Council of Worlds at WAR re Announcement Delays

Note the location of “Planet 9” and the inbound path for Nibiru provided by the Zetas in 1997. Nibiru arrived, right on schedule in 2003, and right where predicted a full 7 years earlier. Where the Zetas provided the location of the gravity draw represented by the Sun’s dark unlit binary and the inbound Nibiru in 1983, when the IRAS team lofted its infra-red balloon in search of the inbound Nibiru, this location was not provided to the public. All articles in print at that time only referring to the location as the “western edge of the constellation Orion”, quite vague, and the “western edge” is vast. Yet the Zetas pinpointed the location as being just outside the lower bow of Orion. Such is the accuracy of ZetaTalk. How would the public eventually become “aware of the history and accuracy of ZetaTalk predictions” as predicted by the Zetas on April 16, 2016? ? It would seem this is already in process.

SOZT March 19, 2016

So what happened to the announcement? Obama lacked the courage. As a result of this colossal failure,  having to disband the Jade Helm structure, the US military reacted. Obama is no longer running the country. Chief of Staff General Dunford is. Ben Fulford has for months been referring to Obama as the US “spokesperson”. Is this true, and how does this work? In that the Middle East, under the direction and press from Israel, Turkey, the Jewish bankers of the Federal Reserve, and the Saudis were supporting ISIS and this threatened to create a force that would not only invade Europe but also create an endless terrorism threat to the US, the military did indeed effect a silent coup. Russia needed to enter the fray, and Dunford, but not Obama, agreed. This will never be admitted, publicly, nor do the parties want this.

SOZT October 1, 2015
The three major social media outlets in use around the globe all had significant, and simultaneous outages between September 20-24, 2015. Skype had complaints from the UK, Australia, and Japan. Twitter received reports from the US, Australia, and Singapore. FaceBook had the loudest howls, primarily from the US and Europe. Notably these downtimes, some lasting for hours or even days, got no attention in the major media, and there was no real explanation for the outages.  Every Skype user has an account and a password, as do their contacts. Every Skype user can broadcast messages to their contacts, even if these contacts are not presently online. Every twitter use likewise has an account and a password, and by sending a tweet passes information along to subscribers, who can retweet the info in the future. FaceBook users likewise have an account and a password, with many friends who pick up info from each other and pass it along on their FaceBook accounts.  In all of this, the networks themselves are AWARE of the accounts and passwords, and could do a broadcast to all in the event of an announcement. Check your user agreements. This is legal!

SOZT April 25, 2015
When we announced that the Council of Worlds would be going to war with the elite over their blockage of the announcement, the tools available to the Council were not immediately apparent. Early in the campaign the Sony hack showed one such mechanism, whereby an anonymous hacker revealed embarrassing information about Sony executives. Similarly exposing pedophile activities by Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton and blatant lies by self-promoting media talking heads such as Brian Williams and Bill O’Reilly required nothing more than encouraging contactees to step forward.  In many, many cases a financial loss sufficient to trigger a clash among the elite is a result of an electronic delay during trades. 

SOZT July 4, 2015
What is the message here? As with other failed launches, this most recent failure is a definitive message from the Council of Worlds. Space X has had success in resupplying the ISS, though has flounded on landing on a floating ocean platform.  Resupply of the ISS is OK, reuse of their launch equipment so as to help the elite escape, not OK. The message now is that the elite should not expect to get into space at all. No escape. The message here is to take all hope away from such plans among the elite. They are to remain on Earth with the common man. We expect the battle to shift from attempts to block the announcement, or deny its meaning, to attempts to enslave the common man in some way. That is another fight, on another day.

SOZT November 1, 2014
The elite – the wealthy and politically powerful in the world – have continued in their attempts to thwart the announcement by Obama and his partners admitting that Nibiru, aka Planet X exists. We have long stated that the announcement date was set by Obama and Xi at their June 7-8, 2013 meeting in Santa Monica. The flustered slip given by the French Foreign Minister on May 13, 2014 re “500 days
until climate chaos” was in reference to this, as the date set was to be 500 days from the 2013 meeting, ie October 20, 2014.

