Council of Worlds at WAR re Announcement Delays

Note the location of “Planet 9” and the inbound path for Nibiru provided by the Zetas in 1997. Nibiru arrived, right on schedule in 2003, and right where predicted a full 7 years earlier. Where the Zetas provided the location of the gravity draw represented by the Sun’s dark unlit binary and the inbound Nibiru in 1983, when the IRAS team lofted its infra-red balloon in search of the inbound Nibiru, this location was not provided to the public. All articles in print at that time only referring to the location as the “western edge of the constellation Orion”, quite vague, and the “western edge” is vast. Yet the Zetas pinpointed the location as being just outside the lower bow of Orion. Such is the accuracy of ZetaTalk. How would the public eventually become “aware of the history and accuracy of ZetaTalk predictions” as predicted by the Zetas on April 16, 2016? ? It would seem this is already in process.

SOZT March 19, 2016

So what happened to the announcement? Obama lacked the courage. As a result of this colossal failure,  having to disband the Jade Helm structure, the US military reacted. Obama is no longer running the country. Chief of Staff General Dunford is. Ben Fulford has for months been referring to Obama as the US “spokesperson”. Is this true, and how does this work? In that the Middle East, under the direction and press from Israel, Turkey, the Jewish bankers of the Federal Reserve, and the Saudis were supporting ISIS and this threatened to create a force that would not only invade Europe but also create an endless terrorism threat to the US, the military did indeed effect a silent coup. Russia needed to enter the fray, and Dunford, but not Obama, agreed. This will never be admitted, publicly, nor do the parties want this.

SOZT October 1, 2015
The three major social media outlets in use around the globe all had significant, and simultaneous outages between September 20-24, 2015. Skype had complaints from the UK, Australia, and Japan. Twitter received reports from the US, Australia, and Singapore. FaceBook had the loudest howls, primarily from the US and Europe. Notably these downtimes, some lasting for hours or even days, got no attention in the major media, and there was no real explanation for the outages.  Every Skype user has an account and a password, as do their contacts. Every Skype user can broadcast messages to their contacts, even if these contacts are not presently online. Every twitter use likewise has an account and a password, and by sending a tweet passes information along to subscribers, who can retweet the info in the future. FaceBook users likewise have an account and a password, with many friends who pick up info from each other and pass it along on their FaceBook accounts.  In all of this, the networks themselves are AWARE of the accounts and passwords, and could do a broadcast to all in the event of an announcement. Check your user agreements. This is legal!

SOZT April 25, 2015
When we announced that the Council of Worlds would be going to war with the elite over their blockage of the announcement, the tools available to the Council were not immediately apparent. Early in the campaign the Sony hack showed one such mechanism, whereby an anonymous hacker revealed embarrassing information about Sony executives. Similarly exposing pedophile activities by Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton and blatant lies by self-promoting media talking heads such as Brian Williams and Bill O’Reilly required nothing more than encouraging contactees to step forward.  In many, many cases a financial loss sufficient to trigger a clash among the elite is a result of an electronic delay during trades. 

SOZT July 4, 2015
What is the message here? As with other failed launches, this most recent failure is a definitive message from the Council of Worlds. Space X has had success in resupplying the ISS, though has flounded on landing on a floating ocean platform.  Resupply of the ISS is OK, reuse of their launch equipment so as to help the elite escape, not OK. The message now is that the elite should not expect to get into space at all. No escape. The message here is to take all hope away from such plans among the elite. They are to remain on Earth with the common man. We expect the battle to shift from attempts to block the announcement, or deny its meaning, to attempts to enslave the common man in some way. That is another fight, on another day.

SOZT November 1, 2014
The elite – the wealthy and politically powerful in the world – have continued in their attempts to thwart the announcement by Obama and his partners admitting that Nibiru, aka Planet X exists. We have long stated that the announcement date was set by Obama and Xi at their June 7-8, 2013 meeting in Santa Monica. The flustered slip given by the French Foreign Minister on May 13, 2014 re “500 days
until climate chaos” was in reference to this, as the date set was to be 500 days from the 2013 meeting, ie October 20, 2014.

SOZT November 8, 2014
Relying solely on Russia or China to proceed would get the truth out BUT since the block had always been on the US end, via Reagan’s national security directive, without a confirmation from Obama this is awkward and subject to being countered. If true, where is the confirmation from Obama? It would be packaged as some odd communist attack against Obama going into the elections, to make him seem weak, almost comical. So where is this going now? For us to comment would be to empower the enemy, which of course we will not do. Your curiosity is not as important as having the announcement succeed.

