DHS dealing with Extreme Climate Change must be completed by Oct 1st 2016
Over 300 school systems in the US have in place their 3 day kits for each school and 3 day kits for each student to take with them ....deliveries scheduled for month of Sept 2016
All National Guard untits will complete riot control and disaster assistance training during their annual 2 week training. All training must be completed by Sept 30th 2016
Daily testing of EBS from Sept 25th through Oct 2nd 2016
Eastern based Coast Guard units to perform massive group training usually performed in the Gulf, in the VA and DE areas. It's a 10 day training mission beginning Sept 26th 2016
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ministry_of_Emergency_Situations_(Russia) (EMERCOM)
First Posted: Jun 18, 2016 04:59 AM EDT
NASA astronomers have discovered a tiny asteroid which is constantly orbiting the Earth around the sun.
The newly found asteroid, 2016 HO3, was spotted first on April 27 by the Pan-STARRS 1 asteroid survey telescope on Haleakala, Hawaii. While, the size of the "quasi-satellite" has not been confirmed yet, it's expected to be between 130 feet and 330 feet wide (40 to 100 meters). Astronomers claim that the asteroid has been out there for about 50 years and will probably stay for centuries to come.
The new asteroid orbits the sun and constantly circles around Earth as well. Does this mean that Earth has a new moon? Well, the answer is no. It is too far to be considered natural moon or a true satellite of the Earth. Instead, it can be called as a "quasi-satellite."
The Daily Mail 'speculates' today what would happen if all 1,500 of the world's active volcanoes erupted all at once; and classifies 'active' as any volcano that has erupted in the last 10,000 years - exactly mirroring the Zeta's prediction that these would be the volcanoes that will erupt during the pole shift.
And just for good measure, says that the resulting ash fall out would somehow sink buildings!
The Earth currently has 1,500 'active volcanoes' - meaning they have had at least one eruption during the past 10,000 years.
This is aside from the continuous belt of volcanoes on the ocean floor, about 500 of which have erupted in historical time.
However, not all eruptions are the same.
Dr Matthew Watson, a volcano specialist from the University of Bristol told MailOnline: 'You can broadly categorise eruptions into two different types.
'The first, effusive, produces lava flows and lots of gas. The second, explosive, produces ash and gas.
'The difference in activity is controlled mostly by the viscosity of the magma.
'The more viscous the magma, the more difficult it is to get gas out of the system and the more likely you are to have an explosion.'
Despite the type of eruptions differing massively, if all the world's volcanoes erupted at the same time, the results would be catastrophic in a number of ways.
Firstly, the people in the firing line of the eruption would be affected, not only by the flow of magma from the volcano, but also from the huge ash clouds expelled.
Pyroclastic flows are fast-moving clouds of rock, ash and gas that are very hot, with temperatures rising up to 1000°C.
These would be impossible to outrun or even drive, as they can travel up to 450 miles per hour.
As well as affecting people near the volcano itself, pyroclastic flows can cause destruction for up to 100 miles from the site.
The number of people living near volcanoes that this would affect is massive.
For example, around three million people live near Mount Vesuvius, while 130 million people live on the island of Java which alone has 45 active volcanoes.
The far-reaching damage
But the destruction close to the volcanoes would just be the beginning.
The eruptions would send plumes of volcanic ash into the sky that could travel for thousands of miles.
Dr Watson said: 'Ash is pretty unpleasant stuff. Its comprised of tiny fragments of glass, crystals and rock.'
Newly Discovered Planet Has 27,000 Year Orbit Near Orion's Belt (Jun 15) CVSO 30c, orbits its star at 600 times the distance between the Earth and the sun. and it takes 27,000 years for it to complete a roundtrip.
The newly-discovered planet is orbiting a T-Tauri star named CVSO 30, which is 1,200 light-years away from Earth in the 25 Orionis group. It was found by a group of astronomers led by Dr Tobias Schmidt, from the University of Hamburg.
In 2012, astronomers found CVSO 30 was host to one exoplanet (CVSO 30b). This was found using a detection method known as the transit method, where the light from a star observably dips as a planet travels in front of it.
But this method is extremely difficult. Because they are small and dim, planets are easily lost in the brilliant glare of the giant stars they orbit.
Direct imaging is only effective for planets on wide orbits around young stars, because the light from the planet is not overwhelmed by light from the host star, which makes it easier to spot.
The new planet, CVSO 30c, was able to be seen through direct imaging because it orbits so unusually far from its host star - at 600 times the distance between the Earth and the sun.
Because of this, it takes an incredible 27,000 years to complete a single orbit.
The Solar System could be harbouring far more planets than we currently know about, astronomers have said. After carrying out calculations relating to the hypothetical Planet Nine, the scientists said the presence of even more planets could better explain the unusual orbits of objects at the far reaches of the Solar System.