SOZT November 8, 2014
Relying solely on Russia or China to proceed would get the truth out BUT since the block had always been on the US end, via Reagan’s national security directive, without a confirmation from Obama this is awkward and subject to being countered. If true, where is the confirmation from Obama? It would be packaged as some odd communist attack against Obama going into the elections, to make him seem weak, almost comical. So where is this going now? For us to comment would be to empower the enemy, which of course we will not do. Your curiosity is not as important as having the announcement succeed.

SOZT December 10, 2014
We have stated that the public will see only the flash and parry of swords from a distance during the Council of Worlds war with the cover-up crowd. Meanwhile, periodic tests of the Emergency Broadcast System in the US are done, to see if the channels are open. As of this writing, they are not yet open. The war is still on, full press. Meanwhile, during the flash and parry of swords, one can see resistance, pleading, panic, and capitulation.

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Comment by Nancy Lieder on August 22, 2015 at 11:05am

See the newest ZetaTalk on the Sept 23-29 Internet buz. The coverup crowd is trying to muddy the water, with asteroid and end of the world confusion. What is the water reflecting? That the end of September might be announcement time:

- Xi is meeting Obama on 9/28

- Pope and Putin are at the UN 9/23

- Biden might announce a Presidential run (or not if Obama delays the 2016 campaign via Exec Order) until "late September"

Here's the new ZT on the cover-up crowd's latest maneuver. They know they have lost. Now they are just trying for distractions.

What is the intent behind the prophecies and interpretations being pushed on the Internet about a September 23, 2015 asteroid strike? The soup of disinformation includes:
1. A self-proclaimed prophet, Efrain Rodriguez, with zero accuracy prediction claiming in 2010 that an asteroid would hit the Atlantic and swamp the East Coast and Puerto Rico. No date for this disaster was given. Nothing has been heard from Rodriguez since.
2. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius mumbling something on May 13, 2014 about “500 days”, which computes to September 23-24, 2015. As we explained, the 500 days was the number of days agreed to by Xi and Obama
when they met in California re the announcement plans, not the date of the presser with Kerry where Fabius made the slip of the tongue.
3. A self-proclaimed  channel claiming that 1/3 of humanity will ascend on September 28, 2015.
4. The 2015 Jewish Day of Atonement occurs on September 23-24, 2015.
5. The Pope is coming to New York City to address the UN on September 23, 2015.

All this was rolled into a pie and baked on the Internet. By whom, and why? NASA periodically talks about Near Earth Orbit (NEO) asteroids
and their plans for defense, and have brought this down on themselves thus. In the past they have used asteroids as a cover
for the debris in the tail of Planet X, aka Nibiru, and in step with the tenacious cover-up over the pending passage of Nibiru, were not about to tell the truth. Now the announcement is pending, perhaps even scheduled for late September, and the asteroid fear mongering is being used AGAINST NASA.

The people actively promoting the September 23 asteroid rumors seek to cloud the announcement over a legitimate threat – Nibiru’s pending passage – with this nonsense. No asteroid will strike nor pass close, and they hope that by confusing an asteroid threat with Nibiru itself, that the announcement will be belittled and cast aside. Oh, that, the public will say, it was only an asteroid hit that did not occur. Thus the REAL threat, which the public should take seriously, will be ignored. The group pushing this disinformation is identical to the cover-up crowd. This group wants the public to remain ignorant until the end for the convenience of the elite.

Comment by SongStar101 on August 21, 2015 at 11:43am

Hackers dump SECOND, even bigger batch of Ashley Madison records with taunting message to millionaire founder of 'cheating dirtbag' site

  • Reports of a second wave of secret documents revealed from the hacked infidelity site
    Hackers 'the Impact Team' posted another huge tranche - amounting to 20GB of files - on the same dark web
    They boasted of the second wave directly to the beleaguered company's CEO multi-millionaire Noel Biderman
    'Hey Noel, you can admit it's real now', the message read
    The company has refused to admit all the information that has been released came from their site
    First wave included 9.7 gigabytes of raw data including names, addresses, phone numbers and sexual fantasies of registered users
    University of Texas, Sony, Boeing and Bank of America all appear in domain names of alleged users posted online
    Government workers with sensitive White House, law enforcement and congress jobs have admitted using the site after being exposed
    Pentagon and FBI are now investigating the leak amid fears it provides potential for blackmail of government officials

A second, even bigger, 'cheat sheet' exposing the users of adultery website Ashley Madison has been released.