SOZT December 10, 2014
We have stated that the public will see only the flash and parry of swords from a distance during the Council of Worlds war with the cover-up crowd. Meanwhile, periodic tests of the Emergency Broadcast System in the US are done, to see if the channels are open. As of this writing, they are not yet open. The war is still on, full press. Meanwhile, during the flash and parry of swords, one can see resistance, pleading, panic, and capitulation.

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Comment by casey a on January 3, 2015 at 12:26pm

State institutions including the police and social services will be unable to cope with the volume of child abuse victims coming forward

The number of people coming forward with allegations about historic child abuse is set to reach "many tens of thousands"...Mr Mann went on: "I'm getting vast numbers of people, including my constituents, coming forward making allegations. Many of those people came forward in the past and weren't listened to or weren't believed. "And that's a key part of the problem. What do you do with people making allegations against people, and nothing was done in the past, when the people they're making allegations against in some cases are dead?"

Comment by Ecosikh on January 3, 2015 at 12:03am
Comment by casey a on January 2, 2015 at 7:08pm

From Starr's link, Alan Dershowitz is the token "scholar" thats put out on TV to defend Israel's policies (regardless of its consequences). This is somewhat of a double whammy.

Comment by casey a on January 2, 2015 at 6:50pm

Murdoch...and CIA Propaganda (Dec 31)   (Photo credit: Reagan presidential library)

The rapid expansion of America’s right-wing media began in the 1980s as the Reagan administration coordinated foreign policy initiatives with conservative media executives, including Rupert Murdoch, and then cleared away regulatory hurdles.

The Reagan administration pulled right-wing media executives [like] Rupert Murdoch...into a CIA-organized "perception management" operation which aimed Cold War-style propaganda at the American people in the 1980s. Murdoch was brought into [Reagan's propaganda] operation in 1983 – when he was still an Australian citizen and his media empire was much smaller.

U.S. Information (Propaganda) Agency, arranged at least two meetings between Murdoch and Reagan...when the administration was lining up private financing for its propaganda campaign...The documents suggest that Murdoch was soon viewed as a source for that funding, [according to] a 1983 memo summing up a meeting with five leading ad executives regarding how to “sell” Reagan’s aggressive policies in Central America. The meeting...came just five days after NSC Advisor William Clark noted...“We will develop a scenario for obtaining private funding" according to an unpublished chapter of the Iran-Contra investigation.

(In other words, Rupert Murdoch was directly funding propaganda fed to the American people back then. So, Fox News was just a natural extension for him!!) 

At least one other document related to Murdoch’s work with USIA (i.e. U.S. propaganda agency) Director Wick remains classified, according to the National Archives.

Murdoch, who became a naturalized citizen of the United States in 1985 to meet a regulatory requirement that U.S. TV stations must be owned by Americans, benefited from his close ties to both U.S. and British officialdom...Murdoch’s access  to powerful British politicians dated back at least to the reign of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s. (see below)

At the time, Murdoch and other media moguls were lobbying for a relaxation of regulations in the U.S. The Reagan administration undertook a number of steps favorable to Murdoch’s interests, including increasing the number of TV stations that any single entity could own from seven in 1981 to 12 in 1985. (This is when we start seeing the blatant monopolization of media--information fed to the millions, even more tightly controlled  by a few).

In 1987, the “Fairness Doctrine,” which required political balance in broadcasting, was eliminated, which enabled Murdoch to pioneer a more aggressive conservatism on his TV network. (A decade later, we have Fox News that is not legally required to be balanced & shamelessly overtaking every other TV media..).

So why the paranoia to propagandize Reagan's policies to undermine democratic revolutions in South America?

(The American public had grown weary & aware of the indiscriminate bombing that was taking place in Vietnam & Cambodia--a war that wasn't really being conducted on behalf of them. This dissent scared the elite. Hence the need for propaganda systematically fed to public & sell wars. And why Bush Sr at the end of the Gulf War said "By God, we've kicked the Vietnam syndrome once and for all!" For some insane reason, its bad to be against wars)


According to Nixon’s chief of of Nixon’s pet ideas was to build a network of loyal conservatives in positions of influence. The President was “pushing again on project of building our establishment in press, business, education, etc.,” (Remeber since 1953, every Republican president/vice president has had a Nixon or Bush. The only exception being Gerald Ford/ Rockefeller (1974-77), And the zetas have also said "The rush to get George W. Bush into the White House was by the same group that was impelling Ronald Reagan to be in the White House."- zetatalk).

So not to be captain obvious here, but Mudoch had clearly been currying favor with this group all the way back then.