Artist's impression of Planet Nine, the planet speculated to exist in our Solar System by scientistsCaltech/R. Hurt IPAC
Evidence for the existence of Planet Nine was presented by Caltech scientists earlier this year. Scientists found six trans-Neptunian objects (ETNOs) with highly unusual orbital paths. However, they said these paths could be explained by the presence of a massive planet (about 10 times the mass of the Earth), the gravity of which was influencing the six objects.
Since the announcement, scientists across the globe have been running computer simulations and carrying out research in a bid to learn more about this potential planet.
Spanish astronomers Carlos and Raúl de la Fuente Marcos along with Sverre J. Aarseth from the University of Cambridge have now looked more closely at the orbits of the ETNOs. By trying to work out their evolution over time, the team said the orbits of these objects are not as stable as scientists first thought.
Published in the journal Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society, researchers found Planet Nine could keep three of the ETNOs confined to a specific orbit for hundreds of millions of years. However, the three others would become highly unstable in just a dozen million years or so, "eventually triggering their ejection from the Solar System," they wrote.
Carlos de la Fuente Marcos said: "With the orbit indicated by the Caltech astronomers for Planet Nine, our calculations show that the six ETNOs, which they consider to be the Rosetta Stone in the solution to this mystery, would move in lengthy, unstable orbits.
"These objects would escape from the Solar System in less than 1.5 billion years and [three of them would] abandon it in less than 300 million years; what is more important, their orbits would become really unstable in just 10 million years − a really short amount of time in astronomical terms." To account for this problem, the authors say Planet Nine's proposed orbit needs to be slightly modified.
The unusual orbits of objects around Planet 9Caltech/R. Hurt IPAC
Further to this, however, the researchers say the presence of additional planets would help explain Planet Nine and its ETNOs stable orbits. "We believe that, in addition to a Planet Nine, there could also be a Planet 10 and even more," said Carlos de la Fuente Marcos.
The study concludes: "Is Planet Nine alone or are there more? Planet Nine, if it exists, moves in an elongated orbit that may be vulnerable to long-term secular perturbations resulting from the Galactic tide or discrete events like close encounters with passing stars.
"In this context, a lone Planet Nine may not be able to survive in its present orbit for the age of the Solar System, but a planet within a planetary group has better chances to be long-term stable. Therefore, if Planet Nine exists, it is probably not alone."
Planet X approach is ‘causing devastating climate and seismic activity’
8 January, 2016. THE mysterious Planet X is approaching and will cause widespread destruction across Earth, a conspiracy theorist has claimed.
Although the planet has not even been confirmed by scientists, some believe that there is an elusive planet in our solar system which has a huge orbit and such a strong magnetic pull that it can effect life on Earth.
A new video uploaded to YouTube by Skywatch Media News says that Planet X is bound for Earth after completing half of its 3,600-year elliptical orbit.
It says that the magnetic force of Planet X is so strong that it can effect anything within 48.6 astronomical units (AU) of it – one AU is the distance between Earth and the Sun.
With the planet having completed the first half of its elliptical orbit, it is heading back towards Earth and its strong magnetic pull is causing problems already.
The video claims that the magnetic pull is tugging on the poles of Earth, causing it to wobble.
This explains why Earth has undergone climate change in recent years as the Earth is moving slightly off its axis.
The North pole is being dragged slightly southwards, meaning that the polar ice caps are facing more towards the sun, causing them to melt.
The video states that: “We are now in the initial stage of the pole shift.”
This in turn has led to extreme climate change: “Weather is becoming more extreme as Planet X’s strong magnetic pull effects that of Earth.”
Additionally, the shifting of the poles has caused an increase in seismic and volcanic activity.
Take a look through these stunning drone images, highlighting the effects of pollution on planet earth but also the opportunities to tackle this scary problem.
The narrator of the video points to the spate of tremors around the globe in the last couple of months, with deadly quakes striking Ecuador and Japan.
Additionally, he said that the “tremors are happening near to the surface”, which is making them more dangerous, and he claims that some volcanoes are approaching an unprecedented 40 eruptions a day.
He states: “One can argue that there is certainly evidence of Planet X’s effects upon Earth, causing it to wobble, which in turn causes high seismic and volcanic activity, as well as extreme weather.
“The Planet X effect is setting the Earth up for a coming pole shift.”
Although no one knows what might happen when Planet X reaches its closes point to Earth in its orbit, it is feared that it could spark another ice age or catastrophic earthquakes. Source: express.co.uk
Planet Discovered that Orbits 2 Suns (Jun 13)
A team of astronomers announced the discovery of an unusual new transiting circumbinary planet (orbiting two suns).
This planet, detected using the Kepler spacecraft, is unusual because it is both the largest such planet found to date and has the widest orbit.
Kepler-1647b, the largest exoplanet to orbit two suns has been found with an orbital period of 3 years.
"It's a bit curious that this biggest planet took so long to confirm, since it is easier to find big planets than small ones," said another coauthor on the study, SDSU astronomer Jerome Orosz in a press release. "It took so long to confirm because its orbital period is so long."
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