Hacking group 'the Impact team' at lunchtime on Thursday released another mine of documents and confidential information to back up their first 9.7 gigabyte leak, according to Vice.

The new documents were dumped with a taunting message to the adultery website's founder as exposed users began to publicly admit their involvement.

'Hey Noel, you can admit it's real now,' read the post - presumably directed at the company's millionaire CEO Noel Biderman, who has refused to admit the material is all legitimate.

The new - even bigger - 20GB release will do little to calm the nerves of the cheaters whose personal details have been exposed.

The Associated Press traced many of the accounts exposed by hackers back to federal workers.

They included at least two assistant U.S. attorneys; an information technology administrator in the Executive Office of the President; a division chief, an investigator and a trial attorney in the Justice Department; a government hacker at the Homeland Security Department and another DHS employee who indicated he worked on a counter-terrorism response team.

AP traced their government Internet connections — logged by the website over five years — and reviewed their credit-card transactions to identify them. They included workers at more than two dozen Obama administration agencies, including the departments of State, Defense, Justice, Energy, Treasury, Transportation and Homeland Security. Others came from House or Senate computer networks

Many federal customers appeared to use non-government email addresses with handles such as 'sexlessmarriage', 'soontobesingle' or 'latinlovers'.

Some Justice Department employees appeared to use pre-paid credit cards to help preserve their anonymity but connected to the service from their office computers.

Defense Secretary Ash Carter confirmed the Pentagon was looking into the list of people who used military email addresses. Adultery can be a criminal offense under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Several searchable databases of names, emails and sexual fantasies linked to the first data leak had to shut down within minutes of going live because they could not cope with demand from suspicious spouses.

The second appears to include personal information and emails of the CEO with folders entitled Noel Biderman.mail.

Other folders are titled mobile, product and design.

'The dump appears to contain all of the [CEO's] business/corporate e-mails, source code for all of their websites, mobile applications, and more,' researchers from TrustedSec wrote in a blog post published Thursday.

Another document shows the website were aware of the privacy dangers and discussed a potential security breach.

A file called 'Areas of concern – customer data.docx' a worker flagged potential hacking hazards.

Comment by SongStar101 on August 20, 2015 at 8:09am

Government Inquiry Into Clinton Emails Likely To Widen

For now, federal authorities characterize the Justice Department inquiry into Hillary Clinton's private email server as a security situation: a simple matter of finding out whether classified information leaked out during her tenure as secretary of state, and where it went.

Except, former government officials said, that's not going to be so simple.

"I think that the FBI will be moving with all deliberate speed to determine whether there were serious breaches of national security here," said Ron Hosko, who used to lead the FBI's criminal investigative division.

He said agents will direct their questions not just at Clinton, but also her close associates at the State Department and beyond.

"I would want to know how did this occur to begin with, who knew, who approved," Hosko said.

Authorities are asking whether Clinton or her aides mishandled secrets about the Benghazi attacks and other subjects by corresponding about them in emails.

For her part, Clinton said she did not use that email account to send or receive anything marked classified.

"Whether it was a personal account or a government account, I did not send classified material, and I did not receive any material that was marked or designated classified which is the way you know whether something is," she said Tuesday in a question-and-answer session with reporters.

Why is Clinton emphasizing the idea that none of those messages were marked? Because what she knew — her intent — matters a lot under the law. If the Justice Department and FBI inquiry turns into a formal criminal investigation.

Two lawyers familiar with the inquiry told NPR that a formal criminal investigation is under consideration and could happen soon — although they caution that Clinton herself may not be the target.

Comment by SongStar101 on August 19, 2015 at 11:58am

This seems relevant to the Sony or gov hack or others as income data could be sought out at the IRS en mass?

IRS hack far larger than first thought

SAN FRANCISCO — A hack of the Internal Revenue service first reported in May was nearly three times as large as previously stated, the agency said Monday.

Thieves have accessed as many as 334,000 taxpayer accounts, the IRS said.

In May, the IRS reported that identity thieves were able to use the agency's Get Transcript program to get personal information about as many as 114,000 taxpayers.

On Monday, the IRS said an additional 220,000 accounts had also been hacked. In all, 334,000 accounts were accessed, though whether information was stolen from every one of them is not known.

The hackers made use of an IRS application called Get Transcript, which allows users to view their tax account transactions, line-by-line tax return information or wage and income reported to the IRS for a specific tax year.