With Reagan’s inauguration in 1981..right-wing ideologues were in position to merge their private funding with U.S. Government money in pursuit of the administration’s geopolitical goals, including making sure the American people would not break ranks as many did over the Vietnam War.


Murdoch & Margaret Thatcher (April 2013)

The public remembers Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan as ‘ideological soulmates.’ But it was [Thatcher]’s connection with Rupert Murdoch that was key. On the day of the general election in May 1979, Murdoch’s tabloid the Sun—which had only just taken over from the Daily Mirror as the nation’s bestselling paper—shifted from its traditional Labour support with a front- page editorial arguing Thatcher’s election would be better for the working classes.

Then later, Murdoch attempted to buy The Times. He shouldn't have been allowed to due to regulations against monopolizing the press, but he had a secret meeting with Thatcher, & was then was allowed to buy the paper. Then The Times joined the tabloids in supporting Thatcher’s radical right-wing reforms [and Thatcher] won by a landslide in the 1983 election...Thatcher’s motive was quite simple. "Why are you so opposed to Rupert?" she would ask critics of Murdoch. "He is going to get us in [office, by swaying public opinion through his tabloids]"...

She never forgot her debt.. Even on the brink of being forced to resign in 1990, she waived through a merger of his off-shore company Sky with the licensed British satellite company, BSB. Thus Britain’s satellite monopoly, BSkyB, which now has 50% higher revenues than the BBC, was born.

-------------------------------- (Feb 2013)

"[Margaret] Thatcher and Murdoch had a deep mutual regard, more sincere on her part than his." When she deviated from what he saw as the true path of modern conservatism, he could quickly turn critical or disloyal – despite her crucial support for his commercial expansions, such as his controversial takeover of the Times in 1981. In 1983, her lack of enthusiasm for the American invasion of the Caribbean island of Grenada (we hear about this in the tape leaked by COW), caused Murdoch to fume that she had "run out of puff", "gone out of her mind", and was not "listening to her friends". Even after Thatcher crushingly won her third general election in 1987, Murdoch [secretly supported] other rightwingers.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 2, 2015 at 5:36pm

Another reason for the gag order on Royals business. Too Late for that !!!

Prince Andrew, Duke of York, named in underage 'sex slave' lawsuit over claims of forced sexual relations

A woman has alleged that she was repeatedly forced to have sexual relations with Prince Andrew as part of a lawsuit that claims an American investment banker passed her around rich and powerful friends as a “sex slave” while she was still underage.

The accusation was made in a lawsuit brought by women who say they were exploited by Jeffrey Epstein, an American multi-millionaire who was convicted of soliciting sex with an underage girl in 2008, reports the Guardian.

The woman filed the case anonymously, and is understood to have been 17 at the time, which is considered a minor under Florida law.

The prince is not a named party in the legal claim, and has not had any opportunity to respond to the allegations. He has previously denied any sexual contact with young women associated with Epstein or any knowledge of his behaviour.

Jeffrey Epstein, multi-millionaire and ex-banker who was sentenced to 18 months in prison

Buckingham Palace declined to comment on the allegations toThe Independent. The palace can't give comment about an ongoing legal process, a spokesperson said.

"This relates to long-standing and ongoing civil proceedings in the United States, to which The Duke of York is not a party," a Buckingham Palace spokesman said. "As such we would not comment on the detail.

"However, for the avoidance of doubt, any suggestion of impropriety with underage minors is categorically untrue."

The case is directed towards federal prosecutors, and is part of an effort to expand an ongoing legal case, the Guardian reported. But it alleges that the woman “was forced to have sexual relations with this prince when she was a minor” in London, New York and on Epstein’s private Caribbean island, the Guardian reported.

Alan Dershowitz, a Harvard law professor and defense lawyer, is also named in the lawsuit. He told the Guardian that the allegations made against him were “totally false and made up”.

Prince Andrew’s friendship with Epstein, who was sentenced to 18 months in prison for soliciting paid sex with a 14-year-old girl and is now a registered sex offender, has been a source of problems before. The Duke of York stood down from his role as the UK’s special trade emissary in 2011, after his friendship with the banker provoked calls for him to step down.

The two men have known each other for years, often travelling together and staying at one another’s properties.

Epstein was sued recently by crisis management firm Sitrick & Co, which accused him of failing to pay fees to deal with the scandal over his friendship with Prince Andrew. The company said that he owed £65,000, the Daily Mail reported.


It seems that Prince Andrew's dirty laundry is being made public. It is something more than just embarrassing because of the nature of what he's done. Not only is it a crime but it is particularly abhorrent due to the age of the victim and her testimony of her circumstances. Is this an example of the COW tightening the screws on the royal family?
[and from another]
The accusation against the Duke of York is contained in a motion filed in a Florida court this week in connection with a long-running lawsuit brought by women who say they were exploited by Jeffrey Epstein, a multi-millionaire convicted of soliciting sex with an underage girl after a plea deal. The woman, who filed the motion anonymously, alleges that between 1999 and 2002 she was repeatedly sexually abused by Epstein who, she also alleges, loaned her out to rich and influential men around the world. The document – a motion to expand an ongoing lawsuit relating to prosecutors’ handling of Epstein’s case with two new plaintiffs – alleges that the woman “was forced to have sexual relations with this prince when she was a minor” in London, New York and on a private Caribbean island owned by Epstein.
[and from another]
A Buckingham Palace spokesman has denied claims Prince Andrew lobbied the US government against the prosecution of his long-term friend Jeffrey Epstein - the US billionaire paedophile. Epstein was one of the best-connected men in America until he was jailed for 13 months in 2008 for soliciting girls for underage prostitution. The order they want the court to grant are ‘documents regarding Epstein’s lobbying efforts to persuade the Government to give him a more favorable plea arrangement and/or non-prosecution agreement, including efforts on his behalf by Prince Andrew and former Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz’. 

One aspect of the Council of Worlds war on the elite is the unrelenting nature of the squeeze. The elite are familiar with the threat of exposure, where despicable crimes such as pedophilia are revealed, but they deal with this by bribery and threats and manipulation of the courts and the criminal justice system. As is well known, the elite, the wealthy and politically connected, escape justice where the poor go to prison. Like the Chinese water torture
method, the onslaught may be slight but it is the incessant application that is hard to bear. What does such exposure cause, over time, that an initial or solo assault does not?

At first, the elite form a united alliance, rushing to the defense of the other. Then erosion starts, where friends peel away, invitations are withdrawn, business partnerships suffer, divorces ensue, and the arrogant strut is replaced by lonely nights sitting in the shadows. Man is a social animal, and this is due to his need for inclusion in a group for survival. Expulsion, exile, is an ancient punishment that resulted in death, and even though a physical death will not result for a wealthy or politically connected individual, another type of death results. It is not what is withdrawn that is important, it is that SOMETHING is always being withdrawn. The trend does not stop, and there is pain at every step.

The incessant and unrelenting nature of the squeeze is true whether criminal or embarrassing facts are being revealed, wealth is being lost, or business arrangement fail. The elite are used to SUCCESS. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the euphoria that comes from this expectation playing out with actual success is like a drug to the elite. The opposite of this euphoria is depression, the realization that one’s losses, and the losses of one’s friends and allies, is NOT GOING TO STOP until the announcement, as originally designed by Obama, is allowed. Was revelation of Prince Andrew’s pedophilia role a recent maneuver by the Council of Worlds?  Yes.

Comment by Kris H on January 2, 2015 at 5:14pm
Harry Reid hospitalized overnight with facial and rib fractures. Hmm, sounds fishy.
Comment by Ecosikh on January 1, 2015 at 11:47am

All over the world, the challenge to the old order is growing

The powers that be will fight back against attempts to change the status quo, economically or globally
interesting piece in the Guardian...
Happy New Year one  and all!
Comment by casey a on January 1, 2015 at 3:00am

Murdoch & his son are unloading their shares from 21st century Fox & News Corp, (while they still keep a stranglehold on voting shares, ofcourse). Link 1, Link 2

Also last month, Independent investors tried to scrap ‘undemocratic’ system that gives [Murdoch] family 39.4% control despite owning just 14% of shares of News Corp. (18 Nov)

News Corp's new reality: Rupert Murdoch losing grip on empire (Nov. 22).

None had a clue that they were about to witness the 83-year-old media baron come dangerously close to losing his iron-fisted grip on a large part of his empire at the hands of a shareholder revolt. No one expected that the billionaire Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, on whose support Murdoch relies to retain control of News Corp, wouldn't vote his shares. For Murdoch, in a corporate sense at least, the outcome of this meeting represented a near-death experience.

Comment by Ecosikh on January 1, 2015 at 12:27am

Murdoch tweets that there should be more support for Israel

in addition dystopian images of planets as close as the moon - i.e. the earth - are being put out there

Comment by casey a on December 31, 2014 at 11:53pm

Government favoured Rupert Murdoch's media empire, says outgoing [regulatory board] chief.

When the Sydney siege took place, [he was]  criticised over 'heartless' congratulations tweet.

And now, it seems he's traveling with a body double, & has extra security on him.

Back in Oct. 31, Murdoch was noticeably absent from a News Corp ceremony that he always attends.

(He's scared of something to be traveling with a body double & added security).

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