To enter the Get Transcript system, the user must correctly answer multiple identity verification question.

The hackers took information about taxpayers acquired from other sources and used it to correctly answer the questions, allowing them to gain access to a plethora of data about individual taxpayers.

The Get Transcript service was shut down in May.

Hackers love authentication-based systems because it's very difficult to distinguish between "the good guys and the bad guys" when someone is trying to get in, said Jeff Hill of STEALTHbits Technologies, a cyber security company.

"Here we have a case where a successful authentication-based attack was discovered in May, and yet the IRS is still unclear of the extent of the breach’s damage months later. Even now, how confident is the IRS they fully understand the extent of the attack completely, or should we expect yet another shoe to drop in the coming weeks?” Hill said.

Notification of the increased number of hacked accounts came Monday.

In a statement the agency said, "as part of the IRS's continued efforts to protect taxpayer data, the IRS conducted a deeper analysis over a wider time period covering the 2015 filing season, analyzing more than 23 million uses of the Get Transcript system."

That analysis revealed an additional 220,000 accounts had also potentially been accessed.

In addition to accounts the hackers were successfully able to access, the IRS disclosed hack attempts that didn't succeed. There were 111,000 attempts on accounts disclosed in May and 170,000 disclosed on Monday, for a total of 281,000 of accounts where the hackers "failed to clear the authentication processes," the agency said.

Taxpayers whose information was potentially breached will get letters in the mail from the IRS in the coming days.

They will also get access to free credit protection and Identity Protection PINs, the IRS said in a statement.

Comment by SongStar101 on August 19, 2015 at 9:42am

Another droplet of torture?

Ashley Madison probes veracity of data leaked by hackers

The owner of cheating website is investigating the validity of customer information leaked late on Tuesday, a month after the company's systems were hacked.

Almost 10 gigabytes worth of data, including member account details, logins and payment transaction details, were posted to the dark web, according to a report in Wired. The leak was apparently accompanied by a message that lambasted the site and its members for "fraud, deceit and stupidity."

Canada-based Ashley Madison claimed to have more than 40 million users at the time of the hack that took place about a month ago, all supposedly on the lookout for extramarital affairs

Wired reported that after the hack, a group called the Impact Team claimed to be responsible. The group had called for Avid Life Media, the owner of Ashley Madison, to take down the affair site plus another site called Established Men.

Avid Life Media did not comply with the demand.

In a statement after Tuesday's leak, Avid Life Media said: "We are actively monitoring and investigating this situation to determine the validity of any information posted online and will continue to devote significant resources to this effort.

"Furthermore, we will continue to put forth substantial efforts into removing any information unlawfully released to the public, as well as continuing to operate our business."

The company attacked the apparent moralizing behind the hackers' actions.

"This event is not an act of hacktivism, it is an act of criminality. It is an illegal action against the individual members of, as well as any freethinking people who choose to engage in fully lawful online activities," Avid Life Media said.

"The criminal, or criminals, involved in this act have appointed themselves as the moral judge, juror, and executioner, seeing fit to impose a personal notion of virtue on all of society. We will not sit idly by and allow these thieves to force their personal ideology on citizens around the world."

The hack into Ashley Madison's system follows attacks on the likes of Sony Pictures Entertainment and retailer Target that inflicted damage to companies as well as customers. Sony had to cancel the much-anticipated release of the comedy film The Interview last year after hackers threatened action if the film was released theatrically.

But the case of Ashley Madison, which involved intrusion into the private lives of individuals, marked a watershed moment in cyber crime, Ajay K. Sood, General Manager for Canada of cyber security firm FireEye, told Reuters.

"These guys want as much notoriety as possible. This isn't cyber terrorism. It's cyber vigilantism," Sood said.

Comment by casey a on August 18, 2015 at 4:22am

NYT did a scathing review of Jeff Bezos' Amazon. Jeff Bezos also runs Blue Origin a human spaceflight endeavor, & is considered the 15th wealthiest person in the world.

From the looks of it, Amazon isn't just another big corporation screwing its employees. It is apparently at the forefront of squeezing & exploiting its employees to the maximum & encouraging a truly STS environment (if you will), without remorse.

Here's a shorter summary of this drama. Apparently many venture capitalists are coming to the defense of Bezos claiming that the article was mis-characterizing Amazon, even though the scathing article incorporated reviews from than 100 current & former employees,

Comment by casey a on August 14, 2015 at 9:54pm

Both the pope and Chinese President Xi Jinping will be visiting the U.S. on September.

Right now Obama's on vacation.

But when he returns to Washington, Obama will face a rapid-fire series of events, including congressional votes on his nuclear deal with Iran, another budget battle with Congress that could lead to a government shutdown, a visit to Washington by Pope Francis and a visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping.

"After some downtime with his family, the president is looking forward to a fall schedule that is shaping up to be a blockbuster--as several high-priority issues come to a head, seemingly at the same time," White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters. 

Comment by SongStar101 on August 13, 2015 at 9:46am

Nearly 40,000 sign petition to arrest Benjamin Netanyahu

A petition to arrest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for “war crimes” when he next comes to the UK has been signed by nearly 40,000 people.

The petition, created by Damian Moran, reads: “Benjamin Netanyahu is to hold talks in London this September. Under international law he should be arrested for war crimes upon arrival in the UK for the massacre of over 2,000 civilians in 2014.”

The UK’s parliament website, where the online petition was set up, mandates that any petition receiving 100,000 signatures will be debated in Parliament. So far 39,386 people have signed it.

Comment by Ryan X on August 12, 2015 at 11:20am
Comment by SongStar101 on August 11, 2015 at 11:37pm

Doctors who colluded in US torture vote to crawl 'out of the dark side'

The largest association of psychologists in the United States voted to begin reversing its policy of collusion in torture on Friday by prohibiting members of the American Psychological Association from participating in the interrogation of US prisoners on foreign soil.

US torture doctors could face charges after report alleges post-9/1...

In the wake of a devastating internal report that undermined more than a decade of denial from medical professionals of their complicity in post-9/11 interrogations, the APA’s 173-member council of representatives consented almost unanimously to ban its thousands of psychologists from being involved in Bush-era tactics of torture as well as present-day non-coercive techniques.

Concerns among reformers about growing opposition from military psychologists turned to joy and relief as only council member, Guantánamo Bay and Abu Ghraib military psychologist Larry James, dissented against a detailed resolution prepared by longstanding critics in the Coalition for an Ethical Psychology.

“This is an extraordinary victory because these prohibitions are clear, they’re implementable, and people will be held accountable,” council member Steven Reisner, a leader of the group’s reform coalition, said.

The vote, at the annual convention of the group, which counts more than 130,000 medical professionals among its members, will turn the APA “from leading us into the dark side to leading us out of the dark side”, he said.

Although the prohibition applies exclusively to interrogations carried out in the name of national security abroad and at “black sites”, Reisner said reformers are hoping to expand the prohibitions to prevent psychologists from abetting “domestic cruelty” in the US justice system. “We have to consider that in the future,” he said.

Indeed, reformers stressed that the vote in Toronto by no means marked the end of a nine-year campaign to restore the APA’s “moral compass”. They were long belittled and suppressed by the leadership of the organization, which retains enormous influence in setting standards of psychological practice and ethics in the US and elsewhere.

But last month, the reformers were vindicated by a scathing report from former US attorney David Hoffman, which found the group’s senior officials had adapted internal rules – and collaborated with the US military – to permit medical assistance in developing so-called “enhanced interrogation techniques”.

“We think there is something profoundly wrong with the way the organization functions,” said coalition member Stephen Soldz, describing a “general atmosphere of suppression and bullying” that prevailed until the report’s release. “No one in leadership ever spoke up against it. Not one board member or anyone in leadership over the past 10 years said, ‘This is not right.’”

'A national hero': psychologist who warned of torture collusion get...

The sense of unfinished business was personified by council member Jean Maria Arrigo, who first blew the whistle on the APA’s torture collusion and suffered the worst of the personal attacks and slurs as a result.

In accepting an award from a newly contrite leadership “as the finest possible role model for us in the profession of psychiatry”, Arrigo pronounced herself both “very touched” and “very wary that this is a public relations event meant to shut me up”.

Arrigo vented frustration about “having to spend 10 years of my life being a critic and a nuisance”, and insisted that the work of institutional reform had only just begun for a group she said had been “dedicated to looking the other way” and had spent too long “interlocked with the national security establishment”.

“We have to negotiate the issue between psychological ethics and national security. That’s the real work that we have to do.”

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